By My Eyes: Grounding Multimodal Large Language Models
with Sensor Data via Visual Prompting

Hyungjun Yoon KAIST Biniyam Aschalew Tolera KAIST
Taesik Gong
Nokia Bell Labs
Kimin Lee KAIST Sung-Ju Lee KAIST

Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated exceptional abilities across various domains. However, utilizing LLMs for ubiquitous sensing applications remains challenging as existing text-prompt methods show significant performance degradation when handling long sensor data sequences. We propose a visual prompting approach for sensor data using multimodal LLMs (MLLMs). We design a visual prompt that directs MLLMs to utilize visualized sensor data alongside the target sensory task descriptions. Additionally, we introduce a visualization generator that automates the creation of optimal visualizations tailored to a given sensory task, eliminating the need for prior task-specific knowledge. We evaluated our approach on nine sensory tasks involving four sensing modalities, achieving an average of 10% higher accuracy than text-based prompts and reducing token costs by 15.8×\times×. Our findings highlight the effectiveness and cost-efficiency of visual prompts with MLLMs for various sensory tasks.

By My Eyes: Grounding Multimodal Large Language Models
with Sensor Data via Visual Prompting

1 Introduction

Large language models (LLMs) have shown remarkable performance in tasks across diverse domains, including science, mathematics, medicine, and psychology Bubeck et al. (2023). The recent advent of multimodal LLMs (MLLMs), e.g., GPT-4o OpenAI (2024), has further expanded their capabilities to images and audio inputs, broadening their use in fields such as industry and medical imaging Yang et al. (2023). Meanwhile, sensor data, widely used in healthcare Ferguson et al. (2022) and environmental monitoring Hayat et al. (2019), hold potential for ubiquitous applications when effectively integrated with MLLMs. However, the diversity of sensors Wang et al. (2019) and the heterogeneity among them Stisen et al. (2015) hinder the implementation of a foundational model that generalizes across various sensing tasks. The expensive data collection Vijayan et al. (2021) often results in insufficient training data, further complicating the development of such capability.

Refer to caption
Figure 1: An example of solving a sensory task using an MLLM with visual prompts. The visualization generator generates an appropriate visualization for the given sensor data, and the visualized data is provided as an image to the MLLM for solving the task.

Recent studies explored leveraging pre-trained LLMs to solve general sensory tasks Yu et al. (2023); Liu et al. (2023); Kim et al. (2024). One approach extracts task-specific features from sensor data and composes them as prompts Yu et al. (2023). However, designing such prompts requires specific domain knowledge. Alternatively, incorporating raw sensor data as text prompts Kim et al. (2024); Liu et al. (2023) has been a widely used method to handle sensory data with LLMs as a more generalizable solution. Yet, we empirically found that providing raw sensor data with text prompts shows poor performance in real-world sensory tasks with long-sequence inputs and incurs high costs due to an extensive number of tokens.

To address these challenges, we propose providing visualized sensor data as images to MLLMs that support visual inputs. Leveraging MLLMs’ growing ability to interpret visual aids Yang et al. (2023), we explore their effectiveness in analyzing plots generated from sensor data. We designed a visual prompt comprising visualized sensor data and task-specific instructions to solve sensory tasks. In addition, we present a visualization generator that enables MLLMs to independently generate optimal visualizations using tools available in public libraries. This generator filters potential visualization methods based on the task description and assesses the resulting visualizations of each method to determine the best visualization. Figure 1 compares the existing text-only prompts with our method for sensory tasks.

Evaluations on nine sensory tasks involving four different modalities showed that visual prompts generated from the visualization generator significantly improved performance by an average of 10% while reducing token costs by 15.8×\times× compared with the existing baseline. Our findings highlight the effectiveness and efficiency of visualized sensor data with MLLMs in various applications.

We summarize our contributions as follows:

  • We propose to ground MLLMs with sensor data by providing visualized sensor data as images, achieving improved performance at reduced costs than the text-based baseline.

  • We present a visualization generator that automatically generates suitable visualizations for various sensory tasks using public libraries.

  • We conduct experiments on nine different sensory tasks across four modalities, demonstrating the broad applicability of our approach.

2 Related Work

LLMs with sensor data. Sensory tasks involve sequences of numbers indicating values over time. Initial research for handling sequential data focused on time-series forecasting Zhang et al. (2024b). Converting time-series data into text prompts for forecasting has been proposed in PromptCast Xue and Salim (2023) and LLMTime Gruver et al. (2024). Other studies Zhou et al. (2023); Jin et al. (2023a) used specialized encoders to create embeddings compatible with pre-trained LLMs.

