How Chinese are Chinese Language Models? The Puzzling Lack of Language Policy in China’s LLMs

Andrea W Wen-Yi  𝟏1{}^{\mathbf{1}\hskip 0.56001pt*}start_FLOATSUPERSCRIPT bold_1 ∗ end_FLOATSUPERSCRIPT       Unso Eun Seo Jo 𝟏1{}^{\mathbf{1}\hskip 0.56001pt*}start_FLOATSUPERSCRIPT bold_1 ∗ end_FLOATSUPERSCRIPT       Lu Jia Lin 2       David Mimno 1      
1 Cornell University       2 Seoul National University      
{andreawwenyi@infosci.,unsojo,mimno}       [email protected]
 Both authors contributed equally to this work.

Contemporary language models are increasingly multilingual, but Chinese LLM developers must navigate complex political and business considerations of language diversity. Language policy in China aims at influencing the public discourse and governing a multi-ethnic society, and has gradually transitioned from a pluralist to a more assimilationist approach since 1949. We explore the impact of these influences on current language technology. We evaluate six open-source multilingual LLMs pre-trained by Chinese companies on 18 languages, spanning a wide range of Chinese, Asian, and Anglo-European languages. Our experiments show Chinese LLMs performance on diverse languages is indistinguishable from international LLMs. Similarly, the models’ technical reports also show lack of consideration for pretraining data language coverage except for English and Mandarin Chinese. Examining Chinese AI policy, model experiments, and technical reports, we find no sign of any consistent policy, either for or against, language diversity in China’s LLM development. This leaves a puzzling fact that while China regulates both the languages people use daily as well as language model development, they do not seem to have any policy on the languages in language models.

1 Introduction

For thousands of years, central governments in China have used language as a tool to manage a vast multiethnic population that speaks 129 languages and dialects. Over time, these policies have changed in level of inclusivity. In 2017, China announced the ‘New Generation AI Development Plan,’ a plan to lead China to become a ‘major AI innovation center’ by 2030. In this ‘New Generation’ AI era, what is China’s AI language policy and how does it relate to minority languages?

To answer this question we look at nationally developed pretrained LLMs. We explore six open-source multilingual language models developed by Chinese companies that have majority Chinese local ownership (see Table 2). We evaluate their performance across Mandarin, Northeast Asian languages (Japanese and Korean), Southeast Asian languages (Indonesian, Lao, Burmese, Thai, Vietnamese, Standard Malay), and Chinese ethnic minority languages (Lhasa Tibetan, Jingpho, Kazakh, Northern Uzbek) and compare their performance with European languages (e.g. English, French, Italian, Spanish, German). We also examine their technical reports to evaluate their data collection.

Both nationally-developed open-source Chinese LLMs and well-known international models show similar performance across dialects and select regional and national languages. They show all of the same performance caveats on low-resource Chinese dialects, and their technical reports on data collection also indicate no clear extra effort into improving dialect performance.

The PRC has shown intention to regulate language AI but has not announced requirements about minority language performance in LLMs. Their major policy guidelines and requirements about generative AI have no specific mention of minority languages despite stated measures about discrimination and socially influential content. In 2024, we find no evidence of PRC priorities for minority languages — either for or against — in open-source LLMs.

Related Work

LLMs have grown increasingly multilingual over the last few years Conneau et al. (2020); Brown et al. (2020); Workshop et al. (2022), with significant efforts put into promoting the representation of low-resource languages Abadji et al. (2022); ImaniGooghari et al. (2023). Studies have shown that linguistic diversity in language technology promote access to information Lee (2020) and preservation of low-resource languages Bird and Chiang (2012).

2 Historical background on China’s language and AI policy

Language Policy

Language policy has been an essential political tool for rulers in China to govern multiple ethnicities and cultures. These policies vacillated from being pluralist to assimilationist over the eras. In 221 B.C., after unifying the warring states, the Qin Emperor launched the first official program to standardize the Chinese script to consolidate central state power. Following the 1949 Chinese Communist Revolution, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) continued this tradition by launching extensive linguistic campaigns to unify the minority population of over 106 million people who spoke 129 languages among them Mullaney (2011). Gradually this transitioned to a more monolingual, assimilationist policy (one nation, one language). In 1982, constitutional amendment Article 19 made Mandarin Chinese the official common spoken “super language” for all indigenous and ethnic people. In 2000, the PRC promulgated the Standard Spoken and Written Chinese Language law to promote standard spoken and written Mandarin in public including schools, publications, broadcasts, and product packaging. While Mandarin Chinese remains the standard in the public sphere, non-Mandarin languages exist in common usage but are not recognized as standard, official languages.

