L3Cube-MahaNews: News-based Short Text and Long Document Classification Datasets in Marathi

First Author
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\AndSecond Author
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   Saloni Mittal1,3, Vidula Magdum1,3, Omkar Dhekane1,3, Sharayu Hiwarkhedkar1,3
Raviraj Joshi2,3
1 Pune Institute of Computer Technology, Pune, Maharashtra India
2 Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, Tamil Nadu India
3 L3Cube Labs, Pune
{salonimittal12, vidulamagdum12, omkarjd1212, hiwarkhedkarsharayu}@gmail.com
[email protected]

The availability of text or topic classification datasets in the low-resource Marathi language is limited, typically consisting of fewer than 4 target labels, with some achieving nearly perfect accuracy. In this work, we introduce L3Cube-MahaNews, a Marathi text classification corpus that focuses on News headlines and articles. This corpus stands out as the largest supervised Marathi Corpus, containing over 1.05L records classified into a diverse range of 12 categories. To accommodate different document lengths, MahaNews comprises three supervised datasets specifically designed for short text, long documents, and medium paragraphs. The consistent labeling across these datasets facilitates document length-based analysis. We provide detailed data statistics and baseline results on these datasets using state-of-the-art pre-trained BERT models. We conduct a comparative analysis between monolingual and multilingual BERT models, including MahaBERT, IndicBERT, and MuRIL. The monolingual MahaBERT model outperforms all others on every dataset. These resources also serve as Marathi topic classification datasets or models and are publicly available at https://github.com/l3cube-pune/MarathiNLP.

Keywords: Marathi Text Classification, Marathi Topic Identification, Low Resource Language, Short Text Classification, Long Document Classification, News Article Datasets, BERT, Web Scraping.

1 Introduction

Text Classification is a popular problem often discussed in machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) Minaee et al. (2021). It deals with organizing, segregating, and appropriately assigning the textual sentence or a document into some predefined categories. It is a supervised learning task and has been solved using traditional machine learning approaches and more recent deep learning algorithms Wagh et al. (2021). Text classification is important for applications like the automatic categorization of web articles or social media comments. While a lot of research has been done in the area of English text classification, low-resource languages like Marathi are still left behind. In this work, we focus on the classification of text in the Marathi language.

The Marathi language is one of the 22+ Indian languages111https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_India out of the 7000 languages spoken worldwide222https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lists_of_languages. It is the third most spoken language of India, spoken by over 83 million people across the country. It ranks 11th in the list of popular languages across the globe333https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marathi_language. Despite being a widely spoken language, Marathi-specific NLP monolingual resources are still limited in comparison to other natural languages Joshi (2022a). As a result, sufficient data resources for machine learning tasks are less available for this language, making it challenging for researchers conducting studies in this widely used though low resource-based regional language. It can be noticed that the datasets available are largely in Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, English, Arabic, Hindi, and Bengali languages444https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_datasets_for_machine-learning_research. There are fewer datasets on regional languages like Marathi. The only four classification datasets publicly available are iNLTK headlines Arora (2020), IndicNLP articles Kakwani et al. (2020), MahaHate Patil et al. (2022), and MahaSent Kulkarni et al. (2021). Kulkarni et al. (2022) showed that the IndicNLP News Article dataset achieves near-perfect accuracy (99%) thus limiting its usability. Therefore we need some complex datasets to evaluate the goodness of the models. Also, all of these datasets have at most four target labels. Thus, there is a significant need of datasets with exhaustive labels similar to that of BBC News555https://www.kaggle.com/c/learn-ai-bbc or AG News666https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/amananandrai/ag-news-classification-dataset for the language Marathi.

Datasets with varying sequence lengths are required as transformer-based classification models are sensitive towards the text length due to their self-attention operation Beltagy et al. (2020). Models like LongFormer Beltagy et al. (2020) are specifically developed for datasets having longer sequences. In order to develop these models for Marathi we first need such target datasets. Thus, we present L3Cube-MahaNews - A Marathi News Classification Dataset in this paper.

The dataset we propose is available in three forms, viz. short, medium, and long text classification that is obtained from a renowned Marathi news website. This massive corpus of over 1 lakh records will serve as an excellent data source for the comparison of different machine-learning algorithms in low-resource settings. It contains information about 12 dynamic categories for diverse disciplines of study. We evaluate different monolingual and multilingual BERT Devlin et al. (2018) models like MahaBERT Joshi (2022a), indicBERT Kakwani et al. (2020), and MuRil Khanuja et al. (2021) and provide baseline results for future studies. The results are evaluated using the validation accuracy, testing Accuracy, F1 score (Macro), recall (Macro), and precision (Macro).

