MQM-Chat: Multidimensional Quality Metrics for Chat Translation

Yunmeng Li1 Jun Suzuki1,2 Makoto Morishita3,1 Kaori Abe4,1,2 Kentaro Inui5,1,2
1Tohoku University 2RIKEN
3Future Corporation 4Machine Learning Solutions Inc. 5MBZUAI

[email protected]

The complexities of chats pose significant challenges for machine translation models. Recognizing the need for a precise evaluation metric to address the issues of chat translation, this study introduces Multidimensional Quality Metrics for Chat Translation (MQM-Chat). Through the experiments of five models using MQM-Chat, we observed that all models generated certain fundamental errors, while each of them has different shortcomings, such as omission, overly correcting ambiguous source content, and buzzword issues, resulting in the loss of stylized information. Our findings underscore the effectiveness of MQM-Chat in evaluating chat translation, emphasizing the importance of stylized content and dialogue consistency for future studies.

MQM-Chat: Multidimensional Quality Metrics for Chat Translation

Yunmeng Li1 Jun Suzuki1,2 Makoto Morishita3,1 Kaori Abe4,1,2 Kentaro Inui5,1,2 1Tohoku University 2RIKEN 3Future Corporation 4Machine Learning Solutions Inc. 5MBZUAI [email protected]

1 Introduction

Neural machine translation (NMT) has experienced significant development in recent years Bahdanau et al. (2014), leading to notable improvements in the performance of machine translation systems, especially in translating formatted documents such as news, academic papers, and else Maruf and Haffari (2018); Barrault et al. (2019, 2020); Nakazawa et al. (2019); Ma et al. (2020). However, despite the success of translating documents, current methods still face substantial challenges when translating chats Tiedemann and Scherrer (2017); Maruf et al. (2018); Farajian et al. (2020) due to their higher degrees of ambiguity and speaker-specific stylized contents, including sentiments, personalities, and cultural nuances Baldwin et al. (2013); Eisenstein (2013); Uthus and Aha (2013); Xu et al. (2014); Läubli et al. (2018); Toral et al. (2018); Farajian et al. (2020).

To enhance chat translation, it is important to thoroughly understand the qualities and limitations of existing translation models in handling chats. Traditional automatic evaluation metrics such as BLEU Papineni et al. (2002) and COMET Rei et al. (2022a, b) focus primarily on accuracy but fail to capture the nuances of chats. Thus, a refined error categorization framework assessing semantic accuracy while preserving the speaker’s stylized nuances is better suited for identifying the specific problems of chat translation Gehman et al. (2020).

To address this need, we propose the Multidimensional Quality Metrics for Chat Translation (MQM-Chat) in this research. Based on the existing Multidimensional Quality Metrics (MQM) framework111  Burchardt (2013); Mariana (2014), MQM-Chat encloses seven error types: mistranslation, omission or addition, terminology or proper noun issue, unnatural style, ambiguity and disambiguation, buzzword or loanword issue, and dialogue inconsistency, where the latter three are designed specifically for chats. We applied MQM-Chat to evaluate the chat translation abilities of five models in the experiments: the large language models (LLMs) GPT-4 Achiam et al. (2023) and LLaMA3 Touvron et al. (2024), the commercialized model DeepL222, the bilingual model produced by team SKIM in WMT23 Kudo et al. (2023), and the multilingual model produced by Facebook in WMT21 Tran et al. (2021). The experiments, held in Chinese\RightarrowEnglish and Japanese\RightarrowEnglish, included short but noisy chats to ensure the buzzwords and ambiguous content, and longer but cleaner chats to provide a comparison. Proficient bilingual annotators were invited to label the translations using the error types and severity levels from MQM-Chat.

The Overall Quality Score (OQS) calculations indicate that GPT-4 outperformed the other models. On the other hand, the severity percentage of each error type shows that there are usually more severe mistranslations, buzzword or loanword issues, and dialogue inconsistency errors in chat translations. Without the severity penalties, the number of errors shows that all five models exhibited common tendencies toward mistranslation errors. Buzzword issues and dialogue inconsistency are considerably important, especially in short chats. MQM-Chat helped to qualify the strengths and weaknesses of the five models, emphasizing the significance of preserving the stylized contents in chats.