Beyond forecasting, LLMs have been explored in healthcare for their ability to answer questions using physiological sensor data Liu et al. (2023). For example, LLMs have been used for ECG diagnosis Yu et al. (2023) by integrating ECG-specific features and retrieval-augmented knowledge from ECG databases. Penetrative AI Xu et al. (2024) and Health-LLM Kim et al. (2024) have used raw sensor data in text prompts to solve health problems without task-specific processing. Our study examines whether existing methods can generalize to broader sensing tasks with high-frequency, long-duration data. Building upon these works, we propose visualizing sensor data for MLLMs to improve their performance and cost efficiency.

Multimodal large language models (MLLMs). Advancements in MLLMs Zhang et al. (2024a) have equipped popular models such as ChatGPT OpenAI (2022) with vision capabilities OpenAI (2024). Recent studies explored the in-context learning Brown et al. (2020) abilities of MLLMs, showing that they can understand images with the interleaved text and few-shot examples Tsimpoukelli et al. (2021); Alayrac et al. (2022). This capability has been applied in medical diagnostics, including analyzing radiology and brain images with accompanying text instructions Wu et al. (2023). Our work explores using MLLMs to analyze visualized sensor data for broader applications.

Using tools with LLMs. Recent research has shown that augmenting LLMs with external tools can extend their capabilities. Toolformer Schick et al. (2024) enables LLMs to access public APIs and search engines, while Visual Programming Gupta and Kembhavi (2023) uses LLMs to generate and execute codes. HuggingGPT Shen et al. (2024) and Chameleon Lu et al. (2024) integrated multiple expert models to enhance functionalities. Our work builds upon these works by enabling MLLMs to utilize sensor data visualization tools. Moreover, we propose a design that not only uses tools but also allows MLLMs to assess their effectiveness, ensuring optimal visualization for specific tasks.

3 Limitations of Representing Sensor Data as Text-based Prompts

Existing approaches for grounding language models with sensor data primarily rely on text-based prompts Liu et al. (2023); Jin et al. (2023b); Zhang et al. (2024b); Yu et al. (2023). One approach uses prompts with specialized features extracted from sensor data for specific tasks, such as R-R intervals for ECG-based applications Yu et al. (2023). While this approach effectively handles known sensory tasks, feature-based prompts often require domain knowledge, which is not generalizable for non-expert users. Instead, a more common approach Kim et al. (2024); Xu et al. (2024); Liu et al. (2023) incorporates raw sensor data sequences directly into prompts without data processing. However, most studies focus on short sequences (e.g., fewer than 100 elements) Kim et al. (2024) and simple tasks (e.g., binary classification) Liu et al. (2023).

Real-world sensor data often entail long numeric sequences with high sampling rates and long durations. For example, arrhythmia detection Wagner et al. (2020) requires ECG data sampled at 100Hz over 10 seconds, resulting in 1,000 elements. This section investigates the limitations of using text-based prompts to represent such complicated sensor data in language models. We focus on the capability to interpret sensor data and the token consumption costs associated with long numeric sequences.

Language models struggle to interpret long numeric text sequences. Language models interpret simple numeric sequences by performing arithmetic operations Achiam et al. (2023) and understanding sequential data Gruver et al. (2024); Mirchandani et al. (2023). However, we empirically revealed that their performance declines significantly with longer sequences inside the prompt, such as those exceeding 100 numbers, common in sensor data.

We conducted experiments with two specific tasks: mean prediction to evaluate arithmetic capabilities Pirttikangas et al. (2006) and wave classification to assess pattern recognition Liu et al. (2016) in sequences. The defined tasks represented the basic functionalities for sensor data interpretation, serving as typical feature extraction methods. Using randomly generated sine and sawtooth waves with varying lengths, we asked a language model, GPT-4o OpenAI (2024), to calculate mean values and classify wave types using one-shot examples for each task. Each task was repeated 30 times to ensure robustness.

Figure 2 shows the results. In arithmetic operations, error rates consistently increased with the length. In pattern recognition, performance declines significantly for sequences longer than 100 elements, approaching the performance of a random classifier at 500 elements. While recent models such as GPT-4o, with its 128K context window, support long input lengths, our results indicate that interpreting sensor data with long numeric sequences still remains challenging.

Refer to caption
Figure 2: Performance of GPT-4o on arithmetic operation (mean prediction) and pattern recognition (sine and sawtooth wave classification) tasks for varying lengths.
Refer to caption
Figure 3: Overview of our visual prompt. Sensor data are transformed into annotated images with labels and visualization methods. Additionally, instructions are provided to the MLLM, detailing the task and relevant data descriptions. These instructions guide the MLLM on effectively utilizing the provided images to solve the task.

