Finetuning End-to-End Models for Estonian Conversational Spoken Language Translation

Tiia Sildam, Andra Velve, Tanel Alumäe
Department of Software Science
Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia

This paper investigates the finetuning of end-to-end models for bidirectional Estonian-English and Estonian-Russian conversational speech-to-text translation. Due to the limited availability of speech translation data for Estonian, we created additional training data by web scraping and synthesizing data from speech recognition datasets using machine translation. We evaluated three publicly available end-to-end models: Whisper, OWSM 3.1, and SeamlessM4T. Our results indicate that fine-tuning with synthetic data enhances translation accuracy by a large margin, with SeamlessM4T matching or surpassing cascaded speech translation systems that use state-of-the-art speech recognition and machine translation models.

Finetuning End-to-End Models for Estonian Conversational Spoken Language Translation

Tiia Sildam, Andra Velve, Tanel Alumäe Department of Software Science Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia

1 Introduction

Estonian language, spoken by around one million native speakers, has benefited significantly from the Estonian Language Technology Program in the last decades Rehm et al. (2020). This initiative has fostered advancements in several key areas, such as automatic speech recognition (ASR) Alumäe et al. (2023) and machine translation (MT) Tättar et al. (2022). These improvements are largely due to investments in collecting relevant training data and the successful application of large multilingual pretrained models. Another crucial area of language technology is spoken language translation, which is essential for maintaining smaller languages like Estonian in today’s digital world. This technology enables native speakers of a small language to access foreign language content more easily and allows for the broader dissemination of native language content. However, one of the significant challenges in developing these technologies is the lack of adequate training data for Estonian, particularly in conversational speech. This shortage hampers the ability to further enhance and refine speech translation tools.

In this study, we explore the finetuning of three publicly available end-to-end models for bidirectional Estonian-English and Estonian-Russian conversational speech translation tasks and evaluate their accuracy against the cascaded spoken language translation approach. Given the scarcity of speech translation datasets containing significant amounts of conversational speech for these translation directions, we explore two methods to generate additional data: synthesizing speech translation training data from ASR training data using machine translation, and scraping data (e.g., videos with subtitles) from the internet. We evaluate these models and finetuning approaches using automatic metrics (BLEU and BLEURT) on realistic conversational speech evaluation sets.

The main contribution of this paper is demonstrating that leading large publicly available end-to-end multilingual speech translation models can be fine-tuned to excel in translation tasks involving relatively low-resource languages by using synthetic data generated from diverse ASR training data. Another innovative aspect of the paper is showing that OpenAI’s Whisper, originally trained only for translating into English, serves as an effective base model that can be finetuned for other speech translation directions. Additionally, we release an evaluation set for Estonian-English-Russian spoken language translation, which includes conversational speech recordings “from the wild”, complete with manual transcripts and professionally produced translations111 The best-trained speech translation models are publicly available222Finetuned Whisper: An example of an Estonian TV news broadcast with English and Russian subtitles generated by our finetuned Whisper model is available at

2 Available models

In this section, an overview of publicly accessible models suitable for speech translation in the targeted translation directions of our study will be provided.

2.1 Cascaded spoken language translation

The cascaded speech translation method involves initially using an ASR system to transcribe speech, followed by translating these transcriptions with a text-to-text MT system. Presently, one of the most widely used multilingual ASR model available to the public is OpenAI’s Whisper Radford et al. (2023). In our tests, we utilized the most effective large-v3 model of Whisper to transcribe English and Russian speech. For Estonian, we used the same model, which was finetuned with 1334 hours of Estonian data available publicly from the TalTech Estonian Speech Dataset 1.0333 Alumäe et al. (2023). During the development of this paper, the leading publicly accessible text-to-text MT model for translations involving Estonian was Meta’s NLLB-200 NLLB Team et al. (2022). The NLLB model is available in various sizes, with the largest being the mixture-of-experts (MoE) version, which requires 350 GB of storage. For practical reasons, we opted for the largest dense model, which has 3.3 billion parameters. Machine translation to and from Estonian via text is also well supported by several proprietary vendors via API calls, such as Google and DeepL. The NLP research group at Tartu University offers a publicly accessible NMT system Neurotõlge444 that is effective for Estonian MT tasks Tättar et al. (2022), and it also provides a free web API for batch processing. OpenAI’s GPT models are also capable of conducting machine translation through prompting.

