A Chatbot for Asylum-Seeking Migrants in Europe

Bettina Fazzinga\orcid0000-0001-8611-2377111Equal contribution.    Elena Palmieri\orcid0000-0001-5176-884322footnotemark: 2    Margherita Vestoso33footnotemark: 3 \orcid0000-0001-7725-8569    Luca Bolognini \orcid0009-0001-9901-575X    Andrea Galassi \orcid0000-0001-9711-7042 Corresponding Author. Email: [email protected].    Filippo Furfaro \orcid0000-0001-5145-1301    Paolo Torroni \orcid0000-0002-9253-8638 University of Calabria, Rende (CS), Italy DISI, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy

We present ACME: A Chatbot for asylum-seeking Migrants in Europe. ACME relies on computational argumentation and aims to help migrants identify the highest level of protection they can apply for. This would contribute to a more sustainable migration by reducing the load on territorial commissions, Courts, and humanitarian organizations supporting asylum applicants. We describe the context, system architectures, technologies, and the case study used to run the demonstration.



1 Introduction

Not surprisingly, migration is one of the top current concerns of the European Union too, and there’s every indication that the phenomenon is expanding. In 2023 there were almost one million asylum applications in the Member States of the European Union,444https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/data/database a 21.3% increase compared to the previous year and the highest number since 2016. Because of recent conflicts, the number of irregular arrivals and asylum applications is estimated to grow further.555International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), Migration Outlook 2024, https://www.icmpd.org/about-us/icmpd-migration-outlook. To handle the phenomenon more effectively and humanly [9], the EU Commission has set different reforms. Among them is the recent Pact on Migration and Asylum, i.e., a set of new rules managing migration and establishing a common asylum system at the EU level. Such a normative effort was made necessary by the complexity of current asylum rules. The application of such rules requires a non-trivial evaluation of legal and factual data concerning the applicant’s living conditions, both in the host country and in the country of origin, which makes it difficult for the territorial commissions, Courts, and even for migrants, to achieve a preliminary overview on their chances to obtain protection.

Taking all this into account, we believe it would be beneficial to have a tool for preliminary assessment and support, to orient the applicants and help them understand the possibilities and the requirements even before they begin the formal asylum request process. A tool that goes beyond the checklists used for handling well-defined, simple procedures since there is not only a problem of evaluating legal and factual data, but there is also an issue with understanding which procedures are relevant. Indeed, there is not only one type of protection but several ones. Importantly, since applicants may be political refugees and victims of abuse, discrimination, and persecution, the collection and processing of their personal data for immigration purposes must satisfy requirements of privacy; whereas the legal domain requires transparency and auditability concerning the application of the reference normative framework.

A possible approach to building such a tool could rely on computational argumentation. Recently there have been some proposals for argumentation-enabled chatbots supporting persuasive interaction [3] and privacy-preserving medical advice [6]. Argumentation is particularly suited to this sort of application due to its amenability to capture rich reasoning patterns and interconnections between alternative options and supporting elements, as well as dialogical interactions [14]. Computational argumentation frameworks are ideal candidates to support reasoning tools that must exhibit transparency and auditability requirement, because they are symbolic and thus interpretable [15]. The tool we propose is ACME: a chatbot for migrants in Europe. We envision ACME as a modular system, with several interfaces to fit different contexts. For example, for practical reasons, we believe a speech-to-text interface will be part of it.

Our work is partially based on our previous proposal of an information chatbot for COVID-19 vaccinations [6]. We adopted the same system architecture and preserved its properties, but we extended the chatbot to improve modularity and natural language interface, and to model a much more complex immigration case study than COVID-19 vaccines. Some important benefits of the ACME chatbot are its properties towards satisfying the domain requirements. Data governance and privacy are preserved through the modular architecture; transparency and explainability are guaranteed by the use of argumentative reasoning; the explicit, formally-defined knowledge base and reasoning methods are expert-made and fully auditable.

Finally, as a disclaimer, we shall stress that the purpose of our tool is to support, inform, and guide asylum applicants, not to assist or replace a judiciary expert in a “predictive justice” fashion, a topic that raises several ethical concerns [12] and is outside of our scope.

