Entity-Level Sentiment: More than the Sum of Its Parts

Egil Rønningstad Department of Informatics, University of Oslo, Norway Fundamentals of Natural Language Processing, University of Bamberg, Germany Roman Klinger Fundamentals of Natural Language Processing, University of Bamberg, Germany Lilja Øvrelid Department of Informatics, University of Oslo, Norway Erik Velldal Department of Informatics, University of Oslo, Norway

In sentiment analysis of longer texts, there may be a variety of topics discussed, of entities mentioned, and of sentiments expressed regarding each entity. We find a lack of studies exploring how such texts express their sentiment towards each entity of interest, and how these sentiments can be modelled. In order to better understand how sentiment regarding persons and organizations (each entity in our scope) is expressed in longer texts, we have collected a dataset of expert annotations where the overall sentiment regarding each entity is identified, together with the sentence-level sentiment for these entities separately. We show that the reader’s perceived sentiment regarding an entity often differs from an arithmetic aggregation of sentiments at the sentence level. Only 70% of the positive and 55% of the negative entities receive a correct overall sentiment label when we aggregate the (human-annotated) sentiment labels for the sentences where the entity is mentioned. Our dataset reveals the complexity of entity-specific sentiment in longer texts, and allows for more precise modelling and evaluation of such sentiment expressions.

Entity-Level Sentiment: More than the Sum of Its Parts

1 Introduction

Document level annotations
Entity Sentiment
Mick Jagger Pos-Standard
Rolling Stones Pos-Slight
Sentence-level annotations
Entity ref Relation Sentiment
Rolling Stones Mention Neg-Slight
Mick Jagger Mention Neg-Slight
(1) There is nothing pretty when Jagger and
the Rolling Stones are on stage.
Entity ref Relation Sentiment
Mick Jagger Mention Pos-Slight
(2) But Mick Jagger knows what he is doing.
Entity ref Relation Sentiment
Rolling Stones Coreference Pos-Standard
Mick Jagger member_of Pos-Standard
(3) Soon the band delivers their unique rock’n roll
aestethics that we came for.
Figure 1: Constructed example containing two entities and three sentences. The document-level sentiment classifications on top are annotated separately from the sentence-level annotations. Sentence (1) contains mentions of both "Jagger" and "Rolling Stones". The mention of "Jagger" is resolved to "Mick Jagger", the most complete mention of that entity. Sentence (2) mentions "Mick Jagger" positively. Sentence (3) contains a sentiment regarding "the band". This is a coreference to "Rolling Stones". The annotators also classified the sentiment regarding "the band" to carry over to the entity "Mick Jagger" as member of that band.

As the field of sentiment analysis progresses, sentiment analysis has developed from providing a single positive / negative polarity label for entire texts (e. g. Pang and Lee, 2004), into various fine-grained approaches, such as structured sentiment analysis, where for each identified sentiment expression in a sentence, the sentiment category is classified, and the holder and target of the sentiment, if any, is identified (Barnes, 2023). Often however, the end goal of sentiment analysis will be to extract more compound information about the sentiment expressed towards each entity. Such overall sentiment classification per entity can facilitate for better media bias analyses and trend research where the source texts are more complex (Steinberger et al., 2017). As we show in Section 2, we find few attempts to classify the overall entity-specific sentiment in longer texts.

To mitigate the lack of such entity-related sentiment data, we provide a Norwegian dataset of professionally written review texts annotated for sentiment both at the document and sentence level regarding each person and organization mentioned, i. e. each volitional entity in the text (Mitchell et al., 2013). To our knowledge, our dataset is the first openly available of its kind, in any language, providing such separate sentiment labels for each entity, both at the sentence level and for the full document. Figure 1 exemplifies this multi-layered annotation scheme. It presents the annotation granularity at both document- and sentence level.

Our main contributions are as follows:

  1. 1.

    A novel dataset and annotation scheme for entity-wise sentiment classification both at the sentence- and at the full-text level, consisting of 412 texts containing 2479 entities.

  2. 2.

    Analyses of the relations between sentiments expressed locally (at the sentence level) and globally (at the full-text level) answering our research question (RQ1): how consistently does sentiment towards each entity’s mention agree with the entity’s document-level sentiment?

  3. 3.

    Classification of sentiment-relating sentences We find that an important part of the sentiment signal regarding an entity is found in sentences where the entity itself is not the sentiment target. This answers our research question (RQ2): how can we quantify the gains from including a wider set of sentences than those containing a mention of the entity?

