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The Great AI Witch Hunt: Reviewers’ Perception and (Mis)Conception of Generative AI in Research Writing

Hilda Hadan [email protected] 0000-0002-5911-1405 Stratford School of Interaction Design and Business, University of WaterlooWaterlooCanada Derrick M. Wang [email protected] 0000-0003-3564-2532 Stratford School of Interaction Design and Business, University of WaterlooWaterlooCanada Reza Hadi Mogavi [email protected] 0000-0002-4690-2769 Stratford School of Interaction Design and Business, University of WaterlooWaterlooCanada Joseph Tu [email protected] 0000-0002-7703-6234 Stratford School of Interaction Design and Business, University of WaterlooWaterlooCanada Leah Zhang-Kennedy [email protected] 0000-0002-0756-0022 Stratford School of Interaction Design and Business, University of WaterlooWaterlooCanada  and  Lennart E. Nacke [email protected] 0000-0003-4290-8829 Stratford School of Interaction Design and Business, University of WaterlooWaterlooCanada

Generative AI (GenAI) use in research writing is growing fast. However, it is unclear how peer reviewers recognize or misjudge AI-augmented manuscripts. To investigate the impact of AI-augmented writing on peer reviews, we conducted a snippet-based online survey with 17 peer reviewers from top-tier HCI conferences. Our findings indicate that while AI-augmented writing improves readability, language diversity, and informativeness, it often lacks research details and reflective insights from authors. Reviewers consistently struggled to distinguish between human and AI-augmented writing but their judgements remained consistent. They noted the loss of a “human touch” and subjective expressions in AI-augmented writing. Based on our findings, we advocate for reviewer guidelines that promote impartial evaluations of submissions, regardless of any personal biases towards GenAI. The quality of the research itself should remain a priority in reviews, regardless of any preconceived notions about the tools used to create it. We emphasize that researchers must maintain their authorship and control over the writing process, even when using GenAI’s assistance.

Artificial intelligence, Generative AI, Reviewer Perception, Research Writing, AI Writing Augmentation
journalyear: 2024doi: XXXXXXX.XXXXXXXconference: Computers in Human Behavior: Artificial Humans; ; isbn: 978-1-4503-XXXX-X/18/06ccs: Human-centered computing Empirical studies in HCI

1. Introduction

The emergence of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) tools such as ChatGPT111ChatGPT. https://chat.openai.com/ and Gemini222Gemini (formerly Google Brad). https://gemini.google.com/ have sparked a wave of excitement in academia and industry. Since the release of ChatGPT in November 2022 (OpenAI, 2022), GenAI has become increasingly popular in assisting people with written, auditory, and visual tasks (Tu et al., 2024; Mogavi et al., 2024; Khalifa and Albadawy, 2024). In research, GenAI offers a new approach to manuscript writing, as it can handle tasks ranging from text improvement suggestions to speech-to-text translation and even crafting initial drafts (Khalifa and Albadawy, 2024; Lin et al., 2024). Its ability to understand context and generate human-like and grammatically accurate responses fosters innovative brainstorming and enhances the quality and readability of research publications (Babl and Babl, 2023). However, along with GenAI’s potential to augment research activities, concerns about transparency, academic integrity, and the urgency of maintaining the credibility of research work have emerged (Liu et al., 2020; Rivera et al., 2020; COPE (2023b), Committee on Publication Ethics; Tu et al., 2024).

Despite the growing interest in using GenAI for manuscript writing and research activities (Phillips et al., 2023; Khalifa and Albadawy, 2024), many researchers hesitate to acknowledge its use in their papers. This is illustrated by several instances where research publications with undisclosed GenAI use were identified by readers (e.g., (retractionwatch.com, nd; Reddit.com, 2024; LinkedIn.com, 2024; Twitter.com, 2023)). Studies have identified the phenomenon of AI aversion, where AI-generated content, even if factual, is often perceived as inaccurate and misleading (Longoni et al., 2022; Burton et al., 2020) and disclosing its use can negatively impact readers’ satisfaction and perception of the authors’ qualifications and effort (Rae, 2024). Therefore, researchers’ hesitancy is partly due to their fear that acknowledging GenAI use might damage reviewers’ perceptions. However, given the widespread adoption of GenAI, researchers’ undisclosed GenAI use will harm the transparency, credibility, and integrity in research knowledge mobilization in the long-term.

Our research investigates perceptions of academia and industry professionals experienced in peer-reviewing manuscripts for top-tier human-computer interaction (HCI) conferences. Through understanding reviewers’ perceptions and clarifying their possible misconceptions, we seek to reduce researchers’ concerns about disclosing GenAI use. Our findings will shed light on the impacts of using GenAI as writing assistance for both reviewers and researcher, and foster a transparent and credible research environment. Specifically, we answer four Research Questions (RQs):

  1. RQ1:

    How much are reviewers aware of the use of AI in the context of research manuscripts?

A recent study has identified concerns among researchers about their writing being indistinguishable from AI-generated text, especially for those trained in formal writing structures (Tu et al., 2024). In fact, non-native English writing samples are more likely to be misclassified as AI-generated (Liang et al., 2023), and human cannot differentiate between AI- and human-written content (Gao et al., 2023). Therefore, false positives might occur among peer reviewers’ assessment of manuscripts. Our RQ1 aims to validate this hypothesis by examining reviewers’ awareness across various levels of AI involvement in research writing.

  1. RQ2:

    How much is reviewers’ judgement on research and manuscript quality influenced by the use of AI in its writing?

The phenomenon of AI aversion (Longoni et al., 2022; Burton et al., 2020) further raises the issue that reviewers might be biased in their assessment of the quality and credibility of the research presented in submissions. Our RQ2 aims to explore this issue by examining how snippets with various levels of AI involvement in writing influence reviewers’ judgments.

  1. RQ3:

    To what extent do reviewers’ peer-review experience, disciplinary expertise, and AI familiarity influence their perception and judgement?

Literature suggests that people’s familiarity with algorithms and expertise in relevant fields shape their perceptions (Dietvorst et al., 2015; Graefe et al., 2018; Logg et al., 2019). Therefore, reviewers’ peer-review experience, disciplinary expertise, and familiarity with GenAI may also shape their perceptions. Our RQ3 aims to investigate how these factors impact reviewers’ perceptions and judgments.

  1. RQ4:

    What aspects of research writing impact reviewers’ perception and judgement?

Prior research indicates that GPT detectors often misclassify content with limited linguistic proficiency as AI-generated (Liang et al., 2023), and that human-authored articles are generally seen as more pleasant to read and less boring (Clerwall, 2017). Our RQ4 seeks to identify specific manuscript’s elements that shape reviewers’ perceptions. Through identifying these elements, we aim to uncover the rationale behind reviewers’ judgments and misconceptions about GenAI in manuscript writing.

We investigated peer-reviewer perception through an online survey. To the best of our knowledge, our study is the first to empirically examine how peer-reviewers from top-tier HCI conferences perceive AI-augmented academic writing across three types of text: original human-written, AI-paraphrased, and AI-generated snippets. Our approach for assessing peer-reviewer perceptions of AI-augmented writing can be adapted for use in other academic fields than HCI. While our research is focused on HCI, it has broader implications for academic publishing across disciplines. We offer insights into the relationships of GenAI, authorship, and peer review. Our research makes four additional contributions to research on GenAI-augmented manuscript writing and its regulation. First, we show that all peer-reviewers struggled to distinguish between AI-processed and human-written snippet. All reviewers perceived AI-paraphrased snippets as more honest. Reviewers with more disciplinary expertise and AI familiarity consistently perceived snippets—regardless of AI involvement—as clearer and more compelling. Responsible and transparent use of GenAI can improve research manuscripts without compromising reviewers’ perceptions. Second, we report how our survey revealed reviewers’ contradictory perceptions of AI and human authorship indicators. This revelation has substantial implications for fair and unbiased manuscript evaluation with the potential to reshape peer-review processes across disciplines. We encourage authors to prioritize manuscript coherence, research validity, and effective communication, without letting their attitudes and misconceptions about GenAI influence their assessments. Third, we show that reviewers valued the subjective expressions of human authors in research manuscripts. This “human touch” resonated with reviewers because it maintains the collaborative nature of the research community. Therefore, we suggest researchers retain adequate involvement in their writing and act as the primary driver of the writing process—even with GenAI assistance. Fourth, our qualitative findings show that reviewers’ apprehensions about GenAI may worsen the publish-or-perish culture in academia. This could disproportionately affect researchers who rely on traditional writing methods. As a result, it would ultimately stifle human creativity. Our findings directly inform best practices for integrating GenAI in manuscript preparation—while maintaining research integrity—because we identify specific elements that shape reviewers’ perceptions. We conducted this research to provide crucial insights for the timely development of ethical AI use policies in academia. In addition, our findings contribute to the ongoing debate about GenAI’s role in academia by providing empirical evidence of its effects on peer review—a hallmark of scientific progress.

2. Background and Related Work

In this section, we summarize the technical evolution of GenAI as a manuscript writing assistant and the emerging perceptions and concerns within the academic community. In the end, we illustrate how our research addresses these concerns and promotes the ethical, transparent, and effective use of GenAI to support future researchers.

2.1. Generative AI as a Writing Assistant

Manuscript writing is crucial for researchers to share their ideas and contribute to their fields. However, writing high-quality research papers is challenging due to the need to simplify complex findings while ensuring accuracy, logical flow, and adequate evidence (Gupta et al., 2022). Beginners and non-native English speakers often struggle with using proper terminology and literature references (Gupta et al., 2022; Inouye and McAlpine, 2019; Liang et al., 2023). In addition, manuscript writing often competes with other responsibilities like teaching and supervising (De Rond and Miller, 2005), making efficiency and time management vital. The pressure of “publish or perish” mindset (De Rond and Miller, 2005) further intensifies these challenges. GenAI thus become valuable in research writing to ease researchers’ burden on writing and help them keep their focus on the innovative and critical aspects of their research.