Sensor data in text is costly. The computational and financial burdens for API users of language models scale with the number of tokens in the prompt. Representing sensor data in textual format leads to extensive token usage, thereby increasing costs. For instance, performing passive sensing to track activities with smartphone accelerometers Stisen et al. (2015) uses sensor data sampled at 100 Hz. Collecting this data over a minute results in a prompt of 18K numbers, translating to 90K tokens. This leads to a huge cost of $450 per hour when using GPT-4o API to classify six activities with one example for each. Higher sampling rates or longer durations further increase the costs, making such applications infeasible.

Transition to visual prompts. Language models such as ChatGPT (GPT-4o OpenAI (2024)) and Gemini DeepMind (2024) have expanded capabilities to include multimodal inputs (e.g., vision and audio). Recent Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) demonstrate an increasing ability to identify patterns and interpret visual data Achiam et al. (2023). This opens new opportunities for sensory tasks, as sensor data are often visualized for analysis. Visualizations make complex data more interpretable and condense long data sequences into a single image, significantly reducing token costs. Building on this capability, we exploit visualized sensor data instead of text-based prompts.

4 Method

We introduce our method for handling sensory tasks by providing sensor data as image inputs to MLLMs. Section 4.1 overviews our prompt design strategy. Section 4.2 introduces our visualization generator, which automatically generates suitable visualizations for heterogeneous sensor data.

4.1 Visual Prompt Design

To leverage MLLMs for sensory tasks, we propose a visual prompt, as illustrated in Figure 3. The key idea is to transform numeric sequences of sensor data into visual plots using various methods, such as raw waveforms and spectrograms. Detailed information about these visualization methods is in Section 4.2. For few-shot examples, each plot includes a label as a title above it (i.e., {{Label of example X}}). For unlabeled target data used in queries, the title is simply stated as “target data”. We provide textual instructions to clarify the data collection process and the task’s objectives. These instructions ensure that MLLMs can effectively interpret and utilize the visualized sensor data.

Refer to caption
Figure 4: Overview of our visualization generator. First, visualization tool filtering generates a filtered list of visualization tools from public libraries based on the task and data descriptions. Next, visualization selection generates and selects the most effective visualization by asking MLLMs to observe visualized sensor data prepared for the task using all the filtered visualization methods.

4.2 Visualization Generator

In our proposed visual prompt, the choice of visualization method is crucial, as it significantly influences the MLLM’s ability to comprehend the sensor data. For example, raw waveform plots are ideal for tasks involving amplitude pattern recognition over time, while spectrograms Ito et al. (2018) are suitable for tasks relying on frequency features. We introduce a visualization generator that automatically chooses the most suitable visualization tool from available public libraries, enabling non-expert users to effectively utilize visual prompts. This generator operates in two main phases: (i) visualization tool filtering and (ii) visualization selection (see Figure 4).

Visualization tool filtering. Public libraries offer a vast array of sensor data visualizations. However, trying each out to identify the optimal visualization is computationally expensive. To minimize the cost, we employ a filtering approach. By providing available visualization tools, descriptions of the task, and data collection, we ask MLLMs to select a list of visualization methods useful for the target task.

As shown in Figure 4 (green box), we provide a full list of available visualization methods found in public libraries (e.g., Matplotlib Hunter (2007), Scipy Virtanen et al. (2020), and Neurokit2 Makowski et al. (2021)) along with task and data collection descriptions to MLLMs. We also leverage the in-context learning ability of MLLMs to enhance response quality by providing demonstrations of optimal visualizations chosen for different tasks. The MLLM is instructed to output a list in JSON format, which is suitable for automated parsing at a later stage. Appendix C shows the full list of available visualization tools and demonstrations.

Visualization selection Sensor data exhibit variations by instance due to user-specific behaviors, environmental factors, or device settings Stisen et al. (2015), which cannot be fully captured in task and data descriptions. This variability limits the reliability of selecting visualizations based solely on the descriptions. To address this, we visualize the sensor data using all filtered visualization tools and ask the MLLM to select the one that provides the best visual information for the task.

The blue box in Figure 4 illustrates this procedure. First, different visualizations are generated using the filtered tools. With the images, we instruct the MLLM to select the best visualization by providing a textual prompt, including the visualization methods, task, and data details. We found that MLLM often makes incorrect decisions by prioritizing the task description over the visual aids. To prioritize visual efficacy, we explicitly instruct the MLLM to avoid relying on prior knowledge about sensor data and focus on the provided images. Finally, our automated framework conveys the selected visualization to the visual prompt for task solving.

5 Experiments

We evaluate the applicability of our approach with MLLMs by conducting experiments on a range of sensory tasks.

