
Rastislav Rabatin\dagger, Frank Seide, Ernie Chang thanks: *Equal contribution. \daggerCorresponding author.

Navigating the Minefield of MT Beam Search in Cascaded Streaming Speech Translation


We adapt the well-known beam-search algorithm for machine translation to operate in a cascaded real-time speech translation system. This proved to be more complex than initially anticipated, due to four key challenges: (1) real-time processing of intermediate and final transcriptions with incomplete words from ASR, (2) emitting intermediate and final translations with minimal user perceived latency, (3) handling beam search hypotheses that have unequal length and different model state, and (4) handling sentence boundaries. Previous work in the field of simultaneous machine translation only implemented greedy decoding. We present a beam-search realization that handles all of the above, providing guidance through the minefield of challenges. Our approach increases the BLEU score by 1 point compared to greedy search, reduces the CPU time by up to 40% and character flicker rate by 20+% compared to a baseline heuristic that just retranslates input repeatedly.

Index Terms: simultaneous machine translation, streaming beam search, cascaded real-time speech translation

1 Introduction

Streaming decoding is an essential part of cascaded real-time speech translation systems. These systems consist of (1) automatic speech recognition (ASR) to transcribe the source speech, followed by (2) a text-to-text machine translation (MT) system. To achieve minimal latency, both must be streaming models that are architected and trained to emit results as early as possible. Specifically, the MT must be a Simultaneous MT model that generates translations early without having to see an entire sentence or paragraph.

Several Simultaneous MT architectures have been proposed, including Monotonic Multihead Attention (MMA) [1], Monotonic Chunkwise Attention (MoChA) [2], Monotonic with Infinite Lookback attention (MILK) [3], and EMMA [4]. While these papers focused on the modeling aspect of the problem, they only implemented greedy decoding.

We introduce a realization of beam-search for use in a real-time pipeline that transcribes and translates audio in real-time, where translations are either shown on a display in a real-time or played to a loudspeaker using text to speech (TTS).

The fundamental difference from non-streaming beam search is that we need to provide intermediate translations with minimal user perceived latency. Additionally, we need to process intermediate and final transcriptions with incomplete words in real-time, and correctly propagate them through the system. Furthermore, the streaming nature of the problem brings additional challenges that come with handling multiple beam search hypotheses, and sentence boundaries. We tackle all of these problems one-by-one, and provide solutions to them in Section 3.

We compared our approach with a heuristic “fake streaming” approach that simulates streaming by repeatedly translating sentence prefixes with a non-streaming model (Section 2.2). This approach serves as a good baseline for display output but is not suitable for TTS output because it has high user perceived latency, and is computationally inefficient. Our cascaded speech translation system needs to run on a wearable device with a limited computational power which makes the computational efficiency crucial. We discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different translation outputs, and explain how our approach addresses them.

The presented algorithm achieves the following:

  • Increase in BLEU score by 1 point compared to greedy for beam size 3.

  • Up to almost 40% CPU time reduction compared to repeated retranslations baseline (Section 2.2).

  • 20+% reduction of character flicker compared to system with repeated retranslations.

2 Background

A cascaded streaming speech translation system is composed of several components: real-time ASR, simultaneous MT, and TTS or display. ASR receives a live audio stream from microphone(s), and generates a stream of transcription events which may be intermediate or final. MT processes the stream of transcription events, and generates a corresponding stream of translation events (also intermediate or final) which are either sent to the display, or to TTS to generate an audio stream to play via a loudspeaker.

2.1 Terminology: Intermediates and Finals

To understand our algorithm and its complexity, we need to introduce the core concept of intermediate and final events that flow through the system. ASR is feeding MT two types of events, intermediates and finals. Intermediate events denote an ASR result that is not stable—transcription can change. ASR has not yet made the final determination, and every intermediate will be followed by a subsequent event that can be either another intermediate or a final, to substitute words from the starting point of the last intermediate.