  4. 4.

    Baseline models for predicting the global sentiment based on sequence labeling and zero-shot LLM-prompting exemplify the complexity of the task. These are evaluated to a F1 of 56% and 69% respectively, and are described in Section 5.

2 Related Work

We here present work and datasets that to various degrees support entity-specific sentiment classification for longer texts. Similar works on exclusively short texts are excluded, as these lack the complexity found in our dataset.

Entities’ Sentiment Relevance Detection. Ben-Ami et al. (2015) present and motivate the task of Entity-level Sentiment Analysis (ELSA). We apply their task description of identifying the document-level sentiment per entity. Our works differs in that the main focus of their paper is identifying sentiment-relevant sentences for each entity. They create a smaller dataset for the financial and medical domain. They do not describe the annotation process, and we find only 10 samples from each domain available on line today. We provide and describe a larger dataset, and the focus of our modelling is the end goal of identifying the entity-level sentiment at the document-level.

Document-level Sentiment Inference. Choi et al. (2016) aim at inferring not only a sentiments expressed regarding each entity in the text, but also the holder of each sentiment conveyed in newsmedia texts. Their suggested model for this demanding task evaluates to well below 50% F1 on all evaluations reported. In our work, the holder is understood to be the author of the text, and we focus on the sentiment relations between different entities and references in the text via both coreferential and other anaphoric relations.

PerSenT. Bastan et al. (2020) annotate documents for one entity each, the main person of interest in the text, both at the document- and the sentence-level. Kuila and Sarkar (2024) employ this dataset in their task of determining the overall sentiment polarity expressed towards a target entity in news texts. The PerSenT dataset is annotated by crowd-sourcing, annotated for only one entity per text, and the text length is limited to 16 sentences. In contrast, our dataset annotates the texts for all volitional entities mentioned in the text. It is annotated and curated by trained individuals, and the texts contain on average 27.5 sentences.

NewsMTSC. This dataset by Hamborg and Donnay (2021) and the subsequent multilingual MAD-TSC (Dufraisse et al., 2023) contain news texts with each sentence labeled for sentiment regarding important volitional entities mentioned by name in the sentence. The entities are given identifiers that allow for sentiment aggregation, but an overall sentiment per entity and text is not identified. MAD-TSC contains 4714 sentences regarding 1007 labeled entities, with an average sentence length of 31 words.

ELSA-pilot. In Rønningstad et al. (2022), we presented a pilot study that motivates treating the global sentiment separately from the local sentiments. Crucially, we found that aggregation of sentence-level sentiment scores do not sufficiently capture the entity-dependent signals regarding the overall sentiment. We find that in the texts inspected, sentiment is related to entities not only through name mentions and coreferences, but through sentences with other relations as well. The findings were exploratory, and not supported by a more complete dataset.

3 Data Collection

The Norwegian Review Corpus (NoReC, Velldal et al., 2018) contains 43,436 professional Norwegian newspaper reviews from a range of domains, such as music, literature, restaurants, movies, electronics and more. The reviews typically balance both positive and negative assessments of the entity under review as well as various background information.

The NoReCfine (Øvrelid et al., 2020) corpus contains a subset of 412 reviews from the NoReC corpus. These texts are annotated for fine-grained sentiment information, including holders, polar expressions, polarity, and intensity. We chose this dataset as our texts, and enrich the dataset with new entity-focused sentiment annotations. More details on our dataset can be found in Table 1.

3.1 Pre-processing

Since our task is to annotate texts for sentiment towards individual volitional entities, we trained a dedicated named entity recognition (NER) model for Norwegian on the NorNE dataset (Jørgensen et al., 2020), but included only the PER and ORG labels (merging GPE-ORG with the ORG category).

All mentions of an entity were clustered through substring matching, to obtain a list of entities per documents and their mentions. If an entity "John Travolta" was mentioned in a text, the mentions "John" and "Travolta" would be clustered together with "John Travolta". There is in Norwegian little case inflection of proper nouns, besides genitive where the characters "’" and/or "s" are added. Our substring matcher would therefore check if stripping of "s" and "’" would give match. This way, "John’s" would be found to be a substring of "John". We found few clustering errors from this approach. One exception was that "Elisabeth I" was found to be a substring of "Elisabeth II", and the two we therefore clustered and counted as one entity in the text.

Split Entities Texts Sentences Annotations
Test 0247 044 01252 1057
Train 2232 368 10083 8834
Sum 2479 412 11335 9891
Table 1: Total counts of texts, entities, sentences and annotations for the dataset after cleaning and postprocessing, as per its initial release.

