GestureRecognizerOptions interface

Options to configure the MediaPipe Gesture Recognizer Task


export declare interface GestureRecognizerOptions extends VisionTaskOptions 

Extends: VisionTaskOptions


Property Typ Description
cannedGesturesClassifierOptions ClassifierOptions | undefined Sets the optional ClassifierOptions controlling the canned gestures classifier, such as score threshold, allow list and deny list of gestures. The categories for canned gesture classifiers are: ["None", "Closed_Fist", "Open_Palm", "Pointing_Up", "Thumb_Down", "Thumb_Up", "Victory", "ILoveYou"]
customGesturesClassifierOptions ClassifierOptions | undefined Options for configuring the custom gestures classifier, such as score threshold, allow list and deny list of gestures.
minHandDetectionConfidence number | undefined The minimum confidence score for the hand detection to be considered successful. Defaults to 0.5.
minHandPresenceConfidence number | undefined The minimum confidence score of hand presence score in the hand landmark detection. Defaults to 0.5.
minTrackingConfidence number | undefined The minimum confidence score for the hand tracking to be considered successful. Defaults to 0.5.
numHands number | undefined The maximum number of hands can be detected by the GestureRecognizer. Defaults to 1.


Sets the optional ClassifierOptions controlling the canned gestures classifier, such as score threshold, allow list and deny list of gestures. The categories for canned gesture classifiers are: ["None", "Closed_Fist", "Open_Palm", "Pointing_Up", "Thumb_Down", "Thumb_Up", "Victory", "ILoveYou"]


cannedGesturesClassifierOptions?: ClassifierOptions | undefined;


Options for configuring the custom gestures classifier, such as score threshold, allow list and deny list of gestures.


customGesturesClassifierOptions?: ClassifierOptions | undefined;


The minimum confidence score for the hand detection to be considered successful. Defaults to 0.5.


minHandDetectionConfidence?: number | undefined;


The minimum confidence score of hand presence score in the hand landmark detection. Defaults to 0.5.


minHandPresenceConfidence?: number | undefined;


The minimum confidence score for the hand tracking to be considered successful. Defaults to 0.5.


minTrackingConfidence?: number | undefined;


The maximum number of hands can be detected by the GestureRecognizer. Defaults to 1.


numHands?: number | undefined;