With the rise of Large Language Models (LLM), GenAI’s potential to transform manuscript writing has garnered significant interest (Tu et al., 2024; Khalifa and Albadawy, 2024; Biswas, 2023). Traditional writing assistants offer word and sentence corrections, synonym suggestions, and sentence completion predictions (Arnold et al., 2016; Quinn and Zhai, 2016; Chen et al., 2019). In contrast, GenAI offers a broader array of functionalities to ensure high-quality writing across diverse research disciplines, such as inspiring new ideas (Lee et al., 2022; Shaer et al., 2024), enhancing readability (Babl and Babl, 2023), and assisting with narrative construction and creative writing (Lee et al., 2022; Singh et al., 2023; Yuan et al., 2022). However, GenAI has the limitation of generating factually incorrect information, known as hallucination (Ji et al., 2023; Achiam et al., 2023). For example, researchers have reported encountering fake references from GenAI (COPE (2023a), Committee on Publication Ethics). In addition, GenAI can be opinionated, which influence researchers’ perspectives and attitudes conveyed in the writing and compromise research integrity (Jakesch et al., 2023). Therefore, while GenAI holds benefits for manuscript writing, its use requires researchers’ careful consideration to avoid the risks.

These problems highlight the importance of transparently disclosing the use of GenAI. Such disclosure enables reviewers and readers to critically evaluate the research, be aware of potential biases or inaccuracies introduced by GenAI. Our study investigates reviewers’ perceptions and misconceptions, reduces current concerns and hesitations among researchers, encourages researchers to openly disclose their GenAI use, and fosters a more transparent and accountable research environment.

2.2. Perceptions of Generative AI in Research Community

A central debate in the research community regarding GenAI involves authorship and content attribution (COPE (2023b), Committee on Publication Ethics). Research manuscripts reflect the knowledge, expertise, and contributions of its author researchers (The Committee on Publication Ethics (2019), COPE). The use of GenAI in manuscript writing has raised questions about how to acknowledge its involvement, as crediting it as a co-author is inappropriate because “AI tools cannot meet the requirements for authorship as they cannot take responsibility for the submitted work” (COPE (2023b), Committee on Publication Ethics, para. 2). GenAI also cannot be accountable for the content it produces (COPE (2023b), Committee on Publication Ethics; COPE (2023a), Committee on Publication Ethics). Beyond authorship, ethical concerns arise, such as copyright infringement from using third-party materials, possible conflicts of interest, and plagiarism issues that replicate contents and images, ideas, and methods from already published works (COPE (2023a), Committee on Publication Ethics; Lund et al., 2023). In 2023, the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) recommended that authors explicitly disclose the use of AI-assisted technologies, including LLMs like ChatGPT, in their work (COPE (2023b), Committee on Publication Ethics). Following COPE’s lead, the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) established policies on GenAI, stating “the use of generative AI tools and technologies to create content is permitted but must be fully disclosed” (Association for Computing Machinery, 2023). Following these, efforts are made to develop comprehensive reporting guidelines for evaluating the impact of tools like ChatGPT on scientific research writing, as seen in initiatives by Elsevier (elsevier.com, nda) and the World Association of Medical Editors (World Association of Medical Editors, 2023). These guidelines aim to promote transparency by providing a framework for declaring the use of GenAI in research.

Scholarly work revealed two opposing perceptions of AI-generated content: algorithm aversion and algorithmic appreciation. Algorithm aversion is a negative bias towards AI-generated content, even when the AI output is objectively better than human-produced content (Hong, 2018; Burton et al., 2020). For example, people tend to rate AI-written content as inaccurate regardless of its truthfulness (Longoni et al., 2022). In addition, informing users about AI involvement can harm the creator-reader relationship rather than facilitate content judgment (Rae, 2024). This bias worsens after seeing AI makes mistakes (Dietvorst et al., 2015). On the other hand, algorithmic appreciation refers to when people are more willing to adhere advice from an algorithm over a human (Logg et al., 2019), and find AI-created articles more credible with higher journalistic expertise (Graefe et al., 2018).

Manuscript writing involves various decisions about word choice and sentence structure to effectively convey authors’ meaning and purpose, with each word representing a decision made by the authors (Kreminski, 2024). With GenAI, many of these decisions are delegated to AI, which relies on highly probable options, pre-defined rules, large databases, or specific text corpora (Kreminski, 2024). This delegation can reduce human authors’ sense of ownership (Draxler et al., 2024; Lee et al., 2022), which may potentially lead to irresponsible assertions in research papers. Therefore, regulating the extent of GenAI assistance is crucial for maintaining the accountability and credibility of research publications. Our research aims to encourage transparency in disclosing GenAI use, which is the foundational step for responsible AI augmentation in research manuscript writing.

2.3. Connection to Our Research

While guidelines exist to guide researchers and promote transparency in research community, many researchers are hesitant to acknowledge their use of GenAI in their manuscripts (e.g., (retractionwatch.com, nd; Reddit.com, 2024; LinkedIn.com, 2024; Twitter.com, 2023)). Although previous studies have examined human ability to detect AI-generated content (e.g., (Gao et al., 2023; Köbis and Mossink, 2021; Ragot et al., 2020)), these studies were not conducted in the context of research publications and were not conducted with participants with experience reviewing academic manuscripts in peer-reviewed venues. Therefore, their findings offer limited insight into the specific issue of GenAI use in research manuscript writing. Our study addresses this gap by investigating experienced reviewers’ perceptions and misconceptions on manuscripts due to GenAI use. Through this investigation, we aim to reduce researchers’ concerns about negatively impacting reviewers’ perceptions and judgments, and encourage them to openly acknowledge their use of GenAI in future manuscripts. Given the increasing adoption of GenAI in research writing and the ethical needs of research transparency, our research is crucial and urgent in charting a path for a, ethical and beneficial GenAI augmentation in research manuscripts writing while avoiding detrimental consequences.

3. Methodology

To investigate reviewers’ perceptions of GenAI use in research writing, we employed a text snippet-based online survey. After obtaining Research Ethics Board approval [details omitted for blind review], we recruited 17 participants who have experience reviewing manuscripts for publication at top-tier HCI conferences, including CHI333The ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). and CSCW444The ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW).. We refer to our participants as “reviewers” in the following sections. Reviewers were presented with six snippets tailored to their areas of expertise in HCI, chosen from 16 example human-written abstracts and 32 GenAI-augmented snippets. The six snippets were presented in a randomized sequence. This approach allowed us to explore reviewers’ perception on a wide range of topics with different levels of GenAI use without overwhelming them with a long survey. In this section, we describe our snippet design, survey development, participant recruitment, and data analysis procedure.

3.1. Study Material Construction

In research paper writing, GenAI is used in various ways from recommending texts, perform spelling or grammar corrections, to generating entire sections (Association for Computing Machinery, 2023). To comprehensively evaluate reviewers’ perception, we present each participant with three types of snippets (Content_Type):

  1. (1)

    original: snippets written entirely by human authors.

  2. (2)

    paraphrased: snippets rephrased with a GenAI by rewriting human-written text while preserving its original meaning.

  3. (3)

    generated: snippets generated entirely with a GenAI by using human-written text as reference to ensure relevance to the original manuscript.

In this section, we discuss the selection of original human-written snippets, and the production of paraphrased and generated snippets using GenAI prompts.

3.1.1. Original Snippets

To ensure the comprehensive coverage of our original snippets, we selected abstracts from example papers from submission topics of CHI 2023 conference 555CHI’23. “Selecting a Subcommittee”. Last modified (n.d.). Last accessed on March 19, 2024. https://chi2023.acm.org/subcommittees/selecting-a-subcommittee/, the premier venue for HCI research666As of June 7, 2024, CHI was ranked as the premier venue in human-computer interaction research, with h5-index at 122, twice of the venue ranked as the second. See: https://scholar.google.ca/citations?view_op=top_venues&hl=en&vq=eng_humancomputerinteraction. For each topic, we selected the most-cited paper published before the prevalent use of GenAI in November 2022 to ensure it was written by human researchers. When multiple papers had the same citation numbers, we subsequentially selected papers based on download counts and the most recent publication date. This process resulted in a total of 16 abstracts as our original snippets. Details of these source papers are in Appendix C.

We chose to use abstracts due to three considerations. First, abstracts are crucial for research manuscripts as they comprehensively summarize the papers’ significance, research goals, methodology, findings, and contributions (Belcher, 2019). Second, in early stage of a peer-review process, abstracts guide editors and reviewers in efficiently evaluating a manuscript (Belcher, 2019). Third, since we recruit experienced reviewers who are academia and industry professionals, using abstracts ensures our study is manageable and not overly time-consuming while still offering sufficient information for evaluating participants’ perceptions.

3.1.2. Paraphrased and Generated Snippets

The selected original snippets were then processed through GenAI—Google Gemini777Google Gemini. https://gemini.google.com/app—to create the corresponding paraphrased and generated snippets. We chose Gemini for its ability to provide comprehensive summaries, valuable suggestions, and rationales, as well as its transparency in disclosing limitations rather than fabricating content, which distinguish it from other GenAI tools such as ChatGPT (Tu et al., 2024).

Refer to caption
Figure 1. Example prompt used for creating a paraphrased snippet from the original snippet.

The example of the prompt we used for producing paraphrased snippet based on the original snippet.

Refer to caption
Figure 2. Example prompt used for creating a generated snippet from the paraphrased snippet, and the manuscript’s introduction and conclusion sections.

The example of the prompt we used for producing generated snippet based on the paraphrased snippet, and the corresponding paper’s introduction and conclusion sections.

Building upon literature on constructing GenAI prompts (Mollick and Mollick, 2023) and discussions with our research team of GenAI researchers and enthusiasts, we incorporated four components in our construction of the prompts for snippets processing:

  1. (1)

    Goal: the goal of the prompt. For producing paraphrased snippets, we set the goal as “rephrase” the original snippet; For producing generated snippets, we set the goal as “improve” the paraphrased snippet to allow GenAI to maximize its creativity while ensuring the content consistency.

