LMMs-Eval: Reality Check on the Evaluation of
Large Multimodal Models

 Kaichen Zhang∗,1,2  Bo Li∗,1,2  Peiyuan Zhang∗,1,2Fanyi Pu∗,1,2
Joshua Adrian Cahyono 1,2Kairui Hu 1,2Shuai Liu 1,2
Yuanhan Zhang 1,2Jingkang Yang 1,2Chunyuan Li1Ziwei Liu1,2,🖂

LMMs-Lab Team  2S-Lab, NTU, Singapore

{zhan0564, libo0013, peiyuan.zhang, fpu001, ziwei.liu}@ntu.edu.sg

The advances of large foundation models necessitate wide-coverage, low-cost, and zero-contamination benchmarks. Despite continuous exploration of language model evaluations, comprehensive studies on the evaluation of Large Multi-modal Models (LMMs) remain limited. In this work, we introduce LMMs-Eval, a unified and standardized multimodal benchmark framework with over 50 tasks and more than 10 models to promote transparent and reproducible evaluations. Although LMMs-Eval offers comprehensive coverage, we find it still falls short in achieving low cost and zero contamination. To approach this evaluation trilemma, we further introduce LMMs-Eval Lite, a pruned evaluation toolkit that emphasizes both coverage and efficiency. Additionally, we present Multimodal LiveBench that utilizes continuously updating news and online forums to assess models’ generalization abilities in the wild, featuring a low-cost and zero-contamination evaluation approach. In summary, our work highlights the importance of considering the evaluation trilemma and provides practical solutions to navigate the trade-offs in evaluating large multi-modal models, paving the way for more effective and reliable benchmarking of LMMs. We opensource our codebase and maintain leaderboard of LiveBenchat Github and LiveBench. Refer to caption Figure 1: To best navigate the trilemma in LMM evaluation benchmarking, we contribute (1) LMMs-Eval: a unified and standardized multimodal benchmark suite that encompasses over 50 tasks and more than 10 models, ensuring wide coverage; (2) LMMs-Eval Lite: an efficient benchmark set with reliable and aligned results with the time-consuming full-set evaluation, addressing low-cost concerns; (3) LiveBench: the evaluation benchmark with the latest information from news and forum websites, aiming to evaluate model’s zero-shot generalization ability on most recent events, thereby preventing contamination during evaluations.

11footnotetext: Equal contribution. 🖂Corresponding author.

1 Introduction

Good benchmarks guide AI development. Current large foundational models such as GPT-4 [59], Gemini [69], Claude [2], and many others [71, 60, 57, 14] have demonstrated transformative capabilities, approaching or surpassing human-level performances in many tasks. In this context, benchmarks become both challenging and crucial to differentiate among the models and detect their weaknesses.

In the field of language models, exemplary works such as [38, 68, 19] aimed to comprehensively assess models across a wide range of dimensions. As generative AI evolves from language-centric to multimodal, a unified evaluation framework and a closer look at existing benchmarks are needed.

Transparent, standardized, and reproducible evaluations are crucial. We identify that there is so far no unified evaluation protocol in the field of LMM. Model publishers [42, 71, 16, 87, 33] come up with custom evaluation pipelines, which often differ significantly in data preparation, output postprocessing, and metrics calculation, hindering transparency and reproducibility. To this end, we build a standardized and reliable benchmark suite to assess multimodal models in their entirety with LMMs-Eval. LMMs-Eval covers over 50 tasks in various scenarios to thoroughly assess more than 10 multimodal models with around 30 variants. It offers a standardized evaluation pipeline to ensure transparency and reproducibility. It also comes with a unified interface to facilitate the integration of new models and datasets.

Wide-coverage, low-cost, and zero-contamination benchmark is hard to achieve simultaneously. We believe it is an impossible triangle to evaluate models with wide coverage and low cost without making the benchmarks susceptible to contamination, as shown in  Figure 1. For instance, the Hugging Face OpenLLM leaderboard [72] provides an economical way to evaluate language models across a wide range of tasks, but it is also prone to overfitting and contamination. The LMSys Chatbot Arena [13] and AI2 WildVision [50] offer robust and non-contaminated evaluation through real user interactions. However, it is expensive to gather tens of thousands of human preferences. In this work, we do not break this impossible triangle. Instead, we complement the evaluation landscape of LMMs by introducing LMMs-Eval Lite  and LiveBench . By covering diverse sets of tasks and pruning unnecessary data instances, LMMs-Eval Lite  features a low-cost and wide-coverage LMM evaluation. On the other hand, LiveBench gathers the latest information from news and online forums to construct the test data, targeting an economical and generalizable way to do benchmarks.

In summary, we aim to offer a comprehensive view of the evaluations on multimodal models while presenting our observations and solutions. Our paper makes the following contributions:

(1) LMMs-Eval: a unified multimodal models evaluation suite that covers over 50 tasks and more than 10 models with around 30 sub-variants. With LMMs-Eval, we aim to streamline and standardize the evaluation process of multimodal models to ensure standardized comparisons between models.

(2) LMMs-Eval Lite: an efficient evaluation set that provides reliable and aligned results with the time-consuming full-set evaluation. LMMs-Eval Lite  prunes unnecessary data instances to reduce the evaluation cost while maintaining the evaluation quality.

(3) LiveBench: an evaluation benchmark that gathers the latest information from news and forum websites to evaluate models’ zero-shot generalization ability on the most recent events. LiveBench  aims to provide a low-cost and generalizable way to evaluate multimodal models.

2 LMMs-Eval: A Unified Multimodal Models Evaluation Suite

Evaluation has often taken a significant amount of time in the model development cycle. In Section 2.1 we argue that existing evaluation pipelines in LMM contain much overhead and are not standardized. By introducing LMMs-Eval, we reduce this overhead and scale up the evaluation. However, as we note in Section 2.2, there is still a trilemma in LMM evaluation that we cannot fully resolve but only find a better trade-off.