AI Policy

The PRC government has also been taking steps to regulate generative AI. In July 2023 the Cyberspace Administration of China issued the Administration of Generative AI Services (the “Interim AI Measures”), which requires that generative AI services with “public opinion attributes” or “social mobilization capabilities” must undergo rigorous security assessments and file detailed algorithm records with authorities. The Interim AI Measures require that AI-generated content complies with five principles such as upholding socialist values, preventing discriminatory content, and implementing transparency and reliability measures. As of March 2024, 117 generative AI services had completed the mandatory government filing process to comply with these requires. The Interim AI Measures define requisites for pretraining AI models in particular. When training AI models, providers must use lawfully sourced data and foundational models and avoid infringing on intellectual property rights. They must also employ measures to enhance training data quality, truthfulness, accuracy, objectivity, and diversity and comply with national laws 111Chinese national Cybersecurity Law, Data Security Law, and Personal Information Protection. While these requirements are vague and could include minority languages, there is no explicit mention of them.

3 Model Experiments


Language models vary considerably in both size and capability. In order to provide the most fair comparison among models, we restrict experiments to models roughly at the 8-billion parameter scale. This scale is sufficient for at-or-near state of the art performance while limiting computational complexity. We access these models through the transformers Wolf et al. (2020) library.222We will release code.

We experiment on six open-source multilingual LLMs pretrained from scratch by Chinese entities: Qwen1.5-7B Bai et al. (2023), Yi-6B Young et al. (2024), DeepSeek-LLM-7B DeepSeek-AI (2024), InternLM2-7B Cai et al. (2024), XVERSE-7B XVERSE Technology (2023), and Baichuan2-7B-Base Yang et al. (2023). We also evaluate Llama3-8B AI@Meta (2024) and Mistral-7B-v0.3 Jiang et al. (2023), open LLMs developed by U.S. and French companies.

Technical Reports

We also examine the models’ technical reports to investigate the pretraining data that shaped these LLMs. We find that Chinese AI companies’ focus on language models places a heavy emphasis on Mandarin and English but not on other languages. While the reports for Qwen, XVERSE and InternLM2 mention multilingual coverage, they do not explicate what languages they cover except English and Mandarin (See Table 3 in appendix for further details). Additionally, similar to the training of international models, sources of pretrained data rely heavily on web pages, with three reports specifically mentioning Common Crawl as their primary data source.

Languages and Tasks

We conduct two experiments, measuring different aspects of language model capabilities on two datasets: the FLORES+ and Belebele benchmarks. Both datasets are developed based on the FLORES evaluation benchmark for machine translation Goyal et al. (2022). We evaluate 18 languages included in both datasets, spanning languages spoken in China, Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia, US/Europe, and by ethnic minorities in China. For Mandarin Chinese, we test two writing system variants — Simplified Chinese characters, used in the PRC, and Traditional Chinese characters, used in Taiwan. We were not able to evaluate Chinese Han dialects such as Cantonese or Shanghainese because the benchmarks did not include them. For the full list of languages, see Table 1 in appendix.

Refer to caption
Figure 1: NLL averaged across 997 sentences in each language from Experiment 1. The x-axis is reversed such that lower, and better, score is on the right. The y-axis lists languages, ordered within each language category by the average score across models.
Refer to caption
Figure 2: Accuracy of zero-shot MRC from Experiment 2. The y-axis lists languages, ordered within each language category by the average score across models. The dashed vertical line represents the random baseline.

Experiment 1: Evaluating language model perplexity with the FLORES+ dataset

The models we evaluate are trained on a next-token prediction task. Our first experiment evaluates how well these language models predict the next token in sentences from the FLORES+ multilingual dataset.333 997 English sentences 444we use the dev split of FLORES+. are sampled from Wiki sources then translated into target languages by native speakers. There are 997 parallel sentences in all languages we evaluate. See example English sentences in Appendix A.

Modern language model tokenizers employ data-driven approaches like byte-pair encoding (BPE) to break words into sub-word units, often leading to varying segmentation rates across languages Rust et al. (2021); Ali et al. (2023). We also observe such discrepancy in segmentation rate with the language models we evaluate, see Appendix Figure 4.