  2. (2)

    Step-by-step instruction: the detailed instruction that specifies expected GenAI behaviour step-by-step. For producing paraphrased snippets, we provided a guide based on best practices of abstract writing (Belcher, 2019). For producing generated snippets, we used two sequential prompts that guide GenAI to first generate a new snippet based on the paraphrased snippet and the introduction section of the paper, then refine its contribution statements based on the manuscript’s conclusion section.

  3. (3)

    Context: the context information that facilitates the GenAI behaviours. For producing paraphrased snippets, the original snippet served as the context. For producing generated snippets, the paraphrased snippet and the corresponding manuscript’s introduction and conclusion sections were used.

  4. (4)

    Constraints: to ensure consistency in length, we set a 150-word constraint for both paraphrased and generated snippets based on typical CHI submissions888CHI 2023 — Papers. See section “Preparing and Submitting Your Paper” on https://chi2023.acm.org/for-authors/papers/.

Researchers in our team reviewed the snippets to ensure consistency in content and length across the three content_types.  Figure 2 and Figure 2 illustrate the prompt structure, and Appendix D provides examples of the snippet production process in Gemini. This approach ensures that the snippets derived from the same abstract maintain consistent length, level of detail, and content. In this way, we ensures that our reviewers assess the snippets based on variations in writing style, word choice, structure, and flow due to GenAI involvement, rather than differences in interpretations and opinions that naturally vary among human authors.

3.2. Survey Design

In this section, we provide a detailed description of our survey design. Figure 3 summarizes the survey flow. A complete set of questions is included in Appendix E.

Refer to caption
Figure 3. Survey flow: After passing the screening questionnaire, N=17 reviewers selected their areas of expertise. They were then shown six snippets, including three content_types of two abstracts selected from a total of 16 original snippets based on their reported expertise. For each snippet, we assessed reviewers’ perception and judgment of the content and the research presented. Finally, reviewers shared their general views on GenAI in research writing and provided demographic information.

Survey flow

3.2.1. Screening Questionnaire

The survey began with a study information sheet and consent form, followed by a screening questionnaire. Our screening targeted participants who have experience serving as reviewers in peer-reviewed HCI conferences. Participants had to be at least 18 years old, have previous experience as a reviewer or associate chair, and have encountered or suspected the undisclosed use of GenAI in submissions they reviewed.

3.2.2. Instruction and Presentation of Snippets

To ensure reviewers’ perceptions were related to their experience with GenAI, not conventional writing assistants, we first provided a description of GenAI ’s functionality: “AI writing assistants can help researchers by suggesting phrasing, structuring sentences, and even generating initial drafts.” Reviewers then selected two research topics from the 16 CHI’23 topics (see Q1 & Q2 in Appendix E)—one in which they were most knowledgeable and one in which they had the least knowledge. From each topic, we presented the original, AI-paraphrased, and AI-generated snippets from an example paper (as described in subsubsection 3.1.1). This approach allowed us to compare reviewers’ perceptions and judgements varied between content_types, and investigate how their expertise influenced their perceptions. To avoid biasing reviewers, we did not disclose the content_type of each snippet. We described the six snippets as could be human-written or AI-processed without confirming AI or human authorship. The three snippets from the same abstract were presented in random order. Since the snippets were from published papers, we included a bold red text instructing reviewers not to search for the snippets in literature databases.

3.2.3. Perceptions of the Snippets and the Research Presented

For each snippet, reviewers were asked to provide a more detailed rating of their expertise in the topic, using a scale from 0—no knowledge or expertise in this field to 10—I am an expert in this field. We coded these responses as disciplinary_expertise in our statistical analysis. This question served three purposes. First, it clarified what “the most” and “the least” knowledgeable meant by each reviewer. Second, it captured cases when reviewers misidentify that a paraphrased or generated snippet is from a completely different abstract than its original. Third, it acted as an attention check. Reviewers selecting a topic they claimed to be most or least knowledgeable in but giving an opposite rating here indicated a lack of attention to our instructions.

To determine if reviewers’ judgements on research integrity, value, and soundness varied because of the writing across the three content_types, we asked them to rate each snippet’s accuracy (perceived_accuracy), reliability (perceived_reliability), honesty (perceived_honesty), clarity (perceived_clarity), and compellingness (perceived_ compellingness) in representing the research (International Center for Academic Integrity [ICAI], 2018). Reviewers rated these aspects on 5-point Likert scales, from 1—strongly disagree to 5—strongly agree, following Longoni et al. (2022)’s study on readers’ perception of news-headlines.

Next, we asked reviewers to rate their perceived level of AI involvement (perceived_AI_involvement) in each snippet’s writing process on a scale from 0—completely human to 10—completely GenAI, inspired by the methodology from Draxler et al. (2024), which asked participants to select the possible author attribution from a set of randomized options. Our 10-point scale offered finer granularity for reviewers to express their perceptions more accurately. For reviewers who suspected at least some degree of GenAI involvement (i.e., not completely human written), we included a highlight question, asking them to highlight specific sentences they believed were AI-processed. After that, reviewers were asked to share observations about the snippet’s style, structure, or content that influenced their perception of its authorship on an open-ended question. The combination of these questions allowed us to identify specific segments that influenced reviewers’ judgments.

To ensure data quality, we included an attention check question between the six snippets. The question asked reviewers to select a specific option. Reviewers who failed to select the designated option were excluded from our analysis for not following instructions.

3.2.4. General Perception of GenAI and Demographic Information

After all six snippets, we closed the survey with questions about reviewers’ general perceptions of GenAI writing. We asked about their views on the capability of human researchers (perceived_human_researcher_capability) and GenAI in communicating research ideas and outcomes through writing (perceived_AI_capability). These questions aimed to assess the reviewers’ algorithmic aversion or appreciation (Hong, 2018; Burton et al., 2020; Graefe et al., 2018), as their negative or positive attitudes toward GenAI may influence their perceptions of the snippets. Finally, we asked reviewers about their demographic information, estimated the number of papers they had reviewed (peer-review_experience), and use of GenAI in their own writing (AI_familiarity). We included these questions because AI background knowledge can influence perceptions (Ehsan et al., 2024), and people’s algorithmic aversion increases after witnessing AI mistakes (Dietvorst et al., 2015). Reviewers were also given an open-ended space for additional comments on our study before completing the survey.

3.3. Participants Recruitment and Demographics

Before distributing the survey, we piloted the questionnaire with five PhD students with peer-review experience and refined the language and question structure based on their feedback to improve clarity, comprehension, and conciseness. A prior power analysis (Faul et al., 2007, 2009) for a within-subject Wilcoxon-signed rank test determined that a sample size of N=15𝑁15N=15italic_N = 15 was needed, with an effect size=0.8, a power=0.8, and a margin for random error5%absentpercent5\leq 5\%≤ 5 %. Following ethics approval, we recruited participants using a snowball sampling method in April and May 2024. Our research team reached out to CHI and CSCW conference committees for participation and assistance in distributing recruitment materials. This recruitment method was used due to the difficulty in recruiting reviewers, even in real peer-review process (Henderson et al., 2020). We closed the survey on May 7, 2024, one month after receiving the last response, resulting in a total of 41 responses. Of these, we excluded 23 responses for completing less than 50% of the questions (11 only completed the consent form) and one for failing the attention check. Our final analysis was based on the remaining N=17𝑁17N=17italic_N = 17 valid responses.

Table 1. Participant reviewers’ (N=17𝑁17N=17italic_N = 17) Demographic Information.
Age Occupation Area of Expertise* AI Familiarity
Range 27-49 Professor 6 (35%) Games and Play 6 (35%) Sometimes 10 (59%)
Mean 34.52 Postdoctoral Researcher 5 (29%) Interaction Techniques & Modalities 3 (18%) Rarely 2 (12%)
SD 5.62 Graduate Researcher 4 (24%) Design 2 (12%) Never 5 (29%)
Industry Professional 1 (6%) Learning, Education, and Families 2 (12%)
Gender Other-freelancer 1 (6%) Critical Computing, Sustainability, and Social Justice 1 (6%) Peer-review Experience
Woman 9 (53%) Education Level Health 1 (6%) Range 5-500
Man 7 (41%) Graduate or professional 16 (94%) Specific Applications Areas 1 (6%) Mean 110.94
Non-binary 1 (6%) Bachelor 1 (6%) Understanding People 1 (6%) SD 152.93
Note. *Research areas are based on the topics from the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems in 2023 (CHI’23) subcommittees.

Our study included 17 reviewers from premier HCI conferences, who represent a range of experience levels and areas of expertise within the field. While our sample size is limited, it embraces diverse perspectives, including novice and senior reviewers. The varied backgrounds of our participants in HCI sub-fields—with Games and Play being the most common expertise area—provide valuable insights into reviewer perceptions. However, we acknowledge that this sample may not be completely representative of the entire HCI reviewer community. Despite this apparent limitation, our findings offer crucial insights into reviewer attitudes towards AI-augmented writing in HCI. Table 1 summarizes the demographics of our 17 reviewers, including 53% women, 41% men, and one (6%) non-binary. Most reviewers were aged 27 to 49 and held post-secondary degrees (graduate or professional=94%, bachelor=6%), with a job occupation of academic researcher (graduate researchers=24%, postdoctoral researchers=29%, and professors=35%). The reviewers included novice and senior reviewers with varied areas of expertise, with Games and Play being the most selected topic (35%). In terms of personal GenAI use, 59% of reviewers reported sometimes using it for targeted research writing purposes, 12% rarely used it, and 29% had never used it.

3.4. Data Analysis

We present our quantitative data analysis and corresponding results in section 4. For the qualitative open-ended question, we conducted an inductive thematic analysis with two researchers, following the established guideline by Clarke et al. (2015). We reviewed the data to familiarize ourselves and ensure it contained no blank or incoherent responses to each question. We retained “N/A” responses, which represent an inability to differentiate human-written snippet from GenAI output. The two researchers independently coded 15% (n=16) of the total responses (N=102). We did not calculate inter-coder reliability, as it “prioritises uniformity over depth of insights” and often results in superficial themes, especially for studies with more than 20 codes (like ours) (Clarke et al., 2015, p. 303). Instead, the two researchers discussed and resolved conflicts in a meeting, and created an initial codebook. This process was repeated twice, with each meeting addressing half of the remaining data until the codebook was finalized and all data were coded. This finalized codebook served as a foundation for developing and refining the themes from our data. We present our codebook and themes in Appendix A.

