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The Pitfalls of Publishing in the Age of LLMs:
Strange and Surprising Adventures with a High-Impact NLP Journal

Rakesh M. Verma
Department of Computer Science
University of Houston
[email protected]
   Nachum Dershowitz
School of Computer Science
Tel Aviv University
[email protected]

We show the fraught side of the academic publishing realm and illustrate it through a recent case study with an NLP journal.

1 Introduction

In the dawn of the age of Large Language Models (LLMs), already much has been said about how researchers are making use of LLMs to author articles. For example, according to an article in Scientific American \citesciam, “One percent of scientific articles published in 2023 showed signs of generative AI’s potential involvement, according to a recent analysis.” However, far less has been said about how reviewers are now abusing their role, sometimes with the editor’s collusion.

Here is our report of a case in point. We submitted a manuscript on domain-independent deception detection to a highly respected journal. As a consequence of a reviewer’s use of an LLM, we both received a most peculiar review and also lost the promised confidentiality regarding our submission.

2 The Strange Case of a Submission in Computational Linguistics

On the last day of August 2023, we, along with three other colleagues, submitted an article to a prominent journal in natural language processing (NLP) slash computational linguistics (CL). Two and a half months later, on 17 November, the editor-in-chief sent us three reviews. One of them stood out, as it was clearly written for the most part by a machine. We quote it verbatim below:

Reviewer B:

  1. 1.

    Originality: Based on the information provided in the paper, the paper does contain some new information and insights related to the field of deception detection. However, the paper presents some novel methods and findings, it’s essential to assess whether these contributions significantly advance the current state of the field.

  2. 2.

    Relationship to Literature:

    • -

      The paper demonstrates a reasonable understanding of the relevant literature in the field. It cites a wide range of literature sources, including academic papers, books, and software tools, to provide context and support for the research. The references cover various aspects of deception detection, including linguistic analysis, machine learning, and psychology, which indicates a comprehensive review of the literature.

    • -

      The paper generally acknowledges and cites significant work in the field of deception detection. It references various established techniques, datasets, and prior research contributions related to the detection of deceptive content. However, it’s essential to note that the significance of the work can vary depending on the specific focus of the paper. While the paper references a substantial body of literature, it may not cover every single significant work due to the breadth of the field. Overall, the paper’s literature review appears to be thorough, covering a wide range of relevant sources. However, the assessment of whether any “significant” work is ignored can be subjective, as it depends on the specific criteria for significance and the scope of the paper. We may have varying opinions on whether certain works should have been included, but the paper generally provides a solid foundation in terms of referencing relevant literature.

  3. 3.


  4. -

    The paper does build its argument on an appropriate base of theory and concepts related to deception detection. It draws upon established theories and techniques from linguistics, natural language processing, and psychology to frame its research. However, while the theoretical foundation is generally sound, there could be more explicit connections between the chosen theories and the specific research questions addressed in the paper.

  5. -

    The design of the research in the paper is generally well-structured. It presents a systematic exploration of various methods and techniques for deception detection, including linguistic analysis, machine learning, and cross-domain applications. However, the paper lacks some details on specific aspects of the research design, such as the selection criteria for datasets and the rationale behind the chosen evaluation metrics. Providing more transparency in these areas would enhance the paper’s rigor.

  6. -

    The paper employs a wide range of methods, including linguistic analysis, machine learning, and cross-domain experiments. These methods are suitable for investigating deception detection, given the multidisciplinary nature of the field. However, the appropriateness of the methods could be further validated by discussing their advantages and limitations in the context of the research questions. Additionally, the paper should clarify the criteria used to select specific methods or models for experimentation and analysis. In summary, while the paper does build its argument on relevant theories and concepts and demonstrates a well-structured research design, there is room for improvement in explicitly connecting the chosen theories to the research questions and providing more details on the research design and method selection criteria.

  7. 4.