2.1 Scaling Evaluations with a Standardized Framework

Table 1: An overview of selected results on LMMs-Eval, achieved through a standardized and transparently reproducible pipeline.
Models Parameters AI2D ChartQA DocVQA LLaVAW Mathvista MME MMMU RealworldQA
LLaVA-1.5-7B 7B 54.8 18.2 28.1 59.6 26.7 1859.0 35.3 55.8
LLaVA-NeXT-Vicuna-7B 7B 66.6 54.8 74.4 72.3 34.4 1841.8 35.1 57.8
LLaVA-NeXT-Mistral-7B 7B 60.8 38.8 72.2 71.7 37.4 1823.4 33.4 59.3
Qwen-VL-Chat 7B 45.9 60.1 66.3 21.2 24.6 1890.8 27.7 1.7
InstructBLIP-Vicuna-7B 7B 33.8 12.5 13.9 55.2 23.4 1508.7 28.4 37.4
LLaVA-NeXT-LLaMA3-8B 8B 71.6 69.5 78.2 80.1 37.5 1971.5 41.7 60.0
Xcomposer4K-HD 8B 78.1 80.6 90.8 74.2 57.3 2189.8 42.6 62.6
Idefics2-8B 8B 69.2 26.4 73.4 43.7 48.0 1792.1 39.7 25.5
LLaVA-1.5-13B 13B 59.5 18.2 30.3 66.1 26.4 1818.3 34.8 54.9
LLaVA-NeXT-Vicuna-13B 13B 70.0 62.2 77.5 72.3 35.1 1891.9 35.9 58.7
InstructBLIP-Vicuna-13B 13B 36.8 12.7 13.6 54.4 25.0 1529.6 33.7 42.4
InternVL-1.5 26B 79.0 83.8 92.4 90.2 61.5 2183.6 43.1 65.0
LLaVA-NeXT-34B 34B 74.9 68.7 84.0 88.8 46.0 2030.4 46.7 62.0
LLaVA-NeXT-72B 72B 77.4 77.0 84.4 89.2 46.6 2158.9 46.4 65.4
LLaVA-NeXT-110B 110B 80.4 79.7 85.7 90.4 49.0 2200.4 49.1 63.1

Reducing the overhead Existing evaluations in LMMs are often done on a model-by-model and dataset-by-dataset basis [42, 71]. Researchers create custom inference scripts for their models across different benchmarks. While manageable for a single model and a few benchmarks, this process becomes highly inefficient when evaluating multiple checkpoints across ten or more datasets. Users need to manually launch each individual script to preprocess the datasets, inference models, and calculate final scores based on the outputs. Boilerplates are also abundant in the code. To address this, LMMs-Eval follows the framework design of lm-eval-harness [19] to allow for a one-command evaluation of multiple models and datasets. We preprocess and handle all the data needed during evaluation, ensuring a single data source is used across different models for a standardized evaluation. Furthermore, detailed model outputs and results will be logged for future analysis.

Standardized evaluation Custom evaluation scripts also lead to another issue: the scores reported in different places are not directly comparable. For instance, [35] extracts model answers by comparing the output probabilities among the choices. It is counted correct so long as the ground-truth answer has the lowest perplexity among the choices (PPL-based). However, [40] use the generation-based evaluation. An answer is counted as correct only if the model’s generation matches the option letter. To this end, we design a unified framework in LMMs-Eval covering different evaluation setups. We believe there is no best setup but one needs to fix one when comparing results across different models. For a fair comparison, we also respect the chat template of the models if they are instruction-tuned. For reproducibility and transparency, a detailed log containing the evaluation setup, model generations, and score breakdown will be automatically logged. Since we designed a unified interface, new models and datasets can also be quickly added into LMMs-Eval.

Equipped with these two core designs, we successfully scaled up our evaluation to over 10 models and more than 50 datasets. We present partial results in Table 1 and the full supported models, datasets, and scores can be found in Appendix E and Appendix F. We believe that large-scale evaluations are crucial. They enable a comprehensive comparison across various aspects of model performance, revealing whether a model is a versatile performer or excels only in specific tasks. Additionally, large-scale, reproducible, and standardized evaluations are essential in ablation experiments to enhance our understanding of model architectures and training data.

2.2 The Evaluation Trilemma

Our ultimate goal is to find a wide-coverage, low-cost, and zero-contamination way to evaluate LMMs. However, even with LMMs-Eval, we find it to be hard or even impossible. Specifically, once we scale the evaluation datasets to 50+, it becomes time-consuming to perform a full evaluation run on those datasets. Besides, those benchmarks are also susceptible to contamination during the training time[79]. As shown in Figure 1, we believe there is a trilemma in model evaluation. One can not achieve the three goals simultaneously but only find a trade-off. The LMSys Chatbot Arena [13]and AI2 WildVision [50] are foundational works in stressing wide coverage and anti-contamination. We present our solution to balance the other two sides of the triangle in Section 3 and Section 4.

3 LMMs-Eval Lite: Affordable Evaluation with Broad Domain Coverage

Refer to caption
Figure 2: Evaluation cost demonstration on Full and Lite set.

We estimate the time to evaluate various LLaVA models on all LMMs-Eval datasets in Figure 2. These evaluations were conducted using 8×A100 GPUs with flash attention enabled. We replicate the model weights across GPUs and use data parallel by default. For models larger than 72B, we use pipeline parallelism [26] to load a single model across different GPUs.

We aim to construct a lite benchmark set that can provide useful and fast signals during the model development. If we can identify a subset of the benchmark where the absolute scores and relative rankings among models remain similar to the full set, we can consider it to be safe to prune the datasets. We thus present LMMs-Eval Lite  to complement the full datasets in LMMs-Eval.

Table 2: Overview of datasets in LMMs-Eval Lite. In addition to reducing the size of large evaluation datasets, we also retain the complete versions of certain datasets to ensure comprehensive coverage.
Task Domain Dataset Split Full Size Lite Size
Doc & Infographic Understanding ChartQA test 2500 400
DocVQA val 5349 400
InfoVQA val 2801 200
Image Understanding & Captioning Flickr30k val 31784 400
NoCaps val 4500 400
TextCaps val 3166 300
RefCOCO val 8811 500
Visual Question Answering TextVQA val 5000 300
Math & Science MathVista testmini 1000 1000
AI2D test 3088 300
Visual Dialogue LLaVA-W test 60 60
Multi-discipline MME cog. & percep. 2374 2374
MMMU val 900 900
CMMMU val 900 900
Seed-Bench test 17990 700
- Total - 90223 9134

Lite set selection Let the benchmark be represented as D={(xi,yi)}i=1n𝐷superscriptsubscriptsubscript𝑥𝑖subscript𝑦𝑖𝑖1𝑛D=\{(x_{i},y_{i})\}_{i=1}^{n}italic_D = { ( italic_x start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT , italic_y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ) } start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i = 1 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT italic_n end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT and the scoring function underlying the benchmark system be denoted as S𝑆Sitalic_S. Given a model f𝑓fitalic_f, let the response of the model to a particular question in the dataset be denoted as f(xi)=y^i𝑓subscript𝑥𝑖subscript^𝑦𝑖f(x_{i})=\widehat{y}_{i}italic_f ( italic_x start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ) = over^ start_ARG italic_y end_ARG start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT. We aim to select a subset of the benchmark VD𝑉𝐷V\in Ditalic_V ∈ italic_D such that

minV:|V||D||1|D|i=1|D|S(yi,y^i)1|V|i=1|V|S(yi,y^i)|subscript:𝑉𝑉𝐷1𝐷superscriptsubscript𝑖1𝐷𝑆subscript𝑦𝑖subscript^𝑦𝑖1𝑉superscriptsubscript𝑖1𝑉𝑆subscript𝑦𝑖subscript^𝑦𝑖\displaystyle\min_{V:\left|V\right|\leq\left|D\right|}\left|\frac{1}{\left|D% \right|}\sum_{i=1}^{\left|D\right|}S(y_{i},\widehat{y}_{i})-\frac{1}{\left|V% \right|}\sum_{i=1}^{\left|V\right|}S(y_{i},\widehat{y}_{i})\right|roman_min start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_V : | italic_V | ≤ | italic_D | end_POSTSUBSCRIPT | divide start_ARG 1 end_ARG start_ARG | italic_D | end_ARG ∑ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i = 1 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT | italic_D | end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT italic_S ( italic_y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT , over^ start_ARG italic_y end_ARG start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ) - divide start_ARG 1 end_ARG start_ARG | italic_V | end_ARG ∑ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i = 1 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT | italic_V | end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT italic_S ( italic_y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT , over^ start_ARG italic_y end_ARG start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ) | (1)

