For more than four decades, APWU has fought for dignity and respect on the job for the workers we represent, as well as for decent pay and benefits and safe working conditions. As an AFL-CIO affiliate, the APWU supports the struggle for social and economic justice for all working families.

We are more than 220,000 USPS employees and retirees, and nearly 2,000 private-sector mail workers. Depending on their occupation, APWU members belong to the Clerk, Maintenance, Motor Vehicle, or Support Services divisions.

Our union is a democratic organization comprised of dues-paying members who belong to more than 1,000 state and local unions and retiree chapters in every state and territory. APWU officers are directly elected by union members.

APWU membership is open to any USPS employee, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, sexual orientation, nationality, disability, political affiliation, age or religion. Those in supervisory or management positions can join only in order to receive APWU's Health Plan.

For more membership information, contact Organization Department Director Anna Smith, 1300 L St. NW, Washington, DC 20005. The phone number is (202) 842-4227.

Workers who wish to join the APWU must complete an Authorization for Deduction of Dues application (Form 1187 for Postal Workers).

You may either JOIN ONLINE or complete and return the Form 1187.

New members completing a hard copy form may mail or e-mail the form to:
American Postal Workers Union
Attn: Organization Department
1300 L Street, NW
Washington, DC 20005
[email protected]

NOTE: APWU Local and State Representatives sending 1187s via email should send them directly to the Secretary-Treasurers Per Capita Department at [email protected]