    Results: The presentation of results and the analysis in the paper generally follow a structured and systematic approach. However, there are areas for improvement in terms of clarity and the alignment of conclusions with the other elements of the paper. Here’s a detailed evaluation:

  8. -


    a. The paper organizes the presentation of results in a systematic manner, often following a clear structure of introducing the research question, detailing the methodology, and presenting findings.

    b. Visual aids, such as tables, figures, and charts, are used to illustrate key results, which enhances the clarity of the presentation.

    c. The paper incorporates quantitative analysis, which is appropriate for the research objectives, and uses statistical measures to describe and evaluate results.

    d. In some sections, the paper compares its findings with existing methods or benchmarks, which provides context and helps assess the significance of the results.

  9. -

    Areas for Improvement:

    a. While the paper presents results, the depth of analysis could be enhanced. In some instances, the analysis is somewhat descriptive and lacks deeper insights or interpretations of the findings.

    b. The paper should clearly indicate the statistical significance of the results where applicable. This is essential to support the validity of the findings.

    c. For a more comprehensive understanding, qualitative analysis (e.g., linguistic analysis of deceptive cues) could be incorporated where relevant, especially in sections related to linguistic aspects of deception.

  10. -

    Conclusions (Strengths and Areas for Improvement):

    a. The conclusions section provides a concise summary of the key findings and their implications, which is a strength.

    b. The conclusions should be scrutinized to ensure they align closely with the research objectives and the results presented earlier in the paper. In some cases, there may be a need for clearer connections between results and conclusions.

    c. It would be beneficial for the paper to include recommendations for future research based on the findings. This helps to demonstrate the broader significance of the research.

    d. While the paper discusses theoretical aspects, it could provide more insights into the practical implications of the research. How can the findings be applied in real-world scenarios or specific domains?

    e. The conclusions should acknowledge the limitations of the research. This adds transparency and helps readers assess the generalizability of the findings.

    In summary, the paper generally presents results in a structured manner, but there is room for deeper analysis and more explicit connections between results and conclusions. Strengthening the alignment with research objectives, discussing practical implications, and addressing limitations will enhance the overall quality of the conclusions section.

  11. 5.

    Implications for research, practice and/or society:

  12. -

    The paper extensively reviews and discusses existing literature and techniques related to deception detection, providing a comprehensive overview of the field. This can serve as a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners looking to understand the state of the art.

  13. -

    It introduces various methodologies and approaches for deception detection, including linguistic analysis, machine learning, and multi-modal techniques. These methods have the potential to impact research in natural language processing, machine learning, and psychology.

  14. -

    The discussion of datasets and evaluation metrics can guide researchers in selecting appropriate resources for their studies and help standardize evaluation practices in the field, contributing to the improvement of deception detection systems.

  15. -

    While the paper doesn’t explicitly state practical applications, the techniques discussed, if further developed, could have real-world implications. For instance, improving deception detection algorithms could enhance security measures in various domains, including cybersecurity and law enforcement.

  16. -

    Overall, the paper indirectly identifies implications for research and practice by presenting a wealth of information and methodologies related to deception detection. However, it could benefit from more explicit discussions of the practical applications and societal impacts of these techniques.

  17. -

    To further bridge the gap, the paper could benefit from case studies or practical examples illustrating how these techniques have been applied in real-world scenarios, demonstrating their practical utility.

    In summary, the paper presents a comprehensive overview of deception detection techniques and research, indirectly identifying implications for research and practice. While it establishes a strong theoretical foundation, it could enhance its impact by explicitly discussing practical applications and providing concrete examples of how these techniques can be used in real-world contexts.

  18. 6.

    Quality of Communication:

    • -

      The paper generally maintains a high level of clarity in its expression. It effectively conveys complex technical concepts, making them accessible to readers with the expected knowledge in the field.

    • -

      Sentence structures are generally clear and coherent, aiding in the comprehension of the content. However, there are instances of overly long sentences and complex language that may pose readability challenges for some readers. Streamlining sentence structure and using simpler language in these cases would enhance overall readability.

    • -

      The paper shows a reasonable level of attention to clarity and readability, evident through well-structured sections, headings, and subheadings that guide readers through the content.

    • -

      Acronyms and technical terms are typically defined upon first use, enhancing comprehension for a broad readership.