4. Findings

4.1. RQ1: How Much Are Reviewers Aware of the Use of AI in the Context of Research Writing?

Table 2 shows the response distribution among the N=17𝑁17N=17italic_N = 17 reviewers regarding their perceived_AI_involvement across the three content_types. Both original human written snippets and AI-generated snippets received a median=5, with a mean=4.44 (SD=3.13) and mean=5.12 (SD=3.18), respectively. This result indicates that reviewers generally believed GenAI was similarly involved in both human-written and AI-generated snippets. This similarity revealed a general misconception about GenAI use in snippets and suggested the difficulty in differentiating between AI-generated and human-written snippets among reviewers. Compared to these, the rating for AI-paraphrased snippets is notably lower (median=2, mean=2.74, SD=2.61).

Table 2. Reviewers’ (N=17) perceived AI Involvement (0-completely human to 10-completely AI) Across Content Types
Perceived AI Involvement n Median Mean SD Min Max
Content Type
Original 17 5 4.44 3.13 0 9
Paraphrased 17 2 2.74 2.61 0 10
Generated 17 5 5.12 3.18 0 10
Friedman Test Post-hoc Pairwise Wilcoxon tests*
Friedman chi-squared 6.92 Content Type Original Paraphrased
df 2 Original
P 0.03 Paraphrased W=13, P=0.06, r=-0.46
Generated W=93.5, P=0.55, r=-0.14 W=92, P=0.01, r=-0.60
Note. *P adjusted with Bonferroni correction. SD=Standard Deviation, W=test statistic, r=effect size.
[Uncaptioned image]

To validate the observed differences in reviewers’ perceptions, we performed a Friedman test (Friedman, 1937) and confirmed significant within-subject differences across the three types of snippets (χ2=6.92,df=2,P=0.03formulae-sequencesuperscript𝜒26.92formulae-sequence𝑑𝑓2𝑃0.03\chi^{2}=6.92,df=2,P=0.03italic_χ start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT 2 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT = 6.92 , italic_d italic_f = 2 , italic_P = 0.03). We further conducted post-hoc pairwise Wilcoxon comparisons (Woolson, 2007) with Bonferroni correction (Chen et al., 2017) (see Table 2). The result shows that, compared to AI-generated snippets, reviewers perceived significantly lower AI involvement in AI-paraphrased snippets (W=92,P=0.01,r=0.60formulae-sequence𝑊92formulae-sequence𝑃0.01𝑟0.60W=92,P=0.01,r=-0.60italic_W = 92 , italic_P = 0.01 , italic_r = - 0.60). there was no significant difference in reviewers’ perceptions between AI-generated and human-written snippets (W=80,P=0.55formulae-sequence𝑊80𝑃0.55W=80,P=0.55italic_W = 80 , italic_P = 0.55). Additionally, no significant difference was found between reviewers’ perceptions of human-written and AI-paraphrased snippets (W=26.5,P=0.06formulae-sequence𝑊26.5𝑃0.06W=26.5,P=0.06italic_W = 26.5 , italic_P = 0.06). The validity of these results are further supported by our reviewers’ qualitative responses, with several of them indicated they were confused about which snippets were AI- or human-written.

4.2. RQ2: How Much Is Reviewers’ Judgement of Research and Manuscript Influenced by the Use of AI in Its Writing?

Table 3 presents the distribution of reviewers’ judgments across the three content_types. The result shows that reviewers’ responses were mainly neutral (mean=3.29,SD=1.12mean=3.82,SD=0.80formulae-sequenceformulae-sequence𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛3.29𝑆𝐷1.12similar-to𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛3.82𝑆𝐷0.80mean=3.29,SD=1.12\sim mean=3.82,SD=0.80italic_m italic_e italic_a italic_n = 3.29 , italic_S italic_D = 1.12 ∼ italic_m italic_e italic_a italic_n = 3.82 , italic_S italic_D = 0.80), and there is no sizeable differences between reviewers’ perception on the accuracy, reliability, honesty, clarity, and compellingness.

Table 3. Reviewers’ (N=17) Perceived Content Quality (0-completely disagree to 5-completely agree) Across Content Types
Perceived accuracy n Median Mean SD Min Max Friedman Test
Original 17 3 3.35 0.95 1 5 Chi-squared 2.48
Paraphrased 17 4 3.68 0.84 2 5 df 2
Generated 17 3 3.29 1.12 1 5 P 0.29
Perceived reliability
Original 17 3.5 3.50 1.02 1 5 Chi-squared 1.85
Paraphrased 17 3.5 3.65 0.81 2 5 df 2
Generated 17 3 3.32 1.09 1 5 P 0.40
Perceived honesty
Original 17 3 3.35 0.85 1 5 Chi-squared 4.68
Paraphrased 17 4 3.82 0.80 3 5 df 2
Generated 17 3 3.38 1.04 1 5 P 0.10
Perceived clarity
Original 17 4 3.47 1.11 1 5 Chi-squared 0.35
Paraphrased 17 4 3.74 0.96 2 5 df 2
Generated 17 4 3.56 1.21 1 5 P 0.84
Perceived compellingness
Original 17 3 3.30 0.98 1 5 Chi-squared 0.82
Paraphrased 17 4 3.52 0.94 2 5 df 2
Generated 17 4 3.45 1.06 2 5 P 0.66
Note. *P adjusted with Bonferroni correction. df=degrees of freedom. Cronbach’s alpha=0.89.
[Uncaptioned image]

To further validate our observations, we conducted a Friedman test (Friedman, 1937) and found no significant within-subject differences in reviewers’ perception across the three content_types. We suspect that this result is because our reviewers neither exhibited algorithmic aversion nor appreciation, but had neutral opinion towards GenAI. To validate this, we conducted a within-subject Wilcoxon signed-rank analysis (Woolson, 2007) with Bonferroni correction (Chen et al., 2017) to compare reviewers’ perceived_human_researcher_capability (mean=4.35, SD=0.79) and perceived_AI_capability (mean=4.06, SD=0.97). The results showed no significant difference in reviewers’ perceptions of AI and human researchers’ writing abilities (W=31.5, P=0.28, r=-0.26). Although the effect size is small, the validity of this result is supported by our reviewers’ lower perceived AI involvement and higher perceived honesty in AI-paraphrased snippets in subsection 4.3 and their qualitative responses that highlighted the advantages and weaknesses from both AI and human writing in subsection 4.4.

4.3. RQ3: To What Extent Do Reviewers’ Peer-Review Experience, Disciplinary Expertise, and AI Familiarity Influence Their Perception and Judgement?

Table 4. Multivariate Cumulative Linked Mixed Model analyses of factors impacting participants’ perceived AI Involvement (0-completely human to 10-completely AI), with a random intercept per reviewer. Ordinal data are treated as is.
DV = Perceived AI Involvement
Predictor Estimates Std. Error z P OR (95%CI) AIC
\cdashline1-8          Content type 484.07
Original Reference
Paraphrased -1.002 0.432 -2.319 0.016 0.367 (0.157, 0.856)
Generated 0.403 0.432 0.935 0.35 1.496 (0.642, 3.487)
AI familiarity*
Never Reference
Rarely -1.297 0.658 -1.973 0.049 0.273 (0.075, 0.992)
Sometimes -0.225 0.400 -0.562 0.574 0.799 (0.365, 1.749)
Peer-review experience
0 0.00127687 -0.190 0.849 1.000 (0.997, 1.002)
Disciplinary expertise
0.085 0.0625 1.365 0.172 1 (0.964, 1.231)
DV = Perceived Honesty
Predictor Estimates Std. Error z P OR (95%CI) AIC
\cdashline1-8          Disciplinary expertise 263.94
0.163 0.0794 2.048 0.041 1.177 (1.007, 1.375)
Content type
Original Reference
Paraphrased 1.051 0.4701 2.233 0.026 2.861 (1.137, 7.19)
Generated 0.207 0.475 0.437 0.662 1.23 (0.485, 3.121)
AI familiarity*
Never Reference
Rarely -0.151 0.931 -0.163 0.871 0.86 (0.139, 5.327)
Sometimes 0.98 0.618 1.585 0.113 2.664 (0.793, 8.943)
Peer-review experience
0 0.002 0.080 0.936 1 (0.996, 1.004)
DV = Perceived Clarity
Predictor Estimates Std. Error z P OR (95%CI) AIC
\cdashline1-8          Disciplinary expertise 288.05
0.19 0.069 2.760 0.006 1.209 (1.057, 1.384)
AI familiarity*
Never Reference
Rarely 0.71 0.771 0.921 0.357 2.034 (0.449, 9.213)
Sometimes 1.093 0.522 2.092 0.036 2.983 (1.072, 8.305)
Peer-review experience
-0.003 0.002 -1.524 0.127 0.997 (0.994, 1.001)
Content type
Original Reference
Paraphrased 0.391 0.443 0.882 0.378 1.478 (0.62, 3.521)
Generated 0.319 0.456 0.701 0.483 1.376 (0.563, 3.362)
DV = Perceived Compellingness
Predictor Estimates Std. Error z P OR (95%CI) AIC
\cdashline1-8          AI familiarity* 278.08
Never Reference
Rarely 1.793 0.681 2.634 0.008 6.007 (1.582, 22.821)
Sometimes 1.161 0.440 2.639 0.008 3.193 (1.348, 7.57)
Disciplinary expertise
0.09 0.063 1.417 0.157 1.094 (0.966, 1.239)
Peer-review experience
0.001 0.001 0.872 0.383 1.001 (0.998, 1.004)
Content type
Original Reference
Paraphrased 0.356 0.452 0.786 0.432 1.428 (0.588, 3.464)
Generated 0.322 0.460 0.699 0.485 1.38 (0.56, 3.402)
Note. *Only options selected by reviewers were displayed. Significance are displayed as follows: *** P¡.001,
** P¡.01, * P¡.05. DV=Dependent Variable. OR=Odds Ratio. CI=Confidence Interval. Predictors are arranged
based on their contribution to the model, determined as global AIC. Predictors were ranked with the highest
contribution (lowest AIC) appearing first. The Reference categories were selected to enhance result
interpretability. For OR, a value greater than 1 indicates a positive relationship, and a value less than 1
indicates a negative relationship.

