LM-Pub-Quiz: A Comprehensive Framework for Zero-Shot Evaluation of Relational Knowledge in Language Models

Max Ploner11footnotemark: 1    Jacek Wiland11footnotemark: 1    Sebastian Pohl11footnotemark: 1    Alan Akbik
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Science Of Intelligence
<first name>.<last name>@hu-berlin.de

Knowledge probing evaluates the extent to which a language model (LM) has acquired relational knowledge during its pre-training phase. It provides a cost-effective means of comparing LMs of different sizes and training setups and is useful for monitoring knowledge gained or lost during continual learning (CL). In prior work, we presented an improved knowledge probe called BEAR (Wiland et al., 2024), which enables the comparison of LMs trained with different pre-training objectives (causal and masked LMs) and addresses issues of skewed distributions in previous probes to deliver a more unbiased reading of LM knowledge. With this paper, we present LM-Pub-Quiz, a Python framework and leaderboard built around the BEAR probing mechanism that enables researchers and practitioners to apply it in their work. It provides options for standalone evaluation and direct integration into the widely-used training pipeline of the Hugging Face transformers library. Further, it provides a fine-grained analysis of different knowledge types to assist users in better understanding the knowledge in each evaluated LM. We publicly release LM-Pub-Quiz as an open-source project.

LM-Pub-Quiz: A Comprehensive Framework for Zero-Shot Evaluation of Relational Knowledge in Language Models

Max Ploner11footnotemark: 1  and Jacek Wiland11footnotemark: 1  and Sebastian Pohl11footnotemark: 1  and Alan Akbik Humboldt Universität zu Berlin Science Of Intelligence <first name>.<last name>@hu-berlin.de

**footnotetext: Equal contribution

1 Introduction

Pre-trained language models (LMs) currently take on a central role in state-of-the-art NLP approaches Devlin et al. (2019). Given their importance, prior work has sought to measure the amount of factual knowledge encoded in LMs using knowledge probing mechanisms (Petroni et al., 2020; Kalo and Fichtel, 2022). Here, the knowledge represented in the parameters of an LM is automatically compared to factual knowledge in a relational knowledge base (KB). For instance, a probe might measure if an LM can correctly recall the capitals of countries, as illustrated in Figure 1.

Refer to caption
Figure 1: The BEAR probe uses relational triplets from a knowledge base (KB) to construct multiple-choice items. Here, it leverages the knowledge that “Kampala” is the capital of “Uganda”, while “Thimpu”, “Buenos Aires” and “Bandar Seri Begawan” (other capital cities) are not. It measures whether the LM correctly ranks the verbalization of the true fact higher than the distractors.

In previous work, we introduced a new knowledge probe called BEAR (Wiland et al., 2024) that addresses various issues of ambiguities and skewed answer distributions of prior probes to deliver a more unbiased reading of LM knowledge. Further, it reformulates probing as a ranking task, thus enabling a direct comparison of LMs trained with different pre-training objectives (masked and causal LMs) and vocabularies. However, despite being conceptually simple, BEAR relies on a different implementation than existing probes and previously returned only an overall score as the evaluation result, thus limiting adoption and interpretability.


With this paper, we present LM-Pub-Quiz, an open-source Python framework and leaderboard built around the BEAR probing mechanism that enables researchers and practitioners to apply it in their work. Our framework was designed for ease of use, providing simple interfaces and direct integration into the Hugging Face transformers ecosystem Wolf et al. (2020). Two use cases in particular have shaped the development of the library:

  1. 1.

    The first main use case is to evaluate and compare already-trained LMs. Users need only pass the string identifier of one of the LMs on the Hugging Face model hub in order to calculate the BEAR score for this model. This yields not only an overall BEAR score but also a more fine-grained analysis of different types of relational knowledge in the LM.

  2. 2.

    The second main use case is to monitor the knowledge gained and lost during pre-training and continual training (e.g. when adapting an LM to a new domain). Here, LM-Pub-Quiz provides an easy integration into the Hugging Face Trainer to track knowledge development during training.

To encourage uptake, we make our library freely available and open source. Additionally, we are actively curating a leaderboard with scores of existing LMs. We encourage the community to participate in extending the list of evaluated models.111The leaderboard and GitHub repository are available at https://lm-pub-quiz.github.io. Released under the MIT License.

