WojoodNER 2024:
The Second Arabic Named Entity Recognition Shared Task

Mustafa Jarrarσ   Nagham Hamadσ  Mohammed Khaliliaσ   Bashar Talafhaλ
AbdelRahim Elmadanyλ
  Muhammad Abdul-Mageedλ,ξ  
σBirzeit University, Palestine
λThe University of British Columbia
{mjarrar,nhamad,mkhalilia}@birzeit.edu   {btalafha,a.elmadany,muhammad.mageed}@ubc.ca 

We present WojoodNER-2024202420242024, the second Arabic Named Entity Recognition (NER) Shared Task. In WojoodNER-2024202420242024, we focus on fine-grained Arabic NER. We provided participants with a new Arabic fine-grained NER dataset called WojoodFine𝐹𝑖𝑛𝑒Fineitalic_F italic_i italic_n italic_e , annotated with subtypes of entities. WojoodNER-2024202420242024 encompassed three subtasks: (i𝑖iitalic_i) Closed-Track Flat Fine-Grained NER, (ii𝑖𝑖iiitalic_i italic_i) Closed-Track Nested Fine-Grained NER, and (iii𝑖𝑖𝑖iiiitalic_i italic_i italic_i) an Open-Track NER for the Israeli War on Gaza. A total of 43434343 unique teams registered for this shared task. Five teams participated in the Flat Fine-Grained Subtask, among which two teams tackled the Nested Fine-Grained Subtask and one team participated in the Open-Track NER Subtask. The winning teams achieved F1subscript𝐹1F_{1}italic_F start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 1 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT scores of 91%percent9191\%91 % and 92%percent9292\%92 % in the Flat Fine-Grained and Nested Fine-Grained Subtasks, respectively. The sole team in the Open-Track Subtask achieved an F1subscript𝐹1F_{1}italic_F start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 1 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT score of 73.7%percent73.773.7\%73.7 %.

1 Introduction

NER plays a crucial role in various Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications, such as question-answering systems Shaheen and Ezzeldin (2014), knowledge graphs James (1991), and semantic search Guha et al. (2003), information extraction and retrieval (Jiang et al., 2016), word sense disambiguation Jarrar et al. (2023b); Al-Hajj and Jarrar (2021), machine translation (Jain et al., 2019; Khurana et al., 2022), automatic summarization (Summerscales et al., 2011; Khurana et al., 2022), interoperability Jarrar et al. (2011) and cybersecurity (Tikhomirov et al., 2020).

NER involves identifying mentions of named entities in unstructured text and categorizing them into predefined classes, such as PERS, ORG, GPE, LOC, EVENT, and DATE. Given the relative scarcity of resources for Arabic NLP, research in Arabic NER has predominantly concentrated on "flat" entities and has been limited to a few "coarse-grained" entity types, namely PERS, ORG, and LOC. To address this limitation, the WojoodNER shared task series was initiated Jarrar et al. (2023a). It aims to enrich Arabic NER research by introducing Wojood and WojoodFine𝐹𝑖𝑛𝑒Fineitalic_F italic_i italic_n italic_e  Liqreina et al. (2023), nested and fine-grained Arabic NER corpora.

Refer to caption
Figure 1: Visualization of the fine-grained entity types in WojoodFine𝐹𝑖𝑛𝑒Fineitalic_F italic_i italic_n italic_e

In WojoodNER-2024202420242024 we provide a new version of Wojood, called WojoodFine𝐹𝑖𝑛𝑒Fineitalic_F italic_i italic_n italic_e . WojoodFine𝐹𝑖𝑛𝑒Fineitalic_F italic_i italic_n italic_e enhances the original Wojood corpus by offering fine-grained entity types that are more granular than the data provided in WojoodNER-2023202320232023. For instance, GPE is now divided into seven subtypes: COUNTRY, STATE-OR-PROVINCE, TOWN, NEIGHBORHOOD, CAMP, GPE_ORG, and SPORT. LOC, ORG, and FAC are also divided into subtypes as shown in Figure 1. WojoodFine𝐹𝑖𝑛𝑒Fineitalic_F italic_i italic_n italic_e contains approximately 550550550550k tokens and annotated with 51515151 entity types and subtypes, covering 47474747k subtype entity mentions. It is worth mentioning that SinaTools supports Wojood and can be accessed via Application Programming Interface (API) Hammouda et al. (2024).