In this section, we evaluate how factors including content_type, reviewers’ disciplinary_expertise, AI_familiarity and peer-reviewer_experience influence their perceived_AI_involvement and judgements on the manuscript and presented research. We used Cumulative Link Mixed Model (CLMM) regression999We used the Ordinal R-package (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/ordinal/) and included participant identifiers as random effects. CLMM is well-suited for repeated measures experiments with ordinal dependent variables, as in our study where reviewers were presented with multiple snippets in parallel (Christensen, 2019). We conducted a series of Multivariate CLMM regressions, using reviewers’ perceived_AI_involvement, perceived_accuracy, perceived_reliability, perceived_honesty, perceived_clarity, and perceived_ compellingness as the dependent variable (DV) and the factors as the predictors.  subsection 4.3 shows the final models with predictors ranked by their contribution to the DV, determined by the global minimum Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) (Kadane and Lazar, 2004) values obtained upon adding each predictor. Predictors with the highest contribution (lowest AIC) are ranked first.

As shown in subsection 4.3, the results revealed relationships between reviewers’ perceived_AI_involvement and the predictors content_type and AI_familiarity, with content_type had the greatest contribution. Specifically, reviewers perceived significantly lower AI involvement in AI-paraphrased snippets compared to original human-written snippets. This result extends our within-subject comparison in subsection 4.1. In addition, reviewers who rarely used AI in their research writing (AI_familiarity) perceived lower AI involvement than those who never used it, indicating that even minimal AI familiarity influences perceptions of AI involvement.

Furthermore, reviewers’ perceived_honesty, perceived_clarity, and perceived_compellingness showed significant positive associations with their disciplinary_expertise, AI_familiarity and content_type, with the disciplinary_expertise had the greatest contribution. Specifically, reviewers with greater expertise in the relevant research field perceived higher levels of honesty and clarity, particularly in AI-paraphrased snippets compared to original human-written ones. Moreover, we found that reviewers’ AI_familiarity positive associated with their perceived compellingness. That is, reviewers who sometimes used GenAI in their writing found the snippets more compelling than those who never used GenAI. Reviewers who sometimes used GenAI in their writing perceived higher level of clarity than those who never did. These results’ validity are further supported by our qualitative findings where reviewers appreciated well-structured sentences and good readability in snippets from GenAI (see subsection 4.4).

4.4. RQ4: What Aspects of Research Writing Impact Reviewers’ Perception and Judgement?

In this section, we discuss the themes derived from reviewers’ qualitative responses (see Figure 4). For clarity, thematic analysis themes are in italics, and reviewers’ quotes are in italicized quotations. The survey question is detailed in Appendix E (Q9). We discuss how these themes are related to our quantitative findings in section 5.

Refer to caption
Figure 4. Thematic Analysis Codebook. Synthesized reviewers’ responses to the open-ended question (Q9): “What specifically in the snippet led you to believe it was written by human researcher(s) or generated by AI?”. Each of the 17 reviewers answered this question six times, resulting in 102 responses, with some responses mentioning multiple themes.

Codebook Overview. N=102 responses. Aspects that reviewers reported made them believe the part of the snippet was AI or human produced.

Our thematic analysis of N=102𝑁102N=102italic_N = 102 open-ended responses revealed five major themes that influence reviewers’ perception of the author of snippets: 1) Writing and Sentence Structure, 2) Word Choice, 3) Problematic Statement, 4) Expression, and 5) Carefully Crafted Statement. Interestingly, the codes under these themes revealed reviewers’ contradictory opinions, which aligned with our quantitative findings that reviewers struggled to differentiate AI-generated snippets from those written by human researchers (see subsection 4.1).

4.4.1. Theme 1: Writing and Sentence Structure

The primary concern among the responses (27%) was that AI-generated snippets often suffer from incoherent logic and phrasing, with illogical transitions, unclear flow, and misuse of field-specific terminologies. In contrast, 12% of responses noted that human produces neatly edited sentences, and 2% mentioned that experienced researchers know how to structure sentences effectively (trained researchers know the writing structure). Moreover, 1% highlighted that humans tend to write in a consistent style (human write in consistent style). These responses expressed reviewers’ belief that AI cannot replicate the natural flow and logical progression achieved by human writers through careful and critical thinking and appropriate sentence transitions.

“The discussion of the research method feels somewhat abrupt and lacks a smooth connection with the preceding and subsequent content.”

— \faCommentDots[regular] Reviewer 6

Conversely, 7% of responses indicated that AI produces well-structured sentences (AI structure sentences better than human). Responses also noted that AI often uses conclusive statements at the end (2%), and follows an exact template (1%), and frequently uses transitional/bridged clauses in sentences (1%). In contrast, 3% of responses mentioned that inexperienced human researchers often make mistakes and fail to produce well-structured sentences (Inexperienced human writing mistakes).

“The sentences are too well-structured to be human-written. It feels like this follows an exact writing template.”

— \faCommentDots[regular] Reviewer 17

Another interesting contradiction emerged regarding sentence length. While 13% of responses indicated that AI-generated snippets tended to have convoluted and long sentences, 3% held the opposing view and attributed convoluted and long sentences to human writers. Additionally, 1 (1%) response expressed the reviewer’s concern about AI making grammar mistakes, whereas 3% indicated that snippets with grammar mistakes is more likely to be human-written (human makes grammar mistakes).

4.4.2. Theme 2: Word Choice

Another significant factor influencing reviewers’ perceptions was the presence of marker phrases and words in both human and AI-generated snippets. For instance, 26% of responses identified specific words and phrases (AI uses marker words/phrases) commonly used by AI, such as sentence starters like “However,…” and sentence structures like “…., do-ing….” In addition, terms such as “leverage” or “state-of-the-arts” were seen as indicators of AI writing due to their less common usage compared to simpler alternatives. Interestingly, reviewers’ perceptions of these markers were not always consistent. While 3% of responses noted that contractions, parentheses for explanations, and colons to introduce multiple concepts were unique to human-written snippet (human uses unique marker phrases/words), these markers were also mentioned in other responses as the indication of AI-generated snippets. We include a full list of marker words mentioned by reviewers in Appendix B.

“ChatGPT tends to construct sentences that often have a ‘do-ing’ in the second half.”

— \faCommentDots[regular] Reviewer 9

Beyond the identified marker words, reviewers also commented on broader language usage. Twenty-one percent of responses noted that AI-generated snippet often employed unusual language choices, which made the text sound awkward or unnatural (AI uses unusual language). In addition, a small portion of responses (4%) criticized AI for relying too heavily on adjectives and resulting in an overly descriptive writing style. Conversely, some responses (10%) associated plain and natural language with human authors (Human uses plain, natural language). One response (1%) pointed out that human writing tends to incorporate more non-technical language compared to AI (human uses non-technical language) to cater to a broader audience.

“There are keywords: ‘envision a future’, ‘excellent’ (not good, not better, but excellent), ‘high-fidelity’ as an adjective for devices, ‘exciting potential’ (not only potential, but exciting one).”

— \faCommentDots[regular] Reviewer 14

A small group of responses (4%) noted that AI tends to use concise language (AI uses concise language), while others (14%) associated snippets with concrete and succinct language with human authors (human uses concrete, short language). Additionally, some responses discussed the issue of repetitive wording: two (2%) mentioned it as a sign of AI-generated snippet (AI uses repetitive words), whereas one (1%) noted AI actively avoids repetitions (AI avoids repetitions), and another (1%) associated repetitive words with human-written snippets (human uses repetitive words).

4.4.3. Theme 3: Problematic Statement

Reviewers raised various concerns regarding statements in the snippets. The most common issue was that AI-generated snippets were often generic and non-specific (23%). Additionally, 11% of responses noted over-promising statements in AI-generated snippets. Concerns about factual accuracy were also raised, with two responses (2%) noted that AI-generated snippets often contain false descriptions and non-factual statements.

“It is very generic and does not give concrete examples of what the authors do in the paper.”

— \faCommentDots[regular] Reviewer 4

Interestingly, two responses (2%) pointed out that AI often repeats content with different phrasing that merely summarizes earlier paragraphs without further elaboration. One response (1%) noted weak statements in AI-generated snippets AI produces weak statement that lacks supporting evidence or being poorly developed.

4.4.4. Theme 4: Expression

Reviewers assessed how well the snippets conveyed human emotions, opinions, and subjective experiences. Three percent of responses indicated that human authors use evocative words and figurative language to convey personal perspectives (Human expresses personal perspectives and understanding in writing), and 4% of responses identified snippets lacking personal and subjective expressions as AI-generated (lacks personal expressions).

“There is a humble and stumble feel to the writing, which makes it feel like human.”

— \faCommentDots[regular] Reviewer 17

In addition, one response (1%) linked snippets strictly follow the standardized grammar rules and sentence structure with non-English-speakers (human non-English speakers follow standardized rules). Another response (1%) noted that non-native speakers might produce less fluent writing (human non-English speakers could produce less fluent writing). These contradictory perceptions can lead to inaccurate conclusions about AI involvement.

4.4.5. Theme 5: Carefully Crafted Statement

Interestingly, 4% of responses admired the expertise in the writing of some snippets and perceived these snippets as “the work of experienced researchers” (AI paraphrased content appears to be written by an experienced researcher). However, these snippets were actually paraphrased using GenAI.

“I do think it was written by a human with good language skills.”

— \faCommentDots[regular] Reviewer 14

In addition, 5% of responses highlighted that human writing typically incorporates sufficient details and evidence to support statements (human writes sufficient details). Two responses (2%) noted that human authors emphasize key research points through strategic sentence structure, word choice, and transitional phrases, rather than presenting redundant information before reaching the main points. Similarly, one response (1%) noted that human-written snippets often use logical progression (Human uses logical progression in content), carefully presents information in a smooth, clear, coherent structure from research motivation and design to findings and discussions.

