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Agriculture and rural development

Promotion of EU farm products

The EU's promotion policy helps EU producers to sell their farm products in an increasingly competitive global marketplace, while delivering jobs and growth at home.


Promotion campaigns about EU farm products are designed to open up new market opportunities for EU farmers and the wider food industry, as well as helping them build their existing business.

There are two kinds of promotion action:

  • those run by European trade or inter-trade associations, producer organisations or associations of producer organisations, agri-food bodies and co-financed by the EU;
  • those run directly by the EU itself, such as diplomatic offensives by the Commissioner in non-EU countries to develop agri-food trade, or participation in fairs and communication campaigns.​

Promotion policy rules set out how EU funding can be used for information and promotion initiatives in both EU countries and countries outside the EU.


Annual work programme

The Commission will allocate €185.9 million in 2024 to fund promotion activities for sustainable and high quality EU agri-food products in the EU and worldwide. The Commission adopted the 2024 promotion policy work programme which contributes to the realisation of the political priorities of the European Commission for 2019-24, in particular the Farm to Fork strategy.

The promotion projects selected in 2024 are expected to highlight and favour products complying with objectives such as:

  • encouraging sustainable practices in EU agriculture
  • advancing animal welfare
  • promoting the consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables, and healthy as well as sustainable diets.


14 NOVEMBER 2023
Commission implementing decision – Work programme for 2024
14 NOVEMBER 2023
Annexes – Work programme for 2024

Promotion campaigns in practice

The Commission defines the strategic priorities for promoting EU farm products and the funding criteria in an annual work programme outlining products and possible markets.

The European Research Executive Agency (REA) puts this strategic policy into practice on behalf of the Commission.

It does this by:

  • publishing calls for proposals and evaluating proposals;
  • awarding grants and managing grant agreements for so-called multi programmes (that involve at least two organisations from at least two EU countries or one or more EU organisations);
  • organising events and communication campaigns both inside and outside the EU.

The Commission adopts a decision to select simple programmes based on the ranking of the proposals established by REA.

Simple programmes involve one or more organisations from the same EU country. They are managed by national administrations.

2 MAY 2023
National authority in the relevant EU country

Selection decisions


13 NOVEMBER 2023
Commission implementing decision on the selection of the simple programmes concerning promotion of agricultural products for 2023
13 NOVEMBER 2023
Commission implementing decision – Annexes (2023)

Report on promotion policy for agricultural products

The EU's report details the implementation of the promotion policy of agricultural products in both EU and non-EU countries. Some specific objectives of the policy include increasing the competitiveness and consumption of EU agricultural products, as well as raising awareness and recognition of EU quality schemes.

The findings of the report are derived from a number of sources, including the statistics on applications and grants awarded for promotion programmes, the participation in high level missions since 2016, and feedback from evaluation questionnaires. The findings indicate that:

  • the implementation of promotion policy for agri-food products has been consistent with its objectives;
  • fruit and vegetables were the main product category benefitting from promotion policy co-funding;
  • the promotion policy will be a key instrument to support the transition towards a more sustainable agricultural sector.

This report follows an evaluation of the implementation of the policy and will feed into the review of the policy.

11 FEBRUARY 2021
Report on information provision and promotion measures concerning agricultural products implemented in the internal market and in third countries

Interim report from the Commission on information provision and promotion measures for agricultural products in the EU and in third countries

Staff working document accompanying the interim report

More information

Calls for proposals – promotion of agricultural products

Communicating your EU-funded promotional campaign – promotion of agricultural products

Who can apply  promotion of agricultural products

Campaigns map and statistics

Life cycle of programmes for promotion of EU agricultural products

EU Commission to spend €186 million promoting agri-food products in and outside EU in 2024

15 APRIL 2024
Calls for proposals and grant management – Frequently asked questions (FAQ)