Teams were invited to experiment with various approaches, ranging from classical machine learning to advanced deep learning and transformer-based techniques, among others. The shared task generated a remarkably diverse array of submissions. A total of 43434343 teams registered to participate in the shared task. Among these, five teams successfully submitted their models for evaluation on the blind test set during the final evaluation phase.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 provides a brief overview of Arabic NER. We describe the three subtasks and the shared task restrictions in Section 3. Section 4 introduces shared task datasets and evaluation. We present the participating teams, submitted systems and shared task results in Section 5. We conclude in Section 6.

2 Literature Review

NER has been an area of active research for many years, witnessing notable progress recently. This section will cover the evolution from initial efforts in recognizing flat-named entities to the current focus on nested NER, with a particular emphasis on Arabic NER, including discussions on corpora, methodologies, and shared tasks.


The majority of Arabic NER corpora are designed for flat NER annotation. ANERCorp Benajiba et al. (2007), derived from news sources, contains approximately 150k150𝑘150k150 italic_k tokens and focuses on four specific entity types. CANERCorpus Salah and Zakaria (2018) targets Classical Arabic (CA) and includes a dataset of 258k258𝑘258k258 italic_k tokens annotated for 14141414 types of entities related to religious contexts. The ACE2005 Walker et al. (2005) corpus is multilingual and includes Arabic texts annotated with five distinct entity types. The Ontonotes5 Weischedel et al. (2013) dataset features around 300300300300k tokens annotated with 18181818 different entity types. However, these corpora are somewhat dated and primarily cover media and political domains, which may not accurately reflect contemporary Arabic usage, particularly as language models are sensitive to changes over time and across domains. Recently, Jarrar et al. (2022) introduced Wojood, the largest Arabic NER corpus to date, notable for supporting both flat and nested entity annotations. This corpus, essential for this shared task, includes about 550550550550k tokens and covers 21212121 unique entity types across Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) and two Arabic dialects (Palestinian Curras2 and Lebanese Baladi corpora Haff et al. (2022)). WojoodFine𝐹𝑖𝑛𝑒Fineitalic_F italic_i italic_n italic_e Liqreina et al. (2023), an extension of Wojood adds support for entity sub-types, with a total of 51515151 entities organized in two-level hierarchy. It is important to note that Wojood has been recently extended to include relationships Aljabari et al. (2024).


Research in Arabic NER employs a variety of approaches, ranging from rule-based systems Shaalan and Raza (2007); Jaber and Zaraket (2017) to machine learning techniques Settles (2004); Abdul-Hamid and Darwish (2010); Zirikly and Diab (2014); Dahan et al. (2015); Darwish et al. (2021). Recent studies have adopted deep learning strategies, utilizing character and word embeddings in conjunction with Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) Ali et al. (2018), and BiLSTM architectures paired with Conditional Random Field (CRF) layer El Bazi and Laachfoubi (2019); Khalifa and Shaalan (2019). Deep Neural Networks (DNN) are explored in Gridach (2018), alongside pretrained Language Models (LM) Jarrar et al. (2022); Liqreina et al. (2023). Wang et al. (2022) conducted a comprehensive review of various approaches to nested entity recognition, including rule-based, layered-based, region-based, hypergraph-based, and transition-based methods. Fei et al. (2020) introduced a multi-task learning framework for nested NER using a dispatched attention mechanism. Ouchi et al. (2020) developed a method for nested NER that calculates all region representations from the contextual encoding sequence and assigns a category label to each. Readers can also refer to the WojoodNER-2023202320232023 shared task for DNN techniques used for flat and nested ArabicNER Jarrar et al. (2023a).

Shared tasks.