Final events denote ASR results that won’t change anymore, and they advance the “starting point of the last intermediate” to after the final event. The concatenation of all final events is the final transcription of the entire utterance. One observes that frequently, events consist of a single newly-recognized word, or (with word-piece based ASR) sometimes even only a prefix of a word—consider a plural noun reported as two consecutive final events: its singular base form followed by an “s”.

A key goal of our streaming beam search for MT is that it gracefully handles intermediate events and word pieces, by both generating them, but also correctly handling intermediate ASR events.111How ASR generates intermediates vs. finals is a well-understood problem that is not subject of this paper. An MT intermediate is just like ASR—a preview as to how one or more words would be translated; but future additional input may change or refine the word choices.

When the translation target is a display, displaying intermediate translations early is useful, as they provide a perception of responsiveness. If after receiving more context, the MT model decides that an intermediate was incorrect, the display is rewritten, which some users describe as “intelligent” behavior.

When a display is not available and the translation target is audio/TTS, however, “rewriting” is not possible. Intermediates are not useful, as we must hold back TTS until translated words have been finalized (are stable). Hence, in this scenario, the objective for the MT is to finalize and emit translated words as soon as possible—this is called streaming MT.

2.2 Baseline: Fake Streaming by Repeated Retranslation

One can approximate simultaneous MT with a non-streaming model with a traditional encoder-decoder MT model trained to take a whole sentence as its input, where intermediate translations are generated by repeatedly translating the growing prefix of a sentence as it is being spoken. The updated translations can be updated on the display, sometimes called “screen rewriting.”

One disadvantage is the substantial flicker because the translation will evolve as more context becomes available, often replacing big chunks of the text. The simple solution—simply wait until the end of the sentence–however leads to poor (slow) user experience. We find users value a perception of responsiveness over stability. Another disadvantage of repeated retranslation is its computational inefficiency (O(T2)𝑂superscript𝑇2O(T^{2})italic_O ( italic_T start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT 2 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT ))—one ends up running very similar computations over and over again. This is exacerbated with ASR intermediates that cause even more retranslations.

Simultaneous MT addresses both. The idea is that the model keeps a state, and when a new transcription arrives from ASR, it processes it and then decides whether it is ready to emit tokens to the output or whether it requires more input. This is for the case where emitted tokens are final and cannot be changed anymore; we extend it towards emitting intermediates as well in Section 3.3.

The deal-breaking drawback of repeated retranslation is that it does not work with TTS output, as we cannot “rewrite” audio.222The time machine has not been invented yet. User-perceived latency is directly determined by the modeling and decoding latency.

In summary, compared to “faking it” via repeated retranslation, simultaneous MT solves two problems: when translating to display, simultaneous MT primarily reduces compute, while when translating to audio, it aims to reduce latency from one sentence at a time to a few words.

2.3 Recap: Streaming Model Architectures

An MT model is composed of two parts: encoder and decoder. We used the standard Transformer [5] architecture for both. The simultaneous-MT model, in additional to the probability distribution over tokens, also a returns a READ/WRITE probability at each timestamp: When the probability for WRITE is below a threshold, the model has not seen sufficient input to generate the next token. In this case, we will not generate a token to output, but instead ingest another input token (in a real-time system, this might block until the next ASR event is received).

Several model architectures and training methods for the READ/WRITE classifier have been proposed. The current state of the art approach is Monotonic Infinite Look-back (MILK) [3]. A deeper discussion about WRITE probability can be found in Section 3.5.

2.4 Recap: Non-streaming Beam Search

Non-streaming beam search is well-known, and relatively straight-forward. The “beam” is the set of the best-scoring k𝑘kitalic_k hypotheses during the incremental decoding process. A non-streaming beam decoder first executes the encoder for an entire input sequence. Then it repeatedly runs one step of the decoder for each of the (up to) k𝑘kitalic_k hypotheses in the current beam and expands each by all n𝑛nitalic_n words in the vocabulary. This yields up to nk𝑛𝑘n\cdot kitalic_n ⋅ italic_k expanded hypotheses from which we select the top k𝑘kitalic_k based on their aggregated score. While iterating through the top k𝑘kitalic_k hypotheses, we set aside those that ended with an <EOS> or exceed a maximum length. Decoding terminates once k𝑘kitalic_k hypotheses have been finished.