2.2 End-to-end spoken language translation

Model #Parameters est-eng eng-est est-eng eng-est
Whisper large-v3 1.55B 15.0 N/A 18.7 N/A
OWSM 3.1 EBF 1B ? 7.7 ? ?
SeamlessM4T-v2 large 2.3B 27.7 29.3 31.6 22.4
Table 1: Speech translation BLEU scores of different publicly available models. N/A denotes that the model is not capable of translating in this direction, and question marks denote scores that are not reported.

Several publicly available multilingual end-to-end spoken language translation models have recently emerged. OpenAI’s Whisper model can perform translation to English from all its supported speech recognition languages. Other translation directions are not supported by this model. The reported BLEU score for Estonian-to-English translation for the large-v2 version of Whisper is 18.7, measured on the FLEURS dataset Conneau et al. (2022) and 15.0, measured on the CoVoST 2 Wang et al. (2020) dataset. Both of those datasets contain read speech. Whisper uses Transformer encoder-decoder architecture.

The Open Whisper-style Speech Model (OWSM) Peng et al. (2023b) reproduces Whisper-style training using a diverse combination of publicly available datasets and the open-source toolkit ESPnet Watanabe et al. (2018). It supports multilingual automatic speech recognition (ASR) and any-to-any speech translation (ST). The latest release of the model (3.1 EBF) uses the E-Branchformer Kim et al. (2022) architecture in the encoder and Transformer in the decoder. The 1 billion parameter “base” version of OWSM 3.1 EBF has a reported BLEU score of 7.7 on the English-to-Estonian translation direction, measured on CoVoST 2.

The third publicly available multilingual speech translation model originates from Meta’s SeamlessM4T project Seamless Communication et al. (2023). SeamlessM4T translation models are capable of translating both speech and text modalities, and they can produce both text and speech output. Around 100 languages are supported, although speech output is supported for a much smaller subset of languages. While both Whisper and OWSM models are trained end-to-end from scratch, SeamlessM4T uses a more complicated process for training. First, a self-supervised speech encoder model w2v-BERT 2.0 is pretrained, using a corpus of 4.5M hours of unlabeled audio data covering more than 143 languages. This model is then bridged with the NLLB text-to-text translation model, using special adapter layers that map encoded and time-compressed speech features to the same semantic space as text tokens. This composed model is then finetuned for speech-to-text and speech-to-speech translation tasks, using paired text-text, speech-text and speech-speech data scraped from the web and aligned using a dedicated multimodal embedding and alignment model Duquenne et al. (2023). The SeamlessM4T-large-v2 reports a BLEU score of 29.3 on English-Estonian and 27.7 on Estonian-English test sets of CoVoST 2. On FLEURS, this model has a BLEU score of 22.4 on English-Estonian and 31.6 on Estonian-English speech-to-text test sets.

The out-of-the-box BLEU scores of the described models on Estonian-English speech translation tasks are reported in Table 1. Although the scores are measured on test sets containing only read speech, the scores suggest that these models could be finetuned to perform well also on more conversational speech that is known to be more difficult to translate.

Whisper and OWSM models are designed to handle audio recordings of any length due to the integrated speech segmentation in their decoders. These models effectively generate time-stamped, subtitle-like transcripts, marking each decoded word block with start and end times. In the process of long-form decoding, the models work on 30-second segments of speech at a time, shifting the processing window by 30 seconds (or less) to start where the last decoded word block ended after each decoding step. On the other hand, SeamlessM4T models are limited to processing shorter, utterance-like speech segments, and their translation quality drops substantially with longer segments, often only translating the initial part of the segment. To address this, long recordings must be initially divided into shorter, speaker-consistent segments, typically no longer than 20 seconds, using voice activity detection and speaker segmentation technologies.

3 Methodology

The main focus of our work is finetuning publicly available speech translation models using additional data. Since there are no conversational speech translation datasets that include Estonian, we experiment with generating additional data on our own using two methods: web scraping and data synthesis. We compare the performance of all three existing speech translation models before and after finetuning with the same data.

Although Whisper is originally trained to perform only multilingual speech recognition and speech translation to English, it has been shown that it can perform speech translation to other directions with surprisingly high accuracy by changing only the prefix of the decoder. For example, Peng et al. (2023a) showed that by only modifying the prompt, Whisper can achieve 18.1 BLEU score on the English-German speech translation test set from the MuST-C corpus Gangi et al. (2019). Therefore, we were relatively confident that Whisper can be finetuned for all translation directions that we were interested in.