In summary, this research contributes to chat translation with a novel evaluation metric designed to assess the quality of chat translations, MQM-Chat. Five state-of-the-art translation models were evaluated with MQM-Chat in handling chat content. The experiments also helped to build annotated Chinese\RightarrowEnglish and Japanese\RightarrowEnglish chat translation data. These contributions enhance the understanding of chat translation, providing valuable resources for further advancements.

2 Related Work

Chat Domain Human Evaluation Method Evaluation Focus Fine-grained Analysis Language Pairs
WMT 2020 Chat Translation Custom Service Segment Rating + Document Context Pronoun (it). \triangle en\Leftrightarrowde
WMT 2022 Chat Translation Custom Service Adapted MQM* Accuracy, Linguistic Conventions, Terminology, … MT Hallucination, Source Issue. \triangle en\Leftrightarrowde, en\Leftrightarrowfr, en\Leftrightarrowpt_br
CPCC Custom Service, TV series Customized Preference, Coherence, Consistency, Fluency. \bigcirc en\Leftrightarrowde, en\Leftrightarrowzh
CSA-NCT Custom Service, TV series Customized Coherence, Speaker, Fluency. \bigcirc en\Leftrightarrowde, en\Leftrightarrowzh
SML Custom Service, TV series Question-based Coherence, Fluency. \bigcirc en\Leftrightarrowde, en\Leftrightarrowzh
MQM-Chat Annotation Various (news, sports, hobbies, daily life, social media, etc.) MQM-Chat Source Issue\rightarrowDisambiguation, Consistency\rightarrowDialogue Consistency, Speaker\rightarrowStylized Contents, Cultural Contents, Buzzwords and Loanwords. \bigcirc zh\Rightarrowen ja\Rightarrowen
Table 1: Comparison of our research with previous studies across several dimensions: data domain, human evaluation method, evaluation focus, granularity of results, and language pairs studied. WMT2020 and WMT2022 analyses are considered less detailed due to the Segment Rating + Document Context method and lack of fine-grained explanations on terminal nodes.

Chat Translation Tasks

While formal documents follow standardized structures, chats often include slang, idiomatic expressions, and personalized styles, adding complexity to translation Baldwin et al. (2013); Eisenstein (2013); Xu et al. (2014). High accuracy in translating chats is important, but preserving speaker-specific content, like buzzwords and speaking style, is sometimes even more crucial Hovy (2015); Salganik (2020).

The first workshop specifically focused on chat translation was WMT2020 Barrault et al. (2020); Farajian et al. (2020), which laid the groundwork for further exploration in this domain. It was followed by WMT2022 Kocmi et al. (2022); Farinha et al. (2022) and continues by WMT2024. WMT shared tasks have primarily concentrated on customer service chats, which are relatively structured and standardized. The emphasis has been on evaluating the overall performance of chat translation models with a strong focus on syntax accuracy. WMT2022 shared task started to address chat-specific issues, while Liang’s team, as a continuation of WMT2020, improved models for chat translation, highlighting the importance of coherence, fluency, and speaker personalities Liang et al. (2021a, b, 2022).

WMT and derivative studies have gradually recognized the importance of source content issues and preserving the speaker’s style in chat translations. MQM was adapted in the WMT2022 shared task, but it remained too broad with 31 error types, most of which were about accuracies, and relatively superficial analyses. Liang’s studies focused on personality and sentiment but did not consider source issues. Previous research has typically utilized binary classification for chat translation evaluation, focusing on coherence Li et al. (2022, 2023), which did not capture the complexity of chat translations either.

With the foundations, we have refined the evaluation by differentiating the source issues within chat translations into ambiguity issues and cultural nuances issues such as buzzwords, and emphasizing the importance of dialogue consistency. Additionally, we de-emphasized grammatical accuracy, as it is not always the highest priority in everyday conversations. To make MQM-Chat broadly applicable to general chats, we chose data covering a wide range of topics, including news, sports, hobbies, daily life, social media, and others. Additionally, we included Japanese data, a language not extensively studied in chat translation tasks. The comparison between our research and previous studies is shown in Table 1.