3 Beam Search for Simultaneous MT

Simultaneous MT does not have access to the full input sentence, because it has not been fully recognizer or even spoken yet. Instead, it must incrementally encode the input as it arrives, and translate as much as it deems safe as determined by the READ/WRITE classifier (while considering intermediate ASR events and potential incomplete words).

This poses a conflict with beam search, because each hypothesis in the beam could have read a different number of tokens and it could have also written a different number of tokens. We handle this by processing hypotheses in groups that have seen the same number of tokens from the input. For each group, we continue expanding in a loop hypotheses classified to WRITE until only hypotheses remain that we want to READ. During the expansion step, we score the hypotheses and always select the top k𝑘kitalic_k. Once all top k𝑘kitalic_k hypotheses want to READ, we perform that READ simultaneously for all (i.e., await the next ASR event). Once we read all input tokens (reached a sentence boundary), we perform a final WRITE expansion loop until k𝑘kitalic_k hypotheses have generated <EOS> token or the maximum output length was reached. Again, at any point in time, all hypotheses in the beam have READ the same input tokens.

Readers familiar with a speech-recognition model called Recurrent Neural Transducer (RNN-T) [6] will recognize the similarity. The RNN-T’s BLANK symbol corresponds to the READ class, and our decoder is similar to the decoder laid out in [6].

3.1 State Management

Since ASR inputs arrive in real time, a “read” decision may refer to an input token that has not been spoken or recognized yet, and therefore require the decoder to yield the CPU until the next ASR event. This means that the internal decoding state must be carried across incremental invocations of the decoder.

Specifically, we need to maintain the list of the current hypotheses, and for each hypothesis, we need to store the encoder and decoder model state, and couple other variables. We will refer to this as the beam search state. The model state is necessary to store, so that we don’t need to recompute it every time a new token comes in. The encoder and decoder model state caching is implemented using KV-cache mechanism [7] which caches keys and values inside the transformer layer computed in the previous timestamps.

3.2 Emitting Output

We want to write to the display intermediate outputs while we are decoding input to improve user-perceived latency. We have two types of outputs—intermediate and final. A final output is a prefix of the output that will not change—we won’t rewrite it. Intermediate output can change, so the user might experience a bit of a flicker when words get overwritten on the display.

To determine final events, at each decoding step, we take a look at the top k hypotheses, and determine the common prefix of those. That common prefix is then emitted as a final event since this prefix can no longer change during the following steps of the beam search.

To generate intermediate events, each time ASR sends us an event, we process it until all hypotheses end in a “read”, then we take the top hypothesis, and return that as an intermediate input. While the common prefix of the hypotheses is stable—it won’t change—the rest of the output sequence in the top hypothesis can change, so we treat it as intermediate.

3.3 Handling Intermediate Input

The ASR engine itself is also running beam search similar to ours, and it is therefore generating intermediate results which are not stable and might change. To handle intermediate ASR inputs, we checkpoint the beam search state for the last finalized input, run decoding for the intermediate input, emit the top hypothesis as intermediate output, and then rewind the state to the last finalized/stable state checkpoint. This ensures that the user is getting more feedback about the translation from the system, and we don’t recompute the same state multiple times.

3.4 Incomplete Words from ASR

An interesting edge case that we had not anticipated initially was that ASR can return incomplete word prefixes in the stream of inputs. For example, the word token _carpet might be recognized as two word pieces _car followed by pet, and these may be emitted in two consecutive final events. The issue with incomplete words is that the tokenization of the word can change once we get the rest of the word—while the ASR vocabulary may not have a whole-word entry for _carpet, the MT vocabulary may. The way we handle this is that we take the input, and treat the prefix that ends at a word boundary (space or punctuation) as finalized input. We cannot know whether the remainder of the input string has stable tokenization, so we treat it as intermediate input.