This objective function has been proven to be equivalent to solving the k𝑘kitalic_k-Center problem [63] and can be viewed as finding a subset of data points that can cover the full set. This corresponds to our motivation to find a subset that serve as a proxy of the full benchmarks. However, finding the exact solution to the k𝑘kitalic_k-Center problem is NP-hard [15]. Consequently, we choose to use a greedy algorithm, to efficiently compute the results. The greedy algorithm is capable of achieving a 2222-OPT solution. The detail of the algorithm can be found in  Appendix H.

To perform k𝑘kitalic_k-center clustering, an embedding needs to be extracted for each data point. In [63], image features were extracted by the CNN for k𝑘kitalic_k-center clustering. We employed CLIP [62] for image embeddings and BGE-M3 [8] for text embeddings, and concatenated them to produce a final embedding.

To ensure that our selected subset maintains some basic testing abilities compared to the original benchmarks, we assess our findings by examining the correlation between the original scores and the lite set scores across six versions of LLaVA [40]. We present some of our results in Figure 3 where all the results achieve r larger than 0.9. Results with all the datasets we choose can be found in the  Appendix D.

Lite benchmark construction We refer to the datasets used in works such as [58, 69, 2, 40] to construct LMMs-Eval Lite and select 15 datasets across different task domains for wide coverage. To maintain a low cost during evaluation, we apply the selection method to pick representative points for datasets containing more than 1500 data points. The correlation between the original scores and the lite set scores is low for MME [18], so we decided to keep the full version of it. In addition, we curate a new version of LMMs-Eval Lite  in Appendix G that contains more datasets.

(a) AI2D (b) Flickr30k (c) InfoVQA
Refer to caption Refer to caption Refer to caption

Figure 3: Correlation Graph between scores for our lite set and original scores

Refer to caption
Refer to caption
Figure 4: Results of LMMs-Eval Lite across different models. The x𝑥xitalic_x-axis represent the weighted average percentage of scores that the model get across all the dataset.
Score Aggregation

To provide an overall signal to guide model development, we designed a strategy to aggregate the scores across different benchmarks in LMMs-Eval Lite. Since different datasets and benchmarks come up with their own metrics, it is not reasonable to simply calculate the average score. Instead, we first normalize the scores from each dataset within a range of 100 and then calculate the average to be the final aggregated score. We report the aggregated score before and after the lite set pruning in Figure 4 to demonstrate the effectiveness of our selection method. Note that LMMs-Eval Lite is not designed to fully compare the performance of different model families. Instead, it served as a tool to provide useful and low-cost signals during model training and ablations.

4 LiveBench: From Static to Live Evaluation

4.1 Probing into Multimodal Data Contamination

LMMs are trained on massive amounts of data. For instance, Qwen-VL [3] leverages 1.4 billion pretraining data and CogVLM [75] uses 1.5 billion. However, research in both LLMs [86, 76] and LMMs [9] has indicated that data contamination can significantly skew benchmark scores. This highlights the need for careful data management and validation to ensure accurate and fair evaluations.

We explore multimodal training within the LLaVA frameworks, utilizing two primary data types: (1) pretraining data to align visual and textual embeddings and train the vision encoder, and (2) high-quality, supervised finetuning data to improve diverse instruction-following capabilities. The re-annotation and conversion of large web and academic datasets into training materials frequently lead to issues of overlap and contamination. To address this, we developed an analytical tool to assess the overlap between training and benchmark data, showcasing our findings with data from [40] with user data removed in it.

Refer to caption Refer to caption

Figure 5: Contamination analysis in current evaluation benchmarks and LLaVA’s training data. Among the datasets with an overlap proportion exceeding 20%, including ChartQA, VQAv2, COCO2014, and GQA, it has been confirmed that their training sets are included in LLaVA’s training data.
Refer to caption
Figure 6: We present several cases of possible data overlapping in LLaVA-NeXT pretraining and supervised-finetuning data. We observed three types of data contamination (1) duplicate images (2) similar images (3) similar questions.

Text Overlap To measure text overlap, we use a string matching technique similar to those by GPT-4 [59], PaLM [70], and LLaMA [74]. Typically, an 813similar-to8138\sim 138 ∼ 13 n-grams range is used [6], but we consistently use 8888 n-grams for simiplicity. We exclude any n-gram appearing more than 10101010 times in the training data, labeling these as meaningless n-grams. We also calculate an overlap ratio for each new n-gram candidate against our set of meaningless n-grams, excluding those exceeding a predefined threshold.

Image Overlap Contrary to text overlap, determining image overlap is a more challenging task. While it is common practice to compute image embeddings and then calculate their cosine similarity, selecting an appropriate threshold applicable to all datasets is difficult. Instead of computing similarity in the embedding space, we empirically find that using the pretrained SEED-tokenizer [20] leads to meaningful separation in detecting the overlap. We first tokenize each image into a 1-D sequence of 32 tokens. Similar to text, an 8-gram lookup table was constructed from those image tokens to detect image contamination. The occurrence of 8-gram overlap can be interpreted as approximately 1/4141/41 / 4 of the image overlapping.

4.1.1 Results & Analysis on Decontamination

To evaluate the potential contamination of current benchmarks, we selected over 20 benchmarks, including AI2D [29], ChartQA [54], NoCaps [1], VQA v2 [21], and LLaVA-in-the-wild [42]. We report the percentages of image and text overlap in  Figure 5 for our selected datasets and more qualitative results qualitative results in Figure 6. Our examination of both image and text overlaps has revealed three primary types of data contamination across various benchmarks.

Duplicate Images Instances of completely identical images between the training set and benchmark datasets were observed. This issue is exemplified by two identical images in ChartQA [54] and MM-Vet [83].

Similar Images Our image n-gram analysis has succesfully identified the occurrence of visually similar images in both the training and benchmark datasets. Such similarities could lead to semantically similar questions, as demonstrated in examples from NoCaps [1], ChartQA [54] and MM-Vet [83].

Similar Questions We also observe recurring question structures in the training data that mirror those in the benchmark dataset. Although the corresponding images may differ, the similarity in question structure could advantage the model in responding to benchmark queries.