Translating with LLMs

Several studies have demonstrated that GPT performs well in translation tasks Hendy et al. (2023); Zhang et al. (2023), particularly in scenarios involving literary translation Thai et al. (2022); Karpinska and Iyyer (2023). These studies suggest that LLM translations might be favored over traditional neural machine translation (NMT) models when the input domain is likely to contain noisy, ill-formed sentences. Despite these promising findings, no dedicated research specifically addresses chat translation using LLMs. This gap highlights the need for focused studies on applying LLMs to the unique challenges of chat translation.

3 Multidimensional Quality Metrics for Chat Translation (MQM-Chat)

In this research, we define high-quality chat translation as maintaining accuracy while capturing and conveying the speaker’s personality, styles, and cultural nuances. We refined the Multidimensional Quality Metrics (MQM) framework and introduced customized categories for chat translations. MQM-Chat focuses on seven error types: mistranslation, omission or addition, terminology or proper noun issues, unnatural style, ambiguity and disambiguation, buzzwords or loanwords issues, and dialogue inconsistency. The latter three (*) are customized typologies tailored for chat translation. These error types are evaluated with three severity levels for a detailed and accurate assessment.

3.1 Error Types

Ambiguity and Disambiguation
Source (zh, ja) Possible Good Translation (en) Bad Translation (en)
{CJK*}UTF8gbsn队啊{CJK*}UTF8gbsn!你应该试试! Yaas! You should try! Team ah! You should try!
{CJK}UTF8ipxm知ってr?{CJK}UTF8ipxm昨日、ヘレンとあったよ! u know waht, I saw Helen yesterday! You know what, I saw Helen yesterday!
Buzzword or Loanword Issues
Source (zh, ja) Possible Good Translation (en) Bad Translation (en)
{CJK*}UTF8gbsn鼠的{CJK*}UTF8gbsn,真的累死了 Yaap, I’m really tired Damn it, I’m really exhausted
{CJK}UTF8ipxm草wwwwww lol grass
Table 2: Examples of ambiguity and disambiguation errors, buzzword or loanword issues. Translations in blue are possibly expected, and translations in red are bad.


Mistranslation denotes fundamental inaccuracies in the translation process, including untranslated source segments, incorrect lexical choice or grammar that distorts the meaning, under-translation, and over-translation. These errors are critical as they directly impact the comprehensibility and accuracy of the translation.

Omission or Addition

Missing source contents (omission) or additional content not present in the source (addition) are Omission or Addition errors. Such errors can significantly mistake the intended message and disrupt the coherence of the translated text, leading to potential misunderstandings.

Terminology and Proper Noun Issues

Terminology and Proper Noun Issues pertain to inaccuracies in translating specialized vocabulary, inherent terms, and proper nouns from the source text. Misinterpretations in this category can undermine the reliability of the translation, especially in professional and academic contexts.

Unnatural Style

Unnatural Style refers to grammatically correct translations that are not natural in the target language. These errors affect the readability and acceptability of the translation, making it appear awkward or stilted to native speakers.

Ambiguaty and Disambiguation*

Ambiguity and Disambiguation errors occur when the ambiguities or errors in the source text, such as typographical errors, omissions, unclear abbreviations, and erroneous punctuation, are not faithfully reflected in the translation. Deviations from this principle are considered errors, highlighting the need to accurately translate the speaker-specific stylized content into corresponding errors in the target language. This category emphasizes the importance of maintaining the authenticity of the source text, including its imperfections. Examples are shown in Table 2.

Buzzword or Loanword Issues*

Buzzword or Loanword Issues arise when such terms are not translated accurately according to their usage in the source and target languages. This includes the incorrect translation of popular sayings, newly created words, internet slang, and memes. If there is no corresponding term in the target language, the original pronunciation should be retained and written in the target language. Failure to do so results in error translations that obscure the source text’s intended meaning and cultural nuance. Examples are shown in Table 2.

Dialogue Inconsistency*

Dialogue Inconsistency occurs when translations fail to maintain consistency based on context, particularly when the speakers change within the chat. This includes inappropriate handling of demonstrative pronouns, personal references, or definite articles. Maintaining consistency in dialogue is crucial to ensure coherence and avoid confusing the reader.

