
Access and Initial Setup in AP Registration and Ordering

To register a school to offer AP Exams in May 2025, the AP coordinator must complete the information in the Setup section of AP Registration and Ordering, and then electronically sign and submit the AP Participation Form that's generated. 

Receive your school's access code.

On August 1, AP coordinators and principals receive an email with their school's AP Registration and Ordering access code for the 2024-25 school year.

  • The access code is unique to your school. You can't use any other school's access code or share yours.
  • The code is specific to this school year. You can't use last year's AP Registration and Ordering access code. Schools receive a new code every year.
  • Your access code is active between August 1, 2024, and July 31, 2025.
  • If you’re the AP coordinator for multiple schools, you'll get a separate access code for each.

Important: You'll also need your AP Registration and Ordering access code for other AP Exam-related systems, such as the Digital Audio Submission (DAS) portal and when administering AP Chinese and AP Japanese Exams. After you complete setup, your access code will be listed on your homepage after you sign in to myap.collegeboard.org or through AP Central.

Complete the initial setup if you haven't already.

After you sign in to AP Registration and Ordering and enter this year's access code, if you haven't already completed setup, you'll be brought to the Setup section. You need to complete the information in the School Information and Exam Administration sections. This information is needed to generate your AP Participation Form. All required fields in these sections must be completed before you can take other actions in AP Registration and Ordering.

Important: If you know your school will be ordering and administering AP Exams this year, including AP Art and Design—or even if you're not sure—select the option on the Exam Administration screen indicating your school expects to administer exams. You won't be able to change your selection after you complete setup, but there’s no penalty for selecting this option even if your school doesn’t ultimately order or administer AP Exams this year.

Acknowledge information about the student exam decision indicator.

If you indicate on the Exam Administration screen that your school will administer exams, you’ll be asked to review and acknowledge information about the exam decision indicator.

By default, all students are set with an order exam status of Yes when they join a class section. After completing setup, you can adjust the exam decision indicator setting if you’d prefer that students themselves indicate whether they intend to take an exam.

If you prefer, change the setting that allows teachers to drop and move students.

By default, teachers can drop students from their class sections or move students between their own class sections.

If you'd prefer that teachers not be able to drop or move students from class sections in AP Registration and Ordering, you can disable this setting. You can change this setting at any time, even after you complete the initial setup.

After setup: complete the AP Participation Form online.

After completing setup, you'll get an email when your AP Participation Form is ready for you to review and sign.

The AP Participation Form needs to be signed and submitted every year. 

Important: To ensure you receive the email notification about your AP Participation Form, please add @docusign.net to your address book. If you don’t get an email after completing setup notifying you that your AP Participation Form is ready for your review, go to Settings to access your AP Participation Form.

  • The AP Participation Form must be electronically signed and submitted by the AP coordinator through AP Registration and Ordering.
  • The form has spaces for the AP coordinator to electronically add their initials and signature to confirm their understanding of and agreement to the policies stated in the form.
  • The principal’s signature isn’t required.
  • Schools don’t get a paper copy in the mail. You may print a copy of the completed form for your records. Don’t mail a copy of the form to the AP Program.

After setup: choose the setting for the student exam decision indicator.

There are two options for the student exam decision indicator:

  • Default Setting: All students have an Order Exam? status of Yes when they enroll in class sections. If this is the setting you prefer, there’s no further action.
  • Advanced Setting: All students have an Order Exam? status of Undecided when they enroll in class sections. Each student is responsible for indicating their exam decision as Yes or No by a deadline that you specify. Even with this setting, you still have the ability to make final changes to your exam roster, including changes to students' exam registration. If you want to use the advanced setting, you can select it in AP Registration and Ordering by going to Settings and then selecting Exam Decision Indicator: Advanced Setting.

Important: You have seven days from the time you complete setup to change the student exam decision indicator. After seven days, you won’t be able to change the indicator.




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