2 Framework Overview

We give an overview of LM-Pub-Quiz, describe how it can be installed (2.1), explain the basic components of the interface (2.2), and offer examples to illustrate its usage (2.3, 2.4, & 2.5).

2.1 Setup

The package containing LM-Pub-Quiz can be installed in the desired environment using pip:

  pip install lm-pub-quiz

It relies on the transformers package, which users can use to load pre-trained models locally or from the Hugging Face hub.

from lm_pub_quiz import Dataset, Evaluator
# Step 1: Load the BEAR probing dataset
dataset = Dataset.from_name("BEAR")
# Step 2: Load the LM (here: "gpt2") and create the evaluator
evaluator = Evaluator.from_model(
# Step 3: Run the evaluation and save the results
Listing 1: Example snippet for performing the BEAR probe on the GPT-2 model Radford et al. (2019).

2.2 Interface

Our API consists of three types of objects.


represents the dataset used to evaluate the LM. Each dataset consists of a set of relations represented by the Relation class.

These relations are typically derived from the relations in the knowledge base (see Figure 1). Relations group instances of a similar type (e.g., relation P36 links a country or other entity to its governmental seat) and have a common set of possible answers (i.e., the options available in each multiple-choice question) and templates that are used to create the textual statements.

Each relation contains an instance table and information about their answer space. Relations can be annotated with additional information, such as the domains of knowledge they contain and their cardinality. By cardinality, we refer to the number of subjects for which a particular object is the correct answer: Either the relation is a one-to-one relationship or there are multiple subjects with the same answer. If the cardinality is not provided in the metadata, it is derived from the relation data.


is the functional component used to evaluate the model. It is instantiated with a model name (or model object). To evaluate the model on the dataset with a Dataset, the evaluate_dataset method is called (see 2.3).


is an object that is returned by the evaluate_dataset method. This object can be used to analyze the results of a specific model. It allows the accumulation of results across the relations (e.g. based on domains or cardinality) and enables accessing the instances-specific predictions.

2.3 Direct Evaluation of a Trained LM

The first main use case of LM-Pub-Quiz is to evaluate the knowledge contained in a trained LM. We illustrate how to perform such an analysis for the GPT-2 model in Listing 1.

As the code example shows, it consists of three main steps: In Step 1, we load the BEAR evaluation dataset. In Step 2, we load the LM using its string identifier on the Hugging Face model hub (here: gpt2) and create an evaluator for causal language models (by passing model_Type="CLM"). Finally, in Step 3, we run the BEAR probe and store the evaluation results at the specified save_path.

By default, all instance-level predictions are stored on the file system, allowing the computation of all metrics supported in LM-Pub-Quiz separately (see 2.5). It also allows for fine-grained inspection of all answers given by the LM. A more memory-efficient alternative is not to store the instance-level predictions and compute the metrics directly. This can be set by passing the metrics keyword to the evaluate_dataset method.

2.4 Monitoring Knowledge during Training

The second use case of LM-Pub-Quiz is for monitoring the knowledge development in an LM during (continual) pre-training. To this end, we developed a Hugging Face Trainer integration. LM-Pub-Quiz provides a callback that can be attached to the Trainer instance. The callback will then invoke the Evaluator in the specified frequency. This allows integration into monitoring tools like TensorBoard. See Figure 2 for an illustration.

Refer to caption
Figure 2: Example screenshot from TensorBoard, showcasing the Hugging Face Trainer integration of LM-Pub-Quiz. Here, we monitor the knowledge of 4 roberta-base models Liu et al. (2019), continuously pretrained on permutations of the Wikitext corpus.

2.5 Analysis Options

The BEAR probe consists of 60 relations retrieved from the WikiData knowledge base. Each relation connects exactly two entities to form a relation triplet. Example relations in BEAR are has-capital (see Figure 1) that connects a country to its capital city, born-in that connects a person to their country of birth, and crosses-river that connects a named bridge to the river it crosses.

Each relation in BEAR has a number of relation instances, i.e., specific triplets such as (has-capital, Uganda, Kampala). In total, BEAR has 7,731 and 40,916 of such triplets in its default and expanded variants respectively. As Figure 1 shows, each triplet is used to form one multiple-choice item question in our evaluation. The default BEAR score is the accuracy across all questions.