The design of Whisper’s prompt does not support the specification of alternative translation directions. Consequently, we finetuned Whisper using extra speech translation data by employing the “transcribe” prompt, where the language specified in the prompt matched the intended target language. At the inference stage, the expected target language was set in the prompt, but the source language remained unspecified to the model.

On all datasets, Whisper was finetuned555Finetuning code: for three epochs over the additional translation datasets. A learning rate schedule with a peak rate of 1e-04 was used, with 500 warmup steps and a linearly decaying schedule towards 0 after the warmup. An effective batch size of 64 was used. Stochastic weight averaging (SWA) Izmailov et al. (2018) with a learning rate of 1e-05 was applied during the last epoch. Adam optimizer was used.

The OWSM 3.1 EBF model underwent finetuning over five epochs, utilizing a batch size of 320 and a maximum learning rate of 2.0e-04, accompanied by a warmup phase of 600 steps. A label smoothing technique was employed with a smoothing factor of 0.1. During training, a multitask encoder-decoder/CTC loss method was used (with source language transcript as supervision for the CTC head), setting the CTC loss weight at 0.3. The majority of these hyperparameters were adopted directly from the ESPnet’s training recipe for the OWSM 3.1 EBF model without further adjustments.

The SeamlessM4T model was finetuned using a batch size of 48, peak learning rate of 1e-06 with 100 warmup steps. This finetuning setup integrated automatic early stopping that measured the model’s loss on heldout training data after every 1000 model updates and stopped training when the loss didn’t improve during the last 10 evaluations. This usually happened during the second epoch.

For Whisper and OWSM, the training data was compiled to segments of maximally 30 seconds in length, which usually involved concatenating the transcripts of several adjacent utterances from the long-form training audio, together with the corresponding audio chunks (including the audio between transcription end and start times). The SeamlessM4T model was finetuned using the original utterances and/or subtitle segments.

All finetuning experiments were conducted using four Nvidia A100 (80GB) GPUs.

4 Experimental results

4.1 Evaluation data

A dedicated evaluation dataset was compiled for this project, using data from public sources (e.g. YouTube). When collecting evaluation data, we tried to ensure that it contains mostly long conversational speech recordings with different levels of spontaneousness, such as press conferences, TV talkshows, YouTube videos, and broadcast news with many interviews. Length of evaluation datasets for all directions varied between 3 and 4.6h. Evaluation data is described in Table 2.

Direction Duration #Files
Estonian to Eng/Rus 4.15h 7
English to Estonian 3.05h 5
Russian to Estonian 4.51h 6
Table 2: Amount of evaluation data per translaton direction.

Estonian evaluation data was manually transcribed. English and Russian data was all retrieved from YouTube and we relied on the manually created captions of the videos (after some manual post-editing). We took extra care to select such videos that have good quality verbatim captions. The translations for the evaluation data were created by professional translators in Estonia, using both audio transcriptions and audio files as source data.

Table 3 lists ASR word error rates (WER) of Whisper-based models on the evaluation data. The model whisper-large-v3-est stands for Whisper’s large-v3 model, finetuned using 1334 hours of Estonian ASR training data.

WERs were calculated using ASR hypotheses from Whisper’s long-form decoding mechanism. Due to that, reference sentences are not aligned with hypotheses. WERs were calculated after removing punctuation, lowercasing both hypotheses and references, and aligning words in the hypotheses with references, using minimum WER segmentation (mwerSegmenter) Matusov et al. (2005) via the SLTev toolkit Ansari et al. (2021).

It must be noted that Whisper is generally very accurate on English and Russian evaluation data. The surprisingly high WER (compared to the results published by Radford et al. (2023)) is mostly caused by occasional hallucinations that repeat some segment transcripts many times.

Language Model WER
English whisper-large-v3 24.5%
Russian whisper-large-v3 21.1%
Estonian whisper-large-v3 26.6%
Estonian whisper-large-v3-est 9.7%
Table 3: Whisper’s speech recognition WER on evaluation data.

4.2 Training data

In order to finetune the end-to-end speech translation models to perform better in translation directons involving Estonian conversational speech, we experimented with collecting additional data from the web, and synthesizing additional data from ASR training data using MT.