Table 1: Comparison of the text prompts and visual prompts for solving sensory tasks using GPT-4o. The highest accuracy values are highlighted in bold. The visual prompts (multi-shot) utilize the maximum number of examples by matching the token size of the 1-shot text prompts.
  Accelerometer ECG EMG Resp
Task-specific model 0.95 0.95 0.99 0.88 0.86 0.90 0.90 0.64 0.69 0.86
Text-only prompt 0.66 0.10 0.51 0.73 0.62 0.47 0.53 0.27 0.48 0.49
Visual prompt (ours) 0.67 0.43 0.73 0.80 0.68 0.55 0.57 0.30 0.61 0.59
Number of tokens
Text-only prompt 52910 50439 16586 3204 2766 2757 3596 88655 60253 31244
Visual prompt (ours) 2020 (26.2×\times×\downarrow) 5963 (8.5×\times×\downarrow) 1768 (9.4×\times×\downarrow) 943 (3.4×\times×\downarrow) 943 (2.9×\times×\downarrow) 943 (2.9×\times×\downarrow) 946 (3.8×\times×\downarrow) 3073 (28.9×\times×\downarrow) 1211 (49.8×\times×\downarrow) 1979 (15.8×\times×\downarrow)

5.1 Setups

We assume a practical scenario where non-expert users attempt to solve sensory tasks using MLLMs (1) without prior knowledge of relevant features and (2) without external resources to fine-tune the MLLM. Given the constraints, we leveraged the few-shot prompting Brown et al. (2020) approach. For the main evaluation, we used 1-shot examples where users provide the MLLM with minimal examples to guide task-solving.

Sensory tasks We established nine different sensory tasks across four sensor modalities: accelerometer, electrocardiography (ECG) sensor, electromyography (EMG) sensor, and respiration sensor. We used three datasets for tasks using accelerometers: HHAR Stisen et al. (2015) for basic human activity recognition (running and walking), UTD-MHAD Chen et al. (2015) for complex activity recognition with fine-grained arm motions, and a swimming style recognition dataset Brunner et al. (2019). We use the PTB-XL Wagner et al. (2020) dataset for the arrhythmia diagnosis tasks that use ECG. The dataset includes detection tasks for four different types of arrhythmia symptoms. For EMG data, we used a dataset Ozdemir et al. (2022) for hand gesture recognition. Finally, we used a stress detection task using respiration sensors provided by the WESAD Schmidt et al. (2018) dataset. Details on each task, including the classes, sampling rates, windowing durations, and specific configurations, are in Appendix D.

Data processing. We normalized data using the mean and standard deviation values calculated for each user. Test splits were created by randomly sampling 30 samples per class. For the UTD-MHAD dataset, we sampled 10 samples per class due to the limited sample availability. Examples of few-shot prompting were randomly sampled, ensuring no overlap with the test set. Each task employed the window sizes and sampling rates specified in the original dataset descriptions (see Appendix D).

Baselines. We set text-only prompts for conveying sensor data to MLLMs as the main baseline to be compared with our visual prompts. Text-only prompts represented sensor data as numbers within the prompt. We designed text-only prompts by following the latest prompting studies incorporating sensor data into LLMs for healthcare Liu et al. (2023). Additionally, to establish an upper bound for task-specific performance, we included a fully-supervised baseline using neural networks trained on 75% of the entire data after excluding the test and validation sets. We adopted architectures widely accepted for each type of sensor data: 1D CNNs for activity recognition with accelerometers Chen et al. (2021) and EMG data Xiong et al. (2021), as well as for WESAD Vos et al. (2023), and XResNet-101 for PTB-XL Strodthoff et al. (2023).

Implementation. We used GPT-4o from the OpenAI API OpenAI (2024) as MLLM. The text-only prompts contained the same information as the generated visualization to ensure a fair comparison between text-only and visual prompts. For example, if the visualization generator outputs a plot with peak notations, the corresponding text-only prompt contains the same features, including the peak values with their indices. When the information could not fit within the token limit (128K), we used the raw waveform.

Metrics. We evaluated the experimental results based on accuracy. We also assess the number of tokens used by each prompt method. Tokens are counted using the o200k_base encoding used for GPT-4. To estimate the token cost for images in the same space as text, we follow the computation guidelines provided by OpenAI OpenAI (2024).

5.2 Results

Performance. Table 1 shows the overall performance of utilizing visual prompts for solving sensory tasks. For the same 1-shot prompting, visual prompts consistently showed enhanced accuracies than text-only prompts, achieving an average increase of 10%. Notably, the UTD-MHAD task exhibited a significant accuracy gain of up to 33%. See Appendix E for prompt examples with resulting visualizations.