While numerous shared tasks exist for NER across different languages and domains, such as MultiCoNER for multilingual complex NER Malmasi et al. (2022) the HIPE-2022202220222022 for NER and linking in multilingual historical documents Ehrmann et al. (2022), RuNNE-2022202220222022 for nested NER in Russian Artemova et al. (2022), and NLPCC2022 for entity extraction in the material science domain Cai et al. (2022). WojoodNER-2023202320232023 for flat and nested Arabic NER Jarrar et al. (2023a), upon which WojoodNER-2024202420242024 builds on to offer support for entity sub-types.

There are several related shared tasks for understanding Arabic MSA and dialects, such as the ArabicNLU for word-sense disambiguation Khalilia et al. (2024); Jarrar et al. (2023b), NADI for dialect identification Abdul-Mageed et al. (2023), AraFinNLP for Cross-dialect Intent detection Malaysha et al. (2024), among others.

3 Task Description

WojoodNER-2024202420242024 confronts the intricacies of Arabic NER with three distinct subtasks: Flat Fine-Grained NER, Nested Fine-Grained NER, and Open-Track NER. These subtasks provide an evaluation environment, allowing researchers to experiment with diverse approaches for identifying and classifying named entities, along with their subtypes, under controlled (closed) and flexible (open) settings.

Remark: the Wojood dataset used in WojoodNER-2023202320232023 Jarrar et al. (2023a) cannot be used in this Shared Task because the two datasets follow different annotation guidelines.

3.1 Closed-Track Flat Fine-Grained NER

In this subtask, we provide the WojoodFine𝐹𝑖𝑛𝑒Fineitalic_F italic_i italic_n italic_e Flat train (70%percent7070\%70 %) and development (10%percent1010\%10 %) datasets. The final evaluation of the submitted contributions from participants is conducted on the test set (20%percent2020\%20 %). The flat NER dataset follows the same split as the nested NER dataset. The key difference in flat NER is that each token is assigned a single tag, corresponding to the first high-level tag assigned in the nested NER dataset, and followed by a single tag in the second level (subtype). This subtask is a closed track, thus participants can only use the provided datasets to train their systems, with no external datasets permitted.

3.2 Closed-Track Nested Fine-Grained NER

This subtask is similar to Subtask 1. We provide the Wojood-Fine Nested train (70%percent7070\%70 %) and development (10%percent1010\%10 %) datasets, with the final evaluation conducted on the test set (20%percent2020\%20 %). This subtask is a closed track, which means participants can only use the provided datasets to train their systems.

3.3 Open-Track NER - Israeli War on Gaza

This subtask aims to enable participants to explore the benefits of NER in real-world scenarios. Participants can use external resources and are encouraged to experiment with generative models in various ways, such as fine-tuning, zero-shot learning, and in-context learning. The emphasis on generative models in this subtask is intended to help the Arabic NLP research community gain a better understanding of the capabilities and performance gaps of Large Language Models (LLMs) in information extraction, which is currently a less explored area.

We have curated NER dataset called WojoodGaza pertaining to the ongoing Israeli War on Gaza, based on the assumption that discourse about recent global events will involve mentions from different data distributions. For this subtask, we have collected data from five news domains related to the War, while keeping the identities of these domains confidential. Participants have been provided with a development dataset (10101010k tokens, 2222k from each of the five domains) and a testing dataset (50505050k tokens, 10101010k from each domain). Both datasets have been manually annotated with fine-grained named entities, following the same annotation guidelines as in Subtask 1 and Subtask 2, as outlined in Liqreina et al. (2023). This subtask is divided into two subtasks: 3A-flat and 3B-nested.

3.4 Restrictions

This section outlines the guidelines for participating in the WojoodNER-2024202420242024 Shared Task. These rules have been put in place to ensure fairness and transparency for all participants. They also aim to uphold the credibility of the task’s assessment process, which is further elaborated on the official shared task FAQ page.

External data.