3.2 The annotation task

For each volitional entity in each document, the task of the annotators is to annotate sentiment at two different levels, as exemplified in Figure 1:

  1. Document level: Based on a reading of the entire text with the given entity in mind, label the sentiment that the full text conveys towards that entity.

  2. Sentiment-relevant references: For each sentiment-relevant sentence, identify the text span that either directly refers to the entity in question or indirectly contributes to the entity-directed sentiment through a specified semantic relation. The possible relations are, in order of priority:

    1. (a)

      Name mentions, e. g. "Jagger", "Rolling Stones".

    2. (b)

      Coreferences, e. g. "they", "the band".

    3. (c)

      Bridging references. In addition to coreference, we annotate anaphoric relations between entities that are not co-referent, so-called bridging relations. The inventory of relations was motivated by the pilot study described in Rønningstad et al. (2022) and included the relations "member_of", "has_member" and "created_by". When other bridging relations implied sentiment regarding a target, this was annotated under the subsequent point.

    4. (d)

      Whenever a sentence was considered to imply sentiment regarding an entity in any other way than the above mentioned, the entire sentence was labelled with sentiment, but no text span inside the sentence was identified.

The relation categories for the bridging relations were suggested to the annotators from our initial exploration of the data, and in annotation meetings it was established that these categories were relevant and sufficient for the dataset at hand. See the annotation guidelines’ list of terms in Appendix C for further description of coreferences and bridging references.

All sentiment annotations employ a five-category scale, similar to Dufraisse et al. (2023) and Bastan et al. (2020): "Negative–Standard", "Negative–Slight", "Neutral", "Positive–Slight", and "Positive–Standard". For the "Neutral" category, only name mentions are identified, since these could be added in the pre-processing. The other references to an entity were only annotated if they were non-neutral. Annotation was carried out using the Inception tool (Klie et al., 2018). Figure 3 in Appendix A shows example screenshots from the annotation process.

3.3 Annotation guidelines

Our annotation guidelines are derived from those of NoReCfine, which in turn build on the work of de Kauter et al. (2015). An English translation of the guidelines is presented in Appendix C, and we briefly present some of the most central considerations below.

When factual statements express sentiment.

Our guidelines conclude that "pure" factual statements without any indication of sentiment from the author, should be considered neutral. One should limit the need for domain knowledge from outside the discourse, in order to conclude whether a piece of information should be classified as conveying any sentiment polarity. According to these rules, the sentence "The Rolling Stones album sold over 22 million copies." contains no sentiment towards "The Rolling Stones".

When sentiment towards related targets implies sentiment towards the volitional entity.

If the annotator perceives a sentiment expression towards a movie to imply sentiment towards the director, the annotator would, when annotating with respect to the director, label the movie as "created by", and label the sentiment that this related target would have. Each case requires separate consideration by the annotators.

Annotate the most prominent reference.

If an entity has more than one reference in a sentence, we annotate the name mention before coreferences, and coreferences before other anaphoric references. In the sentence "John played for us and we all love him.", the name mention "John" would be annotated with positive sentiment, although the sentiment expression "love" has "him" as target, a coreferent to "John".

3.4 Annotation process

The dataset was annotated by five paid NLP students at the BSc level. All are native Norwegian speakers between 20 and 35 years old. They underwent introductory training and test annotations in preparation for the project. During this introductory training, the annotators contributed towards refining the annotation scheme. All annotations were curated by the first author of this paper, as the project leader.

After manual cleaning, the pre-annotated volitional entities, 2481 documents based on 412 texts remained for further analysis. Final counts for the dataset are presented in Table 1. All annotators took part in the three phases of the project:

  1. 1.

    Introductory parallel annotations and discussions. Annotators were initially provided with 75 documents, whereby 2–3 annotators would annotate the same texts. The annotators then inspected each others’ work, the guidelines were discussed and if neccessary adjusted.

  2. 2.

    The entire training corpus annotated. The annotators subsequently annotated the 2481 document in the dataset, according to availability, one annotator per document. Each annotator annotated from 200 documents and upwards. The number of documents annotated by each annotator is shown in Table 3.

  3. 3.

    Parallel annotation of the test set. Finally, all annotators annotated the test split, as pre-defined in NoReCfine, in parallel. The test data contains 44 different texts, containing a total of 247 volitional entities. Each text contains on average 28.5 sentences.