There are some publicly available speech translation datasets that include a relatively small amount of Estonian. The dataset with the largest amount of Estonian is CoVoST 2 with 364 hours of Estonian-English data and 3 hours of English-Estonian data. However, CoVoST 2 includes exclusively read speech and short sentences. The VoxPopuli corpus Wang et al. (2021) also contains some Estonian speech, originating from the European Parliamant sessions, but only 3 hours of that are transcribed. Due to the small size or out-of-domain nature, we did not use those datasets for finetuning.

4.2.1 Scraping web data

Source est \rightarrow \rightarrow est
eng rus eng rus
ETV+ - - - 182.7
TED - - 41.2 -
TV7 - - 16.4 -
YouTube 39.6 18.2 - 433.9
39.6 18.2 57.6 616.7
Table 4: Amount of training data in hours per translation direction, derived from subtitled online videos.
Language Estonian English Russian
Sources TalTech Estonian Speech Dataset 1.0 Gigaspeech (subset M):
Audiobooks: 260h
Podcasts: 350h
YouTube: 390 h
DW Russian: 45h
TEDx talks: 57h
Total 1334h 1000h 102h
Table 5: Amount of source-language ASR training data, used as input for creating synthetic speech translation data.

Given the relatively small number of Estonian speakers, the amount of speech data available on the web for training speech translation models is limited. We aimed to find data featuring long-form conversational speech (rather than individual utterances) since Whisper and OWSM require 30-second speech segments for training to develop models capable of transcribing long-form speech. We avoided sources with machine-generated subtitles.

We identified several good sources: ETV+ (a Russian-language TV channel of Estonian state media), TED talks with Estonian subtitles, TV7 (an international TV channel with Christian background), and various YouTube channels with consistently good subtitles.

Table 4 lists the amount of data we found for each translation direction. As can be seen, the sizes vary significantly across the four translation directions we target.

4.2.2 Synthetic data

There are two primary methods for generating synthetic data to train speech translation models: (1) using speech synthesis to create source speech data from existing MT training data, and (2) using MT to generate target text data from existing source language ASR training data. We chose the second method because we already had substantial amount of Estonian ASR training data from various conversational sources, and the current Estonian-to-English and Estonian-to-Russian MT systems produce relatively high-quality translations. The main drawback of the first method is the lack of MT training corpora that include transcribed conversational speech, making it challenging to achieve a wide variety of speakers and natural-sounding speech through speech synthesis.

As Estonian source speech data, we used the data available publicly from the TalTech Estonian Speech Dataset 1.0. It contains mostly speech from broadcast sources, with an emphasis on conversation speech, such as interviews and talk shows. In addition, it contains speech recordings from various conferences and seminars, and a relatively small amount of speech from the Estonian Parliament. All the speech data consists of long-form speech and has been manually transcribed and time-aligned with speech at an utterance level.

When searching for training data for English and Russian speech, we found it challenging to locate high-quality, long-form conversational speech data transcribed at the recording level with orthographic annotation, as needed for finetuning Whisper and OWSM models. For English, we used a subset of the Gigaspeech corpus Chen et al. (2021), which includes long-form recordings (audiobooks, podcasts, and YouTube videos) transcribed at the utterance level. However, these utterances are uppercased, and only a limited set of punctuation marks (“.,!?”) are retained. To enhance the suitability of these transcripts as MT source data, we applied true-casing using a custom implementation. This implementation uses spaCy to split utterances into sentences and then uppercases sentence start tokens, proper nouns, and certain special words (such as I).

For Russian, we couldn’t find any open datasets that contain sufficient amount of transcribed long-form speech data. A popular choice for training Russian ASR models is the Russian Open STT Dataset666 which contains over 20 000 hours of transcribed Russian speech. However, this dataset contains exclusively relatively short utterances. Although most of the data in this dataset originates from long-form speech recordings, it is not possible to reconstruct homogeneous 30-second speech segments with the corresponding transcripts from this data, as the utterance IDs have been randomized. Therefore, we used two online sources as the Russian speech data, both of which come with good quality captions: Russian TEDx talks and the Russian language YouTube channel of the Deutsche Welle (DW) news broadcaster 777

The total amounts of ASR datasets used as input for synthesizing MT-based speech translation data are listed in Table 5. For creating synthetic data for speech translation, the transcripts were machine-translated. We used Google Translate for translating Estonian and English language pair directions. Russian and Estonian language pair translations were done with University of Tartu’s Neurotõlge MT system. Those choices were based on our budget, as well as on the reference transcript MT evaluation results in Table 6.