Refer to caption
Figure 7: Overview pipeline for LiveBench . We collect the latest information from the lively updated websites, organize the Q&A based on the information with the assistance of multimodal models, verify the Q&A with human annotators, evaluate the models with the Q&A corpus using different judge models, including human judges, and finally report the problemset.

4.2 Multimodal LiveBench

Traditional benchmarks focus on static evaluations using fixed questions and answers. As multimodal research progresses, open-source models often outperform commercial ones like GPT4V in benchmarks, yet they lag in real user experience. Dynamic, user-oriented public arenas like LMSys and WildVision are gaining popularity for model evaluation but struggle with prompt quality control, difficulty, distribution, and noisy traffic, making consistent comparisons difficult. Additionally, they require collecting tens of thousands of user preferences, which makes the evaluation extremely costly. Recent benchmarks such as Vibe-Eval [61] and LLaVA-Wilder [32] use real-world data for more authentic testing models abilities in the wild. However, as current foundational models training data is continuously crawled and updated from the web, the trained model may inevitably see and contaminate the evaluation benchmarks.

To address this issue, we propose a new evaluation framework, LiveBench. The key idea of LiveBench is to evaluate the model’s performance on a lively updated dataset to achieve zero contamination while maintaining low cost. We collect the evaluation dataset from the web, and build a pipeline to automatically gather the latest global information from websites such as news and community forums. The detailed specifics are as follows.

4.2.1 Data Collection From the Web

To ensure the timeliness and authenticity of our information, we select sources from over 60 news outlets, including CNN, BBC, Japan’s Asahi Shimbun, and China’s Xinhua News Agency, as well as insights from forums like Reddit. A detailed list of these sources is provided in Section I.1.

We begin by capturing screenshots of home pages and then refine these images by removing white margins and other non-news elements to ensure the content focuses on news information, not advertisements or errors due to website blocking. For analysis, we select a quiz model from our pool of current most powerful commercial multimodal models, such as GPT4-V, Claude-3-Opus, and Gemini-1.5-Pro. We then guide the quiz model to progressively ask questions across multiple dimensions, including (1) basic understanding (2) contextual analysis (3) deeper and broader implications (4) further insights. The models design a Q&A set to address these dimensions. Subsequently, another model from our pool reviews and revises the questions for accuracy and relevance.

The final Q&As are then reviewed by humans for ultimate validation. To balance data collection costs and user evaluation, we aim to gather about 500 questions monthly, selecting 100-300 for our final LiveBench  problem set, tagged with identifiers like LiveBench-2024-05.

4.2.2 Evaluation Metrics & Results on LiveBench

We adopt the scoring criteria from LLaVA-Wilder [32] and Vibe-Eval [61]. The judge model assigns a score from [1,10]110[1,10][ 1 , 10 ] based on the provided ground-truth answer, detailed in  Section 4.2.3. We use GPT-4o as the default judge model due to its popularity and high throughput API. Additionally, Claude-3-Opus and Gemini 1.5 Pro are implemented as alternative judge models. The final report results will be scaled to an accuracy metric from 0 to 100 based on the scores.

Table 3: LiveBench-2024-06 Results. We include the overall accuracy and the accuracy of each dimension. We use DI, BI, FI as the abbreviation for Deeper Implications, Boarder Implications and Further Insights. We keep our monthly maintaination and publish the results of SOTA-level multimodal models on LiveBench Leaderboard.
Model LLM Overall Basic Contextual DI BI FI
Idefics-2-8B Mistral-v0.1-7B 36.1 41.4 29.6 35.6 45.4 28.6
InstructBLIP-7B Vicuna-1.1-7B 40.4 16.0 32.8 44.2 60.4 48.8
InstructBLIP-13B Vicuna-1.1-13B 42.9 24.6 32.6 48.8 66.6 41.8
LLaVA-1.5-7B Vicuna-1.5-7B 45.6 19.0 36.4 56.2 69.2 47.4
LLaVA-1.5-13B Vicuna-1.5-7B 48.9 23.2 37.4 56 72.2 55.8
GPT-4-Turbo (wo/vision) - 51.9 8.4 36.4 72.0 76.8 66.0
InternVL-2-2b InternLM-2-1.8B 51.9 49 44.6 48.4 61.8 55.8
LLaVA-NeXT-8B LLaMA-3-8B 67.8 50.9 62.7 74.7 80.0 70.0
InternVL-2-4b Phi-3-3.8B 68.2 71.2 60.2 66.6 76.4 66.4
XComposer-4KHD InernLM-2-7B 70.7 76.8 65.4 70.0 72.8 68.4
InternVL-2-8B InternLM-2.5-7B 73.4 81.2 68.6 71.0 76.6 69.6
InternVL-2-26B InternLM-2-20B 77.2 75.8 72.0 80.4 78.6 79.2
LLaVA-NeXT-34B Nous-Hermes-2-Yi-34B 78.4 73.0 72.4 82.4 87.8 76.2
InternVL-1.5-26B InternLM-2-20B 80.1 80.6 80.8 79.2 80.6 79.4
LLaVA-NeXT-72B Qwen-1.5-72B 80.2 76.2 72.8 84.8 86.2 80.8
Gemini-1.5-Flash - 85.7 86.8 83.0 84.6 87.8 86.2
Gemini-1.5-Pro - 85.8 92.4 81.0 84.0 92.2 79.6
Claude-3-5-Sonnet - 92.3 93.2 90.8 91.4 95.2 91.0
GPT-4o - 92.4 91.0 89.8 92.8 96.4 92.0
GPT-4-Turbo - 93.0 91.6 89.4 90.8 99.0 94.0

We present the results of the LiveBench  evaluation in Table 3. The results clearly indicate that both GPT-4 series models, including GPT-4-Turbo and GPT-4-Omni, are among the top performers. In contrast, the Gemini and Claude series still lag behind open-source models.

Although many open-source models outperform these commercial models in static academic benchmarks (e.g. MME [18] and MMBench [44]), our findings support the hypothesis that commercial multimodal models like GPT-4V possess robust capabilities that existing benchmarks fail to fully capture. Specifically, LiveBench  requires models to demonstrate strong zero-shot generalization abilities to interpret constantly updated content from news and forum websites.

We may still be far from reaching the level of GPT-4V. The current surpassing in benchmarks is merely due to the considered scenarios being too simple, fixed, or already contaminated. These findings, despite appearing as a setback for competitors, actually illuminate the limitations of conventional evaluation benchmarks. They emphasize the necessity for more thorough evaluations to accurately gauge model performance. Benchmarking serves as a compass for advancing AI, and these results offer valuable insights for prospective challengers seeking to enhance their models.

4.2.3 Case Analysis on LiveBench

The evaluation results on LiveBenchshow a different trend. In many existing benchmarks, the performance of open-sourced multimodal models has surpassed commercial models like GPT-4V, Gemini, and Claude. However, in LiveBench, the commercial models still outperform the open-sourced models. Here we list some of the hallucination cases in the open-sourced models that caused the poor performance. For more details, please refer to LiveBench Details.

