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VIS Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy sets the policies of Voice In Sport (“us”, “we”, “our”, or “Voice In Sport”) with regard to disclosed personal information you provide us with through this web site (“Site”). These policies may be subject to change, in which case the revised Privacy Policy will apply to information collected after the date the Privacy Policy is changed and posted. We recommend that you review our Privacy Policy periodically. By using our Site, you are automatically accepting and agreeing to the most recent version of the VIS Privacy Policy as well as our Terms of Service.

“Personal Information” is the information that alone or in combination with other information may be used to readily identify, contact, or locate you, such as: name, address, email address, or phone number. Non-personal information means any information other than Personal Information that we may collect from you, such as data that has been anonymized so that it does not allow a third party to easily identify a specific individual.

1. PERSONAL INFORMATION COLLECTED. Voice In Sport has taken commercially reasonable steps to protect the privacy of the population that visits our website. We collect Personal Information when you: register to serve as an Advocate, League Member or Expert; make a donation; use our Site; and communicate with us. You will have general access to our Site, being able to browse pages describing our organization without providing any personal information or being required to register on our Site. However, you may not be able to access all parts of our Site or interact with the mentorship platform without supplying personal information. Information such as your name, mailing address, telephone number, email address, and credit card information may be requested if you make a donation of goods, services or money, register for an event, purchase a ticket, request materials or information, or volunteer your time to work. We also receive some of your personal information if you submit it to us when you e-mail comments to the Site or if you complete surveys on the VIS Site. To register as a League Member or Advocate you will be asked to provide Personal Information such as your name, email address, mailing address, telephone number, date of birth, gender, zip code, race, social media URLs/usernames, and biographical information. Through the Site, we may also collect one or more of the following categories of Personal Information and non-personal information:

2. USE OF INFORMATION. The personal information you provide may be entered into our organization database and you may be contacted in order to supply you with additional information about Voice In Sport, its programs, events, fund-raising drives or volunteer opportunities. We will use personal information to analyze traffic to and through the site, analyzing user behavior on or through the site, improving the site, personalizing the user experience on the site. We will not disclose or release any of your personal information to anyone, other than to our affiliates (i.e., service providers, website hosts) and/or third-party vendors, except with your permission, to protect or enforce our rights and properties and/or the properties of others (which may include you), and/or as permitted or required by law, such as to attorneys or the government.

[Credit card information is processed through a secure third party payment gateway. Voice In Sport is informed of and retains documentation regarding the type of credit card used (e.g. Visa, American Express, Master Card), but does not see or retain any other sort of credit card information.]

3. SOCIAL MEDIA. Voice In Sport is primarily an online service. Students and mentors who choose to sign up with Voice In Sport will be required to connect via social messaging platforms such as Facebook, Skype, Zoom, Google Hangouts, LinkedIn, and others. Social messaging URLs and usernames may be collected in order to match Advocates with League Members. We are not responsible for any discussions or comments made by Advocates and League Members on our social media and social messaging platforms, we will try to remove any inappropriate content as diligently as possible. We are not responsible for any conversations or interactions through social messaging platforms, however, if a VIS League Member or Advocate is reported for misuse of service or inappropriate conversations with proper evidence, he/she may be immediately terminated permanently from Voice In Sport upon review by our CEO.

4. HYPERLINKS. This Privacy Policy applies only to the use of this Site. This Site may contain hyperlinks or “links” to other third-party websites, and other websites may “link” to this Site. Websites linking to and from this Site may have different privacy practices from the ones described here. We are not responsible for the data collection, privacy and information sharing policies and procedures or the content of other websites. You should refer to the privacy policies of each individual linked site to determine how your privacy is protected.