3.2 Error Severity Levels

We provided three levels of severity for each error to evaluate the translations comprehensively: major for errors that significantly impact the understandability of the content; minor for errors that do not impact the overall understandability but detract from the quality; neutral for errors requiring additional revision but do not pose significant risks. Severity penalty multipliers are 5 for major, 1 for minor, and 0 for neutral.

4 Experiments

We conducted experiments to evaluate the effectiveness of MQM-Chat by translating chats from Japanese (ja) and Chinese (zh) into English (en) and having proficient bilingual annotators evaluate the translations using MQM-Chat.

4.1 Datasets

We selected 200 chat data from the Open 2ch Dialogue Corpus Inaba (2019) to be the short but noisy data for the ja\Rightarrowen translations, which features ambiguous content and popular sayings from Japan’s well-known online community 2channel. Similarly, we chose 200 data from the LCCC-base dataset Wang et al. (2020) for the zh\Rightarrowen translations. To provide a comparison and a broader range of contents, we included 100 longer and cleaner chat data from BPersona-chat Sugiyama et al. (2021); Li et al. (2022) for ja\Rightarrowen, and 100 from the NaturalConv Wang et al. (2021) for zh\Rightarrowen. Statistics of selected chats are listed in Table 6 of Appendix C.

4.2 Translation Models

We employed four models for each language pair: GPT-4, LLaMA3 (70B-Instruct), DeepL and Facebook@WMT21 for zh\Rightarrowen; GPT-4, LLaMA3, DeepL and SKIM@WMT23 for ja\Rightarrowen. The models represented diverse approaches, including sentence-to-sentence transformers-based models Vaswani et al. (2017), large language models (LLMs), and commercialized systems. GPT-4 and LLaMA3 were used in zero-shot learning configurations Romera-Paredes and Torr (2015); Wang et al. (2019) with prompts designed on methodologies proposed by Hendy et al. (2023) and recent studies Farinhas et al. (2023); Peng et al. (2023)333Prompts and parameters of the models are in Appendix A..

4.3 Crowdsourcing and Annotating Tasks

We recruited six professional annotators proficient in Japanese and English and six in Chinese and English through crowdsourcing. Annotators identified translation errors and assigned severity levels based on MQM-Chat specifications. We chose Label Studio444 Tkachenko et al. (2020-2022) as the online annotation tool due to its user-friendly interface and robust functionality. Annotators were provided with detailed guidelines to ensure error labeling and severity assessment consistency. Details of the annotation tasks could be found in Appendix B.

4.4 Overall Quality Scores

OQS=(1APTEWC)×100𝑂𝑄𝑆1𝐴𝑃𝑇𝐸𝑊𝐶100OQS=\left(1-\frac{APT}{EWC}\right)\times 100italic_O italic_Q italic_S = ( 1 - divide start_ARG italic_A italic_P italic_T end_ARG start_ARG italic_E italic_W italic_C end_ARG ) × 100 (1)

As shown in Equation 1, we calculated the Overall Quality Scores (OQS) by the Evaluation Word Count (EWC) and the Absolute Penalty Total (APT) to provide a quantifiable measure of the translation quality and a comprehensive evaluation of different models, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses in chat translations.

5 Results and Analysis

Short Long
GPT-4 OQS 88.99 96.66
Error Counts 246 434
LLaMA3 OQS 79.70 96.54
Error Counts 416 345
DeepL OQS 77.08 91.18
Error Counts 460 756
Facebook OQS 55.93 89.50
Error Counts 658 851
Short Long
GPT-4 OQS 86.36 94.17
Error Counts 495 807
LLaMA3 OQS 58.71 85.44
Error Counts 994 940
DeepL OQS 76.83 89.24
Error Counts 761 1030
SKIM OQS 49.80 73.75
Error Counts 1097 1365
Table 3: The overall quality score (OQS) and number of errors (error counts) of translation models for different datasets and language pairs.

5.1 Overall Performance

We calculated the average OQS (eq. 1) and counted the total number of errors, as shown in Table 3. OQS and error counts suggest that models perform better when translating longer chats than shorter ones since selected long chats have fewer buzzwords and ambiguities, making the translation task closer to traditional document translation. The results demonstrate that zh\Rightarrowen translations have higher overall quality and considerably fewer errors than ja\Rightarrowen. GPT-4 surpassed all other models, while the NMT models performed the worst in their respective languages. LLaMA3 is slightly better than DeepL when translating Chinese but has significantly lower scores than DeepL when translating Japanese, especially in short chats. Possible reasons could be the lack of Japanese training data and language transfer capabilities.