Refer to caption
Figure 8: A case analysis of hallucination in LLaVA-NeXT-72B and InternVL-2-26B models. The red part indicates the hallucination.

In Figure 8, we present a case analysis of hallucination in LLaVA-NeXT-72B and InternVL-2-26B models. In the first case, the question is about the Biden-Trump debate, but LLaVA-NeXT-72B hallucinates by interpreting the headlines Why an Israel-Hezbollah war would be far more… and Julian Assange… as indicating contrasting consequences. However, these headlines are neither directly related to the debate’s outcome nor suggest broader international issues. In the second case, InternVL-2-26B incorrectly describes the image accompanying the article Lynas Bets on New Rare Earths Products, Breaking China Stranglehold but focuses on the image next to the article.

Both open-sourced models show hallucination by misplacing the context to near-place headlines or images. This may suggest that the models are not well-trained to understand the context of the news articles and the layout of a modern website. Meanwhile, we did not observe such common hallucination in commercial models.

5 Conclusions

In this work, we conducted a thorough reality check on the current evaluation pipeline and benchmarks for LMMs. We recognize the difficulties in the evaluation due to the evaluation trilemma. Although we cannot break this trilemma, we present three key contributions to find a better trade-off: 1) LMMs-Eval, a unified evaluation suite for a standardized and large-scale LMM evaluation, 2) LMMs-Eval Lite to balance low-cost evaluation with wide coverage, and 3) LiveBench, a benchmark that transforms traditional static evaluation into a dynamic format to address potential data contamination in LMMs evaluation. We hope our LMMs-Eval family makes a valuable contribution to the community towards the holistic evaluation of LMMs.

Limitation & Future Work Through reality check, we explore the field of evaluation in LMMs and re-examine the evaluation process. Throughout our papers, we assume that the evaluation trilemma cannot be resolved. This suggests future work that goes deeper into finding a better trade-off among the sides of the trilemma or potentially overcoming it. Additionally, we address the issue of data contamination using a relatively simple method that requires access to the training data, while most research does not open-source their data. Future work may focus on methods that rely solely on the model and develop more efficient approaches.


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Appendix A Broader Impacts

A comprehensive evaluation framework can help identify the limitations of existing multimodal models, preventing potential AI misuse. On the other hand, benchmarks can also introduce biases that may not reflect real-world scenarios. If the benchmarks are not representative of diverse applications and contexts, there is a risk that models optimized for these benchmarks may perform poorly in practical settings. Besides, automatic evaluations cannot replace expert human assessment in specialized fields such as medical imaging. The construction of LiveBench uses real-world data crawled from the web. It could potentially lead to concerns regarding data privacy. The benchmarks we provide are meant for research purposes only and should be used with caution.

Appendix B Data Contamination

Table 4: Detailed image overlap and text overlap statistics accross different dataset
Image overlap (%) Text overlap (%)
Dataset Split LLaVA-NeXT Data LLaVA-NeXT Data
Math & Science
AI2D [29] test 6.09 25.97
MathVista [47] testmini 9.90 7.70
ScienceQA [48] img 0.35 1.54
Doc & Inforgraphic
ChartQA [54] test 68.64 26.52
DocVQA [56] val 36.08 4.06
InfoVQA [56] test 0.14 0.39
COCO2014 [39] val 46.05 22.19
Flickr30k [81] test 2.97 0.00
NoCaps [1] val 2.53 19.98
TextCaps [64] val 3.79 0.00
GQA [27] testdev-balanced 13.91 9.50
TextVQA [66] val 3.90 2.00
VQAv2 [21] val 46.21 2.90
Multi-task benchmark
CMMMU [85] val 2.89 1.11
MMBench [44] cn-dev 2.77 0.81
MMBench [44] en-dev 2.77 7.97
MME [18] test 1.60 1.39
MMMU [84] val 2.67 3.56
MMVet [83] val 4.13 3.21
SEED-Bench [35] all 1.11 13.84
LLaVA-W [42] test 5.00 1.67
POPE [37] val 42.20 0.00

We present the details of the image overlapping in Table 4. Datasets such as ChartQA [54], DocVQA [56], COCO [39], and VQAv2 [21] were included in the LLaVA-NeXT [40] training data and thus suffered the most from data contamination. Most of the benchmarks maintain a relatively low contamination proportion, with image and text overlap below 10%. POPE [37] was detected to have a high image overlapping ratio because it uses image sources from COCO [39].

Appendix C More Qualitative Examples

Refer to caption
Figure 9: More qualitaive results we found using our decontamination tools

We present more qualitative results here to demonstrate the data contamination problem in the dataset. We observe more identical images in benchmarks such as LLaVAW [42], MathVista [47], and InfoVQA [56]. Similar images have also been another issue in different datasets; we present two more examples in NoCaps [1] and MM-Vet [83]. Text overlapping can help us detect questions with similar sentence structure. Though the images might not be similar enough, these similar questions might also be marked as in-domain questions. For example, we present two cases in MathVista [47]. Though not necessarily contamination or overlapping cases, the two images are both testing similar domain knowledge and may help the model to answer questions in the benchmarks.

Appendix D Coreset Selection correlation

Table 5: The full correlation results we achieve using our selection methods
Dataset Split Lite Size Originalgröße LLaVA Embedding CLIP+BGE Embedding
Math & Science
AI2D  [29] test 300 3088 0.94 0.98
Doc & Inforgraphic
ChartQA  [54] test 400 2500 0.96 0.97
DocVQA  [56] val 400 5349 0.99 0.99
InfoVQA  [56] val 200 2801 0.94 0.94
Flickr30k  [81] test 400 31784 0.99 0.91
NoCaps  [1] val 400 4500 0.99 0.98
TextCaps  [64] val 300 3166 0.98 0.96
RefCOCO  [28] val 500 8811 0.99 0.99
TextVQA  [66] val 300 5000 0.99 0.99
Multi-task benchmark
SeedBench  [35] test 700 17990 0.77 0.87

We compare the original scores and the selected dataset scores between the Lite version and the original datasets, calculating the correlation scores between them. We tried two different embeddings to perform k𝑘kitalic_k-center clustering. In addition to using CLIP [62] and BGE [8] embeddings, we also trained a LLaVA-Qwen 1.8B model following the training recipe of [40] to embed image and text pairs simultaneously. For LLaVA embeddings, the last hidden states for all tokens were averaged into a single vector to serve as the feature vector for each data point. We report the correlation results for both embeddings in Table 5.