LM-Pub-Quiz offers several options for users to obtain more fine-grained analysis:

  • First, users can compute separate BEAR scores for different domains of knowledge. To enable this analysis, we manually annotated each of the relations in BEAR with one or more domains (in practice, up to three), that the relations relate to.222This annotation can be found in the dataset repository: https://github.com/lm-pub-quiz/BEAR This allows analysis of per-domain knowledge gained or lost during training.

  • Second, one can calculate separate scores for relations based on their cardinality, as BEAR includes both 1-1 relations and 1-N relations, where the latter has multiple possible answers as opposed to just a single one.

  • The third option is to only aggregate the scores on a relation level. Since instances in a relation share a template, the relation-level scores reveal issues with the verbalization of the triplets.

  • Finally, one can choose to not aggregate at all, and compute the predictions per instance. This can be useful for fine-grained qualitative analysis to find knowledge bottlenecks.

As shown in Listing 2, the DatasetResults can compute these aggregated metrics. The accumulate keyword of the get_metrics method controls the manner of aggregation and may be set to domain, cardinality or False for the above-mentioned aggregations. To inspect the instance-level predictions one can use the instance_table attribute of each of the RelationResult objects.

from lm_pub_quiz import DatasetResults
bear_results = DatasetResults.from_path(
# Get accuracy by relation types
["accuracy"], accumulate="domains"))
# Output:
# accuracy support
# domains
# Arts 0.105263 1368.0
# Biographical 0.158820 2028.5
# Economic 0.115152 770.0
# ...
Listing 2: Example of retrieving evaluation results by domain. This provides different BEAR scores to relations from domains such as "Arts", "Biographical", "Economic", etc.

2.6 Comparison with Existing Libraries

The LM Evaluation Harness framework Gao et al. (2023) is one of the most well-known evaluation tool for large language models, featuring numerous benchmarks as part of its task suite including knowledge tasks such as MMLU Hendrycks et al. (2021). This framework primarily focuses on autoregressive language models and lacks support for masked language models (MLMs). This limitation limits the ability to compare the performance of different types of models on the same datasets.

Similarly, HELM (Liang et al., 2023) and LLM-facteval (Luo et al., 2023) rely on the capability of CLMs to generate continuations to a prompt and are therefore not applicable to MLMs.

The unique feature of LM-Pub-Quiz is its focused approach to cloze statement filling, allowing the answer to appear anywhere within a sentence. This method is compatible with any type of model (whether CLM or MLM) and any tokenization. By evaluating the log-likelihood score of the entire statement instead of just its continuation or the single answer token, LM-Pub-Quiz overcomes the limitations of traditional [MASK]-predict approaches Petroni et al. (2019) without relying on text-continuation capabilities.

3 Example Experiments

To showcase example applications, we present three novel experiments that show how how LM-Pub-Quiz can be used to do conduct a detailed analysis of knowledge in the LM (Section 3.1 and 3.2) and how the Hugging Face integration (see Section 3.3) can be used to monitor knowledge in a continual pre-training setting.

3.1 Domain-specific Knowledge after Training on Different Corpora

Refer to caption
Figure 3: Scores for different BEAR domains for models trained on different corpora.

When adapting an LM to a specific domain, one may be interested in the various areas of knowledge contained in the model’s parameters. While the overall accuracy on the complete BEAR dataset reflects the model’s general knowledge, a more granular examination of the relations can provide insights into the specific areas they relate to.

3.1.1 Experimental Setup

We adapt two base models, roberta-base and gpt2 to three domains: arXiv abstracts Clement et al. (2019), literary texts from blbooks Labs (2021), and Wikipedia text from wikitext-103-v1 Merity et al. (2016). Additional information on the training setup can be found in Appendix A.2.

This yields a total of 8 models to compare: The two base models, the three domain-adaptations of roberta-base (roberta-arxiv, roberta-blbooks, roberta-wikitext), and the three domain-adaptations of gpt2-base (i.e. gpt2-arxiv, gpt2-blbooks, gpt2-wikitext).

3.1.2 Results

Figure 3 presents the analysis of all 6 models across 10 BEAR domains. We generally find that all models score highest on geographical questions and lowest on questions from the "arts" and "movies" domains.

We also note that training with wikitext data improves the BEAR score the most, given that the BEAR probe was constructed from Wikidata. Further, we observe that training GPT2 on arXiv abstracts leads to significant improvements on the scientific domain (see gpt2-arxiv vs gpt2-base in Figure 3). Further, we that the roberta-base model benefits from training on blbooks for the biographical and sports domains.