For Subtask 1 and 2, participants are strictly forbidden from using external data from previously labeled datasets or employing taggers previously trained to predict named entities. The use of any resources with prior knowledge of NER is not permitted. On the contrary, Subtask 3 allows the use external resources.

Data format constraints.

Submissions for the task must be in a single file containing the model’s predictions in CoNLL format. This format includes multiple space-separated columns: the first column for tokens and the subsequent columns for tags. For both flat and nested NER, the tag columns follow a predefined order specified on the shared task webpage. The IOB2 scheme Sang and Veenstra (1999) is used for submissions, consistent with the Wojood dataset. Additionally, text segments are separated by a blank line.

4 Datasets and Evaluation Metrics

In this section, we will describe the dataset, evaluation metrics, and the submission procedure.


The WojoodNER-2024202420242024 shared task utilizes the WojoodFine𝐹𝑖𝑛𝑒Fineitalic_F italic_i italic_n italic_e corpus as a dataset for Subtasks 1 and 2 Liqreina et al. (2023). For Subtask 3, a different dataset called WojoodGaza is utilized that is related to the War on Gaza. The WojoodFine𝐹𝑖𝑛𝑒Fineitalic_F italic_i italic_n italic_e corpus comprises approximately 550550550550k tokens, annotated with nest named entities, using 51515151 entity types. For the purposes of the shared task, we created a flat NER dataset based on the nest NER dataset. That is, the flat NER dataset is created by simplifying the nested NER and reducing subtypes to the top level only as illustrated in Figure 2 and 3. For both Subtask 1 and Subtask 2, we partitioned the data at the domain level into training, development, and test datasets with a split of 70707070:10101010:20202020, respectively.

Table 1 presents the details of the datasets used in Subtask 1 (FlatNER) and Subtask 2 (NestNER).

Refer to caption
Figure 2: Flat NER example.
Refer to caption
Figure 3: Nested NER example.

The dataset for Subtask 3 is called WojoodGaza. It includes 60606060k tokens that we collected and annotated specifically for this shared task. The corpus was collected from online news articles published at these outlets: Institute for Palestine Studies, World Health Organization, Palestinian Ministry of Health, Palestine Monetary Authority, Aljazeera, Palestine Economy Portal, Wafa, BNews, AlAraby, Law for Palestine, United Nations, CNN Business, Al Arabiya, Sky News, CNBC Arabia, RT Arabic, Euro News, BBC Arabic.

The articles that were collected from the period of January-March 2024202420242024, covering one of these five domains (politics, law, economy, finance, health) and were directly related to the War on Gaza. For each domain, we collected about 12121212k tokens. Participants are provided with the development dataset (10101010k tokens, 2222k from each of the five domains), and a testing dataset (50505050k tokens, 10101010k from each domain). Domain names are not provided to the participants. WojoodGaza was annotated following the same guidelines as WojoodFine𝐹𝑖𝑛𝑒Fineitalic_F italic_i italic_n italic_e Liqreina et al. (2023).