5. SECURITY. We take the safety and security of your sessions on our Site, the information you provide us online, and any transactions you conduct with us online very seriously. We have implemented and maintain electronic and procedural safeguards to help guard your nonpublic personal information and protect against the loss, misuse, interception, access and alteration of information you send us. We restrict access to nonpublic personal information about you to those of our employees (paid and unpaid) and our agents who need to know the information to enable us to provide our services to you and we emphasize the importance of maintaining the security, confidentiality and integrity of your personal information. Unfortunately, the Internet cannot be guaranteed to be 100% secure, and we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you provide to us. We do not accept liability for unintentional disclosure. By using the Site or providing Personal Information to us, you agree that we may communicate with you electronically regarding security, privacy, and administrative issues relating to your use of the Site.

6. Disclaimer of HIPAA Applicability. VIS is not a “covered entity” as defined in the federal medical record privacy statute known as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, as amended, and the regulations issued under that law (“HIPAA”). Additionally, with respect to the personal information we will obtain about you, we are not a “business associate” under HIPAA. Therefore, even though your personal information contains medical information that is the type of information commonly protected under HIPAA, it is not subject to any of the protections available to you under HIPAA. HIPAA is inapplicable to our relationship with you.

7. BACKGROUND CHECKS. When you register as a VIS League Member, we may use a third-party service to perform a background check on you with your consent. We do not receive information from the background check other than an indicator of whether you meet our requirements or not.

8. CHILDREN’S ONLINE PRIVACY PROTECTION ACT. We comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (“COPPA”). COPPA requires that website operators never knowingly request personally identifiable information from anyone under the age of 13 without requesting verifiable parental consent. In accordance with COPPA, we do not knowingly collect any personally identifiable information from children under the age of 13. In the event that we determine a user of this Site is under the age of 13, we will not maintain or use his or her personally identifiable information.

9. INTERNATIONAL USERS. By using the Site, you will transfer data to the United States. If you are visiting from the European Union or other regions with laws governing data collection and use, please note that you are agreeing to the transfer of your information to the United States and processing globally. By providing your information you consent to any transfer and processing in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

10. COOKIES. Cookies: “Cookies” are small text files from a website that are stored on your hard drive. These text files make using our Website more convenient by, among other things, saving your passwords and preferences for you. Cookies themselves do not typically contain any personally identifiable information. We may analyze the information derived from these cookies and match this information with data provided by you or another party. If you are concerned about the storage and use of cookies, you may be able to direct your internet browser to notify you and seek approval whenever a cookie is being sent to your hard drive. You may also delete a cookie manually from your hard drive through your internet browser or other programs. Please note, however, that some parts of our Website will not function properly or be available to you if you refuse to accept a cookie or choose to disable the acceptance of cookies.

11. CONTACTING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR. If you have questions or comments about this Privacy Policy, to change or delete your information, or your dealings with this Site, you may send an email to [email protected].

12. Online Tracking.
VIS does not respond to “do not track” (DNT) signals.

If any term or condition of this Privacy Policy is deemed invalid or unenforceable by a court of law with binding authority, then the remaining terms and conditions shall not be affected, and the court shall reform the invalidated or unenforceable term or condition to the maximum extent permitted under the law and consistent with the intent of this Privacy Policy.

VIS may decide to sell, buy, merge or otherwise reorganize its business. If that occurs, you will be notified by email or a prominent notice on our webpage of any ownership change and any change in the use of your Personal Information. These types of transactions may involve the disclosure of personal information to prospective or actual purchasers, or receiving it from sellers. We seek appropriate protection for personal information in these types of transactions.

We may revise this Privacy Policy, so review it periodically. Posting of Revised Privacy Policy. We will post any adjustments to the Privacy Policy on this web page, and the revised version will be effective when it is posted. If you are concerned about how your information is used, bookmark this page and read this Privacy Policy periodically.
In addition, from time to time we may desire to use Personal Information for uses not previously disclosed in our Privacy Policy. If our practices change regarding previously collected Personal Information in a way that would be materially less restrictive than stated in the version of this Privacy Policy in effect at the time we collected the information, we will make reasonable efforts to provide notice regarding this policy change.

Address: 360 Furman Street, #203, Brooklyn NY 11201
Email: [email protected]

Effective Date: May 25, 2021