3.5 Scoring Beams

To rank beams, we need to compute the score for each beam. It is not completely clear how the score should be computed in the case of streaming NMT model. In case of RNN-T, the score of a beam is the score of the path including the “read” or “write” probabilities. According to pattern-recognition theory, error rate is minimized by selecting the hypothesis with the highest probability of having given rise to the observed input (Maximum-A-Posteriori, or MAP, decoding). This is rigorously reflected by the RNN-T decoding algorithm, and also in the RNN-T training loss. On the other hand, the “write” probability provided by MILK [3] method used to train the streaming-MT model is more of a heuristic. Up to now, MILK models have only been decoded with greedy search, where an accurate probabilistic score for multiple competing hypotheses is not needed.

We experimented with including the heuristic write probability in the path score of a beam. This did not work well. The issue is that the MILK loss does not include the write probability333We hope that a future version of the MILK loss model can provide a more rigorous “write” probability estimate that enables the use of a true MAP decoder as shown to be optimal by pattern-recognition theory., just the token probabilities (plus a latency penalty that only indirectly affects the write probability). The approach that we settled for was that the score of a beam is length normalized token sequence probability, excluding the write probability at all. Length normalization is needed because each beam could perform a different number of writes.

3.6 Batching

Model inference is dominated by memory bandwidth more so than compute cycles. Therefore, batching multiple model evaluations significantly improves the inference time. We don’t need to perform batching on the encoder side because all of the beams read at the same time, which means that we can hold the same encoder state for all of the beams. However, every beam has a different decoder state because each beam could perform a different number of writes. In non-streaming beam search, batching these is easy because all hypotheses share the same length. In the streaming case, it’s not so easy. When we are performing self-attention, the token sequence is different for each beam which makes it hard to store all of the beams in the same tensor.444This problem could be mitigated using LSTM decoder, but that might introduce accuracy regression, so it is about a trade-off.

3.7 Handling Sentence Boundaries

The model sometimes produces <EOS> token before we get <EOS> token on input. We decided not to allow the model to do that because we still want to finish reading the whole sentence on the input.

Once we read <EOS> on input, we cannot perform any reads. We can only write. In this case, we ignore the model’s write probability, and just keep writing until the model produces <EOS> token. This strategy proved to be better than the strategy where we keep writing until the write probability is above a threshold. Sometimes the model does not produce <EOS> token at all. In that case, we want to stop writing at some point. The heuristic that we settled for is that we have a fixed threshold on the output sequence length that is based on the number of input tokens. The threshold is equal to ax+b𝑎𝑥𝑏ax+bitalic_a italic_x + italic_b, where x is the number of input tokens, and a and b coefficients that were tweaked using cross-validation.

4 Experimental Results

This section presents results for various benchmarks that we performed to evaluate the performance of the streaming beam search. All of the benchmarks were performed on an embedded device where we constrained it to use a single 2.842.842.842.84 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon XR2 Kryo 585 CPU core.

4.1 Metrics

The main trade off that we are making when designing a streaming system is between latency and accuracy. In MT, accuracy is commonly measured by the BLEU[8] score, for “bilingual evaluation understudy”. In our case, we only consider final output tokens for BLEU score evaluation. We do not take into account intermediate translations in BLEU score calculation.

We also want to measure the user’s perceived latency. Common metric used in simultaneous translation is word average lag[9] which estimates how many future input words on average we need to read in order to translate an input word.

From the user perspective, it also matters how often we rewrite (change) words on the display. For users, it is better when we don’t rewrite any words so they don’t have to go back and reread the sentence. We came up with a metric called character flicker which quantifies what percentage of characters change on the display on average after each write to the display.

The last metric that we used is total runtime. This measures CPU time running the whole translation pipeline. The computational resources are limited on device and every subsystem running on the device has a certain compute budget, and when MT exceeds the budget, it will get preempted meaning that we don’t be allowed to run MT model for a while on the device. Additionally, the total runtime also contributes to the user’s perceived latency. The total runtime also includes the compute needed for processing intermediate inputs.