Entity Name NER Tag FlatNER NestedNER
Cardinal CARDINAL 1291 170 341 1802 1312 170 342 1824
Organization ORG 10590 1488 3006 15084 13143 1863 3741 18747
Regierung GOV 5689 848 1673 8210 5764 860 1695 8319
Date DATE 10705 1592 3028 15325 11346 1691 3206 16243
Sprache LANGUAGE 139 16 43 198 140 16 43 199
Group of people NORP 3586 508 1008 5102 3952 551 1094 5597
Person PERS 4519 611 1408 6538 5044 677 1565 7286
Occupation OCC 3717 514 1090 5321 3822 532 1124 5478
GeoPolitical Entity GPE 8052 1116 2395 11563 16113 2310 4676 23099
Land COUNTRY 2911 436 834 4181 5744 835 1622 8201
Event EVENT 1850 282 549 2681 1929 292 569 2790
Facility FAC 560 86 179 825 777 116 227 1120
Building or ground BUILDING-OR-GROUNDS 646 92 193 931 706 102 204 1012
Town TOWN 4970 690 1460 7120 8374 1216 2431 12021
Loction LOC 747 108 234 1089 985 141 317 1443
Continent CONTINENT 65 10 23 98 133 23 57 213
Money MONEY 172 22 33 227 172 22 33 227
Currency CURR 15 2 8 25 176 24 41 241
Ordinal ORDINAL 2739 445 889 4073 3444 544 1083 5071
Educational EDU 440 49 134 623 821 109 229 1159
Zeit TIME 309 33 84 426 311 33 84 428
Sports SPO 11 2 8 21 11 2 8 21
Sport SPORT 5 2 0 7 5 2 1 8
Land Region Natural LAND-REGION-NATURAL 158 22 52 232 179 26 59 264
Cluster CLUSTER 138 18 55 211 222 28 78 328
Quantity QUANTITY 43 3 9 55 46 3 9 58
Unit UNIT 6 1 2 9 46 4 11 61
State-or-Province STATE-OR-PROVINCE 1146 159 372 1677 1292 179 421 1892
Non-Governmental NONGOV 4030 566 1143 5739 4071 573 1158 5802
Neighborhood NEIGHBORHOOD 78 5 29 112 87 5 30 122
Water-Body WATER-BODY 76 14 18 108 88 14 21 123
Percent PERCENT 92 12 33 137 92 12 33 137
Camp CAMP 595 69 167 831 605 71 168 844
Path PATH 52 6 18 76 52 6 18 76
Media MED 2886 419 807 4112 2886 419 807 4112
Region-General REGION-GENERAL 275 37 67 379 278 37 69 384
GPE_ORG GPE_ORG 1000 161 316 1477 1036 167 325 1528
Website WEBSITE 412 80 116 608 412 80 116 608
Commercial COM 458 39 111 608 459 40 111 610
Celectial CELESTIAL 2 0 2 4 2 0 2 4
Subarea - Facility SUBAREA-FACILITY 91 16 23 130 96 16 23 135
Medical-Science SCI 102 12 29 143 104 13 30 147
Religious REL 61 10 24 95 61 10 25 96
ORG_FAC ORG_FAC 87 7 19 113 87 7 19 113
Region-International REGION-INTERNATIONAL 67 12 29 108 70 12 29 111
Entertainment ENT 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3
Boundary BOUNDARY 15 4 3 22 15 4 3 22
Plant PLANT 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1
Law LAW 368 47 90 505 368 47 90 505
Produkt PRODUCT 61 8 17 86 62 8 19 89
Airport AIRPORT 5 0 1 6 5 0 1 6
Total 76034 10850 22173 109057 96947 13913 28068 138928
Table 1: Distribution of NER tags in WojoodNER-2024 Subtask1 (i.e., FlatNER) and Subtask2 (i.e., NestedNER) across the training (i.e., TRAIN) , development (i.e., DEV), and test (i.e., TEST) splits for the WojoodNER-2024.

Evaluation metrics.

The official and primary evaluation metric for Subtask 1, Subtask 2, and Subtask 3 is the micro-averaged F1subscript𝐹1F_{1}italic_F start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 1 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT score. In addition to this metric, we also report system performance in terms of Precision, Recall, and Accuracy.

Submission rules.

Participating teams were allowed to submit up to four runs for each test set across the three subtasks. For each team’s submissions, we retained only the highest score per task. Although the official results were derived exclusively from the blind test set, we streamlined the evaluation process by establishing four separate CodaLab competitions, one for each subtask111The different CodaLab competitions are available at the following links: Subtask 1, Subtask 2 and Subtask 3A, Subtask 3B. . We are keeping the CodaLab for each subtask active even after the official competition has concluded. This is aimed at facilitating researchers who wish to continue training models and evaluating systems with the shared task’s blind test sets. As a result, we will not disclose the ground truth labels for the test sets for any of the subtasks.