  4. 4.

    Curation The project leader reviewed all annotations in the dataset. For the training and development splits, there was one annotator to review. The annotations were corrected when neccessary. The amount of document-level annotations corrected by the curator, varied among the annotators from 0.5% to 8.2%. For the test split, all annotators annotated all instances. The curator inspected the majority vote before making the final judgement. The agreements here are shown in Tables 2 and 3.

3.5 Annotator agreement

We present here the annotator agreements, both for the overall sentiment per entity, and for the sentence-level annotations. For these analyses, we remove the intensity levels "Slight" and "Standard", and check for agreement only in terms of the main categories "Positive", "Neutral" and "Negative".

Document–entity sentiment.

We first inspect annotator agreement for the overall sentiment assigned to each volitional entity at the document-level. Table 2 shows the agreement towards the curated version. We find that the mean Cohen’s Kappa among annotators compared to the curated document labels was 0.71, and standard deviation among the five annotators is 0.11.

Sentence–entity sentiment.

We then turn to annotator agreement at the sentence-level, again with respect to the labels "Positive", "Neutral" or "Negative", with Cohen’s kappa shown in Table 3. Mean Cohen’s kappa for agreement with the curated annotation is 0.72, and standard deviation among the annotators is 0.06.

ann_1 ann_2 ann_3 ann_4 ann_5
curated 0.53 0.81 0.75 0.67 0.80
ann_1 1.0 0.43 0.34 0.35 0.41
ann_2 1.0 0.65 0.66 0.79
ann_3 1.0 0.60 0.71
ann_4 1.0 0.69
# ann’d 380 820 515 245 875
Table 2: Cohen’s kappa agreement on the documents’ sentiment polarity for each entity. Mean agreement with the curated result is 0.71. "# ann’d" indicate how many documents in the dataset each annotator had annotated before starting on the test set.
ann1 ann2 ann3 ann4 ann5
curated 0.64 0.77 0.78 0.68 0.74
ann_1 1.0 0.54 0.57 0.52 0.53
ann_2 1.0 0.71 0.65 0.70
ann_3 1.0 0.63 0.77
ann_4 1.0 0.65
ann_5 1.0
# ann’d 380 820 515 245 875
Table 3: Cohen’s kappa agreement between annotators and the curated conclusion for sentiment polarity on the sentence level, with respect to the given entity. Mean annotator agreement with curated is 0.72.
Conclusions from analyzing inter-annotator agreement.

Despite individual variations in agreement, mean Cohen’s kappa agreement at both the document- and sentence level is above 0.70. We consider this to be a satisfactory level of agreement, and an indication that the annotators indeed were able to identify and classify the requested sentiment signals in the texts. Inspecting selected disagreements indicate that one source of disagreement lies in drawing the line for how much world knowledge to include in a sentiment judgement. Zaenen et al. (2005) argue that world knowledge underlies just about everything we say or write, and that this leads to diverging readings of a text. We found in our data that annotators in deed tended to disagree, e. g. when a person commonly considered to have been "good" or "bad" was mentioned without a particular sentiment expressed in the text. During curation, these cases would be judged as Neutral.

We further find it noteworthy that the two annotators with the fewest documents annotated have the lowest agreement with the curated version. The minimum requirement was to annotate at least 200 documents before proceeding to annotating the test set. But in our case, annotators who annotated more than 400 documents had noticeable higher agreement with curated, as seen in Tables 2 and 3.

4 Dataset Analysis

We here present selected analyses of the main body of the dataset. The results in this section relate to the training and development splits combined. This collection contains 368 reviews with 2232 volitional entities and 8834 sentiment labels in total. The focus is on providing answers to RQ1 about the relations between the individual mentions of an entity and the entity’s document-level sentiment. We also answer RQ2 by quantifying the gain from including more sentences than those containing a mention of the entity.