3.2 Investigating Model Biases

During pre-training, models are likely to acquire various biases, primarily due to the data they were trained on Haller et al. (2024), potentially leading them to disproportionally favor certain answers.

In this experiment, we use LM-Pub-Quiz with the BEAR probe to aggregate all the predicted answers given by an LM in a particular relation. Because the BEAR answer space is balanced, this aggregation results in an estimation of the model’s bias, as each answer should be equally likely. We measure if different models are biased towards certain answers.

3.2.1 Experimental Setup

We select a single relation from the BEAR probe, P30. This relation connects locations and geographic entities to the continents they are located on (see Figure 4).

We evaluate three pre-trained models on this relation: roberta-base Liu et al. (2019), gpt2 Radford et al. (2019) and Mistral-7B-v0.1 Jiang et al. (2023), i.e. one MLM and two CLMs. Model biases are estimated by applying the softmax function to the BEAR pseudo-log-likelihood scores, resulting in values that can be interpreted as probabilities. These values indicate the likelihood that a sentence is correct, given that at least one of the answers is correct for the given subject. Subsequently, these distributions are averaged over all subjects, resulting in the overall bias. Since each answer occurs with equal frequency for this relation, a perfect model scoring all template instances correctly would produce a uniform bias.

3.2.2 Results

Refer to caption
Figure 4: Performance of the selected models on the P30 relation of the BEAR probe averaged over relation templates, including min and max values as bars.

Figure 4 presents models’ biases for relation P30, and shows that while roberta-base is biased towards the ‘South America’ and ‘Antarctica’ answer options, GPT2 and Mistral-7B-v0.1 are more likely to predict ‘Europe’.

Averaging over all three of its templates, relation P30 gives an accuracy of 0.98, 0.62, and 0.45 for Mistral, GPT2, and roberta-base, respectively. Since Mistral-7B-v0.1 predicts most of the answers correctly, the relative answer frequency is much closer to the uniform distribution.

3.3 Monitoring of Knowledge during Continual Learning

Catastrophic forgetting (McCloskey and Cohen, 1989), a significant challenge in continual learning, occurs when a model loses previously acquired knowledge after being trained on new datasets. We hypothesize that traditional knowledge evaluation methods such as LAMA (Petroni et al., 2019) employing a [MASK]-predict approach, overestimate the extent of forgetting of relational knowledge.

3.3.1 Experimental Setup

We continually train a bert-base-cased model using the original MLM objective on a stream of five experiences with each experience consisting of scientific abstracts (Geiger, 2019) from two scientific domains (i.e. 10 domains in total).333For an overview of the dataset and the hyper-parameters used in these experiments, see Appendix 3.3. At the end of each epoch, we evaluate the model’s performance on BEAR and T-REx (Elsahar et al., 2018), which is part of the LAMA benchmark.

Two methods for knowledge evaluation were used: [MASK]-token filling and a multiple-choice question format with a closed answer space implemented via the LM-Pub-Quiz package.444Due to the multi-token nature of this dataset, the [MASK]-predict method was not applicable. For a discussion of this issue, see Wiland et al. (2024).

All scores are calculated relative to the original performance (in the pre-trained state), showing the performance change during continual pre-training. Since the [MASK]-filling method predicts a token over the entire vocabulary of the model (in the case of bert-base-cased, it is over 30K vocabulary tokens), it is inherently more difficult than choosing from a limited answer space as in LM-Pub-Quiz. Hence, relative scores are more suitable.

3.3.2 Results

Refer to caption
Figure 5: Trajectories of the knowledge represented in a bert-base-cased model throughout the continual learning process as measured by LM-Pub-Quiz and [MASK]-predict on T-REx dataset. Additionally, the performance of bert-base-cased evaluated on the BEAR probe is shown.

The forgetting curves displayed in Figure 5 reveal the forgetting dynamics during the continual pre-training process. See Table 2 for a detailed summary of the relative performance scored using both evaluation techniques and Section A.1 for additional discussion (both in the appendix).

The results indicate different performance trajectories depending on the evaluation method used. The [MASK]-predict approach measures a much larger degree of forgetting. In a qualitative error analysis, we found that the model’s predictions, although contextually reasonable, often do not match the expected answers due to the data distribution shift. For example, after five experiences of continual pre-training on scientific abstracts, the top three predictions for the cloze statement “The native language of Marie Curie is [MASK]” are “considered,” “discussed,” and “presented”. While these are not necessarily incorrect in some contexts, they do not align with the expected answer “Polish” in T-REx. We, therefore, believe that the [MASK]-filling approach may not reliably indicate the amount of relational knowledge contained within the model’s parameters.

