Automate or Assist? The Role of Computational Models in Identifying Gendered Discourse in US Capital Trial Transcripts

Andrea W Wen-Yi,    Kathryn Adamson,    Nathalie Greenfield,    Rachel Goldberg,   
Sandra Babcock,    David Mimno,    Allison Koenecke

The language used by US courtroom actors in criminal trials has long been studied for biases. However, systematic studies for bias in high-stakes court trials have been difficult, due to the nuanced nature of bias and the legal expertise required. New large language models offer the possibility to automate annotation, saving time and cost. But validating these approaches requires both high quantitative performance as well as an understanding of how automated methods fit in existing workflows, and what they really offer. In this paper we present a case study of adding an automated system to a complex and high-stakes problem: identifying gender-biased language in US capital trials for women defendants. Our team of experienced death-penalty lawyers and NLP technologists pursued a three-phase study: first annotating manually, then training and evaluating computational models, and finally comparing human annotations to model predictions. Unlike many typical NLP tasks, annotating for gender bias in months-long capital trials was a complicated task that involves with many individual judgment calls. In contrast to standard arguments for automation that are based on efficiency and scalability, legal experts found the computational models most useful in challenging their personal bias in annotation and providing opportunities to refine and build consensus on rules for annotation. This suggests that seeking to replace experts with computational models is both unrealistic and undesirable. Rather, computational models offer valuable opportunities to assist the legal experts in annotation-based studies.

1 Introduction

Researchers studying legal language have long suggested that gender bias plays a significant role in high-stakes court cases. But building evidence has been challenging because of the subtle, contingent nature of biases and the vast quantity of legal transcripts. New language technologies offer the potential to identify and measure biased language at scale. In this work, we present a case study involving a collaboration between technologists and legal scholars. Our work highlights both the promise and challenges of using powerful new language models to define and identify complex constructs. In particular, we focus on the interaction between AI systems and human experts, which leads to both a more developed understanding of gender bias in court transcripts and a more effective computational tool for legal researchers.

This paper studies trial transcripts for women defendants facing capital charges in US courts. The study involves three phases. In the first phase, the legal experts surfaced four gender-biased themes among women’s trials upon thorough review of the trial transcripts:

  • describing the defendant’s inappropriate expression of emotions, such as joy or lack of grief

  • hypersexualizing the defendant

  • describing the defendant as evil, deceitful or manipulative

  • characterizing the defendant as a bad mother

These themes are developed, identified and annotated by legal experts through Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). In the second phase, the NLP experts developed and evaluated computational tools to identify these themes in trial transcripts, following — for this phase — the standard NLP practice of assuming that human annotations are a “gold-standard”. In the third phase, we seek a synthesis between human labels and computational labels. Technologists and legal experts conducted meetings to discuss examples of differences between human-annotated themes and model predictions of themes. The legal experts, who have been closely involved with capital trials, re-read passages with large disagreements between human and model annotations. They discussed whether to relabel those passages and provide reasons to their decision. Through participating in the decision-making processes of the legal experts, the full team gathered insights about how the computational tool can be improved, and most importantly, what purpose computational tools serve in this setting.

The annotation process is time-consuming and difficult — identifying stereotyped language requires understanding of the capital trial process, legal practicality and terminology, defendant demographics, tone of speech, as well as detailed background knowledge for each individual case. The complexity of the task requires frequent discussions among legal experts to negotiate definitions of themes. This is a task that cannot be done individually without frequent consensus building. Unlike many standard NLP evaluation tasks, where there is intended to be a clear correct answer, identifying and defining biased language is a complex task that requires a large degrees of subjectivity and interpretation. But in order to carry rhetorical weight, evidence for gender bias in trial transcripts must be collected and assessed with as much care to avoid personal bias as possible.

In this work, we ask the question — what is the role of computational approaches, including large language models (LLMs), in this highly laborious, complex, and nuanced annotation process? While using an LLM to replicate expert annotations may seem intuitive, we find that completely replacing human judgment is both unrealistic, due to the frequent inconsistencies in annotations, and undesirable, as experts have no interest in ceding ultimate responsibility. Rather, experts want both efficiency gains and the opportunity to be challenged to refine and strengthen their argument. Our concern, therefore, is to study the benefits offered by a finetuned language model in assisting the annotation process, as well as its limitations.

The paper is organized as followed: Section 2 outlines the related works in the empirical and theoretical studies of gender and sentencing, and computational approaches in studying gender stereotypes. Section 3 describes the transcript collections. Section 4 presents the method and results of the first phase: qualitative annotation. Section 5 discusses the second phase: quantitative modeling. Section 6 discusses the third phase, where legal experts and technologists revisit passages where model disagrees with annotations from first phase. We discuss our findings in Section 7.

Through this process, we identify the challenges faced when using LLMs for the purpose of quantifying gender bias in large, complicated corpora — we note that there are many nuances that go into replicating the experienced annotations. More importantly, we derive insights about the benefits of employing imperfect computational models in annotation processes — the legal experts report that they are not looking for models that perfectly replace the need for them to annotate, rather, they are looking for another perspective that could challenge their own definitions and remind their potential blind spots through hundred of hours of annotation. Lastly, we provide design suggestions for the direction of computational model improvements that fit with the interaction patterns desired by the legal experts.

2 Related Work

Gender and sentencing.

Gender disparity in sentencing outcomes is widely studied in the United States. The vast majority of empirical works suggested that women received more favorable sentencing decisions than men in comparable crimes (Crew 1991; Embry and Phillip M. Lyons 2012; Doerner and Demuth 2014; Daly and Bordt 1995; Farnworth and Raymond H. C. Teske 1995). Scholars have also suggested that such disparity in sentencing varies across crimes, for example, the effect is inconclusive in more violent crimes (Rodriguez, Curry, and Lee 2006; Nagel and Hagan 1983; Koons-Witt et al. 2014).

Legal and criminal scholars have developed two major theories for the observed gender disparity in sentencing decisions — the chivalry theory and evil woman theory, both of which are based on the patriarchal point of view on binary gender roles. The chivalry theory suggests that women receive preferential treatment in criminal trials because they are stereotyped as a weaker sex, and hence need to be protected by men from suffering (VISHER 1983; Rodriguez, Curry, and Lee 2006). On the other hand, the evil woman theory posits that the preferential treatment does not extend to women who violate traditional gender roles, and that women could be punished harsher than male offenders when committing violent crimes or crimes that are perceived as masculine (Rapaport 1990).

Narrative analysis in legal decision making.

While there are many studies on the relationships between offender gender and sentencing decisions, the majority of these studies are statistical in nature (Streib 1990; Koons-Witt et al. 2014; Doerner and Demuth 2014; Rodriguez, Curry, and Lee 2006). Researchers have looked into narratives and language used in legal decision-making such as asylum claims (Shiff 2021), parole hearings (Greene and Dalke 2021) and rehabilitation treatments (Wyse 2013). However, these studies on language are mostly derived from close readings of a small number of cases (Greene and Dalke 2021; Mogul 2005; Sutton et al. 2022; Dalke and Greene 2023). Studies on courtroom language in capital trials of women are also rare and on only a handful of women (Mogul 2005; Sutton et al. 2022). In this study, we explore the role of computational models in expanding the valuable annotations for systematic investigations of narratives in the courtrooms.