The main contributions of this work are as follows:

  • We present L3Cube-MahaNews, the first extensive document classification dataset in Marathi with 12 target labels. The dataset will be released publicly.

  • The corpus consists of three sub-datasets MahaNews-SHC, LPC, and LDC for short, medium, and long documents respectively. We provide three different datasets with varying sentence lengths and the same target labels.

  • The datasets are benchmarked using state-of-the-art BERT models like MahaBERT, MuRIL, and IndicBERT with MahaBERT giving the best results. We thus present a comparative analysis of these monolingual and multilingual BERT models for Marathi text. The MahaNews-LDC-BERT777l3cube-pune/marathi-topic-long-doc, MahaNews-LPC-BERT888l3cube-pune/marathi-topic-medium-doc, MahaNews-SHC-BERT999l3cube-pune/marathi-topic-short-doc, and MahaNews-All-BERT101010l3cube-pune/marathi-topic-all-doc have been released on Hugging Face.

2 Related Work

Text classification is a very popular task in Natural Language Processing. Even though Marathi is a widely spoken language, the lack of proper Marathi datasets that can be used for text classification tasks has restricted the area of research for this language. In this section, we review a few of the publicly available Indian language datasets that are used for the objective task.

Kakwani et al. (2020) curated large-scale sentence-level monolingual corpora- IndicCorp containing 11 major Indian languages. IndicNLP News Article dataset is part of the IndicNLPSuite111111https://github.com/anoopkunchukuttan/indic_nlp_library consists of news articles in Marathi categorized into 3 classes viz. sports, entertainment, and lifestyle. The datasets provided by IndicNLP are used to pre-train the word embedding and multilingual models.

Arora (2020) presented iNLTK121212https://github.com/goru001/inltk which is an open-source NLP library containing pre-trained language models and methods for data augmentation, textual similarity, tokenization, word embeddings, etc. The iNLTK Headlines Corpus - Marathi131313https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/disisbig/marathi-news-dataset is a Marathi News Classification Dataset provided by iNLTK, containing nearly 12000 news article headlines collected from a Marathi news website. The corpus contains 3 label classes viz. state (62%) entertainment (27%) sports (10%)

Eranpurwala et al. (2022) presented a comparative study of Marathi text classification using monolingual and multilingual embeddings. For the experiment, they use Marathi news headline dataset sourced from Kaggle with 9K examples and three label classes - entertainment, state, and sport. The news article headlines were originally collected from a Marathi news website. Their study also showed that multilingual embeddings have  15 percent performance gain compared to traditional monolingual embeddings.

Jain et al. (2020) evaluated and compared the performance of language models on text classification tasks over 3 Indian languages - Hindi, Bengali, and Telugu. For Hindi, they used BBC Hindi News Articles which contains annotated news articles classified into 14 different categories. While for Bengali and Telugu, they used classification datasets provided by Indic-NLP Kakwani et al. (2020). Their result demonstrated that monolingual models perform better for some languages but the improvement attained is marginal at best.

Patil et al. (2022) curated MahaHate- a tweet-based marathi hate speech detection dataset. The dataset is collected from Twitter and annotated manually. It consists of over 25000 distinct tweets labeled into 4 major classes i.e. hate, offensive, profane, and no. The deep learning models based on CNN, LSTM, and transformers that involved monolingual and multilingual variants of BERT were used for evaluation.

Kulkarni et al. (2021) offers first major publicly available Marathi Sentiment Analysis Dataset L3CubeMahaSent. The dataset is curated using tweets extracted from various Maharashtrian personalities’ Twitter accounts. It consists of  16,000 distinct tweets classified into three classes - positive, negative, and neutral. The authors performed 2-class and 3-class sentiment analysis on their dataset and evaluated baseline classification results using deep learning models - CNN, LSTM, and ULMFiT.

Velankar et al. (2022) conducted a comparative study between monolingual and multilingual BERT models. The standard multilingual models such as mBERT, indicBERT, and xlm-RoBERTa along with monolingual models - MahaBERT, MahaALBERT, and MahaRoBERTa for Marathi Joshi (2022a) were used in this study.