By design, LM-Pub-Quiz only considers answers that are appropriate to the context (but, except for one, not factually correct). With this approach, there is a much smaller decrease in performance, especially after the first experience. This characterization of catastrophic forgetting aligns with other research on continual learning, such as Cossu et al. (2022), which found that unsupervised and self-supervised training objectives can partially mitigate the problem of forgetting in sequential learning.

The evaluation results on BEAR reveal a forgetting behavior similar to that observed in T-REx. However, the performance degradation observed with the BEAR probe is notably the least severe among all the experiments conducted.

4 Conclusion and Outlook

In this paper, we presented LM-Pub-Quiz, an easy-to-use and versatile open source library for knowledge probing that can be seamlessly used with the BEAR probe. The framework covers two important use cases: Monitoring knowledge during continual pre-training (and domain adaptation) and analyzing existing pre-trained language models.

We are actively working on extending the leaderboard of existing pre-trained language models and strongly encourage the community to participate. We aim to develop the library further to support other use cases and welcome any input, whether in the form of raised issues or contributions to the code base.

We are working to extend the BEAR probe to additional knowledge bases in order to expand on the domains of knowledge that can be evaluated with LM-Pub-Quiz.


Max Ploner, Jacek Wiland, Sebastian Pohl, and Alan Akbik are supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany’s Excellence Strategy – EXC 2002/1 “Science of Intelligence” – project number 390523135. Alan Akbik is further supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under the Emmy Noether grant “Eidetic Representations of Natural Language” (project number 448414230).


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Appendix A Additional Information on the Experiments

Due to the number of experiments and the limited space, we provide additional information on the experiments we presented in this part of the appendix.

A.1 Continual Pre-training Experiment


In our experiments with continual learning of the bert-base-cased in the Section 3.3, we use a subset of the arXiv dataset (Geiger, 2019). We use the same data splits as Cossu et al. (2022), i.e., same document classes and observations. Specifically, the following classes of scientific abstracts were used: ‘hep-ph’, ‘astro-ph’, ‘hep-th’, ‘quant-ph’, ‘cond-mat.mes-hall’, ‘gr-qc’, ‘cond-mat.mtrl-sci’, ‘cond-mat.str-el’, ‘condmat.stat-mech’ and ‘astro-ph.SR’. Selecting these specific abstracts enables us to evaluate their findings on mitigating forgetting during self-supervised learning. These scientific domains primarily span physics and materials science. Each of these ten classes has a training set of approximately 10,000 abstracts and a validation set of about 1,000 abstracts.

Training hyperparameters

The hyperparameters used during reported in Table 1.

Hyperparameter Value
Per Device Train Batch Size 8
Per Device Eval Batch Size 8
Gradient Accumulation Steps 1
Learning Rate 0.00005
Weight Decay 0
Number of Training Epochs 30
Learning Rate Scheduler Type Linear
Warmup Ratio 0.0
Metric for Best Model Evaluation Loss
Early Stopping Patience 5
Early Stopping Threshold 0
Table 1: Hyperparameters used during continual pre-training.
Additional Results & Discussion

The relative performance of bert-base-cased measured on T-REx task after the ith experience of continual pre-training as measured by the LM Pub Quiz and [MASK]-predict are shown in Table 2. The scores are normalized with respect to their base performance before continual pre-training. 0th experience corresponds to the original model taken from Hugging Face.

The [MASK]-predict technique exhibits a significant degradation in performance from the outset of continual pre-training, with over a 75% decrease observed after the first experience. Overall, this method suggests that nearly 95% of the knowledge was lost training on the arXiv dataset. On the other hand, results obtained with LM Pub Quiz show a relatively smaller decrease of approximately 60%.

A certain degree of this difference in degradation can be explained by the difference in random baseline. When using [MASK]-predict, degrading to the level of the random baseline would amount to a drop of almost 100% while when using LM Pub Quiz this would lead to a drop of only roughly 90% due to a higher accuracy of the random baseline (given the smaller answer space).