    • -

      While there are some grammatical issues and typographical errors present in the text, they do not significantly detract from the overall clarity. For examples:

      a. Long sentences:

      • Original Sentence: “In this section, we provide a comprehensive overview of the existing literature on deception detection, highlighting the key approaches, methodologies, and challenges in this domain, and we discuss how the proposed task aligns with and contributes to the broader research landscape.”

        Revised Sentence: “In this section, we comprehensively review existing literature on deception detection. We highlight key approaches, methodologies, and challenges in this domain. Additionally, we discuss how the proposed task aligns with and contributes to the broader research landscape.”

      Original Sentence: “One of the central challenges in deception detection is the development of robust models that can effectively generalize across different domains, languages, and modalities, as deceptive content can manifest in various forms, including textual, visual, and audiovisual media.”

      Revised Sentence: “A central challenge in deception detection is developing robust models that generalize effectively across diverse domains, languages, and modalities. Deceptive content can take various forms, such as textual, visual, and audiovisual media.”

    • Original Sentence: “Furthermore, the task of deception detection often involves addressing issues related to imbalance in the distribution of deceptive and truthful instances, as deceptive content is typically less prevalent than truthful content, which can lead to biased models that favor the majority class.”

      Revised Sentence: “Moreover, deception detection tasks frequently require addressing issues related to imbalanced distributions of deceptive and truthful instances. Deceptive content is usually less common than truthful content, potentially leading to biased models favoring the majority class.”

    • Original Sentence: “To address these challenges, researchers have explored a wide range of features and representations, including linguistic features, stylistic cues, syntactic patterns, semantic embeddings, visual attributes, acoustic features, and multimodal fusion techniques, to capture the nuances of deceptive communication.”

      Revised Sentence: “Researchers have tackled these challenges by exploring diverse features and representations. These include linguistic features, stylistic cues, syntactic patterns, semantic embeddings, visual attributes, acoustic features, and multimodal fusion techniques, all aimed at capturing the nuances of deceptive communication.”

    • Original Sentence: “Additionally, recent advances in deep learning and neural network architectures have shown promise in improving the accuracy of deception detection models, particularly in tasks that involve complex data, such as image and speech analysis, and the integration of contextual information from social media platforms.”

      Revised Sentence: “Furthermore, recent advancements in deep learning and neural network architectures show promise in enhancing the accuracy of deception detection models. This is especially notable in tasks involving complex data, like image and speech analysis, as well as in integrating contextual information from social media platforms.”

    • Original Sentence: “The task of authorship attribution, which aims to determine the most likely author of a given text based on linguistic patterns, has been extensively studied in the field of natural language processing and computational linguistics, and it shares similarities with deception detection in terms of the linguistic analysis of text.”

      Revised Sentence: “Authorship attribution, a task that seeks to identify the most probable author of a text through linguistic patterns, has garnered extensive research attention within the realms of natural language processing and computational linguistics. This task bears similarities to deception detection due to its reliance on linguistic text analysis.”

    • Original Sentence: “While the primary objective of authorship attribution is to identify the authorship of a text, it also has applications in deception detection, as deceptive content may exhibit unique linguistic traits that can be traced back to specific authors.”

      Revised Sentence: “Although the primary goal of authorship attribution is text authorship identification, it finds applications in deception detection as well, given that deceptive content often displays distinct linguistic characteristics attributable to particular authors.”

    • Original Sentence: “In this section, we delve into the various techniques and methods employed in authorship attribution, exploring both traditional and state-of-the-art approaches to provide a comprehensive understanding of the field.”

      Revised Sentence: “In this section, we explore a wide array of techniques and methods used in authorship attribution, encompassing both conventional and cutting-edge approaches to offer a thorough grasp of the field.”

    • Original Sentence: “Furthermore, we investigate the challenges and limitations associated with authorship attribution, highlighting issues related to cross-domain and cross-lingual generalization, data availability, and privacy concerns.”

      Revised Sentence: “Additionally, we examine the challenges and constraints linked to authorship attribution. We emphasize difficulties related to cross-domain and cross-lingual generalization, data availability, and privacy considerations.”