Perplexity (PPL) is a common measure to evaluate the probability given to a sentence Gonen et al. (2023); Xiao et al. (2023). However, perplexity, as a per-token measure, is not directly comparable across languages tokenized at varying rates Mielke (2019). To account for the confounding influence of tokenization efficiency, we report unnormalized negative log likelihood, equivalent to the sum of negative log-likelihood given to each token in a sentence:

NLL=loge(PPL)×ntokens𝑁𝐿𝐿𝑙𝑜subscript𝑔𝑒𝑃𝑃𝐿subscript𝑛𝑡𝑜𝑘𝑒𝑛𝑠NLL=-log_{e}(PPL)\times n_{tokens}italic_N italic_L italic_L = - italic_l italic_o italic_g start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_e end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ( italic_P italic_P italic_L ) × italic_n start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_t italic_o italic_k italic_e italic_n italic_s end_POSTSUBSCRIPT

where ntokenssubscript𝑛𝑡𝑜𝑘𝑒𝑛𝑠n_{tokens}italic_n start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_t italic_o italic_k italic_e italic_n italic_s end_POSTSUBSCRIPT refers to the total number of tokens in the sentence. Lower scores are better as they represent higher probability.

From Figure 1, we find that NLL is lowest for Mandarin and US/European languages, followed by Northeast Asian languages, Southeast Asian Languages, and with Chinese Ethnic Minorities languages having the worst. Language models show similar results among the top-performing languages, but the performance varies in lower-resource languages including Lao, Burmese, and Chinese minority languages. We find no clear distinctions between Chinese and international models across languages, with only slightly better performance in Mandarin from the Chinese models.

Experiment 2: Evaluating Zero-shot Reading Comprehension using Belebele dataset

Perplexity is an intrinsic measure of how well a language model performs on the task they are trained to do. But it does not necessarily predict how well a model does in tasks that require text comprehension Holtzman et al. (2021); Wiegreffe et al. (2023). To account for this, in the second experiment we evaluate the language models’ performance on multiple-choice reading comprehension (MRC) using the Belebele benchmark dataset Bandarkar et al. (2023). The Belebele becnhmark is a parallel reading comprehension dataset covering 122 languages. For each language, there are 900 multiple-choice questions. Each question is related to a passage from the FLORES-200 dataset NLLB Team et al. (2022). Each question has four multiple choice answers with one correct answer. The questions are fully parallel across 122 languages and curated and verified by translators fluent in both English and the target language. We query models with zero-shot prompts and calculate zero-shot MRC accuracy of the models’ answers, higher is better. See example question and prompt in the appendix.

Figure 2 shows the result of the second experiment. Overall, the performance trend across languages is similar to Experiment 1. While zero-shot MRC accuracy is consistently lowest for Burmese, Lao, and Chinese minority languages, it is more varied for other languages, especially for higher-resource ones. Additionally, InternLM2 consistently outperforms other models in all languages, and XVERSE consistently underperforms, sometimes even lower than a random baseline. Similar to Experiment 1, there are no clear performance differences between Chinese and international models among the languages we test.

Refer to caption
Figure 3: Chinese models’ performance on different languages correlate positively with the number of speakers. Each point represents the average score of language models. The top y-axis is NLL (Experiment 1) and the bottom y-axis is average zero-shot MRC accuracy (Experiment 2).

Population and Economy

We find that Chinese national models show the same pattern of performance across languages that international models do. Both Chinese and international models, like Llama3 and Mistral, perform best in Mandarin and Western languages, then Japanese and Korean, and worst in Chinese minority languages. To test if the performance variance is a factor of data availability we use number of speakers and GDP as proxies Eberhard et al. (2024). We find that model performance on different languages highly correlates with the number of speakers of the language (Figure 3), and the trend is almost indistinguishable between Chinese and international models. On average, the logarithm of number of language speakers highly correlates with NLL, at 0.8450.845-0.845- 0.845 for Chinese LLMs and 0.8830.883-0.883- 0.883 for international LLMs. Correlations with zero-shot MRC accuracy are 0.8370.8370.8370.837 for Chinese LLMs and 0.8840.8840.8840.884 for international LLMs.555The population for Standard Malay (zsm) is not provided in Eberhard et al. (2024), so we use the population for Malay (msa) instead. We find the NLL and zero-shot MRC accuracy performances of national languages from Asian countries neighboring China (Japan, Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thai, Myanmar, Laos) also highly correlate with the logarithm of national GDP (see Appendix Table 4 and Figure 5 for details).

