
Exam Order Finalization

The following ordering deadlines apply to all AP Exams (including digital AP Exams) and all schools, including schools and test centers outside the United States:

  • October 4, 2024: Preferred ordering deadline
  • November 15, 2024, 11:59 p.m. ET: Final ordering deadline
  • March 14, 2025, 11:59 p.m. ET: Spring course orders and fall order changes deadline

The following table outlines the tasks that need to be completed by the November 15 ordering deadline and which tasks can be completed at a later point.

Must Be Completed by Nov. 15 Ordering DeadlineCan Be Completed After Nov. 15
  • Complete initial setup in AP Registration and Ordering
  • Create class sections for all full-year and first-semester AP courses and exam only sections
  • Submit the AP Participation Form online
  • Students need to enroll in full-year and first-semester class sections
  • Submit exam orders for all full-year and first-semester courses, and exam only sections
  • Ensure class sections are created and students enrolled for courses that begin after November 15
  • Submit exam orders for courses that begin after November 15 and any fall order changes by March 14, 11:59 p.m. ET
  • If necessary, add homeschooled students or students whose schools don’t offer their AP Exams(s) to your exam order by March 14
  • Collect exam fees (schools determine when to collect exam fees from their AP students)
  • Indicate or update fee reduction status (complete by April 30)
  • Switch exam orders to late testing exams if necessary
  • Indicate preferred AP ID label sort value, if applicable (complete by March 14)
  • Update exam orders for special exam formats or materials based on changes to students’ accommodations requests
  • Add or remove a transfer student from your order

Here are the steps the AP coordinator should take before and after submitting the exam order.

1 Keep updating your order as needed.

As you organize your exam order for submission, and even after you submit the order, it’s important to manage changes in student enrollment and make necessary updates to your student roster in AP Registration and Ordering.

Check for:

  • Students who need to enroll in a class section or exam only section after initial enrollment has been completed or your initial exam order has been submitted (not transfer students)
  • Students who transfer to your school
  • Students who transfer out of your school
  • Students who move from one class section of a course to another class section for the same course
  • Students who drop a course and who may or may not still be taking the exam

More information about special ordering circumstances.

After you submit your initial exam order, you’ll need to submit changes to your order any time you make an adjustment or update to avoid unintended fees.

2 Verify information in the exam roster.

On the Orders page in AP Registration and Ordering, review the information in All Exams, which displays a summary of all the exams that will be included in your exam order based on information in the Students section.

Review the following information and make any necessary changes:

  • Not Taking Exam: Verify that students whose Order Exam? status is set as No don’t intend to take the AP Exam. If any students have a status of Undecided, check with them to resolve their exam registration (either to No or Yes) before you submit your exam order.
  • Exam Date: Review the exam date listed for each course. Make any changes necessary. If you know you need both standard and late exams for a particular course but only standard is listed, you’ll need to review the exam date listed for students and switch the appropriate students to late testing.
  • Reduced Fee: Account for known fee reductions. You’ll be able to update students’ fee reduction status after submitting your exam order. The deadline to indicate students’ fee reduction statuses in AP Registration and Ordering is April 30, 2025 (11:59 p.m. ET).
  • SSD Materials: Account for special exam materials for students with approved or expected accommodations.

3 Change student exam decisions as needed.

If you need to change a student’s exam registration, go to the Students page, and select the appropriate choice next to the student’s name in the Order Exam? column.

4 Submit the order.

Submit your exam order from the Orders page in AP Registration and Ordering.

5 Submit changes to your initial exam order as needed.

You can submit changes to your order as many times as necessary until the November 15 final ordering deadline without incurring any late order or unused/canceled exam fees. Fees may apply to changes made after the November ordering deadline.



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