Relation category # %
Name mention 1382 36.7
Coreference, anaphoric 432 11.5
Bridging: created_by 966 25.7
Bridging: has_member 294 7.8
Bridging: is_member 48 1.3
Sentence-level sentiment 641 17.0
Total 3763 100.0
Table 4: All non-neutral sentiment annotations in the training and development split of the dataset. We find that only 36.7% of the annotated sentiments are on sentences containing an entity’s name mention.
mentions_only Neg-Std Neg-Slight Neutral Pos-Slight Pos-Std Total Neutral
Document-level pct
Positive–Standard 1 4 134 32 502 673 19.9
Positive–Slight 0 4 43 54 17 118 36.4
Neutral 2 2 1139 12 4 1159 98.3
Negative–Slight 10 59 46 1 5 121 38.0
Negative–Standard 97 9 48 5 2 161 29.8
Table 5: Sentiment towards entities’ name mention vs. sentiment towards the entity at the document level. Sentiments at the name mention level are aggregated by averaging the non-neutral sentiments. When inspecting the "Neutral" row, we find that 1139, or 98.3% of the Neutral entities in the documents, had neutral sentiment towards all entity mentions. For the entities with sentiments, we find that 19.9–38 pct of these had no sentiment at the name mentions, and were incorrectly aggregated to "Neutral".
Aggregated entities mentions mentions mentions all sentiments support
coreferences coreferences
Document-level bridging
Positive–Standard 83.5 84.9 89.0 89.5 673
Positive–Slight 48.6 46.9 48.3 48.8 118
Neutral 88.7 90.1 93.6 94.5 1159
Negative–Slight 59.3 55.8 64.4 63.2 121
Negative–Standard 71.6 73.4 75.4 77.4 161
Accuracy 82.9 83.7 86.6 87.2
Weighted avg 82.2 83.2 86.9 87.6
Table 6: F1 scores for the five sentiment classes in the dataset, when using increasingly more of the annotated data. For the first column, only sentiments directed towards the entity mentions are aggregated. For the next column, coreferences are added. Then targets with a bridging relation are added, before all annotations at a sub-document level as aggregated per entity. All aggregations use the strategy of averaging non-neutral sentiments. This table is graphed in Figure 2.
Refer to caption
Figure 2: Improvements per sentiment category and sentence relation category. We here use a weighted average of the two sentiment intensities in Table 6.

4.1 Annotations and polarity-counts

Table 4 shows the distribution of annotations in the dataset, across category and sentiment. It shows that the sentiment-relevant coreferences beyond name mentions are comparably few. In contrast, we find that the bridging relations (created_by, has_member and is_member) contribute quite significantly to entity-directed sentiment in our dataset. These relations constitute 34.8% of the annotated sentiments, almost equally frequent to the sentiment labels that are directly attached to an entity mention. These figures indicate that any approach that labels only sentences for sentiment regarding an entity if that entity is named in the sentence, appear to lose the majority of sentiment signal, which is found in sentences with other relations to the entity.

4.2 Document-level vs aggregated lower level sentiment

In this work we are specifically interested in the relations between the high-level and lower-level annotations for each entity. The availability of our dataset enables further analysis of these correlations at the per-entity level. In the following we will attempt to evaluate the effect of each category of sentiment-related sentences and how the aggregation of lower levels of sentiment classifications compare to the document-level score independently assigned by our annotators. We start by aggregating the sentiments for the name mentions only, before we add the remaining available annotations. When referring to the aggregated sentiment score, we here refer to averaging and rounding the non-neutral mentions, whereby we assign the "Standard" sentiments the value of ±plus-or-minus\pm±2, and slight sentiments are ±plus-or-minus\pm±1.

Sentiment towards entity mentions only.

In the previous section, we established that the majority of sentiment signals in our texts lay in sentences without the entity explicitly mentioned. However, if the sentiment signals from the sentences containing an entity mention are coherent with the sentiment signals in sentences with other relations to the entity, these latter sentences would be redundant in order to satisfactorily locate the document’s overall sentiment regarding the entity in question. Table 5 shows the confusion matrix for aggregated sentiment for name mentions, compared with the annotated document-level sentiment. The "Neutral" column shows the distribution of entities that do not receive any sentiment towards their name mention, over their true, document-level sentiment. We see that 19.9% of the true "Positive–Standard" entities receive no sentiment towards their name mention, while 38% of the true "Negative–Slight" entities are without any sentiment towards their name mention. This gives an answer to RQ1 through the observation that 271 out of the 1073 non-neutral entities in the dataset (25%) are incorrectly assigned a neutral sentiment by the sentiment-bearing sentences where their name is mentioned. To correctly classify these entities, we need to find a sentiment signal in other parts of the text.

Sentiment towards name mentions and references.