Appendix E LMMs-Eval Suite Information

Table 6: Dataset Statistics in LMMs-Eval. This table categorizes the initial set of tasks, detailing their task domains, ground-truth types, instance counts, and splits. We provide a comprehensive overview of the diverse datasets employed, which cover various task domains and evaluation metrics.
Datasets Task Domains Ground-Truth Types Instances Splits
AI2D [29] Science,Diagram Muiti-Choice 3088 test
BenchLMM  [7] Cross Style Understanding Short Answer / Muiti-Choice 102 test
ChartQA [54] Chart Short Answer 2500 test
CMMMU [85] Multi-task,World Knowledge Free-form / Muiti-Choice 900/11000 val/test
COCO 2014 Caption [39] Captioning Short Answer 40775 / 40504 test / val
COCO 2017 Caption [39] Captioning Short Answer 40670 / 5000 test / val
DocVQA [56] Document Short Answer 5349 test
Ferret [80] Referring or Grounding Actions Free-form Answer 120 test
Flickr30k [82] Visual Understanding Captioning 31783 test
GQA [27] Real-World/Compositional QA Short Answer 12578 test / dev
Hallusion-Bench [22] Multimodal Image-Context Reasoning Yes or No 951 image
IconQA [49] Abstract Diagrams Muiti-Choice / Short Answer 21489 / 21488 test / val
InfoVQA [55] Infographics understanding Extractive / Numerical 2801 val
LLaVA-COCO [42] Conversation, Reasoning Free-form Answer 90 test
LLaVA-W [42] Conversation, Reasoning Free-form Answer 60 test
LLaVA-Wilder [41] Conversation, Reasoning Free-form Answer 210/1020 test
LiveBench (Ours) Webpage Understanding / Lively Updated Free-form dynamic test
MathVista [47] Mathematical Reasoning / Understanding Free-form / Muiti-Choice 1000 testmini
MathVerse [88] Mathematical Reasoning / Understanding Free-form / Muiti-Choice 3940 testmini
MMBench [45] Reasoning / Perception Muiti-Choice 6666 / 4329 test / dev
MME [18] Perception, Cognition Yes or No 2374 test
MMMU [84] Multi-task, World Knowledge Free-form / Muiti-Choice 10500 / 900 test / val
MM-Vet [83] Multi-task Free-form 218 test
Multilingual-LLaVA-W Multi-lingual Conversation,Reasoning Free-form Answer 60 test
MultiDocVQA [73] Document Short Answer 5019 / 5187 test / val
NoCaps [1] Novel Object Captioning Short Answer 4500 val
OCRBench [46] Text Recognition Short Answer 1000 test
OKVQA [52] knowledge-based visual QA Short Answer 5046 val
OlympiadBench [24] Reasoning Short Answer 2126 / 6351 test-en / test-cn
POPE [37] Hallucination Yes or No 9000 test
Q-Bench  [77] Image Quality Assessment Short Answer / Muiti-Choice 2990 test
RealWorldQA  [78] Real world scenarios QA Muiti-Choice 765 test
Refcoco [28, 51] Referring Expression Short Answer 5000 / 1975 / 1810 / 8811 bbox-test / A / B / val
Refcoco [28, 51] Referring Expression Short Answer 5000 / 1975 / 1810 / 8811 seg-test / A / B / val
Refcoco+ [28, 51] Referring Expression Short Answer 1975 / 1798 / 3805, bbox-testA / B / val
Refcoco+ [28, 51] Referring Expression Short Answer 1975 / 1798 / 3805 seg-testA / B / val
Refcocog [28, 51] Referring Expression Short Answer 5023 / 7573 bbox-testB / val,
Refcocog [28, 51] Referring Expression Short Answer 5023 / 7573 seg-test / val
ScienceQA [48] Science, World Knowledge, Reasoning Muiti-Choice 4241 test
ScreenSPOT [12] GUI Understanding / Navigation Short Answer / Coordinates 1272 test
SEED-Bench [36] Spatial and Temporal Understanding Muiti-Choice 17990 test
SEED-Bench-2 [34] Multi-disciplinary Knowledge Muiti-Choice 24371 test
ST-VQA [5] Highlevel Semantic Information Understanding Short Answer 4070 test
SynthDoG [30] Text Understanding Free-form 500 / 500 val-en / val-zh
TextCaps [65] Text Understanding Captioning 21953 / 3166 / 3289 train / val / test
TextVQA [67] Text Understanding Short Answer 5000 / 5734 val / test
VisualWebBench [43] Webpage Understanding / OCR / Reasoning Short Answer / Muiti-Choice 1536 test
VizwizVQA [23] Low Quality Image Understanding Short Answer 8000 / 4319 test / val
VQAv2 [21] Visual QA Free-form 447793 / 214354 test / val
WebSRC [10] Structure of Webpage Short Answer / Yes or No 40357 / 52826 test / dev
Table 7: Detailed Statistics of the Initial Set of Models in LMMs-Eval. The models are categorized by their model family, with their inference parameters, model types (indicating whether they are open-sourced or accessed via API), and parallel types, which denote the strategy leveraged during the model inference.
Model Family Model Version Parameters Model Type Parallel Type
InstructBLIP InstructBLIP-Vicuna-7B 7B Open-sourced Data
InstructBLIP-Vicuna-13B 13B Open-sourced Data
Fuyu Fuyu-8B 8B Open-sourced Data
Idefics Idefics-2-8B 8B Open-sourced Data
MiniCPM MiniCPM-V 2.8B 2.8B Open-sourced Data
XComposer XComposer-4KHD 8B Open-sourced Data
InternVL InternVL-1.5 26B Open-sourced Data
LLaVA LLaVA-1.5-7B 7B Open-sourced Data
LLaVA-1.5-13B 13B Open-sourced Data
LLaVA-NeXT-Vicuna-7B 7B Open-sourced Data
LLaVA-NeXT-Vicuna-13B 13B Open-sourced Data
LLaVA-NeXT-Mistral-7B 7B Open-sourced Data
LLaVA-NeXT-Yi-34B 34B Open-sourced Data
LLaVA-NeXT-LLaMA-3-8B 8B Open-sourced Data
LLaVA-NeXT-Qwen-72B 72B Open-sourced Model
LLaVA-NeXT-Qwen-110B 110B Open-sourced Model
Qwen-VL Qwen-VL-Chat-7B 7B Open-sourced Data
Qwen-VL-Plus K.A. Close-sourced, API Data
Qwen-VL-MAX K.A. Close-sourced, API Data
Gemini Gemini-1.0-Pro K.A. Close-sourced, API Data
Gemini-1.5-Flash K.A. Close-sourced, API Data
Gemini-1.5-Pro K.A. Close-sourced, API Data
GPT4 GPT-4V K.A. Close-sourced, API Data
GPT-4O K.A. Close-sourced, API Data
Claude Claude-3-Haku K.A. Close-sourced, API Data
Claude-3-Sonnet K.A. Close-sourced, API Data
Claude-3-Opus K.A. Close-sourced, API Data

Datasets on LMMs-Eval In previous research, benchmarks such as AI2D [29], TextVQA [66], TextCaps [64], Flickr30k [81], and OK-VQA [53] among many others, have been employed to assess a model’s performance in tasks such as captioning, optical character recognition (OCR), and visual QA. With the advent of Large Multimodal Models (LMMs), these have increasingly focused on broader capabilities spanning both vision and language, including reasoning [48] and visual instruction following [42]. Consequently, new benchmarks featuring increasingly challenging tasks and more comprehensive evaluations have been proposed. For example, ScienceQA [48] and MathVista [47] assess mathematical and scientific competencies, while benchmarks like SEED-Bench [35], CMMMU [85], MMMU [84], and MM-Bench [44] evaluate the multifaceted dimensions of multimodal models.