Model Finetuned BLEU BLEURT web synt. est \rightarrow \rightarrow est est \rightarrow \rightarrow est eng rus eng rus avg eng rus eng rus avg Text-to-text translation using reference transcripts Ref. + NLLB-200 3.3B - - 31.4 25.2 21.5 19.2 24.3 .652 .665 .529 .574 .605 Ref. + GPT3.5-turbo - - 36.1 28.3 21.3 23.8 27.4 .696 .703 .593 .665 .664 Ref. + GPT4 - - 38.3 31.3 19.9 24.6 28.5 .702 .721 .609 .656 .672 Ref. + Google Translate - - 38.9 26.1 25.4 24.2 28.7 .690 .686 .576 .655 .652 Ref. + Neurotõlge - - 34.8 29.3 24.7 23.7 28.1 .656 .672 .558 .619 .626 Cascaded speech translation systems Whisper + NLLB-200 3.3B - - 28.8 23.1 15.4 13.2 20.1 .568 .568 .439 .537 .528 Whisper + GPT3.5-turbo - - 32.9 26.5 15.1 18.3 23.2 .649 .656 .470 .621 .599 Whisper + GPT4 - - 35.1 29.8 16.3 18.3 24.9 .647 .687 .507 .625 .617 Whisper + Google Translate - - 35.2 23.8 17.4 16.1 22.9 .628 .617 .481 .585 .578 Whisper + Neurotõlge - - 31.9 26.6 16.1 16.0 22.7 .598 .612 .458 .566 .559 Public end-to-end speech translation models Whisper-large-v3 - - 14.9 - - - - .451 - - - - OWSM 3.1 EBF - - 0.5 0.0 1.6 0.0 0.5 .176 .153 .147 .095 .143 SeamlessM4T v2 (large) - - 13.2 16.2 6.4 13.9 12.4 .348 .426 .227 .448 .362 Public end-to-end speech translation models after finetuning Whisper-large-v3 - 17.9 11.7 13.1 14.3 14.2 .496 .413 .433 .523 .466 Whisper-large-v3 - 33.2 26.1 14.5 14.8 22.2 .611 .605 .363 .500 .520 Whisper-large-v3 33.0 25.5 17.3 16.3 23.1 .614 .603 .458 .549 .560 OWSM 3.1 EBF - 25.8 18.7 11.9 8.5 16.2 .541 .463 .377 .360 .435 SeamlessM4T v2 (large) - 19.3 14.4 6.1 4.3 11.0 .468 .488 .234 .261 .363 SeamlessM4T v2 (large) - 35.4 26.8 18.8 16.4 24.4 .618 .603 .482 .494 .549 SeamlessM4T v2 (large) 34.7 25.9 19.1 12.9 23.1 .617 .605 .470 .426 .529

Table 6: Comparison of baseline scores, cascaded systems, off-the-shelf end-to-end models and finetuned end-to-end models.

4.3 Evaluation metrics

We based our evaluation on two metrics: BLEU and BLEURT Sellam et al. (2020). BLEURT is a learned metric, trained on subjective human evaluations scores of machine translation references and the corresponding MT candidates. BLEURT outputs scores that usually in the range of 0..1 (with 1 being a perfect match) and is found to be better correlated with human judgements in several languages. We used the multilingual BLEURT-20-D12 model introduced by Pu et al. (2021).

BLEU and BLEURT scores are calculated after aligning words in the translation candidates with references, using mwerSegmenter via the SLTev toolkit.

4.4 Results and discussion

Model Whisper + Google Translate Whisper-large-v3 ft. SeamlessM4T ft. est-eng est-rus eng-est rus-est est-eng est-rus eng-est rus-est est-eng est-rus eng-est rus-est Whisper + Google Translate - - - - Whisper-large-v3 (finetuned) - - - - SeamlessM4T (finetuned) - - - -

Table 7: Statistically significant differences between systems, based on BLEU scores: if one of the models is significantly better than the other, the corresponding cell is colored using the corresponding color.

Evaluation results, together with several baselines, are presented in Table 6.

