Ann Allen recall, Akron, Michigan (2012)

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Akron Township Board recall
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Ann Allen
Recall status
Did not go to a vote
See also
Recall overview
Political recall efforts, 2012
Recalls in Michigan
Michigan recall laws
City council recalls
Recall reports

An effort to recall Ann Allen from her elected position on the Akron, Michigan Township Board was launched in February 2012[1] and abandoned shortly thereafter.[2] Donald Schmuck, who is Akron Township's Supervisor, also faced a failed recall effort.

Reasons for recall

Gerald Desimpelaere, Sr. filed the recall petition. The recall petition stated that Allen should be removed because “of the position she has taken concerning bringing drinking water to certain areas of Akron Township. Mrs. Allen is in favor of each household on the water project route paying for the project instead of only those households that want the water.”[1]

Path to the ballot

The petition wording was approved on February 2nd. Petitioners had 180 days from February 2nd to gather signatures, but all of the signatures needed to be collected in a 90-day window. 136 signatures of registered voters would have been required to force a recall election.[1] Recall supporters turned in 140 signatures, but the city clerk said that fewer than the required 136 signatures were valid. The recall effort effort was ultimately abandoned.

Recall investigation

In May 2012, Gerald Desimpelaere, Sr. and Lyle Houthoofd were placed under investigation by the Michigan State Police for possible election fraud. They allegedly followed improper procedures when circulating recall petitions against Allen.[3]

See also

External links