2 Related Work

Conversational agents can benefit from computational argumentation in terms of explainability and auditability, improving user trust, and exploiting a reasoning engine to guide the conversation. The application of argumentative chatbots spans several topics such as healthcare [1, 17] and COVID-19 [3, 6], ethics [10], university fees [2, 8] and education [7]. Chalaguine and Hunter utilize a crowd-sourced argument graph as a knowledge base to support a chatbot persuading the user, considering the UK’s university fees [2] and COVID-19 vaccines [3] as case studies. The conversational agents described in these studies address the user’s concerns by associating them with an argument in the graph and replying with its counterargument. Aiming at broadening the user’s viewpoint, Hauptmann et al. [10] have developed a German argumentative chatbot to converse about AI-related ethically sensitive topics. The system determines the user’s stance on a certain topic and challenges it. In their study to implement a healthcare chatbot, Castagna et al. [1] employ an Explanation-Question-Reply (ERQ) argument scheme modelling the agents’ interactions and clinically specialized argument schemes (ASPT). The chatbot aims to deliver patients’ treatment plans and answer the user’s questions. As far as conversational agents in the immigration domain are concerned, Kotiyal et al. [11] leverage a knowledge graph containing information about the UK’s immigration laws to aid the user in preparing a visa request using question templates as a language interface, but does not use argumentation in any way.

3 Architecture and Technology

The ACME architecture is inspired to our previous work [6, 5, 4]. We adopt a “neuro-symbolic” architecture, where a neural module dedicated to understanding the user is combined with a symbolic module dedicated to reasoning. ACME’s core components are:

  • a knowledge base (KB) consisting of a text file representing an argumentation graph and a JSON file that associates a set of natural language sentences with each node;

  • a neural natural language module whose task is to interact with the user, understanding what they write;

  • a symbolic argumentation module to reason from all the available data, compute answers and provide explanations.

The user interacts with the natural language module providing relevant information and answering questions. The information thus elaborated is mapped onto concepts of the KB. The argumentation module performs reasoning on the KB and finds the appropriate answer. In case a definite answer is not possible, the system identifies a node that would help determine an answer and asks the user to provide such information.

The architecture design is focused on decoupling between the natural language module and the argumentation module. The latter has access only to the information mapped into the concepts of the KB, which by definition are relevant for inferring an answer. Any other irrelevant information provided by the user is discarded, guaranteeing their privacy.

3.1 User Interface

Refer to caption
Refer to caption
Figure 1: Overview of the interface: the main chat window (left) and the Status window (right)

As shown in Figure 1, the user interface consists of two different windows: the main chat window and the status window. The main window has a standard chatbot layout, with the main dialogue area above and the user input area below. The UI and the other ACME modules are all implemented in Python.

3.2 Natural Language Module

The focus of this module is to elicit information from the user and then perform Natural Language Understanding (NLU) to map them into the nodes of the KB. In particular, the matching of the user answer with KB nodes is performed in several ways.

If the chatbot is inquiring about the information represented in a specific node and the answer of the user is a direct “yes” or “no”, the corresponding node is considered matched.

As in our original proposal [6, 5], each node in the KB is associated with a set of natural language strings representing that concept. The user’s input and the KB strings are embedded using SentenceTransformers [16]. Then, the input is compared against each string and if their similarity is above a fixed threshold, the sentence’s node is considered matched.

Otherwise, if the similarity does not reach the threshold, the input is given to a chat language model. Presently, ACME integrates Llama 2 [18] 70B-chat; however, it is safe to assume that realistically field applications will rely on much smaller language models such as Microsoft’s Phi-3. The LLM is given a prompt that includes the sentence provided by the user, a list of all the nodes of the graph with their textual description, and instructions to return the relevant node. If all three methods do not find any corresponding node, the chatbot asks the user for clarification.

3.3 Argumentation Module

The Argumentation Module is in charge of selecting the proper questions to be asked to the user and of computing the replies. This module relies on a Knowledge Base on the form of an Abstract Argumentation Framework [15], where all the facts needed to obtain the different protections are encoded as special arguments named status arguments, while the different form of protections are encoded as special arguments named reply arguments. Each status node is linked to one or more reply arguments it endorses. Status nodes may also attack other status or reply nodes, typically because the facts they represent are incompatible with one another. Each status argument a𝑎aitalic_a is annotated with a set of natural language sentences, that represent some possible ways a user would express the fact that a𝑎aitalic_a is meant to encode.