4 Discussion and Conclusion

We evaluate the linguistic policy in China’s LLM development through three venues: AI policy, model experiments, as well as model technical reports. The PRC has implemented a more assimilationist language policy and shown clear intention to regulate generative AI training but has no obvious plans for either limiting or encouraging minority languages in LLMs. Our experiments and review of technical reports also verify the lack of consistent and explicit policy related to language AI, whether for or against linguistic diversity.


We identify three limitations in this work. First, due to data availability, we do not evaluate Chinese Han dialects. In addition to ethnic minority languages, China also has significant populations speaking 8–10 different Chinese Han dialects, such as Cantonese, Hokkien, or Shanghainese, in their day-to-day lives. The difficulty in evaluating Han dialects is that, except for Cantonese in Hong Kong, these dialects often do not have standardized writing forms. Additional data collection efforts are required in order to evaluate performance on these dialects. Second, we do not evaluate closed-source LLMs in this study. It is possible that closed-source LLMs’ development and capabilities differ from open-source ones. However, closed-source models do not give us the level of liberal access we needed for our experiments. Finally, while we access all models via HuggingFace, China has their own platform for releasing and accessing AI models called ModelScope666 (HuggingFace is blocked in China). In our work, we do not evaluate models on ModelScope but focus on the top-performing Chinese LLMs on HuggingFace.


Left blank for anonymous submission


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Sprache FLORES+ Language Code Cateogry
Mandarin (Simplified Characters) cmn_Hans Mandarin Chinese
Mandarin (Traditional Characters) cmn_Hant Mandarin Chinese
Korean kor_Hang Northeast Asian
Japanese jpn_Jpan Northeast Asian
Indonesian ind_Latn Southeast Asian
Lao lao_Laoo Southeast Asian
Burmese mya_Mymr Southeast Asian
Thai tha_Thai Southeast Asian
Vietnamese vie_Latn Southeast Asian
Standard Malay zsm_Latn Southeast Asian
Lhasa Tibetan bod_Tibt Chinese ethnic minorities
Jingpho kac_Latn Chinese ethnic minorities
Kazakh kaz_Cyrl Chinese ethnic minorities
Northern Uzbek uzn_Latn Chinese ethnic minorities
Englisch eng_Latn US/European
French fra_Latn US/European
Italian ita_Latn US/European
Spanish spa_Latn US/European
German deu_Latn US/European
Table 1: Overview of selected languages and their respective categories. Languages categorized as “Chinese ethnic minorities” indicate languages that are also spoken by some populations in China that the PRC determine as “minority ethnic group”.
Model Developer Launch Ownership Gründer Investoren
Qwen1.5 Alibaba Cloud 2023/04/07 Private Alibaba Group Alibaba Group
Yi 01-AI 2023/11/06 Private Kai-Fu Lee, Chairman of Sinovation Ventures Undisclosed. Reported to include Alibaba Cloud.
Deepseek Deepseek AI 2023/11/29 Private Eoghan Mulcahy, Ciaran O’Mara, Niall Mulcahy Hedge-Fund High-Flyer
InternLM2 Shanghai AI Laboratory 2024/01/17 Private Shanghai AI Laboratory Strategic Cooperation with main Universities in China.
XVERSE XVERSE Technology 2023/08/07 Private former Tencent vice President, Yao Xing Tencent, GGV Capital, 5Y Capital, Hillhouse Capital, Sequoia Capital, Temasek, and CPE.
Baichuan2 Baichuan Intelligent Technology 2023/08/31 Private former Sogou CEO, Wang Xiaochuan Undisclosed. Reported that major Chinese tech companies including Alibaba, Tencent, Xiaomi involved.
Table 2: Information about the developers of Chinese open-source multilingual language models.
Model Tokenization Vocabulary Size Pretrained Data Size (trillion tokens) Pretrained Data Source Pretrained Data Languages
Qwen1.5 tiktoken 777 around 152,000 3 Web pages, encyclopedia, books, codes, etc. Multilingual data, with a significant portion being in English and Chinese.
Yi SentencePiece (BPE) 64,000 3.1 Common Crawl 888 (80%), encyclopedia, books, papers, codes. English and Chinese
Deepseek tokenizers (BBPE) 999 around 100,000 2 Common Crawl English and Chinese
InternLM2 tiktoken around 92,000 - Common Crawl, papers, patents, and books. 86.46% of data are Chinese and English web pages
XVERSE BPE 100,534 2.6 - More than 40 languages including Chinese, English, Russian, and Spanish
Baichuan2 SentencePiece (BPE) 125,696 2.6 Web pages, books, research papers, codebases, etc. -
Table 3: Technical details according to technical reports and model cards of the models. Information not reported is shown as ‘-’.