Gendered discourse in US capital trials.

Nationwide, one of every fifteen women in prison is serving a sentence of life, virtual life, or death (Nellis 2021). The use of biased language in criminal trials has been identified as a concern, especially in race-based stereotyping (Baldus, Pulaski, and Woodworth 1983; of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit 2016). Murder convictions and death sentences have been overturned due to the use of racial stereotyping language in criminal trials, highlighting the importance of identifying stereotyping narratives in capital trials (Levenson 2022; Liptak 2024a). Gendered discourse in US capital trials has been less studied and only in the cases of a handful of women on death row (Rapaport 1991; Atwell 2007). Yet the stakes are high — a death-sentenced defendant is actively seeking appeal in the Supreme Court due to courtroom languages based on gender stereotypes (Liptak 2024b). Most previous linguistic and legal work on the gendered features of courtroom speech is in non-capital criminal trials (Potts and Weare 2018), civil trials (Conley, O’Barr, and Riner 2019), or cases where the woman was the victim rather than the defendant (Ehrlich 2019, 2021; Potts and Formato 2021). Most research relating to women and capital punishment has focused on the types of crimes for which women have been sentenced to death (Baker 2015; Streib 2002, 2005; Carroll 1996; Rapaport 1991) rather than courtroom language. In this study, we seek to analyze the gendered courtroom languages deployed in capital trials of women.

Computational approaches in detecting gender stereotypes.

Detecting language with sexism and gendered stereotypes using Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques has drawn a large degree of scholarly interest in recent years (Basile et al. 2019), with the majority of applications on online content such as social media (Mozafari, Farahbakhsh, and Crespi 2020; Anzovino, Fersini, and Rosso 2018; Chiril, Benamara, and Moriceau 2021; Chiril et al. 2020; Vásquez et al. 2022) and news articles (Devinney, Björklund, and Björklund 2020). Unlike trial transcripts, these online texts are very short, usually no more than a few hundred characters, and are meant to be consumed by the general public rather than trained specialists.

Automated analysis of legal language using NLP has also attracted widespread attention in recent years (Bommarito, Katz, and Detterman 2018; Chalkidis et al. 2022), with a particular interest in predicting legal outcomes (Medvedeva and Mcbride 2023; Vaudaux et al. 2023; Barale et al. 2023; Chalkidis, Androutsopoulos, and Aletras 2019). Scholars have identified that the extremely long sequence length of legal documents, and the legal expertise required to understand the complex terminologies, make automatic processing of legal documents a unique challenge for even the state-of-the-art prompting strategies and LLMs such as GPT-3 and Llama (Thalken et al. 2023; Hakimi Parizi et al. 2023). Our work takes as given these LLM weaknesses, and focuses on how computational models can still benefit the legal community.

3 Data collection

As of January 2024, there are 47 cis-gender women on US death row. We obtained trial transcripts for all of them. Building this corpus required personal networking with defense attorneys: while transcripts are technically public, acquiring them can cost thousands of dollars. Most of the transcripts are in PDF format. We preprocess the transcripts with the following steps: first, we use Adobe optical character recognition (OCR) to transform transcripts in PDFs into text files. Second, we lower case and remove all digits in the text files. Lastly, we use a sentence tokenizer from the Python package NLTK (Bird, Klein, and Loper 2009) to split transcripts into sentences. We restrict the sentences of interest to those containing at least three words. While we have 47474747 trial transcripts, we focus on 8888 transcripts of the highest quality in this study.

While the absolute number of cases we have may seem small, the total size of the collection is massive. The eight transcripts, documenting months of conversations in court, are 1,126–3,415 pages long. After preprocessing, the lengths of the eight transcripts range from 178,790 words (roughly the length of Frank Herbert’s Dune) to 609,774 words, with an average of 351,000 words per transcript.

4 Qualitative annotation

In the first phase, legal experts identified gender-biased themes in a selection of trials. This phase uses standard procedures from critical discourse analysis (CDA) (Blommaert and Bulcaen 2000). Broadly speaking, CDA recognizes that discourse both creates and reflects cultural norms. To discern the ways that discourse creates social reality, analysis should “examin[e] the linguistic practices through which it is translated into social action” (Conley, O’Barr, and Riner 2019).

Potentially gendered themes of interest were initially developed by a close reading of the prosecution’s opening statement through the guilt phase by two legal practitioners who have been closely involved with capital trials. These initial themes formed the annotation training for a group of graduate assistants (GA) with legal backgrounds. Then, the GA team annotated 8888 transcripts of highest quality in their entirety (including opening statements, witness testimony, and both prosecution and defense attorney’s closing arguments in both phases of trial) The team annotated transcripts using MaxQDA, a qualitative data analysis software.

Each transcript is annotated by one GA with a legal background. While there is no inter-rater reliability to report, the annotation team met weekly to discuss and resolve questions that arose over the annotation process.

The resulting four themes that we explore in this paper are described in Table 1. The annotated sentences are rare in relation to the entire transcript. Notably, each annotated segment could belong to multiple themes.

Qualitative annotation is extremely time-intensive and expensive. In total, it took the graduate assistants more than 300300300300 hours to annotate 8888 transcripts, not including the time for training and weekly discussion. Hence, it is infeasible to extend the annotations to all women’s transcripts by manual annotation exclusively. In addition to the investment it required, manual annotations have other challenges. For example, we observe instances that are not coded but should be (see examples in Sec 6). There are also inconsistencies in the unit of annotations, where some graduate assistants assign the theme to sentences, and others assign it to an entire conversation, within which not every sentence is meaningful, for example, the short responses such as “yes” and “no” from the witnesses in cross-examinations. These observations present opportunities, but also challenges, for computational modeling. Hence, our concern is not building a model to replicate the manual annotations. In fact, it is not possible because the input data are flawed from a quantitative point of view. Rather, our contribution is to use a computational model to assist the annotation process, to achieve more consistent results.

Theme Name Code Descriptions # sentences mean % sentences
Emotions EMOT Describing the defendant’s emotions, including emotional, emotionless, inappropriate joy or happiness, remorseful, or remorseless. 255 0.136
Hypersexualization SEX Describing the defendant as promiscuous, loose, an adulterer; attacking the defendant’s sexual expression, or demonizing their sexual practices. 339 0.174
Betrayal of Gender Norms NORM Describing the defendant as manipulative, greedy, evil, deceitful. 793 0.337
Bad Mother MOM Describing the defendant as a bad mother. 148 0.064
Table 1: Four themes explored in this paper. Mean % sentences is the average % of annotated sentences across the eight transcripts. On average, each theme represents fewer than 1% of sentences in a trial transcript.