Each dialogue session relies on dynamically acquired knowledge, expressed as a set of status arguments S𝑆Sitalic_S, that encode user information. Basically, S𝑆Sitalic_S contains the status nodes of the KB activated so far, that is corresponding to the information the user has communicated to the system since the starting of the dialogue session. Differently from other proposals, at each turn, our system does not simply select a reply endorsed by S𝑆Sitalic_S. On the contrary, the aim of the dialogue strategy is to provide the user with a reply that is both endorsed and defended by S𝑆Sitalic_S from every attack. In other words, the system works to provide only robust replies, possibly delaying replies that need further fact-checking. In fact, our system distinguishes between consistent and potentially consistent reply. The former can be given to the user right away, as it can not possibly be proven wrong in the future. The latter, albeit consistent with the current known facts, may still be defeated by future user input (that means that it is attacked by some argument and it is not currently defended by what it is in S𝑆Sitalic_S), and therefore it should be delayed until a successful elicitation process is completed. Basically, at each turn, the module searches for a consistent reply, and if it does not exist, a potentially consistent reply is selected and all the arguments that can lead to its defense are tried to be added to S𝑆Sitalic_S by asking the user the proper questions.

Besides providing replies, the system can also provide explanations for the given replies. An explanation of a reply r𝑟ritalic_r consists of two parts. The first one contains the arguments leading to r𝑟ritalic_r, i.e., those belonging to the set S𝑆Sitalic_S that endorses r𝑟ritalic_r. The second one encodes the why nots, to explain why the system did not give other replies.

4 Legal Background and Case Study

The Refugee Status is the strongest level of protection that can be granted. It is given to anyone who fears persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion and is unable or unwilling to avail himself of the protection of his country. Subsidiary Protection Status is a second-level strong guarantee which takes place mostly for the same reasons as the refugee status but only if the latter cannot be recognized. Given the similarity of the requirements, for the purpose of this case study, we consider them to be the same. Finally, Special (or Humanitarian) Protection is a National type of protection; this is a weaker safeguard that is guaranteed to applicants who are not eligible as refugees or beneficiaries of subsidiary protection but worthy of protection due to special humanitarian reasons. Our case study investigates the possibility of applying for international protection in Italy by people whose country of origin is Nigeria. Our tool considers the conditions required by the two protection classes: the Refugee/Subsidiary Protection Status, and the Special Protection.

In most cases, migrants do not know the regulatory framework of international protection. Therefore, they are often unable to identify which kind of protection they can apply for. Most of the time, they apply for all types although they can only get one. ACME is meant to help the applicant understand which is the highest level of protection they can apply for.

5 Conclusion

It has often been observed that legal knowledge is difficult, if not impossible, to access for the individuals who should benefit from it [13]. The point has been made in particular for consumer law, but it also holds for the regulatory framework of international protection: a system whose beneficiaries, the migrants, are usually unable to navigate alone. In this work we described the demonstration of a system, ACME, intended to facilitate a sustainable approach to migration by guiding and supporting a migrant or someone acting on their behalf towards understanding which is the highest level of protection they can apply for. In its present realization, ACME is only a proof-of-concept prototype. However, such a prototype is needed in order to investigate the suitability and potential of the interplay between computational argumentation and natural language processing in such a complex domain. The overarching objective of this effort is to achieve the vision of a Human-Centered AI applied to a crucial global challenge. We hope that our work can inspire and motivate further research on this domain.

The main challenges we found so far in our endeavor had to do with addressing the complexities of a regulatory framework together with those of natural language understanding and the field requirements imposed by the target domain. We believe that the only way to success is through a collaboration of teams composed of legal, AI and domain experts from relevant organizations. In the future, we plan to extend our proof-of-concept to cover a larger variety of situations and further modules, such as a speech-to-text interface and automatic translation. We also aim to validate ACME with the legal experts involved in the asylum requests, such as lawyers and judges.

Link to the video demonstration





We thank Avv. Mariapia Frisina for the valuable insights and discussions. This work was partially supported by the following projects: European Commission’s NextGeneration EU programme, PNRR – M4C2 – Inv. 1.3, PE00000013 - “FAIR - Future Artificial Intelligence Research” – Spoke 8 “Pervasive AI”; EU H2020’s ICT48 project “Humane AI Net" Grant #952026; MUR project PRIN 2022 EPICA "Enhancing Public Interest Communication with Argumentation" (CUP H53D23003660006) funded by Next Generation EU.


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