5.2 Severity Analysis

Refer to caption
Figure 1: The heatmap showing distributions of major, minor, and neutral errors for different error types, across various language pairs and data types.

To investigate the severity distribution for each error type, we analyzed the number of errors at each severity level across different models, data types, and languages. The results are presented as heatmaps in Figure 1.


The results show that there are usually more severe mistranslations, omissions, and additions. Mistranslations in the translations of ja\Rightarrowen long chats tend to be minor, while zh\Rightarrowen translations have fewer omission or addition errors than ja\Rightarrowen, likely due to the omission of subjects, objects, and sub-sentences in the Japanese language. Translations of terminologies and proper nouns also show major to minor issues, indicating the need for better translation of proper nouns and specialized terminology for general chats crossing various topics.

Stylized Nuances

Errors categorized as unnatural style are primarily neutral to minor, related to the definitions where errors are grammatically correct but not natural. Ambiguous content issues are usually average in zh\Rightarrowen translations but tend to be more neutral in ja\Rightarrowen, suggesting that disambiguation’s significance may differ according to different languages. Notably, translations of buzzwords or loanwords consistently contain a high proportion of major errors in all cases, highlighting the critical challenge in chat translation. For Japanese short data, buzzwords are either major issues or neutral issues.

Dialogue inconsistency errors are usually major or minor errors, indicating that sentence reference within dialogues remains a significant issue. However, this problem is less generated in the translations of Chinese long chats, possibly due to the well-generated data in the NaturalConv dataset.

The heatmaps also point out that the overall performance of ja\Rightarrowen is worse than zh\Rightarrowen, especially for short and noisy chats. The distribution shows that not all error types mainly contain major errors, with many neutral errors present.

5.3 Error Counts Analysis

Refer to caption
Figure 2: The heatmap of the number of errors for different error types, across various language pairs and types of data. The darker the color, the higher the number of errors.

Since neutral errors are not calculated for the OQS, a detailed analysis is required based on the number of errors. In this section, we counted the number of errors for each type without severity levels to comprehensively understand each model’s strengths and weaknesses, shown in Figure 2.

Similarly to the analysis in previous sections, all models generated the most mistranslations, with ja\rightarrowen translations performing worse than zh\rightarrowen. GPT-4 consistently generated the fewest omissions and additions and was good at resolving dialogue consistency issues, terminology, proper nouns, buzzwords, and loanwords, relating to its extensive training data and contextual learning capabilities.

LLaMA3 produced fewer errors in Chinese long chats than GPT-4, but its OQS indicates that its translations contained fewer but more severe errors. LLaMA3 and DeepL performed similarly, with DeepL exhibiting more disambiguation and terminology errors. In zh\rightarrowen translations, DeepL showed more buzzword and ambiguity issues, whereas, in ja\rightarrowen translations, LLaMA3 struggled with terminology, proper nouns, dialogue consistency, and natural style.

The Facebook model had significantly more mistranslations, omissions, and additions than others. Similarly, the SKIM model exhibited the fewest ambiguity and buzzword errors but had the highest mistranslation and omission errors, suggesting these contents may be mistranslated or omitted, not having a chance to be considered as other errors.

In conclusion, LLMs performed better but struggled with ambiguous source contents, especially in short and noisy chats. The analysis underscores GPT-4’s strengths in handling various error types across contexts and emphasizes the need to improve traditional NMT models.

5.4 Tone Words

Tone Word Count
zh→en 6 7 9 3
ja→en 13 61 13 6
Explanation Count
zh→en 2 2 0 0
ja→en 5 5 1 1
Table 4: The number of tone words and additional explanations of models for different language pairs.