5 Quantitative modeling

In the second phase of the study we developed and evaluated computational methods for predicting gender-biased annotations. This phase follows standard methodology from NLP, treating human annotations as “gold standard” data for training and evaluation, despite the underlying data concerns outlined above.

Since each sentence can belong to more than one theme, we treat each theme as a separate binary classification task. We finetune a LEGAL-BERT classifier (Chalkidis et al. 2020) for each theme. Our choice of model is informed by the current literature in the space of legal NLP. Scholars have experimented with comprehensive prompting strategies with state-of-the-art LLMs on different kinds of legal tasks. Recent works have found that prompted LLMs to perform poorly on various kinds of legal tasks (Hakimi Parizi et al. 2023) and that in-domain LEGAL-BERT, albeit smaller, outperforms other larger, newer LLMs on a complex annotation task in legal space (Thalken et al. 2023).

Including context in input and output

The legal experts seldom only rely on a single sentence to determine if there is a gendered strategy at play. The annotation is often judged in context. For example, the question “What was the defendant’s demeanor like at that time?” could be related to Emotions or not based on the witness’s answer or the other questions that come before or after (see Table 2). Therefore, we’d like the model to learn from context when making predictions, and also be flexible in the output length, adjusting based on the content.

As the language model’s context length is limited, it is infeasible to feed the entire transcript to a model. We thus have to break the transcripts into manageable chunks of text. We use a sliding window approach with window length of 10101010 and a step of 1111. Specifically, an entire transcript is broken down to paragraphs that each contain 10 consecutive sentences and differ from the next paragraph by 1 sentence. This way, each sentence is included in 10 distinct paragraphs.

We predict whether at least one sentence in each paragraph belongs to a theme of interest using binary classification. We calculate the score for each sentence by averaging the scores assigned to the 10 paragraphs containing that sentence.

Finetuning and cross-validation

Because negative labels are much more frequent than positive labels, we under-select negative paragraphs to be three times the number of positive paragraphs. We apply leave-one-out cross-validation to the 8888 annotated court transcripts. Specifically, we finetune a model on 7777 transcripts, then we apply the trained model on the held-out transcript. This strategy allows us to evaluate how well the model generalizes to unseen transcripts. We finetune LEGAL-BERT hosted on Huggingface with a 2×1052superscript1052\times 10^{-5}2 × 10 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT - 5 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT learning rate and weight decay.

We also experimented with zero-shot prompting FLAN-T5-Large and GPT-3.5. See details in appendix.

Paragraph Emotions Reason
A Prosecutor: What was her demeanor like at that time?
Witness: I don’t recall.
Negative A neutral question and does not establish a description of the defendant’s emotion.
B Prosecutor: What was her demeanor like at that time?
Witness: She looked calm.
Positive Establish a description of the defendant’s emotion.
C Prosecutor: Did she appear to be grieving?
Witness: Possibly.
Prosecutor: What was her demeanor like at that time?
Witness: I could not see very clearly.
Borderline / Positive The “grieving” question is setting up for an answer regarding the defendant’s emotions. This makes the demeanor question more than a neutral question but leads to a specific answer about the defendant’s emotions.
Table 2: The same question “What was her demeanor like at that time?” could result in an annotation of “Emotions” or not, depending on the conversation the question is situated in.

Coreference Resolution

Identifying a theme is necessary but not sufficient: trials have many participants, and thematically relevant language does not always refer to the defendant (rather, it can refer to another person). For example, the sentence “You could hear the fear in her voice.” falls under the theme of “Emotions.” However, it is not necessarily portraying the defendant—it could be describing a witness. To filter to instances where target is not the defendant, we additionally utilize coreference resolution.

Coreference resolution is a popular NLP task that identifies mentions in texts that refers to the same entity. We run the LingMess model from Python package fastcoref (Otmazgin, Cattan, and Goldberg 2022) on a 20-sentence passage—the target sentence and its 19 preceding sentences. For each entity mentioned in the target sentence, we examine their coreference clusters. We consider the target sentence to be about the defendant if there is one cluster with direct mentions of the defendant, or if there is one cluster that only contains she/her pronouns.

Quantitative model output

After we apply the trained LEGAL-BERT on unseen transcripts, we obtain a score for each sentence. We group together consecutive sentences that score above 0.5 as one output passage. This helps us to be flexible in output length that presents meaningful chunks of information. Then, we use coreference resolution to identify whether the passages refer to the defendant. Specifically, we run coreference resolution on sentences scored above 0.9, and we only keep passages if they contain at least one sentence scored above 0.9 that mentioned the defendant.


The quantitative model performance is not perfect; however, this is expected given the varying quality of annotations and the vastly different contexts across trials.

One metric we use to evaluate the model performance is passage-level precision, calculated as the proportion of passages with at least one sentence annotated positively by humans among passages predicted positive by the model. The mean passage-level precision is 0.151 for Emotions, 0.126 for Hypersexualizations, 0.272 for Betrayal of Gender Norms, and 0.063 for Bad Mother. Among the 3 highest-scoring passages, the mean precision is 0.417 for Emotions, 0.333 for Hypersexualization, 0.458 for Betrayal of Gender Norms and 0.083 for Bad mother. The other evaluation metric we use is sentence-level recall: the proportion of sentences annotated positively by models among sentences annotated positively by humans. The mean sentence-level recall is 0.484 for Emotions, 0.341 for Hypersexualization, 0.287 for Betrayal of Gender Norms and 0.246 for Bad mother. Due to the inconsistencies of annotations, passage-level recall is ill-defined and sentence-level precision is an less-than-reliable measure. See details in appendix.

6 Expert evaluations on annotator-model disagreements

Neither the CDA nor the NLP phases were sufficient on their own in producing large-scale annotations. Human annotations were too costly to scale to the full 47 trials, and raised persistent concerns about the influence of individual perspectives. In the third phase, we synthesized results from the previous two phases. Legal experts found that the contrast between human and machine annotations was useful and generated good discussion.

For each theme, three lawyers, who have experience representing defendants in capital trials, examine about 30303030 passages where the model predictions differ from the graduate assistant (GA) annotations. Specifically, the selected passages were the three highest-scored passages (meaning that the model finds them to be highly relevant) that the GA coded as irrelevant from each trial, along with the 6–8 lowest-scored passages that the GA coded as relevant. The lawyers studied these passages in joint discussion to determine, for each passage, if there is at least one sentence that they would code for the theme of interest. They could select from “Positive (✓),” “Negative (✗)”, or “Undecided (?)” (if they are unable to reach a consensus).

To avoid potential biases towards the decision of either the human or model in this process, passages were described as “where the language model and graduate assistant annotator disagree”, without revealing the actual annotations, before the lawyers made their decisions. The lawyers were asked to provide reasons for their decisions on each passage. The first author moderated and documented the discussion processes.