5 Shared Task Teams & Results

5.1 Participating Teams

Overall, we received 43434343 unique team registrations, 26262626 of them registered in the CodaLab, and only seven teams have submitted their results. These seven teams have submitted 263263263263 valid entries during the testing phase. Specifically, 76767676 submissions for FlatNER were received from six teams, 168168168168 submissions for NestedNER came from four teams, eight submissions for Gaza-Flat from one team, and 11111111 submissions for Gaza-Nested from 1111 team. Table 2 provides details about the teams, their affiliations, and their tasks (1– FlatNER, 2– NestedNER, 3A– Gaza-Flat, and 3B– Gaza-Nested). Out of the seven teams, we received six description papers, which are all accepted for publication.

Team Affiliation(s) Task
Addax Issam AIT YAHIA (2024) Um6p College Of Computing, Morocco 1
Bangor University Alshammari and Teahan (2024) Bangor University, UK 1
DRU Hamoud et al. (2024); Hamdan et al. (2024) Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, Qatar 1,2,3
mucAI Abdou and Mohsen (2024)
Technical University of Munich, Germany
Helwan University of Cairo, Egypt
muNERa Alotaibi et al. (2024)
King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST),
Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority (SDAIA),
and King Salman Global Academy for Arabic Language (KSGAAL), Saudi Arabia
Table 2: List of teams that participated in the WojoodNER-2024202420242024 subtasks.

5.2 Baselines

For Subtask 1 and Subtask 2, we fine-tuned the AraBERTv2 Antoun et al. (2020) pre-trained model using subtask-specific training data for 20 epochs, with a learning rate of 1e51superscript𝑒51e^{-5}1 italic_e start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT - 5 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT and a batch size of 8888. To ensure optimal model performance, we incorporated early stopping with a patience setting of 5555. After each epoch, we evaluated the model’s performance and selected the best-performing checkpoints based on their performance on the respective development sets. We then present the performance metrics of the best-performing model on the test datasets.

5.3 Results

Table 3, Table 4, and Table 5 presents the leaderboards for Subtask 1–FlatNER, Subtask 2–NestedNER, and Subtask 3A–Gaza respectively, organized in descending order based on the micro-F1subscript𝐹1F_{1}italic_F start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 1 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT scores. The micro-F1subscript𝐹1F_{1}italic_F start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 1 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT score listed for each team reflects their highest score out of the four allowed submissions for each task.

Rank Team F1subscript𝐹1F_{1}italic_F start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 1 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT Pre. Rec.
1 mucAI 91919191 91919191 90909090
2 muNERa 90909090 91919191 89898989
2 Addax 90909090 89898989 91919191
\cdashline1-5 Baseline-I (ARBERTv2 ) 89898989 89898989 90909090
\cdashline1-5 3 DRU - Arab Center 87878787 86868686 86868686
4 Bangor 86868686 88888888 85858585
Table 3: Results of Subtask 1–FlatNER.

For FlatNER, the mucAI team Abdou and Mohsen (2024) achieved the highest F1subscript𝐹1F_{1}italic_F start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 1 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT score of 91919191, with muNERa Alotaibi et al. (2024) and Addax Issam AIT YAHIA (2024) securing second place with 90909090, DRU taking third place with 87878787, and Bangor taking fourth place with 86868686. Notably, three teams outperformed our baseline, as shown in Table 3. The winning team mucAIAbdou and Mohsen (2024) surpassed the baseline by 2222%. The performance gap between our baseline and the lowest-performing model is approximately 3333%. Furthermore, the difference in F1subscript𝐹1F_{1}italic_F start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 1 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT scores among the teams is minimal, with a standard deviation of σ=1.94𝜎1.94\sigma=1.94italic_σ = 1.94.

Rank Team F1 Pre. Rec.
Baseline-I (ARBERTv2 ) 92929292 92929292 93939393
\cdashline1-5 2 muNERa 91919191 92929292 90909090
3 DRU - Arab Center 90909090 90909090 90909090
Table 4: Results of Subtask 2 – NestedNER.

For NestedNER, none of the teams outperformed the baseline. The muNERa team Alotaibi et al. (2024) achieved the highest F1subscript𝐹1F_{1}italic_F start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 1 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT score of 91919191, but still 1111% below the baseline, followed by DRU team Hamoud et al. (2024) with a score of 90909090.