The first section of rows in the table compares the performance of different MT systems on reference transcripts. It can be seen that while there are substantial differences between the proprietary systems among individual translation directions, the average scores in terms of both BLEU and BLEURT are surprisingly similar. The fully open source NLLB-200 model however doesn’t reach the accuracy of the top proprietary systems.

The next section compares MT systems, when using automatically generated transcripts as input. For Russian and English, we used the Whisper large-v3 model, while for Estonian, the finetuned Whisper model was used. All transcripts were generated using a beam size of 5, with speech activity detection activated in order to exclude non-speech segments from input. It can be seen that for Estonian source speech, using ASR instead of references transcripts deteriorates BLEU scores by around 3 points, while for Russian and English, the decrease in accuracy is larger, which is probably tied to the relatively low WER of Whisper on these datasets, as evident from Table 3.

The third section of rows compares the out-of-the-box performance of three publicly available end-to-end speech translation models. Whisper produced a segmented transcript directly from the long-form speech recordings, while for OWSM and SeamlessM4T, we segmented the speech into single-speaker chunks using pyannote 3.1 Plaquet and Bredin (2023). Decoding was performed using beam size of 5 for all models. The BLEU scores of SeamlessM4T demonstrate the complexity of translating automatically segmented conversational speech, compared to read speech consisting of single utterances: compared to the BLEU scores of the same model on CoVoST 2 and FLEURS test data shown in Table 1, the scores on our evaluation data are lower by a large margin. Contrary to the Estonian-English results on CoVoST 2, Whisper outperforms SeamlessM4T on our data, suggesting that Whisper is better suited for processing conversational speech. OWSM 3.1 EBF, which has a BLEU score of 7.7 on English-Estonian CoVoST 2 data, has close to zero scores on our data in all directions.

The last section of the table compares end-to-end speech translation models after finetuning with synthetic and/or web-scraped data. For Estonian-English and Estonian-Russian, finetuning on synthetic dataset outperforms web data by a large margin, which is expected based on the fact that the Estonian ASR comes from similar domains as evaluation data. In general, SeamlessM4T benefits more than Whisper from finetuning on properly segmented ASR data than from subtitles. This can be explained by the fact that subtitle start and end times are not always properly aligned with speech. For SeamlessM4T, which is finetuned on individual subtitle lines and the corresponding speech segments, this causes the training data to be often corrupted. Whisper, on the other hand, is trained on 30-second chunks of speech that fit typically several lines of subtitles, and the proper subtitle timing is not as important.

Apart from a few outliers, the performance of SeamlessM4T and Whisper are similar, especially in terms of BLEURT scores. This confirms our speculation that Whisper can be finetuned to translate into other directions than it was originally trained for. The performance of OWSM 3.1 EBF is however noticeably lower than for other models after finetuning on synthetic data and in order to save compute time we didn’t even finetune it on other datasets.

Since the differences between the BLEU scores from applying different models are relatively small, we used the Wilcoxon signed-rank test to assess whether the difference between the scores was statistically significant. We used BLEU scores of individual evaluation files as input to the paired test. Table 7 compares the difference between three systems: cascaded system involving Whisper and Google Translate and Whisper and SeamlessM4T end-to-end models, both finetuned using synthetic speech translation data. It can be seen that the best overall performance is achieved by the finetuned SeamlessM4T model, since no other model is significantly better in any of the directons, while it outperforms both the cascaded system and finetuned Whisper in the Estonian-Russian direction.

Although we haven’t performed proper human evaluation of the MT outputs, subjective evaluation by the authors suggests that our best Estonian-English and Estonian-Russian models produce translations that are accurate, fluent and therefore usable in many practical situations (see a translated TV news broadcast at For the opposite direction, the translations have a substantially lower quality by subjective evaluation. These findings correlate with BLEURT scores in Table 6.

5 Conclusion

In this study, we demonstrated the effectiveness of finetuning end-to-end models for Estonian conversational speech translation using synthetic and web-scraped data. Our experiments revealed that synthetic data derived from ASR training corpora significantly enhances model performance, especially for Whisper and SeamlessM4T models. While all three evaluated models benefited from additional training data, SeamlessM4T worked the most consistently in all directions, indicating its robustness in handling conversational speech translation tasks. The best finetuned models are already usable for Estonian-English and Estonian-English directions for real-world speech data.

The future direction of our research is experimenting with simultaneous speech translation where using end-to-end models is crucial.


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