The lawyers reviewed passages of the four themes in the following order: Emotion, Hypersexualizations, Betrayal of Gender Norms, and Bad Mother, in meetings across three days. The process is carried out using an annotation tool called Prodigy.


Theme # minutes # passages (# FP, # FN) # sentences # positive, # negative, # undecided in FP # positive, # negative, # undecided in FN
EMOT 40 28 (22, 6) 359 16, 5, 1 6, 0, 0
SEX 65 30 (24, 6) 378 0, 21, 3 3, 3, 0
NORM 35 32 (24, 8) 402 13, 7, 4 6, 1, 1
MOM 42 26 (18, 8) 479 2, 12, 4 6, 1, 1
Table 3: Quantitative results of experts’ evaluations on passages where first annotator and model disagreed. Numbers in bold are the count where the lawyers agree with the model decision. FP (False Positives) refers to passages annotated negatively by GA but positively by the model; FN (False Negatives) refers to passages annotated positively by GA but negatively by the model.
Reasons for Lawyers’ Disagreement with Model Decisions
Unrelated to theme 1 13 1 7
Related to theme but not describing the defendant. 3 3 3 4
Neutral information gathering or factual statements of cases 1 5 2 4
Need longer context 1 3 (+5) 4 0
Defense’ counter argument to the theme 0 0 1 1
Table 4: We categorize why lawyers disagree with model decisions into five categories. Usually, they highlight one main reason, so the categories are mutually exclusive. In the SEX theme, there are five cases where longer context is cited as a secondary reasons, we marked them with a star () for emphasis.

We analyze the model-lawyer agreements across four themes. We define model-lawyer agreements in each theme as the number of passages where the lawyers agree with the model predictions divided by the total number of passages that the lawyers read. Additionally, we analyze the time taken for the lawyers to review passages for each theme. We use False Positives (FP) to refer to passages annotated negatively by GA (from the first phase) but positively by the model (from the second phase); False Negatives (FN) refers to passages annotated positively by GA but negatively by the model. The main metrics are shown in Table 3.


Model-lawyer agreement is the highest in this theme, at 57.14%. Among FP passages, the lawyers agree with 72.7% of model decisions. This shows that the model has a good understanding of this theme, and that employing the computational model helps improve the quality of annotations from the GA annotators. The lawyers have the least disagreements on Emotions, with only 1111 undecided passage.

Words of emotions, such as calm, mad, agitated, upset, remorse are often cited as justifications for decisions, see Table 5.

However, challenges for computational models arose when multiple people are mentioned in one sentence. For example,

[The defendant] said that [the victim] looked really mad, really upset.

Another challenge for the model is when the passage describes the lack of emotions, for example,

Q. Do you recall what was said?
A. [The defendant] was talking about how she had a lot of food at the house that had been brought in by friends and family members and that she should have brought that to the sheriff’s office because she was sure we were hungry and would want something to eat.
Q. Okay. Anything else you remember she said?
A. There was really nothing else, I was so taken back by that, that — after being arrested for the capital murder of her daughter, that she was worried about food

For more quotes and decisions, see Table 8 in appendix.


Model-lawyer agreement is lowest in this theme, with lawyers agreeing with only 10% of model decisions. The lawyers also spent the longest time discussing passages of Hypersexualization. Compared to the other three themes, it took the lawyers 1.5–2 times longer per sentence.

Hypersexualization presents challenges for both the lawyers and the model because of the extensive context required. The lawyers frequently mentioned the needs for additional context to understand the passages (Table 4). They mention that they need to know information such as the relationships between people in the case and the significance of events being discussed. For example, in discussing the following exchange between the prosecutor and a witness, the lawyers mentioned additional context and case knowledge was required to know the relationship between the witness and the defendant, and whether the brother’s wife referred to the defendant.

Q: How long were you having sex with your brother’s wife?
A: From about five years.
Q: So you had sex with your brother’s wife for five years; how many times?
A: Not so much.
Q: What does, “not so much” mean; 2, 20, 100?

The ambiguity of passages led to prolonged discussion time — the lawyers spent considerable time proposing hypotheses about why a particular topic is being discussed.

The computational model incorrectly picked up passages that described relationships but not necessarily related to sexualization. For example,

[The defendant] had a job for a period of time as a greeter at [a supermarket]. This was the end of May, into the beginning of July. So about a little more than a month. So that is where she met [her second husband]. She took up with him, and they were married in December.

Additionally, computational model also picks up instances that the legal experts deemed as neutral information gathering or description of crime facts that are not necessarily a manifestation of gender bias. For example,

The defendant returned to the residence discovered her ex-husband’s body just inside the main door leading from the garage. The defendant called 911, and feigned hysteria. The defendant, in her letters to [her lover], had discussed how she would fake grief upon discovering that her ex-husband had been killed.

For more quotes and decisions, see Table 10 in appendix.

Betrayal of Gender Norms

Overall model-lawyer agreement is at 43.75%, showing good but slightly lower alignment than Emotions. Among the FP passages, the lawyers agree with the model’s positive predictions 54.17% of the time, showing that the model is helpful in picking up passages that the GA annotator missed to annotate.

Similar to Emotions, direct descriptions of defendants using words such as greedy, manipulative, evil, calculated are often used in the passages and cited by the lawyers as justifications of positive decisions. For example,

[The defendant], the woman who took every opportunity to line her pockets, a heartless schemer who manipulated and lured men to their peril. She deceived her husband, children, family and friends. She has earned the title premeditated murderer, queen of greed and evil.

At the same time, courtroom actors are more likely to describe events or use other indirect descriptions to set up an image of the defendant, resulting in disagreements between lawyers and the need for additional context. For example, some lawyers suggest that, although the following exchange does not seem relevant in isolation, it could be setting up an image of the defendant being performative.

Q. Now, was there anything characteristic about [the defendant] that would catch your attention?
A. Whenever she would drive her car, she would always have her window down and she would always be smoking her cigarette. And just the mannerism that she would hold her cigarette to the side.
Q. How did she do that?
A. Just by flicking her cigarette.
Q. Any particular style that you refer to it as?
A. Well, as I said before, the kids told me it’s like a Hollywood style.

For more quotes and decisions, see Table 11 in appendix.

Bad Mother

Model-lawyer agreement of this theme is at 11.5%, similarly low as Hypersexualization. 19.2% of passages are undecided, the highest among the four themes, showing that the lawyers struggled to reach consensus. The passages identified by the computational model sparked discussions among the lawyers about decoupling factual statements of crime and value judgements towards the defendants, specifically in trials where the victim was the defendant’s child. For example, the following statement was deemed factual by the lawyers:

This woman had been trying to get [a man] to kill her daughter for at least months. It got to the point that he went to this child’s father and said [the defendant] won’t leave me alone about killing [her daughter].

