Privacy Policy

Your privacy and personal data protection is important to us. The following data-protection statement explains to you what data is collected from you on our website, how we use and process this data and how to contact us if you have concerns or requests.

We want to be as transparent as possible with you.


The body responsible for the acquisition, processing and utilization of your person-specific data, as defined by the Data Protection Act 1998, is Armadillo Woolery®. As the body responsible, Armadillo Woolery® can be reached via the following contact options:

  • by post: Armadillo Woolery® 2041 Miller Ave, Chesapeake VA, 23320
  • by email: [email protected]

You can request any information about your data stored and/or used by us, and can exercise your right to correction, blockage or deletion of your data.


Person-specific data describes details relating to the actual or personal relationships of a specific or identifiable natural person. Such details include, for example, your name, your telephone number, your address, and all existing data that you disclose to us during registration and when opening your customer account.

We use two customer information storage platforms

2.1 Shopify – our ecommerce platform provider:

2.1.1 Customer Account For each customer who creates an account on our website, we set up a customer account, i.e. password-protected, direct access to his or her existing data stored by us. This allows you, amongst other things, to view your already-concluded, still open and recently sent orders, or to manage your personal data.

2.1.1 Setup of the Customer Account

The following data must be given during the registration for a customer account (obligatory disclosures):

  • your email address
  • your password
  • your forename
  • your surname 

Your invoice and delivery address need not be given until you order something. For your order we need your correct name, address and payment data. We need your email address so that we can confirm receipt of your order and its dispatch, and so that we can communicate with you in general. We also use your email address to identify you (as a log-in name), when you visit your customer account.

2.1.2. Use of the Customer Account

You can use your Armadillo Woolery® customer account to log-in to If you do not log out of your customer account, you will automatically remain logged in. This function enables you to use part of our services even without having to log-in to the customer account again. For security reasons, however, you are asked to give your password again if, for example, your personal data is to be altered or if you would like to place an order.

2.2 Acquisition, Processing and Utilization of Your Person-Specific Data

We collect, store and process your data for the entire processing of your purchase., including any subsequent guarantee claims, for our services, the technical administration, our own marketing purposes (more information on these under point 2.4) and to prevent criminal offences and fraud.

We do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer to outside parties your Personal Information without your consent or as otherwise specified in this Privacy Policy. Your person-specific data is only passed on to third parties to the extent that this is legally permissible, including the purpose of processing the contract or for invoicing, for marketing or if you have previously consented to this. When processing orders, for example, the service companies used by us (transport companies, logistics companies, banks) are sent the data they require for processing and concluding orders. The data passed on to our service providers in this context may only be used by them for fulfilling their duties. 

If we are acquired by or merged with another company, if we sell or transfer a business unit or assets to another company, as part of a bankruptcy proceeding, or as part of any other similar business transfer we may also disclose your Information. Additionally, we will disclose your Information when we believe release is appropriate to comply with the law, enforce our Site policies, or protect ours or others’ rights, property, or safety.

 Applications and partners privacy policies

Shopify Inc.
Shopify is our ecommerce platform

Xero Limited
Xero is our accounting system 

2.3 Use of Your Data for Advertising Purposes

Apart from the processing of your data for settlement of your purchase at Armadillo Woolery®, we also use your data for the following purposes:

  • to permanently improve your purchase experience and for making this more customer-friendly and individual for you
  • to communicate with you about your orders
  • to communicate to you about certain products or marketing campaigns;
  • to recommend products or services that might interest you.

 We  use the information available, such as confirmations of receipts and reading confirmation of e- mails, information on the terminal device used by you, your connection to the Internet, operating system and platform, date and time of the visit to the home page, or products that you have looked at, as well as information that we have received from you (including automatically transferred or generated information). Apart from this we also make use of your order history.

The utilization of your person-specific data for advertising purposes can be objected to at any time. Please contact us by one of the methods in point 1.

2.3.1 Newsletter

For our newsletter we use the email address given by you, as the owner of the email address, you consent to its receipt.

Should you later decide that you no longer want to receive a newsletter from us, you can unsubscribe to this at any time without thereby incurring any other costs than the transmission costs in keeping with the basic tariffs. Please contact us by one of the methods in point 1. You may also cancel using the cancellation link in every newsletter.

2.4. Product Recommendations by Email

If you have made a purchase at Armadillo Woolery®, you will then receive regular product recommendations from us by email. These product recommendations are sent to you by us whether or not you have subscribed to a newsletter. In this way we want to inform you about products offered by us that, on the basis of your last purchases, might well interest you. If you decide that you no longer want to receive product recommendations from us, or no advertising news at all, you can object to this at any time without thereby incurring any other costs than the transmission costs in keeping with the basic tariffs. Please contact us by one of the methods in point 1. You may also cancel using the cancellation link in every email.

2.4.1 Banner Ads

We also use the data collected during your visit to show you so-called banner ads. These are advertisements which we also use on third sites. It usually involves the use of so-called cookies or pixels. Our aim here is to make the advertising offers more useful and more interesting for you, which is why you will see, in the context of the banner ads, mainly products that you have either already looked at on our site or products that are similar to those already looked at by you (so-called re-targeting). Within the framework of the banner ads we work solely with pseudonymous data; clear-text information relating to your person (e.g. your name or your email address) is not used in the cookies. 

3. Cookies

The acceptance of cookies is not a prerequisite for access to our websites.

What are cookies?

Cookies – Small text files (typically made up of letters and numbers) placed in the memory of your browser or device when you visit a website or view a message. Cookies allow a website to recognize a particular device or browser. There are several types of cookies:

  • Session cookies expire at the end of your browser session and allow us to link your actions during that particular browser session.
  • Permanent cookies are stored on your device in between browser sessions, allowing us to remember your preferences or actions across multiple sites.
  • First-party cookies are set by the site you are visiting.
  • Third-party cookies are set by a third party site separate from the site you are visiting.