Evaluation / Experience T-REx [MASK]-predict (%) T-REx LM Pub Quiz (%)
0 100.00 100.00
1 24.12 72.37
2 9.98 50.09
3 3.79 39.04
4 4.41 38.58
Table 2: The relative performance of bert-base-cased measured on T-REx task during continual pre-training. Before the continual pre-training the model achieves 31.3% accuracy using [MASK]-predict and 40.5% using LM Pub Quiz as well as 18.4% accuracy on BEAR.

A.2 Training on Different Domain Corpora

Domain Num. of Train Tokens
arXiv 2,49e8249superscript𝑒82,49e^{8}2 , 49 italic_e start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT 8 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT
blbooks 1,72e8172superscript𝑒81,72e^{8}1 , 72 italic_e start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT 8 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT
wikitext 2,82e8282superscript𝑒82,82e^{8}2 , 82 italic_e start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT 8 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT
Table 3: The number of tokens seen by each individual adapted model. The wikitext-103-v1 dataset contained this number of tokens in total after some minor cleaning.

Each model was trained on a similar number of tokens (see Table 3). We trained four models per dataset over random permutations of the data. The arXiv dataset used was split into four equal chunks of the given size. The blbooks dataset was split into more chunks, but only four chunks of the given size were used for the training of four models. All models were trained with the hyperparameters reported in Table 4.

Hyperparameter Value
Per Device Train Batch Size 32
Gradient Accumulation Steps 1
Learning Rate 1e-05
Weight Decay 0
Number of Training Epochs 1
Learning Rate Scheduler Type Cosine
Warmup Ratio 0.0
Table 4: Hyperparameters Used for Model Training on Different Domains

A.3 Pre-trained Model Bias

Refer to caption
Figure 6: Generic subject biases for relation P30 of the BEAR probe for various models.

Extending the results of section 3.2 we also estimated model biases for relation P30 using only six manually chosen generic subjects for the relation, including for example ‘it‘ and ‘the region‘. Model biases are again estimated by applying Softmax to the BEAR pseudo-log-likelihood scores and by averaging the resulting distributions over all generic subjects.

Figure 6 shows the results for this way of calculating biases. We can observe the same trend mentioned before: roberta-base is biased towards South America and Antarctica, whereas GPT2 and Mistral-7B-v0.1 are biased towards Europe. But this time Mistral-7B-v0.1 appears to be even more biased than GPT2. When biases are computed in this second way, they indicate, which answers a model chooses without subject information. While Mistral-7B-v0.1 shows a high bias here, it still predicts many correct answers resulting in a lower bias according to the first method. It appears as though its subject-specific knowledge overcomes this bias, while the smaller less performative GPT2 is less able to overcome this kind of bias.

Appendix B Additional Information on the Use of other Datasets

The package was primarily developed to enable the use of the BEAR dataset. Still, the approach is quite general and can be used to cover other domains than the rather general knowledge represented in this subset of wikidata or answer different research questions altogether.

Each dataset consists of a set of relations (JSONL files) and metadata in the metadata_relations.json JSON file. For each relation, the metadata file contains one or more templates and (optionally) the definition of an answer space (see Listing 3). If no answer space is given, it is constructed from all objects in the relation.

Listing 3: Definiton of the templates and answer spaces of relations in metadata_relations.json of a LM Pub Quiz dataset.
"<relation id>": {
"templates": [
"[Y] is the answer to some fact with subject [X].",
"answer_space_labels": [
"<some object label>",
"answer_space_ids": [
"<object ids>",

The templates are used to construct alternative textual statements: “[X]” is replaced by the subject of the instance and “[Y]” is replaced by each of the options in the answer space to construct one statement per answer option.

Each relation contains one instance per line (the file should be named <relation id>.jsonl; see Listing 4). Each (represented as by a JSON object) should have a subject and object (i.e. the correct answer) ID as well as labels for the subject (and object if the answer space is not defined in the metadata).555The IDs of the subjects and objects should be unique (though they can be shared across the relations) and may refer to the IDs of the underlying knowledge base. Additional fields (such as aliases) are not used at the moment. The instances require either an object ID or the index of the correct answer in the answer space defined in the metadata file.

Listing 4: Definiton of instances in a relation of a LM Pub Quiz dataset (single line).
{"sub_id": "<subject id>", "sub_label": "<subject label>", "obj_id": "<ID of the correct answer>", "obj_label": "<correct object label>", "answer_idx": <index of the correct object in the answer space>}