Models on LMMs-Eval To enable comparisons on new benchmarks for different models and to understand their capabilities across multiple tasks, we have supported over 10 models such as Fuyu [4], LLaVA [42], Instruct-BLIP [16], InternVL [11], XComposer [17], Qwen-VL [3], MiniCPM [25], Idefics [31] and closed-source models such as GPT-4V [58], Gemini [69], Qwen-VL-Max [71] and Claude [2].

Appendix F Unified Evaluation Results with LMMs-Eval

Table 8: More results using LMMs-Eval 
Split Metric #Num LLaVA-1.5-7B LLaVA-1.5-13B LLaVA-NeXT-mistral-7B LLaVA-NeXT-vicuna-7B LLaVA-NeXT-13B LLaVA-NeXT-34B
COCO-Cap cococap_val_2014 CIDEr 40,504 108.66 113.88 107.66 96.98 99.45 103.16
COCO-Cap cococap_val_2017 CIDEr 5,000 110.38 115.61 109.22 99.93 101.99 105.89
DocVQA val ANLS 5,349 28.08 30.29 72.16 74.35 77.45 83.98
GQA testdev_balanced_instructions Acc 12,578 61.97 63.24 54.98 64.23 65.36 67.08
MultidocVQA val Anls/acc 5,187 16.65/7.21 18.25/8.02 41.4/27.89 44.42/31.32 46.28/32.56 50.16/34.93
NoCaps nocaps_eval CIDEr 4,500 105.54 109.28 96.14 88.29 88.27 91.94
OKVQA val Acc 5,046 53.44 58.22 54.77 44.25 46.27 46.84
POPE test F1 Score 9,000 85.87 85.92 86.79 86.4 86.26 87.77
ScienceQA scienceqa-full Acc. 4,114 70.41 74.96 28.84 73.21 75.85 85.81
Refcoco all CIder 17,596 29.76 34.26 9.47 34.2 34.75 33.56
Refcoco+ all CIder 7,578 28.92 31.01 9.05 31.82 32 30.66
Refcocog all CIder 12,596 57.76 59.23 19.35 52.18 58.02 59.26
ScienceQA scienceqa-img Acc 2,017 70.43 72.88 28.56 70.15 73.57 81.85
SEED-Bench Seed-1 Image-Acc 17,990 60.49 67.06 65.97 64.74 65.64 69.55
SEED-Bench-2 Seed-2 Acc 24,371 57.89 59.88 60.83 59.88 60.72 64.98
TextCaps val CIDEr 3,166 98.15 103.92 70.39 71.79 67.39 67.11
TextVQA val exact_match 5,000 46.07 48.73 65.76 64.85 66.92 69.31
VizWiz(val) val Acc 4,319 54.39 56.65 63.79 60.64 63.56 66.61
VQAv2 val Acc 214,354 76.64 78.26 80.32 80.06 80.92 82.07

We present additional results using LMMs-Eval  here. Due to limited computational resources, we are only able to provide a holistic view of models from the LLaVA [40] series. This demonstrates that achieving both wide coverage and low-cost evaluation simultaneously is not feasible, necessitating a balance between these two aspects.

Appendix G Curating more datasets in LMMs-Eval Lite 

Table 9: LMMs-Eval Lite  with more datasets, where we fixed the size of the Lite version and include more fields and datasets for a more wholistic and diverse evaluation for swift development
Task Domain Dataset Split Full Size Lite Size
Doc & Infographic Understanding ChartQA test 2500 500
DocVQA val 5349 500
InfoVQA val 2801 500
Image Understanding & Captioning Flickr30k val 31784 500
NoCaps val 4500 500
TextCaps val 3166 500
RefCOCO val 8811 500
COCO val 5000 500
Visual Question Answering GQA test 12578 500
OKVQA val 5046 500
VizWiz-VQA val 4319 500
VQA-V2 val 214354 500
TextVQA val 5000 500
Math & Science MathVista testmini 1000 1000
AI2D test 3088 500
Visual Dialogue LLaVA-W test 60 60
Multi-discipline MM-Bench cn-dev 4329 500
MM-Bench en-dev 4377 500
MME cog. & percep. 2374 2374
MMMU val 900 900
CMMMU val 900 900
Seed-Bench test 17990 500
- Total - 340226 13734

We applied the same algorithm to additional datasets to develop a more comprehensive and diverse Lite version. In contrast to the original LMMs-Eval Lite , our version incorporates more datasets, including COCO [39] and VQA [21].

Appendix H K-Center Greedy algorithm

Algorithm 1 k-Center-Greedy Input: data 𝐱isubscript𝐱𝑖\mathbf{x}_{i}bold_x start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT and |V|=n𝑉𝑛\left|V\right|=n| italic_V | = italic_n Initialize 𝐬=ϕ𝐬italic-ϕ\mathbf{s}=\mathbf{\phi}bold_s = italic_ϕ while |s|<n𝑠𝑛\left|s\right|<n| italic_s | < italic_n do      u=argmaxiD𝐬minj𝐬Δ(𝐱i,𝐱j)𝑢subscript𝑖𝐷𝐬subscript𝑗𝐬Δsubscript𝐱𝑖subscript𝐱𝑗u=\arg\max_{i\in D\setminus\mathbf{s}}\min_{j\in\mathbf{s}}\Delta(\mathbf{x}_{% i},\mathbf{x}_{j})italic_u = roman_arg roman_max start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i ∈ italic_D ∖ bold_s end_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_min start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_j ∈ bold_s end_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_Δ ( bold_x start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT , bold_x start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_j end_POSTSUBSCRIPT )      𝐬=𝐬{u}𝐬𝐬𝑢\mathbf{s}=\mathbf{s}\cup\{u\}bold_s = bold_s ∪ { italic_u } end while return 𝐬𝐬\mathbf{s}bold_s

The greedy algorithm we use for k𝑘kitalic_k-center clustering is detailed in Algorithm 1. In k𝑘kitalic_k-center clustering, the objective is to select k𝑘kitalic_k points among V𝑉Vitalic_V vertices such that the maximum distance from any point in V𝑉Vitalic_V to its nearest cluster center is minimized. In the employed greedy algorithm, a random point is initially chosen as a center. Subsequently, the distance from this center to every other point is updated. The point with the maximum distance from the current centers is then selected and added to the center list. This process is repeated until k𝑘kitalic_k center points have been identified.