Based on feedback from annotators, we identified models’ behavior where declarative or exclamatory sentences were translated as interrogative sentences. This typically involved adding interrogative questions like “right?” or “isn’t?” at the end of translations. The results of the counted occurrence of this error are presented in Table 4, suggesting that LLaMA3 exhibits a significantly higher frequency of this behavior when translating short Japanese chats than any other model. We consider this largely due to the lack of sufficient Japanese data, which likely impairs LLaMA3’s ability to accurately comprehend and represent Japanese expressions and sentence structures, leading to this misinterpretation. Examples are shown in Appendix D.

5.5 Additional Explanations

We observed that when the model translates culturally specific terms from the source language, it occasionally adds corresponding explanations in parentheses to aid understanding. For example, when translating “Yu E Bao” , the translation included “savings” in parentheses to clarify the term, as it is a unique saving method currently prevalent in China. We have also quantified the occurrence of these additional explanations. Results are illustrated in Table 4, with examples in Appendix D.

According to the results, although this additional explanatory behavior is present to some extent, it is not overly prevalent overall. DeepL and SKIM added the same explanation for “Shogi” as “Japanese chess” in long Japanese chats, which may be related to the training data used by DeepL and SKIM. On the other hand, the additional explanations provided by LLMs varied significantly. It is important to note that we did not explicitly instruct the LLMs to include such explanations when prompting them. We believe that the additional explanatory behavior of LLMs stems from their contextual learning abilities and the extensive training data they have been exposed to.

5.6 Lost Buzzwords

GPT-4 LlaMA3 DeepL NMT
ja→en short 2 6 39 17
Table 5: The number of translations of buzzwords or loanwords that are omitted during the Japanese to English translation process for short chat data.

The Japanese Open2ch data used in this study contains considerably more buzzwords than other datasets, many of which are not Japanese characters but emoticons, emojis, or the “w” character used in Japanese internet culture to denote laughter (“lol”). For the Japanese short chats, we specifically quantified the number of buzzwords lost in translation, as illustrated in Table 5, with examples in Appendix D.

The figure shows that DeepL lost the most buzzwords during translation compared to other models. We hypothesize that this phenomenon may be due to DeepL’s translation process, which potentially omits non-source language characters after identifying the source text language. Meanwhile, the traditional NMT model produced by SKIM also ignored buzzwords in its translating process. Noticing that this model was training for news translations, we consider that it prefers to read formatted contexts that do not contain non-Japanese words. The Chinese short chats from the LCCC-base do not contain many buzzwords in non-Chinese characters; further experiments are needed to confirm whether DeepL and traditional NMT models systematically filter out non-Chinese characters.

5.7 Discussions

In conclusion, models perform worse on Japanese data compared to Chinese data. GPT-4 demonstrates the best performance among all the models. Conversely, the traditional NMT models, SKIM and Facebook, exhibit the worst performance, which is expected because the NMT models are not specifically trained for chat translation. DeepL’s performance falls in the mid-range. Meanwhile, LLaMA3 shows varied performance across different languages. For zh\Rightarrowen translations, LLaMA3 performs slightly better than DeepL but worse than GPT-4; however, for ja\Rightarrowen, LLaMA3 performs worse than GPT-4 and DeepL. All models generate the most mistranslations, but their strengths vary depending on different experimental settings. The refined error types from MQM-Chat—ambiguity issues, buzzword problems, and dialogue inconsistency—provided deeper insights into the shortcomings of chat translation.

The differing models’ performances on these aspects suggest potential solutions for further chat translation tasks. For instance, GPT-4’s success in handling terminologies, proper nouns, buzzwords, and loanwords indicates that training with more diverse and real-life conversational data and translating with the support of common knowledge may improve the performance of chat translation. Its good performance of resolving dialogue consistency and including buzzwords indicates the importance of understanding the source contents. Using prompts may help LLMs improve the stylized content issues in the future; from this point of view, LLMs may be better suited for chat translation at this moment than existing NMT models. These insights guide future improvements in chat translation, aiming to develop models that better capture the intricacies of everyday conversations.