In order to further understand the sentiment contributions of the various references to an entity, we compare the F1 scores for aggregated sentence-level gold sentiment labels. We start with the sentences with name mentions only, gradually adding more sentiment relation categories. This may be considered an ablation study where we explore the impact of the various parts of the dataset’s categories. We start with the name mention sentiments, as described in the previous subsection. Subsequently, the coreferences are added, then the bridging mentions, and finally the sentence-level sentiment annotations. Table 6 and Figure 2 shows that aggregating sentiment expressed towards both name mentions and anaphoric coreferences add just one percentage point to the support-weighted average F1. Adding the targets with a bridging relation to the entity, though, improves the average F1 by an additional 3.7 percentage points. From there, including also other sentences where the annotators found a sentiment-relevant relation to the entity, only improves weighted average F1 from 86.9% to 87.6%.
These findings indicate an answer to RQ2, that in order to find the sentiment-relevant parts of a text with respect to an entity, looking only at sentences with an entity’s name mention or even including any anaphoric coreference to the entity, is not enough. Having a model that can also capture sentiment from sentences where a target has a bridging relation to the entity, appears to be important.

Entity non-
mentions neutral neutral Total
Multiple 231 566 797
Single 928 507 1435
Table 7: Distribution of neutral and non-neutral entities, with one or multiple name mentions in the text. 507 out of the 1435 entities mentioned only once, receive a non-neutral sentiment.

4.3 Are single mentions in general neutral?

In our dataset, almost two thirds of the entities are mentioned only once by their name in a given text. If we, as suggested by Dufraisse et al. (2023) could assume that entities mentioned only once are neutral and not in focus, that would simplify the task considerably. For our dataset, Table 7 shows that although a majority of the entities with only one name mention are neutral, nearly half of the entities receiving a polarity are single mention entities. Discarding these would have meant discarding much valuable sentiment information, and we conclude that entities with one name mention only are worth keeping.

5 Baseline Modelling

We here present two approaches to using language models for predicting the document-level sentiment regarding each entity mentioned in the text. Due to the richness of annotations, neither of these utilize all available annotations in the dataset. The first approach fine-tunes a model for finding the relevant entity mentions and labeling these with sentiment polarity "Positive", Negative" or "Neutral". The heuristics described in Section 4.2 aggregates these to the document-level prediction. The second approach prompts a large language model with the text, the entities, and a request to return the document-level sentiment label for each entity.

5.1 Predicting and aggregating mentions’ sentiments

We extract a simplified dataset containing only the entity mentions and their sentence-level sentiments. We train a sequence labeler to identify entities and their three-class sentiment, with evaluation results shown in Table 8. The pretrained model applied was NorBERT3-large111https://huggingface.co/ltg/norbert3-large (Samuel et al., 2023). The models tested and search space for hyperparameters explored are shown in Table 11 in Appendix B.

As discussed in Section 4, the document-level sentiment can not be fully derived from the set of sentiments regarding each mention of an entity. However, we aggregate the predicted sentiments, similarly to how we aggregated the annotations for each entity mention in Section 4. This approach serves as a naive modelling baseline and an example of the limitations of this approach. The results from aggregating the modelled labels to the document-entity level are presented in Table 9. Table 6 shows that 82.9% of the entities in the training and development splits were correctly classified at the document level when aggregating the true sentiment labels for the entities’ mentions, and serve as an upper bound for this approach. Table 9 shows that when aggregating the predicted labels, 70.9% of the entities in the test split were correctly labeled with this baseline model.

Precision Recall F1 Support
Neg 70.6 41.4 52.2 29
Neu 73.9 88.3 80.5 308
Pos 68.0 57.1 62.1 119
Macro avg 70.8 62.3 64.9 456
W. avg 72.2 77.2 73.9 456
Table 8: Sequence labelling of each individual entity name in the test split. An exact match for both the text span and sentiment label is required for the predictions to be counted as correct. At this level there is no aggregation. Aggregated sentiment labels per entity are presented in Table 9.
Precision Recall F1 Support
Neg 44.4 19.0 26.7 21
Neu 67.4 95.5 79.0 132
Pos 88.2 47.9 62.1 94
Accuracy 70.9 70.9 70.9
Macro avg 66.7 54.1 55.9 247
W. avg 73.4 70.9 68.1 247
Table 9: Aggregated sequence labels from the baseline sequence labeling model, evaluated against the entities in the test split.

5.2 Zero-shot LLM prompts

Recent work indicates that ChatGPT and open-source counterparts may be a relevant resource for annotating and labeling English texts (Gilardi et al., 2023; Alizadeh et al., 2024). We therefore constructed a zero-shot dialogue with ChatGPT.