5. Discussion

Our study supports the concern raised by Tu et al. (2024) and extends prior research on the difficulty humans have in distinguishing between AI- and human-authored content in general contexts like news, jokes, and health information (e.g., (Gao et al., 2023; Rae, 2024; Ragot et al., 2020)). We found that such an inability also applies to peer reviewers of research publications. Our qualitative analysis highlighted contradictory perceptions among reviewers, where some reviewers identified lengthy sentences, concise language, repetition, and standardized grammar as indicators of AI authorship, while others perceived these as signs of human writing. However, despite these conflicting views, reviewers’ judgments of the manuscript and the presented research remained consistent.

In fact, unlike prior research that identified people’s tendencies toward AI aversion or appreciation (Rae, 2024; Longoni et al., 2022; Graefe et al., 2018; Clerwall, 2017), our study found that academia and industry professionals did not exhibit clear negative or positive opinions about the manuscript and its presented research across the three types of snippets, despite varying perceptions of AI involvement. This finding indicates that assessments of research extend beyond writing quality alone. While clarity, conciseness, and coherence are important, other factors such as novelty, methodological transparency, result validity, and contribution to the field also significantly influence reviewers’ judgments (The 2023 ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2023). Thus, our results suggest that when these aspects are well-addressed, the use of GenAI in writing does not necessarily bias reviewers’ evaluations.

Furthermore, our regression analysis indicated that reviewers perceived less AI involvement and higher honesty in AI-paraphrased snippets. Reviewers with greater disciplinary expertise and AI familiarity rated higher levels of honesty, clarity, and compellingness across all snippet types. This result contrasts with previous studies on non-research writing contexts, where experts found algorithmic advice less trustworthy (van der Kaa and Krahmer, 2014) and those familiar with the algorithm were less receptive to its suggestions (Logg et al., 2019). Our qualitative results further showed that reviewers appreciated GenAI’s ability to produce well-structured and clear snippets. This perception suggests that GenAI can be a valuable for enhancing the presentation of their research through writing. However, reviewers found AI-augmented snippets lacking in logical progression, supporting evidence for statements, and emphasis on key research points. These issues highlight the limitations of GenAI in areas requiring critical thinking, logical reasoning, and nuanced understanding of the research field. Conversely, reviewers noted that human researchers are good at providing detailed evidence and explanation, and strategically emphasizing key points within the manuscript’s logical flow. Given that increased human involvement in AI-generated content fosters greater ownership and responsibility (Draxler et al., 2024; Pierce et al., 2003), we thus recommend a human-in-the-loop approach to AI-assisted writing to ensure logical, clear, and accurate research manuscripts.

Overall, our study suggests that while AI can be a valuable in enhancing research communication by improving structure and clarity of its presentation, human researchers’ oversight remains crucial to ensure a well-structured, logically sound, and informative final manuscript.

5.1. Implications For Researchers Who Submit to Peer-Reviewed Venues

Through the perspective of top-tier HCI conference peer-reviewers, our quantitative and qualitative analyses revealed themes that alleviate researchers’ concerns about disclosing AI use in manuscript submissions. From reviewers’ responses, we identify insights on the appropriate ways to augment research writing with GenAI, and demonstrate that responsible and transparent use of GenAI can enhance the quality of research presentation in writing without damaging reviewers’ perceptions on the underlying research. Our reviewers agreed on GenAI’s ability to produce well-structured and readable sentences, which highlights its potential benefits for novice researchers and non-native English speakers who struggle with writing. GenAI can act as an assistant to improve the overall grammar, sentence structure, and clarity of their manuscripts. However, researchers should not overly rely on GenAI, as our reviewers pointed out its limitations, such as a lack of logical flow, insufficient supporting evidence, and the use of inaccurate or non-factual statements—a fundamental problem in the underlying language generation models (Ji et al., 2023; Achiam et al., 2023). This issue can be particularly harmful to those less familiar with the research domain or with limited English proficiency.

Literature has identified researchers’ concerns that AI cannot uncover nuanced insights from data and can lead to generic themes that overlook data complexity and diversity (Li, 2024). In the context of research writing, our reviewers echoed this sentiment and noted that AI often replicates content with various generic statements and lack relevant details to the research. This result suggests that current GenAI cannot independently perform meaningful and comprehensive data interpretations and therefore should not replace the critical thinking and in-depth analysis human researchers bring into the writing. Beyond this, reviewers valued the emotions and subjective expressions conveyed by human authors, and appreciated the “human touch” in research writing. This echoes the finding from Clerwall (2017) on news articles. While our reviewers found AI-paraphrased snippets easier to read, they also noted a sense of monotony due to the repetitive and standardized structure and style. The personal and subjective elements from human researchers make reviewers see academia as a diverse, curious, and collaborative community, rather than a collection of impersonal paper-producing machines. This finding further reinforces the importance for human researchers to act as the primary driver of the writing process even with AI assistance.

In summary, our findings show that using GenAI for writing augmentation does not negatively impact reviewers’ perceptions. Based on our findings, we strongly advocate for a balanced approach to GenAI use in academic writing. Researchers should make use of GenAI as a tool for enhancing readability and reorganizing research knowledge. However, they should remain in their role as the primary intellectual drivers of their work. We emphatically recommend that researchers: (1) Openly disclose their use of GenAI in manuscript preparation to foster transparency and trust in the academic community. (2) Carefully review and fact-check all AI-generated content, so that the facts are correct and the output is aligned with their intended arguments. (3) Preserve the “human touch” in their writing, which our study shows resonates strongly with reviewers and keeps the collaborative spirit of academic discourse. (4) Use GenAI judiciously to enhance—not to replace—their critical thinking and unique insights. These guidelines enable researchers to create clearly presented research while mitigating the risk of false or generic GenAI statements. This approach maintains research integrity and aligns with evolving ethical standards in academic publishing (Panel on Responsible Conduct of Research, 2021). Responsible and transparent use of GenAI will be crucial to preserve the quality and credibility of peer-reviewed research.

5.2. Implications For Peer-Reviewers Who Review Research Manuscripts

While research venues permit the use of GenAI as writing assistants, these tools must be accompanied by human author oversight and verification (elsevier.com, nda). As demonstrated in Figure 4, our study revealed that reviewers identified similar issues in both AI- and human-written snippets, such as redundant sentences, overly generic statements, and marker phrases (see Appendix B). Thus, these problems are common in both human-written and AI-augmented manuscripts and cannot be used as reliable evidence of AI involvement. Despite the availability of algorithm-based AI detectors, literature shows these tools often penalize individuals with limited linguistic proficiency (Liang et al., 2023), which directly contradicts our reviewers’ perception that AI-generated snippets uses “flowery” language. This contradiction highlights that neither existing AI-detectors nor reviewers’ personal strategies are reliable in detecting GenAI. Given our findings, we strongly advise reviewers to refrain from speculating about GenAI involvement in manuscripts, because both human intuition and AI detectors have proven unreliable in this regard. Instead, we recommend that reviewers: (1) focus exclusively on the manuscript’s scientific merit (e.g., validity of methods, robustness of results, significance of contributions), (2) evaluate the manuscript’s coherence, clarity, and effective communication of research findings regardless of perceived authorship method, (3) base their assessment on the strength of arguments and quality of evidence presented (not language use or writing style assumptions), and (4) if concerns about academic integrity arise, to address these through established channels.

Although our reviewers did not show clear positive or negative perceptions across the three snippet types, their perceptions may become more diverse as GenAI functionalities continue to proliferate, its use in research activities continues to grow, and its counter-movements (e.g., PauseAI101010PauseAI Proposal. https://pauseai.info/proposal.) continue to rise in influence. Literature indicates that acceptance rates of manuscripts from non-English-speaking countries are significantly lower than those from English-speaking countries (Ehara and Takahashi, 2007). Thus, it is understandable that non-English-speaking researchers might use GenAI to ensure their manuscripts conform to standard scientific English, are clear, and appealing to reviewers, and can compete with those from native English-speakers. While reviewing a manuscript entails the responsibility of assessing and ensuring the quality of published research (elsevier.com, ndb), we emphasize that the fundamental principles of peer review remain unchanged—even when GenAI is used in academic writing. Reviewers should reaffirm their commitment to the collaborative nature of a peer review, which aims to guide researchers toward excellence rather than merely critiquing their work (Dutta, 2006). It is imperative that reviewers remain objective on the manuscript’s scientific merit, methodological rigour, and contributions to the field. They should always provide constructive feedback that enhances the quality of the work and supports an author’s development. Reviewers will have to recognize that GenAI use may be an assistive tool for non-native speakers to help them overcome an existing language handicap. Reviews should be adapted to acknowledge the evolving nature of academic writing, where the lines between human and AI-assisted content are becoming increasingly blurred.

5.3. Future Enforcement of Ethical Use of GenAI in Research Writing

Our study sheds light on the complexities of regulating and enforcing ethical GenAI use in research writing. Our findings revealed the unreliability of strategies that human reviewers use to distinguish between AI and human authorship. Together with the unreliable result from existing GPT detectors Liang et al. (2023), we highlight that current human and algorithm-based methods for identifying AI-generated content can increase biases and inequities in academic publishing. We argue that AI-detecting tools, in their current state, should be used cautiously and only as supplementary information, not as definitive evidence of AI involvement in manuscript writing. The primary focus should remain on human reviewers’ critical assessments of research quality and contribution. Concurrently, we recommend that academic institutions and publishing venues invest in educating reviewers about the capabilities and limitations of GenAI, as well as the potential biases in both human and algorithmic detection methods. This education should emphasize the importance of evaluating manuscripts based on their scientific merit, regardless of perceived AI involvement. A more nuanced understanding of GenAI among reviewers promotes fairer evaluations of research manuscripts and maintains the integrity of the peer-review process in the continuously evolving GenAI space.