Appendix A Experiment 1: Sample sentences from FLORES+ English dataset

On Monday, scientists from the Stanford University School of Medicine announced the invention of a new diagnostic tool that can sort cells by type: a tiny printable chip that can be manufactured using standard inkjet printers for possibly about one U.S. cent each.

“Panama Papers” is an umbrella term for roughly ten million documents from Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca, leaked to the press in spring 2016.

Appendix B Experiment 2 prompt

Below is the prompt format we use for experiment 2 with a question from the Belebele dataset. We construct the prompts following the original paper Bandarkar et al. (2023):

Given the following passage, query, and answer choices, output the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
With the change from the quarter to the half mile run, speed becomes of much less importance and endurance becomes an absolute necessity. Of course a first-class half-miler, a man who can beat two minutes, must be possessed of a fair amount of speed, but endurance must be cultivated at all hazards. Some cross country running during the winter, combined with gymnasium work for the upper part of the body, is the best preparation for the running season.
According to the passage, which of the following would be the most beneficial for a runner preparing for the upcoming season?
(A) Practicing cross country running in the summer
(B) Focusing on cultivating speed while training
(C) Beating a three minute time
(D) Utilizing the gym to work out the upper body

Appendix C Model and Dataset Information

C.1 Licensing

Both FLORES+ and Belebele dataset are licensed under CC-BY-SA-4.0. The pretrained models Yi-6B, XVERSE-7B, InternLM2-7B, and Mistral-7B-v0.3 are under Apache-2.0 license. Baichuan2-7B-Base is under Apache-2.0 and Community License for Baichuan2 Model. DeepSeek-LLM-7B is under MIT license and Deepseek License Agreement. Qwen1.5-7B are licensed “AS IS”. Llama3-8B is released under the Meta Llama 3 Community License Agreement.

C.2 Runtime

All experiments were run on an NVIDIA RTX A6000 GPU. On average, it took around 50 hours to evaluate one model on all languages in both experiments. In total, approximately 400 GPU hours were used.

Model Correlation with log(national GDP) Correlation with log(language speakers)
Experiment 1 Experiment 2 Experiment 1 Experiment 2
Qwen1.5 -0.940 0.872 -0.898 0.883
Yi -0.659 0.890 -0.830 0.855
XVERSE -0.916 0.942 -0.818 0.719
DeepSeek -0.887 0.927 -0.874 0.855
InternLM2 -0.843 0.915 -0.858 0.867
Baichuan2 -0.909 0.920 -0.792 0.841
AVG -0.859 0.911 -0.845 0.837
Llama 3 -0.921 0.871 -0.875 0.894
Mistral -0.908 0.882 -0.891 0.875
AVG -0.914 0.877 -0.883 0.884
Table 4: Correlations between performance metrics of experiment 1 and 2 with log(language speakers) for all 18 languages and log(national GDP) for Lao, Burmese, Thai, Malay, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Korean, and Japanese. Language performance as measured by both experiments metrics are highly correlate with data resources, as measured by number of speakers and GDP, where increased resources correlates with better performance.
Refer to caption
Figure 4: Tokenization by different models and languages. Fertility on the y-axis is defined as number of tokens divided by number of characters in a sentence. Therefore, the higher the number means a sentence is more fragmented by tokenizers. Overall, Lao (lao_Laoo), Burmese (mya_Mymr) and Tibetan (bod_Tibt) are the most fragmented languages. Baichuan2 and XVERSE produce more balanced tokenization result across languages.
Refer to caption
Figure 5: Looking at the languages spoken by China’s neighboring countries, performance metrics correlates with national GDP, and the trend of Chinese models and international models are highly similar.