Whereas a passage indicating the defendant is a selfish person who only thought about herself not her daughter, involves value judgements that a mother should care about her daughter more than herself:

There has never been a truer statement, by this mom (the defendant). That’s the way she felt: [My daughter] is ruining my life. She is ruining my life. Because this was about [the defendant].
Not about [the defendant’s daughter].
This is about [the defendant].

While it is intrinsic to the fact that a woman killing her own children is a “bad mother”, some lawyers suggest that it is fair to discuss the facts of a crime in trials, and therefore should not be identified as a manifestation of gender bias. Reading several similar passages, the lawyers went back and forth negotiating differences between factual statements and value judgements. For more quotes and decisions, see Table 12 in appendix.

Theme Passage Decisions Lawyers’ reasons
EMO It is beyond comprehension to me that this woman could do what she did, and I submit to you that if you watched her during the course of this trial she has shown no remorse. GA = ✗
Model = ✓
Lawyers = ✓
Describing that the defendant has not shown any remorse.
EMO Q. First of all, Mr. [witness], let’s talk about the defendant’s attitude and emotional state and what was going on when she came back to your house after [the victim] had left with her. She is accusing [the victim] of taking her money. Is she a little bit more agitated at this point? […] She tore your bedroom apart, didn’t she?
A. Yes, she did. […]
Q. So, this calm demeanor that [the defendant] usually had was not present?
A. It wasn’t there.
GA = ✗
Model = ✓
Lawyers = ✓
Portraying the defendant as agitated, not calm.
SEX Q. Do you recall [the defendant] speaking to you about [her husband] in any other negative ways?
A. Mostly, she just complained he didn’t make enough money. It was never enough. […]
Q. How often would she complain to you about [her husband] not making enough money?
A. I don’t know exactly how often, but more often than not. […] Whenever it just wasn’t enough for her, she would complain.
GA = ✓
Model = ✗
Lawyer = ✗
This is describing a greedy woman. It discusses the relationships between the defendant and her husband, but does not sexualize the defendant.
NORM [The defendant], the woman who took every opportunity to line her pockets, a heartless schemer who manipulated and lured men to their peril. She deceived her husband, children, family and friends. She has earned the title premeditated murderer, queen of greed and evil. GA = ✗
Model = ✓
Lawyers = ✓
Portraying the defendant as a person who manipulates, lies, is greedy and evil, etc.
NORM Q. Did you see any rings?
A. I saw one or two small ones, yes.
Q. What about earrings, i am pointing to my earrings; do you see them?
A. Yes, i do know earrings, yes.
Q. Did you see any earrings?
A. I didn’t see earrings.
Q. What else did you see other than these documents, credit cards, the jewelry, three cell phones, and some purses and coins?
GA = ✓
Model = ✗
Lawyers = ✗
Do not see the relevance of this conversations — More context and background knowledge about this case to know why this was originally coded as related to describing the defendant being ”greedy”.
MOM [The defendant] will pose no danger to children if she’s punished to life in prison. [The defendant] wanted to be a mom, and she had four kids. Being a mom, that was her dream, but she was never given the necessary tools to do this right. All four of her kids were taken by CPS the same day [the victim] died because the home was so disgusting and unsafe to live in. GA = ✗
Model = ✓
Lawyers = ✓
Portraying the defendant being an unfit mother as “the home was so disgusting and unsafe to live in”.
Table 5: Example of passages where the lawyers agreed with model predictions and the reasons why they agreed.

7 Discussion

Why language models struggle to replicate legal expert annotations

Using language models to identify gendered narratives in trial transcripts is hard because legal expertise is required repeatedly in the annotation process. One way the model makes false positive predictions is by flagging conversations that the lawyers deemed to be neutral information gatherings or factual statements of crime. Distinguishing the differences between factual statements and value judgements is often not an easy task even for legal experts. Another place where legal expertise is required is discerning subtle tonal differences. For example, the lawyers mentioned the sentence “she now goes and has another baby” implying value judgements, contrasting with a neutral version, “She has another baby”. Similarly, “So you didn’t see what her demeanor was at that point in time.” is a neutral question, comparing to the prompting version: “Did you notice if she was particularly emotional at the time?” Lastly, extensive background knowledge of individual cases is often necessary to comprehend who and what is being discussed, and to determine the importance of the discussion. This is specifically pronounced when the theme involves discussions of relationships, such as in Hypersexualizations. Lastly, we find that this task is hard even for experts. Even engaging in joint discussions, there are still multiple instances for which they could not reach consensus.

Benefits and challenges of employing computational models in a complex legal annotation pipeline

There are multiple benefits we observe in employing a computational model in the annotation process. First, it accelerates the annotation process compared to having legal experts going through the entire transcripts by filtering out the parts of the transcripts that are not relevant, which is the majority of the transcripts. It would be quite infeasible and expensive to have multiple people read through the same transcripts in detail in the human-only process. Having a computational model in the process also promotes the possibility of having multiple people reading the same passages for inter-rater reliability. Second, it increases the accuracy of annotation by identifying passages that annotators may miss due to reasons such as fatigue.

Third, by identifying sentences that are similar, the model output provides a way to reduce personal bias and rectify disagreements. We find that the legal experts, through reviewing passages, often engage in discussions that helps them concretize their definitions of themes. They also made decisions such as adding new categories that could be beneficial in improving the annotations. For example, upon reviewing the Emotions passages, they found that many passages describing “lack of remorse” were not being annotated by the GA annotator. Hence, they mentioned adding a new subcategory of ”remorseless” under Emotions to remind the future annotators. Upon reviewing Bad Mother, they identify the need to create a separate category to highlight the factual description of crime where the victim was the children of the defendant.

The legal experts also report the challenges of annotating with model output. Specifically, they identify the need for more context: “Machine annotation is done in isolation, (we) lost the context for decision making.” — it could be hard for them to judge a passage in isolation, especially for themes that often involve multiple people or rely on event descriptions to build up a story. Another challenge is the lack of flexibility. The legal experts mentioned that when they carried out qualitative annotations through reading the whole transcript on MaxQDA, they may be able to see a running theme and go back to revise previous annotation decisions. However, reading passages identified by the computational model, they have to make decisions as-is, based on the passage shown. These serve as a good pointer for future pipeline interaction design.

Desired role of a computational model

Through the discussion process in phase three, we gauge insights about the role of a computational model in this highly complex annotation process desired by legal experts.

The legal experts prefer a model that retrieves the majority of relevant outcomes, even if it means more irrelevant outcomes are also retrieved. In standard machine learning terms, they prioritize recall over precision. Annotators would rather see more non-relevant results than potentially miss a relevant result. We caution that this preference for recall may be related to our evaluation setup. It is easy to check whether segments already picked out by human annotators are relevant, but challenging to determine whether non-annotated segments are truly irrelevant. Based on the characteristics of these potentially flawed annotations, recall is a more reliable measure than precision.