Rank Team F1subscript𝐹1F_{1}italic_F start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 1 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT Pre. Rec.
1 DRU - Arab Center 73.773.773.773.7 71.971.971.971.9 75.675.675.675.6
Table 5: Results of Subtask 3 – Gaza-FlatNER.

For the open-track Gaza-FlatNER, only DRU team Hamoud et al. (2024) reported their results with a recall of 75.975.975.975.9 and F1subscript𝐹1F_{1}italic_F start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 1 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT score of 73.573.573.573.5.

5.4 General Description of Submitted Systems

For Subtask 1 and Subtask 2, all models submitted to the shared task employed the transfer learning approach, utilizing pre-trained models trained on diverse data sources. For Subtask 3, LLMs with in-context learning techniques were utilized.

Addax Issam AIT YAHIA (2024) proposed a combined tagging approach that merges the main entity type and its subtypes into a single category (e.g., "B-GPE+B-COUNTRY" for "Palestine"). This method follows the IOB2 scheme for entity boundaries and simplifies training by focusing on a single combined tag per entity, integrating both main and subtype information. The model architecture utilizes a two-channel parallel hybrid neural network with an attention mechanism. It employs BERT-based model (AraBERTv0.2-Twitter) embeddings for contextualized word representations and consists of two distinct channels: one using Conv1D layers for local feature extraction and another with Bi-GRU layers to capture long-range dependencies. Additionally, an attention layer focusing on the most relevant input features has been added in each channel.

Bangor Alshammari and Teahan (2024) added a linear layer on top of a BERT-based model (bert-base-arabic-camelbert-mix) to classify each token into one of 51515151 different entity types and subtypes, as well as the "O" label for non-entity tokens. This linear layer maps the contextualized embeddings produced by BERT to the desired output labels.

muNERa Alotaibi et al. (2024) team adapted Wojood dataset to fit the input requirements of the Translation between Augmented Natural Languages (TANL) framework Paolini et al. (2021). The preprocessing steps included extracting hierarchical tags (parent, subtype, sub-subtype) and their spans using the IOB2 scheme. Each token and its corresponding labels were reformatted to align with the TANL framework’s specifications. TANL was used for Subtask 1 and Subtask 2. In this framework, both input and output are structured in augmented natural languages and enclosed in square brackets (e.g., [ token | entity type ]). For nested entities, TANL can represent entity hierarchies, such as [ token [ token | entity type1 ] | entity type2 ]. They utilized two distinct TANL models for handling flat and nested entities. A decoder-encoder model (AraT5v2) is used as base for the TANL model. Additionally, they used a FastText (FT) classifier as a secondary tagger, first using TANL to detect spans and assign level-1 (parent) tags, and then applying the FT classifier to tag the detected spans with level-2 and level-3 tags. The best-performing TANL architecture was achieved without using FT.

mucAI Abdou and Mohsen (2024) team proposed a two-step methodology: joint vanilla fine-tuning followed by k𝑘kitalic_k-Neared Neighbor (KNN) at inference time. BERT (AraBERTv02) is used as the backbone for generating word embeddings. These embeddings are then fed into two multi-layer perceptrons (MLP) that are trained jointly. The first head predicts one of the predefined 21212121 main entity tags. The second head predicts one of the predefined 31313131 sub-entities. A “Datastore” is constructed as a database that has a contextualized representation for each token alongside the label in each sentence in the training set. The "Datastore" was queried during inference to retrieve the k𝑘kitalic_k nearest neighbors based on a similarity score, derive the distribution of labels from these neighbors, and then interpolate this distribution with the main MLP model’s distribution using an interpolation factor to obtain the final label probabilities.