In addition to achieving higher accuracy, visual prompts are more cost-effective. The number of tokens used for visual prompts in Table 1 shows a substantial reduction, averaging 15.8×\times× fewer than text-only prompts. MLLMs calculate token costs for images within the same token space as text but with distinct counting criteria. In our experiments, GPT-4o counts tokens for images based on the number of 512×512512512512\times 512512 × 512 pixel blocks (N𝑁Nitalic_N) covering the image input, calculated at 85+170×N85170𝑁85+170\times N85 + 170 × italic_N. Our visualized sensor data was represented within a single 512×512512512512\times 512512 × 512 pixel image, regardless of the sensor data length, significantly reducing costs. Note that the number of tokens from visual prompts is only affected by the number of examples, as all images are the same size. In contrast, text prompts are heavily influenced by high sampling rates and long durations.

To further understand the effectiveness of visual prompts with small tokens, we analyzed the information capacity at the same token cost. Considering a budget of 500 tokens, text-based prompts can include approximately 2,000 ASCII characters. In contrast, visual prompts can input two 512×512512512512\times 512512 × 512 px images. In terms of bytes, 2,000 ASCII characters amount to 2 KB, whereas two RGB images occupy 1.57 MB, which is 785×\times× larger. Although this calculation does not directly translate to the exact amount of useful information, it suggests that well-designed visual prompts can convey a wider range of information than text prompts within the same cost constraint.

Refer to caption
Figure 5: Accuracy of arrhythmia detection tasks using visual and text-only prompts with different shots.

Effect of number of shots. To investigate the impact of varying numbers of shots, we experimented using different numbers of examples (1-shot, 3-shot, and 5-shot) within the prompts. We used the ECG dataset, allowing multiple examples with text-only prompts due to its lower token consumption.

Figure 5 depicts the results. Prompting methods are color-coded (blue for visual and green for text-only), and different markers indicate the number of shots. We compared the accuracy and counted the tokens for each setting. We found that visual prompts constantly outperformed text-only prompts with the same number of examples, indicating the robustness of our method in different few-shot settings. Additionally, when comparing visual prompts and text-only prompts under the same token budget (5-shot visual prompt versus 1-shot text-only prompt), visual prompts often performed significantly better (MI and HYP detection). This highlights the advantage of token-efficient visual prompts that can utilize more resources for better performance under the same token constraint.

Unlike our expectations, additional examples did not always result in better performance. This result aligns with existing reports indicating that more examples do not always guarantee better results Perez et al. (2021); Lu et al. (2021). We further hypothesize that a longer context might hinder the MLLM’s ability to retrieve important information Liu et al. (2024). Our findings suggest that the impact of shots is data-dependent, and effectively utilizing more examples for consistent improvement remains an open question for further research.

Table 2: Performance of using different visualization methods for visual prompts. A fixed visualization defaulted as raw waveform plots and visualizations selected from the visualization generator are compared. The highest values (or within 0.01) are noted in bold.
  Visualization Method
Sensor Dataset Raw waveform Visualization Generator
  Accel. HHAR 0.70 0.67
UTD-MHAD 0.41 0.43
Swim 0.74 0.73
ECG PTB-XL (CD) 0.60 0.80
PTB-XL (MI) 0.58 0.68
PTB-XL (HYP) 0.53 0.55
PTB-XL (STTC) 0.53 0.57
EMG Gesture 0.30 0.30
Resp. WESAD 0.62 0.61
       Average 0.56 0.59

Effect of visualization generator. We conducted an ablation study to assess the impact of the visualization generator. We compared the visualization generator to a fixed visualization method that defaults to raw waveform plots. Table 2 summarizes the performance comparison and Figure 6 depicts the visualization methods selected by the generator for different tasks.

The selected visualization methods varied depending on the sensors. For tasks involving accelerometer data, the visualization generator mainly selected raw waveforms, occasionally spectrograms. As a result, the performance of the tasks was similar to that of the fixed raw waveform visualizations. On the other hand, when raw waveforms were used to visualize ECG data, results showed performance close to random predictions. Meanwhile, when visualizations are generated through the visualization generator, results showed significantly improved performance, achieving up to a 20% accuracy gain for PTB-XL (CD). This improvement was due to the selection of the specialized visualization method: the individual heartbeat plot with peak notations (Figure 7). These plots provided more insightful visual information for ECG analysis than raw waveforms. For EMG gesture recognition and WESAD tasks, the generator mainly selected muscle activation plots and raw waveforms, respectively, resulting in performance comparable to the fixed approach. Overall, our findings indicate that the visualization generator can lead to significant improvements when the default visualization shows suboptimal performance.

Refer to caption
Figure 6: Proportion of selected visualization methods from the visualization generator across different tasks.

6 Conclusion

We addressed sensory tasks by providing visualized sensor data as images to MLLMs. We designed a visual prompt to instruct MLLMs in using visualized sensor data, provided with textual descriptions of the task and data collection methods. Additionally, we introduced a visualization generator that automatically selects the best visualization method for each task using visualization tools available in public libraries. We conducted experiments across nine different sensory tasks and four sensor modalities, each with a distinct task. Our results suggest that the visual prompts generated by our visualization generator not only improve accuracy by an average of 10% over text-based prompts but also significantly reduce costs, requiring 15.8×\times× fewer tokens. This indicates that our approach with visual prompts and a visualization generator is a practical solution for general sensory tasks.