4.2 Benchmarks Without Intermediate Inputs

In these benchmarks we simulated streaming ASR input by splitting a sentence into words, and then feeding one word after another to the streaming system as an ASR final event. In this case, we only have final inputs. We don’t have intermediate inputs. We used internal English-Spanish dataset for these benchmarks.

4.2.1 Accuracy Comparison

Table 1 shows BLEU score comparison between streaming and non-streaming beam search. We can see around 10% relative degradation between streaming and non-streaming model which is expected because non-streaming model sees the whole sentence before it starts to translate. We observed that just by switching from non-causal to causal transformer encoder, we lose around 2222 BLEU points. We can also notice that streaming beam search improves the BLEU score by compared to greedy decoding.

Beam Streaming Non-streaming
1 45.7 52.5
2 46.4 52.8
3 46.6 52.9
Table 1: BLEU score comparison between a streaming and non-streaming MT model trained on the same data.

4.2.2 Runtime Comparison

Table 2 shows results for streaming and fake streaming by repeated retranslations. We can observe that streaming performs much better in terms of character flicker. Greedy streaming has no flicker because we don’t have any intermediates. It also has the lowest CPU time and average lag. We can see that CPU time and average lag grows for streaming when we increase the beam size.

Streaming beam search shows better results compared to fake streaming when we work with longer sequences. Second part of Table 2 shows the comparison for sequences longer than ten words. Character flicker is much better for streaming. 24% character flicker basically means that one quarter of the displayed words are overwritten. When it comes to CPU time, we can see significant improvement for beam size two. The CPU time for beam size three is the same.

CPU time (sec) Average lag Char flicker (%)
Beam Streaming Fake Streaming Fake Streaming Fake
1 3.0 4.2 4.8 6.1 0 18.9
2 4.8 4.5 6.3 6.1 3.7 19.0
3 6.6 4.7 6.8 6.1 3.7 19.7
Sequences longer than 10 words only
2 13.5 18.2 8.7 13.0 2.5 24.0
3 19.2 19.1 9.9 13.0 3.2 23.0
Table 2: Runtime comparison between streaming and fake streaming beam search with different beam sizes and no intermediate inputs.

4.3 Benchmarks on ASR data

In these benchmarks, we transcribed a set of audio recordings from real-life English-Spanish conversations using ASR model and logged the intermediate and final outputs from ASR. Then we fed both intermediates and finals into the translation system in the same way the model would receive them during real-time operation. We compared streaming beam search and fake streaming with repeated retranslations.

Table 3 shows how long it takes to process a single input event (intermediate or final), on average, from ASR, and character flicker on the display.

CPU time (ms) Char flicker (%)
Beam Streaming Fake Streaming Fake
1 369 597 13.3 34.1
2 506 657 13.2 35.8
3 645 702 14.2 35.5
Table 3: Streaming beam search with different beam sizes including intermediate inputs.

We can see that CPU time is better for streaming compared to fake streaming for all beam sizes. This is because the fake streaming needs to perform more retranslations when we introduce intermediate input events. The improvement is biggest for the beam size one. Flicker is also much better for all beam sizes for streaming compared to fake streaming.

5 Conclusions

We have presented an adaptation of the beam-search algorithm, traditionally used in machine translation, to operate within a cascaded real-time speech translation system. We have discussed solutions to the following challenges in the process of adaptation by delving into (1) real-time processing of incomplete words from ASR, (2) minimizing user-perceived latency, (3) managing beam search hypotheses of unequal length and different model state, and (4) handling sentence boundaries.

Our streaming beam decoder yielded significant improvements. Beam search increased the BLEU score by 1 point over greedy search, and compared to the simplistic heuristic of repeated input retranslation, it reduced CPU time by up to 40%, and decreased the character flicker rate by over 20%.

We hope that our work provided a valuable contribution to simultaneous machine translation, offering a more efficient and effective approach. Additionally, we hope that this paper can help guide the reader to navigate the problems that arise when implementing streaming MT beam search for a real-life system.


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