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Building Partnerships

There are a variety of ways to interact with us and our science. We invite you to explore the following information about partnering with our science programs.

    • Partners and Cooperators

      Given the increasingly global nature of the world’s natural science problems, we use international partnerships to conduct a variety of science worldwide. Both foreign and domestic organizations help with our global outreach.

    • Technology Transfer

      The technology transfer program at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is designed to leverage the research capabilities of USGS scientists with the commercial development potential of the private sector. It encourages the adoption, use, and commercialization of USGS research products through partnerships and is oriented toward finding potential users of USGS technology.

    • Memorandums of Understanding (MOU)

      U. S. Geological Survey Domestic Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) with other Federal Agencies or Entities. This site contains information on domestic MOUs that have been signed by the Director of the USGS.

    • International Programs

      The USGS Office of International Programs helps facilitate and coordinate USGS science with diverse partners, including other federal agencies, international institutions, and foreign governments. USGS international activities support U.S. foreign policy and science diplomacy, and improve characterization and management of ecosystems and natural resources worldwide. 

    • Office of Tribal Relations

      The USGS Office of Tribal Relations supports the USGS in building partnerships with Tribal Nations, Alaska Native Corporations, and Native Hawaiian Organizations that identify and meet their science needs, provide technical assistance to increase their internal capacities, and foster Indigenous youth engagement in science.

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