The prompts were what we consider clear and well-posed Norwegian questions about which of the three sentiment categories "Positive", "Neutral" or "Negative" is assigned to a given entity by the text. We performed the dialogue through the web interface with a paid monthly subscription to OpenAI, employing GPT v4 (Achiam et al., 2023).

The initial prompt was the entire text, preceded with this sentence in Norwegian: "In the subsequent text, is the sentiment towards "Kirsten Flagstad" Positive, Negative or Neutral?"
Where "Kirsten Flagstad" is the volitional entity in question. The prompt would be a lengthy answer including reasoning. The next prompt would be, translated: "Please give the answer with one word, Positive, Negative or Neutral". Table 10 shows that this zero-shot approach yielded an accuracy of 73.3%

Precision Recall F1 Support
Neg 60.0 57.1 58.5 21
Neu 77.4 72.7 75.0 132
Pos 70.9 77.7 74.1 94
accuracy 73.3 73.3 73.3
macro avg 69.4 69.2 69.2 247
W. avg 73.4 73.3 73.3 247
Table 10: Predicted sentiment labels per entity at the document level in the test split, provided through ChatGPT with GPT-4.

6 Conclusion

We have presented a dataset annotated for entity-level sentiment analysis based on professional review texts in Norwegian. The dataset allows for training and evaluating models for entity-wise sentiment analysis. We have shared insights from the dataset creation, and analyzed how sentence-level expressions of sentiment regarding an entity relate to the entity’s overall document-level sentiment. The dataset is available online.222https://github.com/ltgoslo/ELSA.git


The work documented in this publication has been carried out within the NorwAI Centre for Research-based Innovation, funded by the Research Council of Norway (RCN), with grant number 309834.
Baseline model training was performed on resources provided by Sigma2 – the National Infrastructure for High-Performance Computing and Data Storage in Norway.
We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments. We are thankful for the skilful annotation work and overall contributions from the research assistants who annotated the dataset: Daniel Skinstad Drabitzius, Iunia Melania Antal, Birk Søråsen, Ellen Margrethe Ulving, and Håkon Liltved Hyrve.

7 Ethical Considerations

We are not aware of any misconduct or violation of rules and regulations during the work with the presented dataset. The newspaper reviews used for our dataset are previously published and made available for research. The annotators were compensated with the university’s standard wages as research assistants for all hours of involvement in the project.

The reviews in our dataset are sampled from a corpus of Norwegian reviews published in the periode 2003–2017. Opinions and writing styles could be considered representative for their news sources and time period.

The raw texts in our dataset have been publicly available for several years, and have been available for llms to train on. Our annotations were not publicly available when we prompted ChatGPT, and were not submitted as examples during our ChatGPT experiments.


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Appendix A Annotation Example

Figure 3 in the appendix shows segments from screenshots of one text being annotated for two different entities, two members of the same band: Julian Casablancas, the band leader and vocalist, and Nick Valensi, the guitarist in the band. The text is machine translated from Norwegian and just briefly corrected. Green labels are at the segment level: The sequence is annotated for relation to the entity and for sentiment. Blue labels are the overall, document-level sentiment towards an entity. Each document therefore, has one such annotation. Pink labels are for sentences expressing sentiment with an unspecified relation to the entity. We see that the annotators found some sentiments towards the band to imply sentiment towards the band leader Julian Casablancas. For the guitar player Nick Valensi, only sentiment regarding him directly was recorded.

Refer to caption
Figure 3: Annotations for two of the entities identified in the same text. Blue labels are document-level, green labels are segment-level, red labels are sentence-level. Sentence 19 is labeled as conveying a negative sentiment regarding Casablancas, since he is the vocalist.

Appendix B Baseline Details

Table 11 shows the hyperparameters search space for the sequence labelling model we trained for predicting an entity’s overall sentiment based on the sentiment expressed towards each entity mention. The code employed is a copy from the HuggingFace token classification task.

Parameter Settings
Models NbAiLab/nb-bert base and large
Seeds 101, 202, 303
Batch size 32, 64
Learning rate 1e-05, 5e-05
Epochs (best) 12 (6)
Table 11: Hyperparameters explored for fine-tuning a model for identifying and labeling name mentions and their polarity. Best options in bold. The narrow selection of models and hyperparameters is based on preliminary experiments with the material.

Appendix C Annotator Guidelines

These are the guidelines used for annotating the texts of NoReCfine for entity-level sentiment. This annotation was done as part of the ELSA project, using INCEpTION. The original guidelines are written in Norwegian. The following is a translation into English.