Appendix I LiveBench Details

I.1 Website Candidates for LiveBench

To evaluate the performance and reliability of various news and information sources, a diverse set of websites has been selected for LiveBench. We present the websites in Table 10. These websites span multiple categories, ensuring comprehensive coverage of different domains such as general news, business, technology, and international affairs. The list of candidate websites for LiveBench includes prominent sources like BBC, CNN, Bloomberg, WSJ, and Reuters, among others. Each of these websites has been categorized based on its primary content focus. This categorization aids in the systematic evaluation of the content quality and the impact of imagery and reporting styles across different domains. It should be noted that this is a initial set of candidate websites and there may be changes depending on the situations of these websites.

Table 10: List of websites selected for LiveBench.
Name URL Kategorie
BBC Main https://www.bbc.com/ General News
BBC News https://www.bbc.com/news News
BBC Sport https://www.bbc.com/sport Sports
BBC Business https://www.bbc.com/business Business
BBC Innovation https://www.bbc.com/innovation Innovation
BBC Culture https://www.bbc.com/culture Culture
BBC Travel https://www.bbc.com/travel Tourismus
BBC Future Planet https://www.bbc.com/future-planet Environment
CNN Main https://edition.cnn.com/ General News
CNN Politics https://edition.cnn.com/politics Politics
CNN Entertainment https://edition.cnn.com/entertainment Entertainment
CNN Style https://edition.cnn.com/style Style
Bloomberg Economics https://www.bloomberg.com/economics Wirtschaft
Bloomberg Industries https://www.bloomberg.com/industries Branchen
Bloomberg Technology https://www.bloomberg.com/technology Technologie
Bloomberg Politics https://www.bloomberg.com/politics Politics
Bloomberg Opinion https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion Opinion
WSJ Main https://www.wsj.com/ General News
WSJ Africa https://www.wsj.com/world/africa?mod=nav_top_subsection Africa
WSJ Americas https://www.wsj.com/world/americas?mod=nav_top_subsection Americas
WSJ Asia https://www.wsj.com/world/asia?mod=nav_top_subsection Asia
WSJ China https://www.wsj.com/world/china?mod=nav_top_subsection China
WSJ Europe https://www.wsj.com/world/europe?mod=nav_top_subsection Europa
WSJ Middle East https://www.wsj.com/world/middle-east?mod=nav_top_subsection Middle East
WSJ India https://www.wsj.com/world/india?mod=nav_top_subsection Indien
WSJ Oceania https://www.wsj.com/world/oceania?mod=nav_top_subsection Oceania
WSJ Russia https://www.wsj.com/world/russia?mod=nav_top_subsection Russland
WSJ UK https://www.wsj.com/world/uk?mod=nav_top_subsection UK
WSJ Science https://www.wsj.com/science?mod=nav_top_subsection Science
WSJ Archaeology https://www.wsj.com/science/archaeology?mod=nav_top_subsection Archaeology
WSJ Biology https://www.wsj.com/science/biology?mod=nav_top_subsection Biology
WSJ Environment https://www.wsj.com/science/environment?mod=nav_top_subsection Environment
WSJ Physics https://www.wsj.com/science/physics?mod=nav_top_subsection Physics
WSJ Space https://www.wsj.com/science/space-astronomy?mod=nav_top_subsection Space
WSJ Central Banking https://www.wsj.com/economy/central-banking?mod=nav_top_subsection Central Banking
WSJ Consumers https://www.wsj.com/economy/consumers?mod=nav_top_subsection Consumers
WSJ Housing https://www.wsj.com/economy/housing?mod=nav_top_subsection Housing
WSJ Jobs https://www.wsj.com/economy/jobs?mod=nav_top_subsection Karriere
WSJ Trade https://www.wsj.com/economy/trade?mod=nav_top_subsection Trade
WSJ Global https://www.wsj.com/economy/global Global Economy
WSJ AI https://www.wsj.com/tech/ai?mod=nav_top_subsection AI
WSJ Biotech https://www.wsj.com/tech/biotech Biotech
WSJ Cybersecurity https://www.wsj.com/tech/cybersecurity?mod=nav_top_subsection Cybersecurity
WSJ Personal Tech https://www.wsj.com/tech/personal-tech?mod=nav_top_subsection Personal Tech
Reuters Main https://www.reuters.com/ General News
Reuters Aerospace and Defense https://www.reuters.com/business/aerospace-defense/ Aerospace and Defense
Reuters Autos and Transportation https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/ Autos and Transportation
Reuters Davos https://www.reuters.com/business/davos/ Davos
Reuters Energy https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/ Energy
Reuters Environment https://www.reuters.com/business/environment/ Environment
Reuters Finance https://www.reuters.com/business/finance/ Finanzbranche
Reuters Healthcare https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/ Gesundheitswesen
Reuters Media and Telecom https://www.reuters.com/business/media-telecom/ Media and Telecom
Reuters Retail and Consumer https://www.reuters.com/business/retail-consumer/ Retail and Consumer
Reuters Future of Health https://www.reuters.com/business/future-of-health/ Future of Health
Reuters Future of Money https://www.reuters.com/business/future-of-money/ Future of Money
Reuters Take Five https://www.reuters.com/business/take-five/ Analysis
Reuters World at Work https://www.reuters.com/business/world-at-work/ World at Work
Reuters Breakingviews https://www.reuters.com/breakingviews/ Opinion
Reuters Technology https://www.reuters.com/technology/ Technologie
Reuters Cybersecurity https://www.reuters.com/technology/cybersecurity/ Cybersecurity
Reuters Space https://www.reuters.com/technology/space/ Space
Reuters Disrupted https://www.reuters.com/technology/disrupted/ Disruption
Reuters Momentum https://www.reuters.com/technology/reuters-momentum/ Technologie
Reuters Investigations https://www.reuters.com/investigations/ Investigations
Andreessen Horowitz https://a16z.com/news-content/#latest Technologie
Hacker News https://news.ycombinator.com/ Technologie
Reddit https://www.reddit.com/?rdt=48006 Social Media
Crunchbase News https://news.crunchbase.com/ Startups
CCTV https://www.cctv.com/ International News

I.2 Examples from LiveBench-2024-06

Figures 10 and 11 illustrate selected examples from the LiveBench-2024-06 evaluation. These figures categorize results into three distinct types: Basic Understanding, Contextual Analysis, and Broader Implications.

Refer to caption
Figure 10: Examples on LiveBench. This figure illustrates qualitative results categorized into Basic Understanding, Contextual Analysis, and Broader Implications. Each category presents a question related to an article and the corresponding ground-truth answer.
Refer to caption
Figure 11: Examples on LiveBench. This figure illustrates qualitative results categorized into Basic Understanding and Comparative Analysis. Each category presents a question related to an article and the corresponding ground-truth answer.