6 Conclusion

This research evaluated chat translation models using the Multidimensional Quality Metrics for Chat Translation (MQM-Chat). The zh\Rightarrowen and ja\Rightarrowen experiments on GPT-4, LLaMA3, DeepL, SKIM from WMT23, and Facebook from WMT21 showed that GPT-4 consistently outperforms other models, particularly in handling dialogue inconsistencies and managing buzzwords or loanwords. Traditional NMT models SKIM and Facebook performed the worst, while DeepL performed intermediately. LLaMA3 performed well for zh\Rightarrowen but struggled with ja\Rightarrowen translations.The severity of errors varies in languages and data types. LLMs sometimes added explanations for culturally specific terms, reflecting their contextual learning abilities, while DeepL and NMT models ignore buzzwords when translating Japanese short chats.

Our findings highlight the need for tailored training for chat translation models, especially in handling culturally specific content and maintaining dialogue consistency with the usage of MQM-Chat. Overall, this study provides valuable insights into the capabilities and limitations of current chat translation models, laying a foundation for future research and development in this field.


With data limited to translations from Chinese and Japanese to English, the result of our experiments is relatively narrow. Future research may extend the MQM-Chat evaluation to more language pairs and bidirectional translations to better understand chat translation across different languages. The high frequency of mistranslation errors in our results indicates that this error type needs further refinement. We plan to conduct more detailed reviews of the annotations to identify if additional nodes of mistranslation are necessary.

In summary, MQM-Chat has laid a solid foundation for this type of research, opening up many possible directions for improving and expanding chat translation evaluation.

Ethical Considerations

The crowdsourcing experiments employed in this study adhere to stringent ethical guidelines to ensure participant privacy and data protection. The experiments deliberately avoid collecting any personally identifiable information from the participants. No restrictions or enforcement of work hours were imposed upon participants, thereby eliminating undue influence or coercion. Given the absence of personal data collection and voluntary participation, the data is not subject to ethics review at the organization. Consequently, the data collection procedures adhere to the ethical standards and regulations governing research practices.


This work was supported by JST (the establishment of university fellowships towards the creation of science technology innovation) Grant Number JPMJFS2102, JST CREST Grant Number JPMJCR20D2 and JST Moonshot R&D Grant Number JPMJMS2011-35 (fundamental research). The crowdsourcing was supported by Crowdworks ( The annotation was supported by Label Studio (


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All four datasets used in this research come with a license allowing non-commercial and academic usage. To be specific, the licenses are: MIT License for LCCC-base Wang et al. (2020); Tecent AI Lab NaturalConv Dataset Terms and Conditions for NaturalConv Wang et al. (2021); CC BY-SA 4.0 for Open2ch Dialogue Corpus Inaba (2019); and CC BY-NC 4.0 for BPersona-chat Sugiyama et al. (2021); Li et al. (2022). The annotated data of this research will also be published in CC BY-NC 4.0 for non-commercial usage in the future.

Appendix A Machine Translation Parameters

A.1 GPT-4 and LLaMA3

The prompts used in GPT-4 and LLaMA3’s requests were structured as follows:

You are a professional Chinese to English translator. This is a Chinese to English chat translation task. Please translate each line of the chat from Chinese into English. Each line of the chat is considered a message sent by a different speaker.

Notice that the source language would change to Japanese in the Japanese to English translation requests. Models were set to gpt-4 and Meta-Llama-3-70B-Instruct, respectively. Other parameters were set to temperature=1, top_p=1.0, max_token=500, and defaults.

A.2 Facebook@WMT21

The neutral machine translation model used for Chinese to English translations was the multilingual model submitted to WMT 2023 by Facebook Tran et al. (2021); Akhbardeh et al. (2021). The model can directly translate text from 7 languages: Hausa (ha), Icelandic (is), Japanese (ja), Czech (cs), Russian (ru), Chinese (zh), German (de) to English. For Chinese to English, it was trained on 166M bitext data from the WMT shared task, and 123M monolingual data from Commoncrawl555 which are news-domain. The model consists of a 24-layer encoder/decoder with an embedding size of 2,048 and a feedforward size of 16,384 and 32 attention heads, resulting in 4.7B total parameters. Trainings were taken on 32 Volta 32GB GPUs. Fore more details, please refer to the original paper Tran et al. (2021).