DRU-Arab Center Hamoud et al. (2024) proposed three strategies to deal with the Flat and Nested subtasks. (1111) A single-layer approach, where they fine-tuned different BERT-based models to predict all types and subtypes in one shot, using a 103103103103-length one-hot encoded vector for each type and subtype, including the "O" tag. They experimented with GEMMA Team et al. (2024), and AraBERTv2 Antoun et al. (2020), and fine-tuned BLOOMZ-7b-mt on a high-quality Arabic dataset Muennighoff et al. (2023). (2222) Another attempt was the One×1 classifier method, which separated type and subtype classification by dedicating a model for each, training one instance of (AraBERTv2) exclusively for predicting main types and another instance for predicting sub-types. (3333) In the One×4 Classifier Method, instead of only one model for subtypes, they trained four instances, each specialized in the sub-types of a specific group: GPE, ORG, FAC, LOC, as the other main types have no subtypes. Among these strategies, the One×1 approach achieved the highest performance on both Subtask 1 and Subtask 2.

For the open track Subtask 3, Hamdan et al. (2024), DRU-Arab Center utilized LLMs (Cohere’s Command R model Command R Team ) and in-context learning to solve this task. In the prompt design, they wrote a detailed system prompt that outlines the steps for tagging tokens according to the WojoodFine𝐹𝑖𝑛𝑒Fineitalic_F italic_i italic_n italic_e annotation guidelines. The prompt instructs the LLM to perform NER for Arabic text by predicting up to three levels of tags—high-level tags, subtypes, and specific subtypes for certain entities—while simplifying the task to two tag levels for practical purposes, and outputting predictions in CSV format; illustrative examples are provided to guide the model, and specific instructions ensure the correct application of the IOB2 schema and handle complex subtypes during post-processing. Command R’s output quality issues included producing extra or missing tokens. To solve that, they post-processed the generated output to match the expected format by assigning the tag "O" to ground truth tokens without corresponding predicted tokens or hallucinated tags, and by converting the remaining format issues to the expected output.

6 Conclusion

In this paper, we present the outcomes of the second edition of WojoodNER shared task. The results from the participating teams highlight the ongoing difficulties in NER, yet it is encouraging to see that various innovative approaches, particularly those leveraging the power of language models, have proven effective in tackling this complex task. As we progress, we are dedicated to advancing research in this field. Our vision includes continuous efforts to improve Arabic NER, drawing on the valuable insights from WojoodNER-2024202420242024 and exploring new solutions. Additionally, we plan to expand the WojoodFine𝐹𝑖𝑛𝑒Fineitalic_F italic_i italic_n italic_e corpus to encompass more dialects.


Similar to WojoodNER-2023, WojoodNER-2024 aimed for the broadest possible coverage, primarily focusing on MSA data. This dataset used this year, WojoodFine𝐹𝑖𝑛𝑒Fineitalic_F italic_i italic_n italic_e , includes limited data from dialects. It only includes text from Palestinian and Lebanese Arabic. We plan to include the other dialects, especially the Syrian Nabra dialects Nayouf et al. (2023) as well as the four dialects in the Lisan Jarrar et al. (2023c) corpus. Additionally, the WojoodGaza dataset used in Subtask 3 covers only the initial phase of the Israeli War on Gaza, excluding the subsequent genocidal and starvation events.

Ethics Statement

The datasets provided for this shared task are derived from public sources, eliminating specific privacy concerns. The results of the shared task will be made publicly available to enable the research community to build upon them for the public good and peaceful purposes. Our datasets and research are strictly intended for non-malicious, peaceful, and non-military purposes.


This research is partially funded by the Palestinian Higher Council for Innovation and Excellence and by the research committee at Birzeit University.

Muhammad Abdul-Mageed acknowledges support from Canada Research Chairs (CRC), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC; RGPIN-2018-04267), the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC; 435-2018-0576; 895-2020-1004; 895-2021-1008), Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI; 37771), Digital Research Alliance of Canada,222https://alliancecan.ca and UBC ARC-Sockeye.

We extend our gratitude to Taymaa Hammouda for the technical support and to the students who helped and supported us during the annotation process, especially Haneen Liqreina, Lina Duaibes, Shimaa Hamayel, Rwaa Assi, Hiba Zayed, and Sana Ghanim.


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