Furthermore, the flaws of manual annotation are precisely where the legal experts could use a computational model providing near-relevant segments. As one lawyer mentioned in the third phase: “The model adds another layer of perspectives. I see [the disagreement of model from the previous annotator] as a benefit — it helps remind me that I may have my own biases. Reading these tricky passages help me identify my blind spots.”

In other words, the benefit of the computational model lies in the imperfect predictions it makes. The imperfection of model predictions prompts the legal experts to refine, concretize, and build consensuses for the annotations. And as pointed out by several lawyers, “[the model output] is a great education tool when we onboard new coders.”.

8 Conclusion

Identifying examples of concepts by annotating passages is central to social science research and a significant source of effort and cost. Standard NLP protocols often seek to build systems that replace human annotators. In contrast, this study focuses on expert analysts, who neither intend nor desire to be removed from the annotation process. In the standard NLP protocol, the primary goal is accuracy, and it is assumed that constructs are stable, well-defined, and consistently applicable. In our setting, we identify the value of an imperfect computational model in promoting the consistency of annotations.

Computational methods, like the language model used in this study, are a promising way to increase scalability and provide greater robustness. However, rather than seeking to “replace” experts, we suggest using computational models to “assist” experts. We find that one of the main concern of experts in carrying out the annotation is the influence of their personal bias, leading to biased and inconsistent annotations with a multi-annotator team. The benefits of a computational model, in the eyes of the experts, is to provide valuable opportunities for them to reflect on their own bias, and a space — grounded in specific examples — for them to engage in discussions with each other to build consensus on the definitions of annotations.

Ethical Statement

Ethical considerations

We view our work as a dialogue between computational tools and close qualitative readings, where close reading is an essential part of understanding the gendered discourse in capital trials. We recognize that, though court documents are in the public record, sharing the narratives deployed in a trial could negatively impact the subjects studied in this paper as well as other personnel related to the cases. Topics discussed in a capital trial could involve information regarding deeply private information such as family history, childhood experiences, and relationship history about the defendant as well as witnesses. The fact that we share quotes as examples of gendered discourse gives an additional spotlight to the very kind of language we hope to mitigate. To ameliorate this, we anonymize cases by sharing only background information relevant to the analysis (e.g., excluding names and information such as court location.) In doing so, we aim to minimize the potential harm of linking quotes to defendants. Lastly, due to the ethical and privacy concerns of the defendants being studied, we do not release the raw data for this paper, and will only release code (upon acceptance) for reproducibility.


The research question in this paper is primarily concerned with treatment of women in the criminal legal process. The majority of the research team is comprised of women researchers. While our research team does not consist of individuals who have been defendants in criminal trials, the team does consist of legal practitioners who have been closely involved with capital trials for decades. Our team additionally consists of computer scientists who have previously conducted work on fairness topics.


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Appendix A Other models and training strategies

Zero-shot prompting with instruction-tuned LLMs

We experimented with zero-shot learning with instruction-tuned LLMs. Due to data privacy considerations, it is not desired to use closed source GPT-3.5 as our computational model. However, to gauge its performance, we created synthetic data by paraphrasing real trial conversations. We prompted the model with a short case summary and a sentence to see if the model could correctly predict if a given sentence should be annotated as Bad mother (see Table 6). Our experiment results show promise. While the model made mistakes when there’s not enough context about who was talking, in general, the model correctly identified whether the sentence given mentioned parenting of the defendant, and if that is related to facts of crime.

Given this finding, we explored the performance of a smaller, open-source instruction-tuned model, FLAN-T5-large, that could fulfill our privacy requirements. We provides a 1–2 sentence trial summary (SUMMARY), a paragraph (CONTEXT), and a target sentence in the paragraph (TARGET). The results are mixed. We find that a short case summary and context aid the model to identify people in the paragraph, but the answer is sensitive to prompts. In general, the model failed to provide reasons and failed when asked to do more than identifying people, such as to judge if the target sentence described the defendant as a bad mother (see Table 7).

Appendix B Evaluation metrics for quantitative modeling

As we mentioned in Section 4, there are differences in the unit of annotations — some associate a label to a paragraph, while others with a sentence. This inconsistencies lead to difficulties in finding a reliable measure of computational models. Sentence-level precision is an unreliable measure, because there are many sentences annotated by humans that are not standalone meaningful. On the other hand, we are unable to define passage-level recall. Recall measures the proportion of true positive instances that are predicted positive by the model. However, since there are cases when a label is associate with a sentence rather than a well-defined multi-sentence passage, we are unable to define what a ”true positive passage” is. See number of sentences annotated positive by graduate assistants and precision measure broken down for each theme and trial in Table 9.