Refer to caption
Figure 7: Examples of ECG data visualizations. The visualization generator selected the individual heartbeats plot.


Our study demonstrates the effectiveness of visual prompts on nine different sensory tasks, primarily focusing on classification. While visual prompts effectively highlight patterns over images, for tasks requiring numerical retrieval or precise computations—where exact values are critical—text prompts can be more effective due to their inclusion of specific numeric data, which are omitted in visual representations. Notably, our approach integrates both images and texts in prompts, allowing the inclusion of numerical values in the text. Determining the optimal distribution of information between images and text to compose a prompt that effectively addresses sensory tasks presents a future direction for this work.

Visualizing sensor data as plots often presents challenges. For instance, brain wave analysis using high-density EEG involves up to 256 channels Fiedler et al. (2022), complicating their representation in a single visual plot. We denote different channels as distinct notations within a plot, making densely populated plots visually indecipherable. An alternative method of plotting distinct channels across separate subplots was explored but resulted in a significant drop in performance (see Appendix 4). We hypothesize that this limitation arises from the dispersion of information across various areas, highlighting that effective visualization of large-channel datasets remains challenging. This underscores the need for improved visualization techniques in such scenarios.

Our visual prompt design does not incorporate Chain-of-Thought (CoT) prompting Kojima et al. (2022). Experiments using zero-shot CoT on our datasets revealed inconsistent benefits (see Appendix A), unlike the widely known effect of CoT for enhancing performance. We suspect this may be due to the complexities of reasoning over sensory data. Given the observation, further research is needed to develop methods that effectively integrate reasoning and interpretation into the decision-making processes for sensor data analysis.

Lastly, the high costs of text-only prompts in sensory tasks constrained our testing to 30 samples per class. Expanding the scale as resources allow could provide a more robust analysis and potentially validate a broader spectrum of applications.


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Appendix A Effect of Zero-shot Chain-of-Thoughts

We experimented with zero-shot Chain-of-Thought (CoT) prompting Kojima et al. (2022) by adding "let’s think step-by-step" to our prompts, testing this on two accelerometers and two ECG datasets. Table 3 shows the findings. While CoT prompting is generally known to enhance LLM response quality, our results showed inconsistent performance by datasets. Notably, CoT consistently dropped performance for text-only prompts. We analyzed the results by observing the CoT responses, illustrated as examples in Figures 8 and Figure 9, showing wrong predictions with CoT from the HHAR dataset. We found that CoT reasoning in text-only prompts primarily focused on simple statistical comparisons, such as whether values were higher or lower. This simplistic approach proved inadequate for analyzing the complexities of sensor data, leading to suboptimal responses. Likewise, visual prompts indicated reasoning centered around terms like "variations," "periodic," and "stable," but they lacked the necessary depth to effectively assess more intricate features like frequency trends or signal shapes. This superficial reasoning suggests a significant gap in the CoT approach, underscoring the need for more task-specific reasoning prompts for sensory data analysis.

Appendix B Use of Subplots for Multi-channel Data

Sensor data often include multiple channels. Our visual prompts differentiated channels using varying colors within a single plot to maintain a shared axis system. To assess the impact of different plotting approaches, we conducted experiments using accelerometer datasets, which have three channels. Specifically, we compared visualizing three distinct plots for each channel against our current approach. Table 4 shows the results. The results indicated that separated plots for each channel reduced performance by 12%. We hypothesize that multiple subplots distribute visual features over different regions, resulting in problems in understanding the relationship between different channels. To this end, we recommend using an aggregated plot when all channels can be represented within a plot. However, for dense datasets, such as 256-channel EEG Fiedler et al. (2022), a single plot may not suffice, highlighting a limitation in our current visualization approach. Addressing this challenge will be a focus of future research.

Appendix C Visualization Tools

Our visualization generator employs tools available in public libraries to create visualizations. We have equipped the visualization generator with 16 distinct visualization functions sourced from widely used libraries such as Matplotlib Hunter (2007), Scipy Virtanen et al. (2020), and Neurokit2 Makowski et al. (2021). The specific visualization tools implemented in our generator and their descriptions are outlined in Table 5. The descriptions presented in the table were directly written inside the prompt for the visualization tool filtering (see Appendix E).