Which cookies are used by Armadillo Woolery®?

Most of the cookies used by us are automatically deleted from your hard disk at the end of the browser session (hence the term "session cookies"). Session cookies are needed, for example, to make the shopping-basket function available to you over several pages.

We also use cookies that remain on your hard disk. On a subsequent visit it is then automatically recognized that you have previously visited us, and we know which input and settings you prefer. These temporary or even permanent cookies (lifespan of 1 month to 10 years) are stored on your hard disk and are automatically deleted after the pre-specified period. These cookies in particular serve to make our offer more user-friendly, more effective and more secure. Thanks to these files it is possible, for example, that the site shows you information that has been specially selected to match your interests. The sole purpose of these cookies is to adapt our offer to your customer wishes as well as possible and to make surfing with us as comfortable as possible for you.

What data is stored in the cookies?

In the cookies used by Armadillo Woolery®, only pseudonymous data is stored. On activation of the cookie this is allocated an identification number; an allocation of your person-specific data to this identification number is not undertaken. Your name, your IP address and other such data that might allow the cookie to be traced to you directly are not placed in the cookie. On the basis of the cookie technology we receive only pseudonymized information, relating for example to which of our shop pages have been visited, which products were viewed, etc.

What is on-site targeting?

On the Armadillo Woolery® websites data is collected on the basis of a cookie technology for optimization of our advertising and of the entire online offer. This data is not used to identify you personally but solely serves the purpose of conducting a pseudonymous evaluation of the use made of the home page. With this technology we can present advertising and/or special offers and services to you, the content of which is based on information obtained from a connection to click-stream analysis (for example, advertising that is based on the fact that during the past few days only sports shoes have been viewed). Our aim here is to make our online offer as attractive for you as possible and to present to you advertising that corresponds to your areas of interest.

Are there also cookies from third-party suppliers (so-called "third-party cookies")?

Armadillo Woolery® makes use of a number of web partners who help to make the Internet offer and the websites more interesting for you. This is why, when visiting the websites, the cookies of partner companies are also stored on your hard disk. These cookies are temporary/permanent cookies that are deleted automatically after the pre-specified period. These temporary or even permanent cookies (lifespan of 14 days to 10 years) are stored on your hard disk and delete themselves after the pre-specified period. The cookies of our partner companies also contain solely pseudonymous - mostly even anonymous - data. This relates, for example, to data on which products you have looked at, whether anything was bought, which products were searched for, etc. Here, some of our advertising partners also collect information from the websites on which pages you have previously visited or which products you were interested in, in order to be able to show you advertising that best complies with your interests. 


Our websites make use of so-called re-targeting technologies. We use these technologies to make the Internet offer more interesting for you. This technique allows Internet users who have already shown an interest in our shop and our products to also be provided with suitable advertising on the websites of our partners. We are convinced that the use of personalized, interest-oriented advertising is generally more interesting for the Internet users than advertising that has no such personal content. The use of this advertising approach by our partners is undertaken on the basis of a cookie technology and an analysis of previous utilization behaviour. This form of advertising is completely pseudonymous. On using our sites cookies are deployed and thereby usage data is collected from you, stored and utilized. Your data is furthermore stored in cookies beyond the end of the browser session so that it can, for example, be called up again on your next visits to the websites.

How can you prevent the storage of cookies?

In your browser you can adopt the setting that storage of cookies is only permissible when you agree to it, and thereby prevent the further storage of cookies in the future. If you want to accept only the Armadillo Woolery® cookies but not the cookies of our service companies and partners, you can select the browser setting "Block third-party cookies”. As a rule, the help function in the menu bar of your web browser will show you how to reject new cookies and how to inactivate old ones.

  4. Web Analysis

In order to constantly improve and optimize our offer, we make use of so-called tracking technologies. For this purpose we enlist the services of Google Analytics.

4.1 Google Analytics

This website makes use of Google (Universal) Analytics, a web-analysis service from Google Inc. ( Google (Universal) Analytics deploys methods that make it possible to analyse the use made of the website by you, e.g. the so-called "cookies", which are text files that are stored on your computer. The information generated on your use of this website is transmitted, as a rule, to a Google server in the USA and stored there. By activating the IP-anonymize function on this website the IP address is shortened, within the member countries of the European Union or in other contracting states that were party to the agreement on the European Economic Area, before further transfer. Only in exceptional cases is the full IP address sent to a Google server in the USA and shortened there. The anonymized IP address transferred by your browser within the framework of Google Analytics is not brought together with other Google data.

You can prevent the acquisition of the data generated by the cookie and relating to your use of the website (incl. your IP address) by Google, as well as its processing by Google, in that you download and install the browser plug-in available under the following link:

As an alternative to the browser plug-in you can click this link in order to prevent the recording by Google Analytics on this website in the future. In this case an opt-out cookie will be placed in your terminal device. If you delete your cookies you must then click the link again.

5. Re-Targeting and Data Acquisition by Third Parties for Banner Ads

In the context of re-targeting and banner ads, make use of the services of third parties, which set cookies on our sites. These are the following companies:

– Doubleclick by Google, Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA

– Adroll

– Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA; 

6. Safe Data Transfer

Your personal data is securely transferred by us with the help of coding. This naturally also applies to your orders, as well as to the customer login. Here we make use of the coding system TLS (Transport Layer Security) or SSL (Secure Socket Layer).

With the help of both technical and organizational measures, moreover, we secure our websites and other systems against loss, destruction, access, alteration and distribution of your data by unauthorized persons.