Several reviewers expressed their concern in the end-survey comments about the pressure in academia to produce numerous papers quickly for job security and career progression. This demand leads researchers to prioritize short, impactful studies over longitudinal work. GenAI exacerbates this issue by speeding up the writing process, which can undermine careful and thoughtful research and writing. This comment echoes the sentiment from literature that AI will create a negative feedback loop for researchers who write manually and lead to a drought of human-created content (Rae, 2024; Kreminski, 2024). Given these concerns, it is crucial to balance the advantages of AI-augmented writing with the preservation of human authorship values. We propose a multi-faceted approach that is both realistic and impactful. Academic venues need to update their submission guidelines. Voluntary disclosure of GenAI prompts without repercussions would make the process of AI use more transparent. However, human oversight and critical thinking should remain the most important components of the review process. To facilitate this, institutions and funding bodies should provide ethical guidelines for using GenAI in research. The mindset shift required for authors here would be to focus more on research quality, impact, and innovation instead of publication quantity. This shift would disincentivize abuse of GenAI and support longer-term, more comprehensive studies. In addition, better training for reviewers on what GenAI can and cannot do would also let them focus more on evaluating the research’s value.

More research is needed on the long-term effects of GenAI writing and research quality to inform any future policy changes. However, full regulation and verification of GenAI may not be feasible or even desirable, but a research culture that values thorough, impactful work while acknowledging the role of new technology should be. Our goal as researchers should be to mitigate the potential negative effects of GenAI on research quality and human authorship while still benefiting from the capabilities of this new technology to enhance academic writing.

5.4. Limitations and Opportunities for Future Research

Our study has limitations that offer several opportunities for future research. First, our primary limitation is its sample size. While our mixed-methods approach gave deep and rich insights, the small number of participants limits the precision of our quantitative estimates. This constraint reflects the challenges in recruiting professional peer reviewers (Henderson et al., 2020), a hurdle likely to persist in future studies. Still, our findings offer early and valuable insights into how reviewers see GenAI in academic writing. Future research could explore other approaches. For example, it could analyze acceptance and rejection patterns before and after GenAI adoption. This would add to our findings, even though such data might be equally difficult to obtain. Second, our study focused on abstracts, not full papers. This approach let us examine varied AI snippets across research areas while maintaining survey manageability for professional reviewers. However, it may not fully capture reviewers’ judgments of complete manuscripts. Future research should extend this investigation to full papers or more extensive snippets. This could reveal more nuanced perceptions of AI-augmented academic writing. Third, our sample’s limited familiarity with AI in writing likely reflects the current reviewer population, given the ongoing controversies surrounding GenAI use in academia. As GenAI becomes more commonplace in research activities, future studies may reveal evolving perceptions among reviewers. This presents an opportunity for longitudinal research to track changes in reviewer attitudes and practices over time. Fourth, our study also suffer from common limitations of empirical research. Although we instructed reviewers not to look up the full papers in literature databases, we cannot entirely prevent this. Additionally, our data relies on self-reporting, which is subject to the reviewers’ honesty and self-awareness. Our study may be subject to social desirability bias. Reviewers are potentially underreporting their own GenAI use because of perceived stigma. However, we expect that our findings will help normalize discussions about GenAI in academic writing and, in turn, encourage more open disclosure in future research. Lastly, we studied general reviewer perceptions across disciplines, with 35% of reviewers specializing in games research, likely due to our research team’s majority background in this field. Future research should explore how specific disciplines view GenAI use. This is especially true in disciplines with writing styles that could be misidentified as AI-generated. It would provide a more nuanced understanding of GenAI’s impact on peer review processes.

6. Conclusion

Our paper presents a snippet-based online survey examining reviewers’ perceptions of human-written, AI-paraphrased, and AI-generated snippets. We surveyed 17 experienced peer-reviewers from top-tier HCI conferences and found their struggle in distinguishing between AI-processed and human-written snippets but their judgments on the manuscript and the underlying research did not significantly vary. Our results indicate that responsible and transparent use of GenAI can enhance research presentation quality without negatively impacting reviewers’ perceptions. Given the current unreliability of AI detection by reviewers and AI-detection tools, we advocate for reviewer guidelines that promote impartial evaluations of submissions, regardless of any personal biases towards GenAI. Our findings encourage researchers to transparently disclose their AI use in manuscripts without the fear of damaging reviewers’ perception. Based on our findings, we that researchers must maintain their authorship and control over the writing process, even when using GenAI assistance.

We thank our participants for taking a part in our study and sharing their insightful thoughts and opinions. We acknowledge that we used Grammarly’s AI assistant, Claude 3.5 Sonnet, and Hemingway’s AI Editor for spelling, grammar, punctuation, and clarity editing. Google Gemini was used to process the snippets as our study materials, and to paraphrase our initial abstract draft using example prompts from “AI-paraphrased snippets” to enhance its clarity and readability. Our decision to use Gemini on our abstract was informed by our findings. We also intend to inspect reviewers’ reactions on our GenAI-paraphrased abstract during an actual peer-review process. Our manuscript was fully verified and edited by our research team. We did not use generative AI for data collection, analysis, or image generation. Figures in this manuscript were created using Python seaborn package and pre-built templates on Canva, and statistical analyses were conducted using R. This research was supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Discovery Grant (#RGPIN-2022-03353 and #RGPIN-2023-03705), the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Insight Grant (#435-2022-0476), the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) JELF Grant (#41844). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSERC, the CFI, nor the University of Waterloo.


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Appendix A Codebook

Table 5. Thematic Analysis Codebook. N=102 Responses from Survey Question (Q9): “What specifically in the snippet led you to believe it was written by human researchers or by AI?”

Theme Code n* Example Responses Writing/Sentence Structure AI produces incoherent logic/phrasing 28 “The abstract’s logic is too chaotic.” “assume that a reader will understand ideas that are not described earlier.” AI produces convoluted, long sentence 13 “Extremely verbose writing.” “Includes long sentences with many clauses.” AI structures sentences better than human 7 “The last sentences tries to wrap things up too nicely, feels too well-structured to be human written.” AI seems to follow a template 1 “Feels like its structure follows a writing template.” AI makes grammar mistakes 1 “Grammar error seemingly from shortening with AI.” AI uses transitional/bridged clauses in sentences 1 “AI likes to add a lot of transitional sentences, and bridges between sentences. This sentence echoes this a bit.” Human produces neatly edited sentences 12 “The abstract feels natural and in a structure that I feel familiar, which often does not happen when the text is rephrased or written by AI.” Human produces convoluted, long sentence 3 “This is a bit too wordy for AI.” “It is too verbose and seems to have been written by someone who does not know how to self edit.” Human makes grammar mistakes 3 “I tend to believe this was written by a human research because there are some minor flaws, a slight lack of conciseness and the use of loose wording.” Inexperienced human writing mistakes 3 “It reads like it was written by a student or a less expert human in that it spent too many sentences before getting to the point.” Trained researchers know the writing structure 2 “A researcher that has learned how to write would present the gap, method, and results more clearly.” Human write in Consistent 1 “human write in content style and voice.” Word Choice AI uses Marker words/phrases 27 “The use of certain words is suspicious as AI often uses them when writing.” AI uses unusual choice of language 21 “AI likes to use words that are used seldom in human writing.” “Most humans wouldn’t write ’interaction repertoire’ unless they initially wrote this in another language.” AI uses too many adjectives 4 “It is framed with too many adjectives.” AI uses concise language 4 “The sentence feels to long to be AI generated.” AI uses repetitive words 2 “The repetition of phrases seemed to be indicative of the kind of repetitiveness of theme that AI can sometimes have.” AI avoids repetitions 1 “Bots tend to avoid repetitions and use synonyms instead.” Human uses concrete, short language 14 “The structure of the sentence is really simple, which makes me think it’s been written by humans.” Human uses plain, natural language 10 “Sentences are short, clear, and there is no suspicious vocabulary.” Human uses unique marker phrase/words 3 “I don’t think AI-generated content often includes explanations in ‘()’.” Human uses repetitive words 1 “It used word ‘leverage’ twice.” Human uses non-technical language 1 “The paragraph has too much non-technical and design-esque language.” Problematic Statement AI uses empty descriptions, too generic and non-specific 23 “It is very generic and does not give concrete examples of what the authors do in the paper.” AI uses over-promising statements 11 “It is a bit dramatic/exaggerated in its writing.” AI produces false descriptions, non-factual statements 2 “The assertion in the abstract is both unclear and not factual, which raises suspicions.” AI repeats content (using different phrases) 2 “It redundantly repreats information mentioned earlier.” AI produces weak statement 1 “The sentence feels a bit weaker than a human statement.” Expression AI lacks personal/subjective expressions 4 “The tone is objective and lacks subjective elements from human authors.” Human expresses personal perspectives and understanding in writing 3 “There is a humble and stumble feel to the writing, which makes it feel more human.” Human non-English speakers follow the grammar rule from book/school 1 “As a non-native speaker, my knowledge of the structure of English sentences is highly influenced by what I learned from the school and what I read on papers and from the Internet.” Human non-English speakers could produce less fluent writing 1 “The sentence is a bit disconnected from the rest of the text, which could have been written by a less fluent speaker.” Carefully Crafted Statement AI paraphrased content appears to be written by a more experienced researcher than original 4 “The snippet reads like a polished draft and is more formulaic to me following a structure of setup.” Human writes sufficient details 5 “The sentence provide abundant details, and a specific, comprehensive and credible description of the entire study.” Human knows what to emphasize 2 “It feels like how a human would choose to highlight what’s important in an article.” Human uses logical progression in content 1 “Common voice and clear progression through the study and results, which feel like human written.” Note. *n=number of responses.