Table 3: Performance of text-only and visual prompts, both with and without using CoT. The highest accuracy values are noted in bold.
  Accel. ECG
Prompt HHAR Swim PTB-XL (CD) PTB-XL (MI) Avg.
  Text-only 0.66 0.51 0.73 0.62 0.63
Text-only (CoT) 0.51 0.25 0.63 0.53 0.48
Visual 0.67 0.73 0.80 0.68 0.72
Visual (CoT) 0.63 0.67 0.80 0.73 0.71
Table 4: Performance comparison of visualizing multi-channel sensor data (accelerometer) using a single plot versus multiple subplots. The single plot method combines multiple waveforms in one shared-axis plot, each channel distinguished by color coding.
  Plotting approach HHAR UTD- MHAD Swim Avg.
  Single plot 0.67 0.43 0.74 0.61
Multiple subplots 0.53 0.31 0.69 0.51
Table 5: Descriptions of the visualization tools provided to our visualization generator.
  Visualization tool Description
  raw waveform This generates a raw signal of sensor data, displaying the amplitude of the signal over time. This is usually used to visualize the raw data and identify patterns in the signal.
spectrogram This generates a spectrogram of sensor data, showing the density of frequencies over time. This is usually used to visualize the frequency components for high-frequency data, which has features over components but is hard to figure out in the raw plot. It takes the length of the FFT used (nfft), the length of each segment (nperseg), and the number of points to overlap between segments (noverlap) as parameters. Different modes (mode) can be defined to specify the type of return values: ["psd" for power spectral density, "complex" for complex-valued STFT results, "magnitude" for absolute magnitude, "angle" for complex angle, and "phase" for unwrapped phase angle]. (Arguments: nfft, nperseg, noverlap, mode)
signal power spectrum density This generates a power spectrum density plot, which shows the power of each frequency component of the signal on the x-axis. This is usually used to analyze the signal’s power distribution of different frequency components.
EDA signal This generates a plot showing both raw and cleaned Electrodermal Activity (EDA) signals over time. This is usually used to analyze the EDA signals for patterns related to stress, arousal, or other psychological states.
EDA skin conductance response (SCR) This generates a plot of skin conductance response (SCR) for EDA data, highlighting the phasic component, onsets, peaks, and half-recovery times. This is usually used to study the transient responses in EDA data related to specific stimuli or events.
EDA skin conductance level (SCL) This generates a plot of skin conductance level (SCL) for EDA data over time. This is usually used to analyze the tonic component of EDA data, reflecting the overall level of arousal or stress over a period.
ECG signal and peaks This generates a plot for Electrocardiogram (ECG) data, showing the raw signal, cleaned signal, and R peaks marked as dots to indicate heartbeats. This is usually used to analyze the heartbeats and detect anomalies in the ECG signal.
ECG heart rate This generates a heart rate plot for ECG data, displaying the heart rate over time and its mean value. This is usually used to monitor and analyze heart rate variability and trends over time.
ECG individual heartbeats This generates a plot of individual heartbeats and the average heart rate for ECG data. It aggregates heartbeats within an ECG recording and shows the average beat shape, marking P-waves, Q-waves, S-waves, and T-waves. This is usually used to study the morphology of individual heartbeats and identify irregularities.
PPG signal and peaks This generates a plot for Photoplethysmogram (PPG) data, showing the raw signal, cleaned signal, and systolic peaks marked as dots. This is usually used to analyze the blood volume pulse and detect anomalies in the PPG signal.
PPG heart rate This generates a heart rate plot for PPG data, displaying the heart rate over time and its mean value. This is usually used for PPG data to monitor and analyze heart rate variability and trends over time.
PPG individual heartbeats This generates a plot of individual heartbeats and the average heart rate for PPG data, aggregating individual heartbeats within a PPG recording and showing the average beat shape. This is usually used to study the morphology of individual heartbeats based on PPG data.
EMG signal This generates a plot showing both raw and cleaned Electromyogram (EMG) signals over time. This is usually used to analyze muscle activity and identify patterns in muscle contractions.
EMG muscle activation This generates a muscle activation plot for EMG data, displaying the amplitudes of muscle activity and highlighting activated parts with lines. This is usually used to study muscle activation levels and identify specific periods of muscle activity.
EOG signal This generates a plot showing both raw and cleaned Electrooculogram (EOG) signals over time, with blinks marked as dots. This is usually used to analyze eye movement patterns and detect blinks.
EOG blink rate This generates a blink rate plot for EOG data, displaying the blink rate over time and its mean value. This is usually used to monitor and analyze the blink rate and detect irregularities.
EOG individual blinks This generates a plot of individual blinks for EOG data, aggregating individual blinks within an EOG recording and showing the median blink shape. This is usually used to study the morphology of individual blinks and identify patterns in blink dynamics.
Refer to caption
Figure 8: An example CoT response from a text-only prompt designed for the HHAR task. The correct prediction is "walk", while the MLLM outputs "sit."
Refer to caption
Figure 9: An example CoT response from a visual prompt designed for the HHAR task. The correct prediction is "stand", while the MLLM outputs "bike."