Labels Description
Auto Vehicle launches and their reviews
Bhakti Horoscope, festivals, spirituality
Crime Crimes and accidents in the country
Bildung Educational institutes and their activities
Fashion Fashion events, advertisements of fashion products
Health Diseases, medicines, and health-related blogs
International Happenings around the world
Manoranjan Information related to movies, web series, and so on
Politics Political incidents in the country
Sports Various sports games, awards, sporting events and so on
Tech Latest technologies, gadgets and their reviews
Tourismus Travel tips, Top destinations recommendations, tourism information, et cetera.
Table 1: Categorical labels for MahaNews datasets
Labels SHC & LDC LPC
Train Test Validation Total Train Test Validation Total
Auto 1664 209 208 2081 3099 388 387 3874
Bhakti 1386 174 173 1733 3664 458 458 4580
Crime 2354 295 294 2943 4092 512 512 5116
Bildung 680 86 85 851 1438 180 180 1798
Fashion 1920 241 240 2401 874 110 109 1093
Health 1985 249 248 2482 6428 804 803 8035
International 2041 256 255 2552 4715 590 589 5894
Manoranjan 2986 374 373 3733 4825 604 603 6032
Politics 2250 282 281 2813 4379 548 547 5474
Sports 1882 236 235 2353 5337 668 667 6672
Tech 2111 264 264 2639 2049 257 256 2562
Tourismus 755 95 94 944 1970 247 246 2463
Total 22014 2761 2750 27525 42870 5366 5357 53593
Table 2: Category-wise distribution of SHC, LDC, LPC datasets into train, test and validation in ratio of 80:10:10.

3 Curating the Dataset

We propose L3Cube-MahaNews which is a collection of datasets for short text and long document classification. The Short Headlines Classification (SHC), Long Document Classification (LDC), and Long Paragraph Classification (LPC) datasets are the three supervised datasets included in MahaNews.

  • Short Headlines Classification (SHC): This Short Document Classification dataset contains the headlines of news articles along with their corresponding categorical labels.

  • Long Paragraph Classification (LPC): This is a Long Document Classification dataset. The news articles are divided into paragraphs and each record in this dataset contains a paragraph each with its corresponding categorical label.

  • Long Document Classification (LDC): This Long Document Classification dataset contains records having an entire news article along with its corresponding categorical label.

The categorical labels in the supervised datasets are described in detail in Table 1.

Refer to caption
Figure 1: Statistical count of records in SHC, LDC, and LPC
Refer to caption
Figure 2: Average count of words per record in SHC, LDC, and LPC
Refer to caption
Figure 3: Percentage Distribution of 27,525 records of SHC and LDC based on categorical labels
Refer to caption
Figure 4: Percentage Distribution of 53,593 records of LPC based on categorical labels

3.1 Data Collection

The datasets are compiled using scraped news data. The entirety of the information is taken from the Lokmat141414https://www.lokmat.com/ website which houses news articles in the Marathi language. The data was scraped by using urllib package to handle URL requests and the BeautifulSoup package to extract data from the HTML of the requested URL.

Lokmat website had arranged the news articles under predefined categories like automobile, sports, travel, politics, etc. While scraping, this categorization was preserved and further used as target labels. The final curated datasets were shuffled, de-duplicated, and cleaned up.

3.2 Data Statistics

The L3Cube-MahaNews has a total of 1,08,643 records which are derived from 27,525 news articles scraped from Lokmat. SHC and LDC have a total of 27,525 rows with labels each and LPC has 53,593 labeled rows in it.

The statistical count of records in SHC, LDC, and LPC can be referred from Figure 2 and the average count of words per record in each proposed dataset can be seen in Figure 2.

The category-wise percentage distribution for the corpora can be referred from Figure 4 and 4.

F1 Score
SHC MahaBERT 91.418 91.163 90.230 89.700 91.047
indicBERT 90.073 89.388 88.303 87.953 88.758
MuRIL 90.655 90.112 89.031 88.826 89.313
LDC MahaBERT 94.780 94.706 93.589 93.210 94.079
indicBERT 93.642 92.627 91.340 91.217 91.511
MuRIL 93.564 93.020 92.337 92.213 92.501
LPC MahaBERT 88.754 86.731 84.915 83.455 87.138
indicBERT 86.298 85.222 86.688 81.697 84.249
MuRIL 87.157 86.582 84.585 83.215 86.603
Table 3: Results for all the models trained on SHC, LDC, and LPC datasets in percentage (%)
MahaBERT model
trained on
MahaBERT model
tested on
F1 Score
SHC 91.163 90.230 89.700 91.047
LPC SHC 73.234 73.001 75.669 77.353
LDC 74.171 79.570 76.599 79.570
SHC+LPC+LDC 86.780 85.484 86.195 87.689
SHC 73.234 73.001 75.669 77.353
LPC LPC 86.731 84.915 83.455 87.138
LDC 72.201 75.741 72.530 70.521
SHC+LPC+LDC 89.713 88.421 88.545 88.439
SHC 80.314 79.042 84.109 81.521
LPC LDC 87.294 86.511 88.559 86.424
LDC 94.706 93.589 93.210 94.079
SHC+LPC+LDC 87.758 86.686 87.869 91.918
Table 4: Results for the MahaBERT models trained on SHC, LDC, and LPC datasets tested on the test set of other datasets in percentage (%)
Refer to caption
Figure 5: Confusion matrix for SHC results
Refer to caption
Figure 6: Confusion matrix for LDC results
Refer to caption
Figure 7: Confusion matrix for LPC results