Appendix B Frequently Mentioned AI and Human Markers

Table 6. This table shows AI- and human-authorship marker phrases in snippets as identified by our reviewers. These perceived indicators reflect our reviewers’ opinions and do not necessarily correspond to actual authorship.
AI-authorship Makers Human-authorship Markers
“foster…” “…, do-ing…” “By…” contractions e.g., can’t, aren’t.
“leverage” “a suite of” “fueled parentheses “()”
“bridge this gap” “human-centered” “pave the way…” use “:” instead of a clause
“yet” “While…” “ultimately…”
“neglecting…” “utmost important” “seamless…”
“However,…” “multimodal” “go beyond…”
“thereby do-ing…” “revealing” “humanized technological future”
“envision” “Contemperary ” contractions e.g., can’t, aren’t.
“state-of-the-art” use “:” instead of a clause “struggle”

Appendix C Selected Snippets, Their Citations Per Year, and Publication Information

Table 7. Papers selected for our study. We selected papers that: 1) with highest citations, 2) with highest downloads, and 3) published in recent years.
ID Topic Paper Title Published Total Citations* Total Downloads*
ID1 Accessibility and Aging The Promise of Empathy: Design, Disability, and Knowing the “Other” (Bennett and Rosner, 2019) May 2, 2019 180 12072
ID2 Blending Interaction: Engineering Interactive Systems & Tools Project Jacquard: Interactive Digital Textiles at Scale (Poupyrev et al., 2016) May 7, 2016 216 8917
ID3 Building Devices: Hardware, Materials, and Fabrication Printed optics: 3D printing of embedded optical elements for interactive devices (Willis et al., 2012) October 7, 2012 249 5401
ID4 Computational Interaction Guidelines for Human-AI Interaction (Amershi et al., 2019) May 2, 2019 703 20728
ID5 Critical Computing, Sustainability, and Social Justice Feminist HCI: taking stock and outlining an agenda for design (Bardzell, 2010) April 10, 2010 665 9843
ID6 Design Research through design as a method for interaction design research in HCI (Zimmerman et al., 2007) April 29, 2007 1124 26050
ID7 Games and Play Experiencing the Body as Play (Mueller et al., 2018) April 21, 2018 82 1583
ID8 Health A Human-Centered Evaluation of a Deep Learning System Deployed in Clinics for the Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy (Beede et al., 2020) April 23, 2020 211 18953
ID9 Interacting with Devices: Interaction Techniques & Modalities Pinpointing: Precise Head- and Eye-Based Target Selection for Augmented Reality (Kytö et al., 2018) April 19, 2018 165 4495
ID10 Interaction Beyond the Individual Large Scale Analysis of Multitasking Behavior During Remote Meetings (Cao et al., 2021) May 7, 2021 66 2380
ID11 Learning, Education, and Families Teaching Language and Culture with a Virtual Reality Game (Cheng et al., 2017) May 2, 2017 123 3849
ID12 Privacy and Security Unpacking “privacy” for a networked world (Palen and Dourish, 2003) April 5, 2003 569 9116
ID13 Specific Applications Areas Toward Algorithmic Accountability in Public Services: A Qualitative Study of Affected Community Perspectives on Algorithmic Decision-making in Child Welfare Services (Brown et al., 2019) May 2, 2019 107 5205
ID14 Understanding People A Data-Driven Analysis of Workers’ Earnings on Amazon Mechanical Turk (Hara et al., 2018) April 21, 2018 226 2340
ID15 User Experience and Usability Breaking The Experience: Effects of Questionnaires in VR User Studies (Putze et al., 2020) April 23, 2020 57 2597
ID16 Visualization Wrangler: interactive visual specification of data transformation scripts (Kandel et al., 2011) May 7, 2011 393 3126
Note. * As of March 19, 2024. Retrieved from ACM Digital Library https://dl.acm.org/.

Appendix D Example Gemini Prompts and Outputs

Here we demonstrate our use of designed prompts in Google Gemini based on an example snippet from Mueller et al. (2018). For anonymity, we concealed our researcher’s user account icon with a bear toy icon in the following screenshots.

Refer to caption
Figure 5. Example use of our designed prompts (see Figure 2) in Google Gemini to paraphrase an original human-written abstract from the source paper by Mueller et al. (2018).

Example use of our designed prompts (see Figure 2) in Google Gemini to paraphrase an original human-written abstract from the source paper.

Refer to caption
Figure 6. Example use of our designed prompts in Google Gemini to generate an snippet based on a paraphrased snippet and the introduction and conclusion sections from the source paper by Mueller et al. (2018). This screenshots includes the use of Step 1 prompt (see Figure 2).

Example use of our designed prompts (see Figure 2) in Google Gemini to generate an snippet based on a paraphrased snippet and the introduction and conclusion sections from the source paper by Mueller et al. (2018).

Refer to caption
Figure 7. Example use of our designed prompts in Google Gemini to generate an snippet based on a paraphrased snippet and the introduction and conclusion sections from the source paper by Mueller et al. (2018). This screenshots includes the use of Steps 2 & 3 prompts (see Figure 2).

Example use of our designed prompts (see Figure 2) in Google Gemini to generate an snippet based on a paraphrased snippet and the introduction and conclusion sections from the source paper by Mueller et al. (2018).

Appendix E Survey Questionnaire

E.1. Instruction

In this section, you will be presented with 6 snippets from recently published research papers. These snippets may have been written by human researchers or generated with the assistance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) writing tools. AI writing assistants can help researchers by suggesting phrasing, structuring sentences, and even generating initial drafts.

Please read each snippet carefully. You will be asked about your perception on the snippet and the writer.

Important: We understand that you may have limited information to make a concrete judgement; the goal of this study is to learn about your perception of these snippets. Please do not look up any of the snippets on Google scholar or any other literature search engine because it defeats the purpose of this study!

E.2. Knowledge and Expertise

To help us determine the snippets to present to each participant, the participants were first asked about the research areas that they have the most and least expertise and knowledge. The research areas that we used as options are from the CHI2023 Paper Submission Subcommittees111111CHI’23. “Selecting a Subcommittee”. Last modified (n.d.). Last accessed on March 19, 2024. https://chi2023.acm.org/subcommittees/selecting-a-subcommittee/. Based on participants’ selection in these questions, we present them with the snippets in the remaining survey questions.

  1. Q1:

    Please select one research field in which you consider yourself to have the MOST knowledge or expertise.

    • Accessibility and Aging

    • Blending Interaction: Engineering Interactive Systems & Tools

    • Developing Novel Devices: Hardware, Materials, and Fabrication

    • Computational Interaction

    • Critical Computing, Sustainability, and Social Justice

    • Design

    • Games and Play

    • Health

    • Interacting with Devices: Interaction Techniques & Modalities

    • Interaction Beyond and Individual

    • Learning, Education, and Families

    • Privacy and Security

    • Specific Applications Areas

    • Understanding People

    • User Experience and Usability

    • Visualization

  2. Q2:

    Please select one research field in which you consider yourself to have the LEAST knowledge or expertise.

    • Repeat the options above.

E.3. Snippets and Questions

After the instruction message, participants were presented with six snippets, three content types of two abstracts. One abstract was selected from the research area that they considered themselves having the most knowledge and expertise, and the other was from the research area that they considered themselves having the least knowledge and expertise.

Sample Snippet paraphrased based on the abstract of Putze et al. (2020):

Virtual Reality (VR) research relies on questionnaires for user experience, but switching between VR and reality (Break in Presence - BIP) disrupts immersion and introduces bias. New VR technology allows for questionnaires within the VR environment (inVRQs). This study investigates how inVRQs affect BIP compared to traditional questionnaires. We conducted a user study (n=50) with a VR shooter and varying immersion levels. Participants answered questionnaires inside and outside VR. Physiological data measured BIP. Our findings confirm switching to traditional questionnaires induces BIP, while inVRQs effectively reduce it without impacting user experience. This highlights the potential of inVRQs to minimize bias and improve VR user study validity, especially for high-fidelity experiences. This paves the way for researchers and VR developers to design more standardized and reliable inVR questioning methods.

Questions below are repeated with each snippet:

  1. Q3:

    How would you rate your knowledge and/or experience in the field covered by the snippet?

    • Answered on a scale from “0-I have no knowledge or expertise in this field” to “10-I’m an expert in this field.”

  2. Q4:

    I believe the snippet does the following to represent the content of the paper.

    • It accurately represents the paper. [Answered on a 5-point Likert scale from “1-strongly disagree” to “5-strongly agree.”]

    • It reliably represents the paper. [Answered on a 5-point Likert scale from “1-strongly disagree” to “5-strongly agree.”]

    • It honestly represents the paper. [Answered on a 5-point Likert scale from “1-strongly disagree” to “5-strongly agree.”]

    • It clearly represents the paper. [Answered on a 5-point Likert scale from “1-strongly disagree” to “5-strongly agree.”]

    • It compellingly represents the paper. [Answered on a 5-point Likert scale from “1-strongly disagree” to “5-strongly agree.”]

  3. Q5:

    To what extent do you think this snippet was written by a human researcher(s) or generated by artificial intelligence (AI)? [Answered on a scale from “0-completely written by human researchers” to “10-completely written by AI.”]

  4. Q6:

    (if not “0” in Q5) Please highlight the sentence(s) (if any) that you suspect were written by AI.

    • Present the snippet again with the highlight function.

  5. Q7:

    What specifically in the snippet led you to believe it was written by human researchers or by AI? Please share any observations you have about the content’s style, structure, or information. [Answered on an open-ended space.]

E.4. General Perception Questions

  1. Q8:

    I trust that a human researcher can accurately communicate their research ideas and outcomes in their academic writing. [Answered on a 5-point Likert scale from “1-strongly disagree” to “5-strongly agree.”]

  2. Q9:

    I believe that a human researcher is capable of accurately communicating their research ideas and outcomes in their academic writing. [Answered on a 5-point Likert scale from “1-strongly disagree” to “5-strongly agree.”]

  3. Q10:

    I trust that a generative AI can help researchers to accurately communicate their research ideas and outcomes in their academic writing. [Answered on a 5-point Likert scale from “1-strongly disagree” to “5-strongly agree.”]

  4. Q11:

    I believe that a human researcher is capable of accurately communicating their research ideas and outcomes in their academic writing. [Answered on a 5-point Likert scale from “1-strongly disagree” to “5-strongly agree.”]

  5. Q12:

    In your research writing process, how often do you use generative AI tools? [Answered on a 5-point scale from “1-never (I do not use these tools at all)” to “5-always (I rely heavily on generative AI tools throughout my research writing process.)”.]