Appendix D Details of Sensory Tasks

We conducted experiments across nine sensory tasks across four sensor modalities, each with unique objectives. This section provides the details of these tasks, including task descriptions, classifications, sampling rates, window durations, and data collection protocols. We directly followed the given sampling rate with the original dataset to represent data in text prompts. The descriptions of each dataset are used to formulate the instructions for our visual prompts. The complete prompt examples are in Appendix E.

Human activity recognition: We used the HHAR Stisen et al. (2015) dataset to classify six basic human activities: sit, stand, walk, bike, upstairs, and downstairs. Data were collected from the built-in accelerometers of smartphones and smartwatches along with the x, y, and z axes. Due to strong domain effects Ustev et al. (2013), we exclusively used smartwatch data for the experiment. The data, sampled at 100Hz, were segmented into 5-second windows following the established practice for human activity recognition Altun and Barshan (2010).

Complex activity recognition: We used the UTD-MHAD Chen et al. (2015) dataset to classify a wide array of 21 activities: swipe left, swipe right, wave, clap, throw, arms cross, basketball shoot, draw X, draw a circle (clockwise), draw a circle (counter-clockwise), draw a triangle, bowling, boxing, baseball swing, tennis swing, arm curl, tennis serve, push, knock, catch, and pickup and throw. Accelerometers attached to the users’ right wrist were used for data collection. We used data sampled at 50Hz with 3-second windows as described in the dataset documentation.

Swimming style recognition: The swimming dataset Brunner et al. (2019) involves acceleration data from swimmers performing five different styles: backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, freestyle, and stationary. This dataset evaluates performance in sports-specific contexts. Data were collected from wrist-worn accelerometers and sampled at 30Hz. We used the 3-second windows recommended with the dataset.

Four arrhythmia detections: The PTB-XL Wagner et al. (2020) dataset contains ECG recordings from patients with four different arrhythmia types: Conduction Disturbance (CD), Myocardial Infarction (MI), Hypertrophy (HYP), and ST/T Change (STTC). We defined each type as a binary classification task. The dataset comprises 10-second records from clinical 12-lead sensors sampled at 100Hz. We used lead II, the most commonly used lead for arrhythmia detection Goldberger et al. (2017).

Hand gesture recognition: We included a dataset Ozdemir et al. (2022) classifying ten different hand gestures using EMG signals: rest, extension, flexion, ulnar deviation, radial deviation, grip, abduction of fingers, adduction of fingers, supination, and pronation. Data were collected from four forearm surface EMG sensors with a 2000Hz sampling rate. We utilized all four channels with a 0.2-second window, following an existing practice known to be effective Georgi et al. (2015).

Stress Detection: The WESAD Schmidt et al. (2018) dataset is designed for stress detection (baseline, stress, amusement) from multiple wearable sensors. We focused exclusively on respiration data measured from the chest for a distinct evaluation setting. The sensor was attached to the users’ chests, with data collected at 700Hz. Following the official guidelines, we employed the three-class classification task (baseline, stress, amusement) using 10-second windows.

Appendix E Prompts

We present examples of prompts used in our experiments. Figure 10 and Figure 11 illustrate two text-only prompt examples derived from the HHAR and PTB-XL (CD) datasets; in these examples, sensor data is truncated after a certain point to conserve space, though the format remains consistent with varying values. Figure 12 and Figure 13 displays the visual prompts created for the same datasets, HHAR and PTB-XL (CD). Figure 14 details the prompt for our visualization tool filtering specific to the PTB-XL (CD) task, with demonstrations omitted and presented separately in Figure 15. Lastly, Figure 16 showcases the visualization selection prompt for the PTB-XL (CD) dataset.

Refer to caption
Figure 10: An example of a text-only prompt for solving the HHAR task. The sensor data represented in the text are truncated beyond a certain point.
Refer to caption
Figure 11: An example of a text-only prompt for solving the PTB-XL (CD) task. The sensor data represented in the text are truncated beyond a certain point.
Refer to caption
Figure 12: An example of a visual prompt for solving the HHAR task.
Refer to caption
Figure 13: An example of a visual prompt for solving the PTB-XL (CD) task.
Refer to caption
Figure 14: An example prompt from our visualization generator for visualization tool filtering in the PTB-XL (CD) task. Demonstrations are omitted in this example but can be found in Figure 15.
Refer to caption
Figure 15: Demonstrations provided inside the visualization tool filtering prompt to enhance the response quality.
Refer to caption
Figure 16: An example prompt from our visualization generator for visualization selection in the PTB-XL (CD) task.