Prompt Model output Correct?
Given a case summary of a capital trial, determine if the snippet of an exchange during trial is (1) talking about parenting by some person. If true, please continue to determine (2) if the parent is the defendant or another individual involved in the case.”
Summary: The defendant, Jane, is charged for murder of her husband, Tony, by gunshot for insurance policy proceeds.
Trial Snippet: ”When she is angry, Jane perceived it as her mom standing up for her.”
Talking about parenting by some person: True
If the parent is the defendant or another individual involved in the case: Another individual involved in the case
Given a case summary of a capital trial, determine if the snippet of an exchange during trial is 1) talking about parenting by some person. If true, please continue to determine (2) if the parent is the defendant or another individual involved in the case.”
Summary: The defendant, Jane, is charged for murder of her husband, Tony, by gunshot for insurance policy proceeds.
Trial Snippet: ”I dropped Jane off at school the other day, and when I went back to pick her up, I found that she was quite intimate with her high school sweetheart. ”
Talking about parenting by some person: True
The snippet mentions dropping Jane off at school, indicating involvement in Jane’s life as a parent or guardian.
If the parent is the defendant or another individual involved in the case: Another individual involved in the case
Since the snippet refers to dropping Jane off at school, the parent mentioned is someone other than the defendant.
Incorrect. In this case, it was Jane’s partner who dropped her off at school.
Given a case summary of a capital trial, determine if the snippet of an exchange during trial is (1) talking about parenting by some person (True, False, Need additional information). If true, please continue to determine (2) if the parent is the defendant or another individual involved in the case. (3) If so, is the parenting related to the facts of crime
Summary: The defendant, Jane, is charged for murder of her colleague, Tony.
Trial Snippet: ”When Jane is home alone with children, she didn’t care about them. She just played on her computer all day long. ”
Talking about parenting by some person: True (Confidence: High)
If the parent is the defendant or another individual involved in the case: The defendant (Jane) (Confidence: High)
If so, is the parenting related to the facts of the crime: Need additional information
Given a case summary of a capital trial, determine if the snippet of an exchange during trial is (1) talking about parenting by some person (True, False, Need additional information). If true, please continue to determine (2) if the parent is the defendant or another individual involved in the case. (3) If so, is the parenting related to the facts of crime.
Summary: The defendant, Jane, is charged for murder of her daughter.
Trial Snippet: ”When Jane is home alone with children, she didn’t care about them. She just played on her computer all day long. ”
Talking about parenting by some person: True (Confidence: High)
If the parent is the defendant or another individual involved in the case: The defendant (Jane) (Confidence: High)
If so, is the parenting related to the facts of the crime: Likely (Confidence: High)
Table 6: Experiments from zero-shot prompting GPT-3.5. We omit the explanations that the model provided except for the one with incorrect prediction.
Prompts Model Output Correct?
SUMMARY: Sophia was convicted of hiring a family friend, Jack, to shoot and kill her own daughter 21-year-old Nancy.
CONTEXT: Nancy is dead. Nancy was murdered by Jack. but Nancy is dead because of one thing and one thing only, without Sophia, i submit to you, ladies and gentlemen, we expect the evidence to show without Sophia, there is no crime. there is no crime. the woman who carried her in her womb for nine months, listened to her heartbeat, her mother, her finger was on that trigger just like Jack’s was.
TARGET: Nancy is dead.
Based on SUMMARY and CONTEXT, does the TARGET sentence mention the defendant in this case? Who is it?
“yes” Incorrect, and the model did not provide a name even though it answered ”yes”.
SUMMARY: The defendant in this case is Sophia. Sophia was convicted of hiring a family friend, Jack, to shoot and kill her own daughter 21-year-old Nancy.
CONTEXT: Nancy is dead. Nancy was murdered by Jack. but Nancy is dead because of one thing and one thing only, without Sophia, I submit to you, ladies and gentlemen, we expect the evidence to show without Sophia, there is no crime. There is no crime. The woman who carried her in her womb for nine months, listened to her heartbeat, her mother, her finger was on that trigger just like Jack’s was.
TARGET: Nancy is dead.
Based on SUMMARY and CONTEXT, does the TARGET sentence mention the defendant in this case? Who is it?
“no” Correct
SUMMARY: Sophia was convicted of hiring a family friend, Jack, to shoot and kill her own daughter 21-year-old Nancy.
CONTEXT: Nancy is dead. Nancy was murdered by Jack. but Nancy is dead because of one thing and one thing only, without Sophia, I submit to you, ladies and gentlemen, we expect the evidence to show without Sophia, there is no crime. There is no crime. the woman who carried her in her womb for nine months, listened to her heartbeat, her mother, her finger was on that trigger just like Jack’s was.
TARGET: The woman who carried her in her womb for nine months, listened to her heartbeat, her mother, her finger was on that trigger just like Jack’s was.
Based on SUMMARY and CONTEXT, who is ”the woman” in the TARGET? Give a name.
“Sophia” Correct
SUMMARY: Sophia was convicted of hiring a family friend, Jack, to shoot and kill her own daughter 21-year-old Nancy.
CONTEXT: Nancy is dead. Nancy was murdered by Jack. but Nancy is dead because of one thing and one thing only, without Sophia, I submit to you, ladies and gentlemen, we expect the evidence to show without Sophia, there is no crime. There is no crime. The woman who carried her in her womb for nine months, listened to her heartbeat, her mother, her finger was on that trigger just like Jack’s was.
TARGET: The woman who carried her in her womb for nine months, listened to her heartbeat, her mother, her finger was on that trigger just like Jack’s was.
Based on SUMMARY and CONTEXT, does the TARGET sentence describe the defendant as a bad parent? Explain your answer.
“no” Incorrect answer and without explanation.
Table 7: Experiments from zero-shot prompting FLAN-T5-large. Real names have been substituted with fictional name in the snippets shown.
Zitat Decisions Lawyers’ reasons
(A) It is beyond comprehension to me that this woman could do what she did, and I submit to you that if you watched her during the course of this trial she has shown no remorse. GA = ✗
Model = ✓
Lawyers = ✓
Describing that the defendant has not shown any remorse.
(B) Q. First of all, Mr. [witness], let’s talk about the defendant’s attitude and emotional state and what was going on when she came back to your house after [the victim] had left with her. She is accusing [the victim] of taking her money. Is she a little bit more agitated at this point? […] She tore your bedroom apart, didn’t she?
A. Yes, she did. […]
Q. So, this calm demeanor that [the defendant] usually had was not present?
A. It wasn’t there.
GA = ✗
Model = ✓
Lawyers = ✓
Portraying the defendant as agitated, not calm.
(C) [The defendant] said that [the victim] looked really mad, really upset. GA = ✗
Model = ✓
Lawyers = ✗
Describing the emotions of the victim, not the defendant.
(D) Q: What did [the defendant] say to [the victim] when she said these comments?
A: “I dont́ know what you are doing all that crying for because all it is is fake ass tears. ”
GA = ✗
Model = ✓
Lawyers = ✗
Describing the emotions of the victim, not the defendant.
(E) Q. Do you recall what was said?
A. [The defendant] was talking about how she had a lot of food at the house that had been brought in by friends and family members and that she should have brought that to the sheriff’s office because she was sure we were hungry and would want something to eat.
Q. Okay. Anything else you remember she said?
A. There was really nothing else, I was so taken back by that, that — after being arrested for the capital murder of her daughter, that she was worried about food.
GA = ✓
Model = ✗
Lawyers= ✓
Describing the defendant’s lack of emotional response to being arrested for capital murder for her daughter.
(F) Q. Did you feel personally that [the defendant] didn’t want to be around you? What made you feel that way?
A. She was distant at the – at the wake. She didn’t talk to us at all. She didn’t try and console us at all. We weren’t mean to her, but we just felt like there was — I don’t know, some kind of wall or — I don’t know.
GA = ✓
Model = ✗
Lawyers = ✓
Describing that the defendant’s lack of emotional response and support.
Table 8: Example passages for Emotions where machine decisions deviates from the first annotator’s decision.