We used a neural machine translation system submitted to WMT 2023 by team SKIM Kudo et al. (2023), who achieved the best accuracy among the participants in WMT23 Kocmi et al. (2023). The model was trained on publicly available Japanese-English parallel data of around 31M sentences and a synthetic parallel corpus of 681M sentences. The model consists of a 9-layer encoder/decoder with an embedding size of 1,024 and a feedforward size of 8,192, and 16 attention heads, resulting in 547M total parameters. Training took around four days with eight NVIDIA RTX A6000 GPUs. For more details of training settings, please refer to the original paper Kudo et al. (2023).

Appendix B Crowdsourcing Annotation Tasks

Crowdsourcing Annotators

Considering that chat translation requires not only proficiency in two languages but also an understanding of the source text, we called for native Chinese or Japanese speakers who are fluent in English to be the annotators through crowdsourcing platforms. We prepared qualifications for the candidates to determine their suitability for the task, which consisted of five short chats and three long chats. Participants who showed a better understanding of both the source and target languages were considered to meet our expectations better and were selected as annotators. All annotators are aware that their annotations will be used for academic research, not commercial.

Annotating Instructions

Annotators were provided with detailed instructions in English, Chinese, and Japanese. The instructions include the labeling descriptions with Label Studio and the definitions of error types and severities. Each error type and severity level was provided with 1-5 detailed examples to help annotators understand. Annotators are instructed and required to report offensive data when the source contains extremely offensive content as well. The reported data are removed to avoid having toxic contents in the annotated dataset.

Annotating Payments

We paid each annotator an extra 30-35 USD to familiarize them with the instructions and operations. Being familiar with the instruction and operation of Label Studio, the annotator took about 3-5 minutes to complete one short chat and about 5-8 minutes for a long chat. Depending on the length of data, each annotator was paid about 0.5-1.5 USD per short chat and 0.7-2 USD per long chat, with the final payment fluctuating according to the exchange rate. In conclusion, every annotator was paid around 18-22 USD per hour.

Appendix C Datasets

Translation Data

LCCC-base NaturalConv Open2ch Dialogue BPersona-chat
Source Language Chinese Chinese Japanese Japanese
# of chats selected 200 100 200 100
Avg.turns 5 21 5 12
Avg. # of char (src) 52 423 101 490
Avg. # of words (GPT-4) 38 248 52 214
Avg. # of words (LLaMA3) 37 235 50 203
Avg. # of words (DeepL) 36 247 49 218
Avg. # of words (NMT) 37 272 45 182
Table 6: The number of average turns, average source words, average worse in translations of the selected data.

The statistical information of the selected monolingual data and their translations are shown in Table 6. The NLTK package Bird and Loper (2004) was used to calculate the word counts.

Appendix D Error Examples

Error Type Source (zh, ja) Translation (en)
Tone Word Issue {CJK*}UTF8gbsn怎么可能那么快啊反正这个周五之前啦 How is it possible that it’s so fast? Anyway, it’s before this Friday, right?
Tone Word Issue {CJK}UTF8ipxmそれとこれとは別だろう That’s different from this, isn’t it?
Additional Explanation {CJK*}UTF8gbsn不要以为我不知道你{CJK*}UTF8gbsn余额宝{CJK*}UTF8gbsn里的巨款! Don’t think I don’t know about the large sum of money in your {CJK*}UTF8gbsn余额宝 (savings)!
Additional Explanation {CJK*}UTF8gbsn排了两个小时队弄到的。。。。这个{CJK*}UTF8gbsn七夕{CJK*}UTF8gbsn礼物喜欢不 I lined up for two hours to get it….. I like this Qixi gift!* (Note: "{CJK*}UTF8gbsn七夕" (Qixi) refers to the Qixi Festival, which is a traditional Chinese festival celebrating the mythological story of the Weaving Maiden and the Cowherd.)
Additional Explanation {CJK}UTF8ipxmよくアニメを見てますよ。まとまった休みがとれたら、{CJK}UTF8ipxm聖地巡礼{CJK}UTF8ipxmってやつをするのが楽しくてね。あなたは? I often watch anime. If I get a big chunk of time off, I enjoy going on what they call "pilgrimages to holy sites" (visiting real-life locations of anime scenes). How about you?
Lost Buzzword Issue {CJK}UTF8ipxmやったことあるw I’ve done it before.
Table 7: Examples of annotated errors. * indicates another type of error.

Table 7 shows the examples of annotated errors.