    • Original Sentence: “Finally, we draw connections between authorship attribution and deception detection, illustrating how insights from the former can inform the latter, especially in tasks involving linguistic analysis and text-based communication.”

      “Lastly, we establish connections between authorship attribution and deception detection, demonstrating how insights from the former can provide valuable input to the latter, particularly in tasks that entail linguistic analysis and text-based communication.”

    • *These revisions aim to simplify complex sentences by breaking them into smaller, more focused segments, enhancing readability and comprehension

  19. -

    Here are examples of some grammatical errors:

    • >>>

      “Deception detection is a significant area of research that has gained increasing attention in recent years,” consider rephrasing to “Deception detection is a significant area of research that has garnered increasing attention in recent years.”. In the same sentence, consider adding “the” before “recent years” to make it “in the recent years.”

    • >>>

      “This paper presents an overview of deception detection, focusing on common techniques that have been widely utilized and the challenges associated with this field,” consider rephrasing for clarity: “This paper presents an overview of deception detection, with a focus on common techniques that have been widely utilized and the challenges associated with this field.”

    • >>>

      “The aim of this paper is to provide insights into the key approaches and trends in deception detection,” you might consider adding “the” before “deception detection” to make it “in deception detection.”

    • >>>

      “The past decade has seen significant advancement in deception detection research,” consider changing “advancement” to “advancements” for plural agreement.

    • >>>

      “Related research is reviewed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the field,” consider specifying what research is being referred to for clarity. For example, “Existing research is reviewed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the field.”

    • >>>

      “In the next sections, the paper discusses the major techniques and approaches in deception detection,” you can make it more concise by saying, “In the following sections…”

    • >>>

      “Additionally, the paper highlights the importance of deception detection in various domains,” you can improve clarity by specifying which domains are being referred to. For example, “Additionally, the paper highlights the importance of deception detection in various domains such as…”

    • >>>

      “These models have been trained on large datasets consisting of both deceptive and truthful content,” consider adding “which” before “consisting” for smoother sentence flow: “These models have been trained on large datasets, which consist of both deceptive and truthful content.”

    • >>>

      “This allows them to learn patterns and features indicative of deception,” you can improve clarity by specifying what “them” refers to: “This allows these models to learn patterns and features indicative of deception.”

    • >>>

      “Additionally, it is crucial to ensure that these models are not only accurate but also fair and unbiased,” consider specifying what “these models” refer to for clarity: “Additionally, it is crucial to ensure that machine learning models used in deception detection are not only accurate but also fair and unbiased.”

    • >>>

      “Feature engineering involves selecting and transforming relevant features to improve model performance,” consider specifying what “Feature engineering” is referring to: “Feature engineering involves selecting and transforming relevant features within the dataset to improve model performance.”

    • >>>

      “In this section, we will overview some of the key challenges associated with deception detection,” the word “overview” should be replaced with “provide an overview of” for grammatical correctness: “In this section, we will provide an overview of some of the key challenges associated with deception detection.”

    • >>>

      “Deceptive behavior is not confined to written or spoken language,” consider specifying what “Deceptive behavior” refers to: “Deceptive behavior in various contexts is not confined to written or spoken language.”

    • >>>

      “One of the central challenges is the lack of a universal definition of deception,” consider specifying what “One” refers to: “One of the central challenges in deception detection is the lack of a universal definition of deception.”

    • >>>

      “Another challenge is the dynamic nature of deception,” consider specifying what “Another” refers to: “Another challenge in deception detection is the dynamic nature of deception.”

    • >>>

      “Research on deception detection spans various domains, including linguistics, psychology, and computer science,” consider using “spans” for consistency: “Research on deception detection spans various domains, including linguistics, psychology, and computer science.”

    • *

      Please note that these are relatively minor grammatical suggestions, and the text is generally well-structured.

In summary, the paper generally succeeds in expressing its case with technical language relevant to the field and the expected knowledge of the journal’s readership. However, there is room for improvement in terms of sentence structure and language simplification, which would enhance overall readability without compromising technical rigor. Additionally, careful proofreading to eliminate grammatical errors and typos would further enhance clarity.