# of true positive sentences Precision of 3 highest-scored passages Precision
A 78 0 80 2 0.67 0.00 0.67 0.00 0.24 0 0.36 0
B 45 17 31 21 1.00 0.00 0.33 0.00 0.2 0 0.13 -
C 63 106 117 0 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.00 0.46 0.23 0.67 -
D 20 2 11 20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0.1
E 10 89 150 26 0.33 1.00 0.67 0.00 0.056 0.5 0.333 0.182
F 4 0 2 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
G 5 76 144 17 0.00 0.67 0.33 0.00 0 0.222 0.273 0
H 30 49 258 59 0.67 0.33 1.00 0.67 0.26 0.42 0.05 0.09
Table 9: Passage-level Precision broken down by theme and trial.
Zitat Decisions Lawyers’ reasons
(A) [The defendant] had a job for a period of time as a greeter at [a supermarket]. This was the end of May, into the beginning of July. So about a little more than a month. So that is where she met [her second husband]. She took up with him, and they were married in December. GA = ✗
Model = ✓
Lawyers = ✗
Neutral description of the relationship between the defendant with her second husband, does not sexualize the defendant.
(B) Q. Do you recall [the defendant] speaking to you about [her husband] in any other negative ways?
A. Mostly, she just complained he didn’t make enough money. It was never enough. […]
Q. How often would she complain to you about [her husband] not making enough money?
A. I don’t know exactly how often, but more often than not. […] Whenever it just wasn’t enough for her, she would complain.
GA = ✓
Model = ✗
Lawyer = ✗
This is describing a greedy woman. It discusses the relationships between the defendant and her husband, but does not sexualize the defendant.
(C) [The defendant] wanted to move in with her mother, and so she moved into a house causing it to be overcrowded. […] So she’s now made – not only has she made the house overcrowded, she now goes and has another baby, making the house even more crowded. GA = ✓
Model = ✗
Lawyer = ✓
The tone that the sentence “she now goes and has another baby” conveys a judgment.
(D) Q: How long were you having sex with your brother’s wife?
A: From about five years.
Q: So you had sex with your brother’s wife for five years; how many times?
A: Not so much.
Q: What does, “not so much” mean; 2, 20, 100?
GA = ✗
Model = ✓
Lawyer = ?
Context and case knowledge is needed to know who the person answering the question is and whether the brother’s wife refers to the defendant.
(E) Similar circumstances as it relates to the [the victim’s] murder, they were both truck drivers. [The defendant] had a relationship with both of them. [The defendant] wasn’t technically married to [xxx], but their relationship was viewed by most as a common law marriage, because they had been together for such a long time and lived together as a married couple. Also they were both shot in the back. GA = ✗
Model = ✓
Lawyer = ✗
The passage describes the facts of the defendant killing her husband. However, it was unclear what “both of them” mean and why the defendant’s another relationship was mentioned in here.
(F) Q: How did you leave things with [the defendant]? […] Was she angry at you?
A: When I have a girlfriend she angry with me.
Q: During the time that you were in [another state], did you try to date other women or have a different girlfriend? […] What would happen if you try to have a different girlfriend?
A: She stopped right away.
GA = ✗
Model = ✓
Lawyer = ?
Need to know the relationship between witness and defendant. Unclear what ”she stopped” means and whether it carries significance.
Table 10: Example passages for Hypersexualization where machine decisions deviates from the first annotator’s decision.
Zitat Decisions Lawyers’ reasons
(A) [The defendant], the woman who took every opportunity to line her pockets, a heartless schemer who manipulated and lured men to their peril. She deceived her husband, children, family and friends. She has earned the title premeditated murderer, queen of greed and evil. GA = ✗
Model = ✓
Lawyers = ✓
Portraying the defendant as a person who manipulates, lies, is greedy and evil, etc.
(B) Everything had to do with [the defendant’s] greed, according to the prosecution. But there’s no evidence of that. […] There’s no evidence about a lavish lifestyle. GA = ✗
Model = ✓
Lawyers = ✗
This passage is the defense lawyer’s counter argument against portraying the defendant as greedy.
(C) Q. So, now you are at the police department, and you question this defendant again about her relationship with [her husband], is that correct?
A. Yes.
Q. Did she tell you how she met [her husband]?
A. I don’t recall.
Q. Did she tell you how long they had been married?
A. They were married for three years.
GA = ✗
Model = ✓
Lawyers = ✗
Neutral information gathering about the relationships of the defendant and her husband.
(D) There’s nothing about [the defendant’s] existence or her life that is so mitigating that it overcomes the heinous character of this crime that justifies her being allowed to continue to live. When you make the premeditated, calculated decision to slaughter your own family, to commit genocide against your own tribe, to actually commit these acts of genocide in the middle of a courtroom proceeding, you forfeited your claim to life. GA = ✓
Model = ✗
Lawyers = ✓
Portraying the defendant as an evil woman who made calculated decisions to slaughter her own family and tribe.
(E) Q. Now, was there anything characteristic about [the defendant] that would catch your attention?
A. Whenever she would drive her car, she would always have her window down and she would always be smoking her cigarette. And just the mannerism that she would hold her cigarette to the side.
Q. How did she do that?
A. Just by flicking her cigarette.
Q. Any particular style that you refer to it as?
A. Well, as I said before, the kids told me it’s like a Hollywood style.
GA = ✓
Model = ✗
Lawyers = ?
Doesn’t seem to be related, but could be setting up to portray the defendant as performative.
(F) Q. Did you see any rings?
A. I saw one or two small ones, yes.
Q. What about earrings, i am pointing to my earrings; do you see them?
A. Yes, i do know earrings, yes.
Q. Did you see any earrings?
A. I didn’t see earrings.
Q. What else did you see other than these documents, credit cards, the jewelry, three cell phones, and some purses and coins?
GA = ✓
Model = ✗
Lawyers = ✗
Do not see the relevance of this conversations — More context and background knowledge about this case to know why this was originally coded as related to describing the defendant being ”greedy”.
Table 11: Example passages for Betrayal of Gender Norms where machine decisions deviates from the first annotator’s decision.
Zitat Decisions Lawyers’ reasons
(A) This woman had been trying to get [a man] to kill her daughter for at least months. It got to the point that he went to this child’s father and said [the defendant] won’t leave me alone about killing [her daughter]. GA = ✗
Model = ✓
Lawyers = ?
Factual statements of the case.
(B) [The defendant] will pose no danger to children if she’s punished to life in prison. [The defendant] wanted to be a mom, and she had four kids. Being a mom, that was her dream, but she was never given the necessary tools to do this right. All four of her kids were taken by CPS the same day [the victim] died because the home was so disgusting and unsafe to live in. GA = ✗
Model = ✓
Lawyers = ✓
Portraying the defendant being an unfit mother as “the home was so disgusting and unsafe to live in”.
(C) You will hear that these parents battered each other and their children; that they neglected them; they abandoned them. You will hear that they were gone for days at a time from their home, leaving [the defendant] from a very early age in charge of her brothers and sisters. She was, if you will, a mother to her siblings; but, having no role model for that position, had to figure it out for herself, without any supervision or support. You will hear that [the defendant] from the beginning acted as buffer between her parents and her siblings, accepting blame and punishment, accepting the screaming, the beatings and the threats, to protect her younger siblings from their parents. GA = ✗
Model = ✓
Lawyers = ✗
Describing the defendant’s childhood experiences, that her parents are bad parents.
(D) You heard about the defendant’s time in prison for previous drug sale convictions. You heard about her children, her son in prison for years and one of her daughters is in prison for five years. And her other daughter is with her grandmother. And we can only hope that there may be some hope for that daughter. GA = ✓
Model = ✗
Lawyers = ✓
Implying the outcomes of the defendant’s children are attributable to her being a unfit mother.
(E) [The defendant] and her son show up to [the victim’s] s home. […] Now, [the victim] is [her son’s] uncle. And [her son] is just a young man being commanded by her mother to kill [her uncle]. She orders her son to kill her uncle. GA = ✓
Model = ✗
Lawyers = ?
Factual statements of the crime.
Table 12: Example passages for Bad mother where machine decisions deviates from the first annotator’s decision.