4 Evaluation

We fine-tune the monolingual and multilingual BERT models supporting the Marathi language on the curated L3Cube-MahaNews corpus for the text classification task. A dense layer is added on top of the BERT model which maps the [CLS] token embedding to the 12 target labels.

4.1 Experiment setup

4.1.1 Data Preparation

Each of the SHC, LDC, and LPC corpora are split into train, test, and validation datasets in a ratio of 80:10:10. We have ensured that the category-wise distribution ratio of data in SHC, LDC, and LPC remains constant in the split datasets.

The datasets are preprocessed to remove unwanted characters and words from it such as newline characters, hashtags, URLs, and so on. After preprocessing, only Devanagari, English, and numerical digits are retained.

Refer to Table 2 for the category-wise distribution of data into train, test, and validation datasets.

4.1.2 Models

The pre-trained BERT models that have been finetuned for text classification are as follows:

It was found that these models gave the best results when they were trained for 3 epochs on the training datasets at the default learning rate (1e-3). The MuRIL model, on the other hand, performed best during 5 training epochs for the SHC dataset.

The fine-tuned MahaBERT models were also tested against test sets of the other datasets like the pre-trained MahaBERT model fine-tuned on SHC dataset was tested against the test sets for LDC and LPC to compute the results of this cross-analysis.

4.2 Results

The results obtained from fine-tuning the models on our datasets are shown in Table 3 along with the confusion matrices in Figure 7, 7 and 7. The results obtained on performing the cross-analysis by testing the MahaBERT model on test sets of different datasets can be referred from Table 4
The key observations that were inferred are as follows:

  • The monolingual MahaBERT model outperforms all other models in terms of the various scores depicted in the table for every corpus.

  • Among SHC, LDC, and LPC, LDC gave the best results in fine-tuning for the text classification task. This is expected as the long document data contains more information as compared to the other two smaller-length datasets.

  • LPC reports scores on the lower side for all the 3 models. A paragraph might at times contain more generic information and hence result in confusion for the models.

  • A cross-dataset testing or zero-shot testing on unseen datasets reveals that models trained on one dataset don’t generalize well on other test sets. This affirms the need for different datasets with varying text lengths.

  • The model trained on all three datasets (SHC + LPC + LDC) provides the best results for LPC but fares poorly for SHC and LDC. This shows that building a single competitive model needs more attention. More samples in LPC dataset as compared to other datasets could explain the bias towards LPC. An extensive evaluation of this behavior is left to future scope.

5 Conclusion

In this paper, we present L3Cube-MahaNews - a suite of 3 labeled datasets that consists of 1.08L+ Marathi records for the Marathi Text Classification. The paper describes an extensive set of 12 categorical labels used to create the supervised datasets. We have performed fine-tuning on Marathi-based models to provide a benchmark for future studies and development. The models utilized were MahaBERT, IndicBERT, and MuRIL. We report the best accuracy using MahaBERT for the LDC dataset. We hope that our datasets will play an important role in the betterment of Marathi language support in the field of NLP.


During data scrapping and preparation, it was seen that some news articles had scanned images, GIFs, banner ads, etc., as a part of web page content. Thus, additional tools (e.g. OCR-image-to-text converter) might be required to extract text from such web content and retain only the news-related textual data in a proper format. Moreover, since the LPC dataset was created by extracting random paragraphs from the parent articles, these might at times contain generic information not specific to the target label. In future we can manually verify the dataset to filter such problematic entiries.


This work was done under the L3Cube Pune mentorship program. We would like to express our gratitude towards our mentors at L3Cube for their continuous support and encouragement. This work is a part of the L3Cube-MahaNLP project Joshi (2022b).


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