As it was obvious to us that the above review was written mainly by a chatbot, we wrote on 1 December to the editor-in-chief, as follows:111Names have been replaced to maintain anonymity of the parties concerned.

{quoting} Dear Prof. N., Thank you very much for considering our manuscript for [your journal]. We were, however, horrified to observe that B’s review is blatantly produced mostly by a Chatbot. Consequently, many of the comments are superficial, misguided, or unwarranted and couched in apologia. Ironic, considering that the submission was about deception. In any case, to our mind, this should be totally unacceptable. We trust you to thoroughly investigate this incident and take appropriate action against the party or parties responsible for disregarding the fundamental principles of scientific review. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any help with the investigation and let us know if you have any questions. Kind Regards, Rakesh Verma (On behalf of all the authors)

After sending a reminder on 16 January 2023, we received the following response from one of the editors:

{quoting} Dear Rakesh, Thank you for bringing this to our attention. And apologies for the delayed response. Using an automated language generation tool for writing reviews is unacceptable. Such conduct will not be tolerated and they have been made aware of this. Further, they have been told that they will not be invited to review … papers in the future. Reviewer B is not a standing reviewer for [this] journal. I had chosen them because they had written one of the papers cited by your submission and had done related work. But as a result of this review, they will be excluded from any future reviewing role in [this] journal. Best wishes. S.

We wrote back saying

{quoting} Dear S., Thank you very much for your response, but we were quite disappointed to learn that: a) the editor in charge of our paper did not even notice this issue and just forwarded the fake review, b) there does not seem to be any plan to prevent a recurrence of such a problem, and c) there is no mechanism in place to stop said reviewer (or others like them) from repeating this offense with another journal or conference in the future Sincerely, Rakesh Verma

In response, the editor-in-chief of the journal, wrote:

{quoting} Dear Rakesh, FYI: The … Executive Committee is urgently setting up a publication ethics committee to develop a detailed policy about misconduct in peer review (e.g., using LLMs to generate and submit text that looks like a peer review), including detection, imposition of penalty, etc. [The policy] will encompass … both journal and conference publications. Regards


{quoting} Dear N., Thank you very much for the information. However, it is cold comfort for us, since we have lost all the confidentiality expectations that we had of our paper. As OpenAI clearly states, any information uploaded to ChatGPT will be used as training data. Best regards, Rakesh

3 Experiments with ChatGPT4

We have received no further response from the editor. Based on one usable review (the third review was specious), a decision to reject our manuscript was taken with lightening speed in the world of academia. (Having lost all confidentiality expectations, we decided to upload our paper to Arxiv \citevermaD2024.)

As is obvious from the review, it could not possibly have been authored by a human reviewer. For example, the review consists of inane suggestions in the form of offering our sentence from the manuscript as an improved form of our sentence from the manuscript.

So we then uploaded our manuscript to ChatGPT4 from a premium account and also the review in question and we asked ChatGPT4 to act as an expert reviewer with a decade of experience and to rate various aspects of the review on a scale of 1 to 5. We did get back some useful comments and scores. However, no amount of hints, such as what is wrong with this review or whether there are ethical considerations that you have missed, etc., led ChatGPT4 to assert that this review might have been generated unethically by an AI chatbot. Rather, it concluded:

Based on the review content provided, there are no evident ethical concerns regarding confidentiality breaches, lack of constructiveness, bias, or unprofessionalism. The critique seems to have been conducted in a manner that aligns with the ethical standards expected in scholarly peer review, focusing on improving the paper within the confines of the journal’s confidentiality policy.

In summary, the review, as described, adheres to the ethical and professional standards expected in the academic peer review process. It provides constructive, objective, and professional feedback without breaching the journal’s confidentiality policy or compromising the integrity and fairness of the review.

4 Conclusions

So, we have reached the age of maximum peril for authors and reviewers alike. How have we gotten here? By just trying to predict the next word given preceding words. As they say, all technology has unintended uses and unintended victims (along the lines of Robert K. Merton’s 1936 “Law of Unanticipated Consequences”). Clearly, LLMs lack self-awareness at the present time.