The guidelines are based on the guidelines for NoReCfine and the work that NoReCfine refers to: Kauter, Marjan Van de et al. “The good, the bad and the implicit: a comprehensive approach to annotating explicit and implicit sentiment.” Language Resources and Evaluation 49 (2015): 685-720.

C.1 Objective

The main objective of the annotation is to create a dataset where sentiment expressed against entities in the document is annotated. "Entities" are limited to persons and organisations. First, the sentiment that the document as a whole expresses towards the entity is annotated, before the sentences that contribute to conveying sentiment towards the entity are derived. If possible, the recipient of the expressed sentiment in the sentence should be annotated with the sentiment and how this recipient relates to the main entity.

List of terms
  • Sentiment: A positive or negative attitude towards something or someone.

  • Sentiment analysis: An inference of the sentiment expressed in a text. This can occur both when the author conveys their sentiment directly, and when the author conveys statements or information that can be said to convey a positive or negative impression of the entity.

  • Annotate: Labelling words or phrases and entering information about these items.

  • (Volitional) entity: Individual people and groupings of people who have a proper name. This includes organisations, companies and parties. Geopolitical organisations, such as countries or cities, are also considered volitional entities where they function as actors with intent. Made-up characters and organisations are also volitional entities in the given text. Examples of volitional entities include "Elsa", "Beatles", "Jens Stoltenberg", "Black Widow", "Norske Skog" and "Oslo City Council". In this project, entity is used as short form for volitional entity.

  • (Entity) mention: Where an entity is mentioned either with all of or part of its proper name. In the text "Jens Stoltenberg came to visit. Stoltenberg seems tired at the moment." there are two mentions, "Jens Stoltenberg" and "Stoltenberg", where we can interpret it as both referring to the same entity.

  • Coreference: Where an entity is mentioned without using the entity’s proper name. This can be done by using nouns or pronouns such as "these", "the band", "the prime minister" or "he".

  • (Sentiment) target: If a sentence expresses positivity or negativity towards something, the target is the word or words that represent this "something" that the sentiment is directed towards.

C.2 Degree of detail for the annotation

The expressed sentiment should be directly related to the main entity we are annotating for. The annotation should take little consideration of domain knowledge, other than that which may be found in the text. Factual information should not be interpreted as carrying sentiment, unless a clear sentiment is also expressed. Irony and sarcasm where a negative sentiment can be expressed using otherwise positive words are annotated as negative sentiment. The annotation distinguishes between 2 levels of intensity:


is used where the sentiment is clear.


is used where the sentiment is weaker in intensity. "Slight" is also used where the sentiment appears vague or uncertain.

C.2.1 Document level

For each entity, you must specify the sentiment that the document as a whole conveys towards this entity. This sentiment should be the annotator’s impression of the document’s sentiment towards the entity after reading, which is not necessarily an aggregate of the sentiment analysis at sentence and entity level.

The sentiment "Neutral" is used for all entities that are only mentioned in the text, without the text conveying any further sentiment towards the entity.

C.2.2 Sentence level

In cases where you find sentences that are relevant for conveying sentiment towards the entity, without finding a target that represents the entity or is related to the entity, the entire sentence should be annotated with the sentiment that is conveyed.

C.2.3 Segment level

At segment level, we annotate sentiment targets. The sentiment must appear in the same sentence as where the target is located. If it does not, the sentiment-bearing sentence should be annotated at sentence level.

For each annotated sentiment, the relationship to the sentiment target must be specified.

-name_mention is used where the entity is fully or partially mentioned by name. The name corresponds to the name of the main entity in the document.

-anaphoric is used where the entity has an anaphoric representation in the sentence through coreference.

-is_member is used where someone or something in the text is part of the main entity.

-has_member is used where the main entity is part of a larger group and the sentiment expressed towards the larger entity affects the sentiment towards the main entity.

-created_by is used where some kind of product is created by the main entity.

The word span that constitutes the sentiment target should be as short as possible, with the exception of proper names, where each part of the name that appears should be annotated together ("Barack Obama", not just "Barack" or just "Obama").

Where several possible sentiment targets appear in the relevant sentence, the following hierarchy is used to choose which relation to annotate:

  1. 1.


  2. 2.


  3. 3.

    -is_member, has_member or created_by

  4. 4.

    Annotate at the sentence level

If conflicting sentiment is expressed towards the same entity in the same sentence, the first representation of the entity (following the hierarchy above) should be annotated with the sentiment conveyed by the sentence as a whole.