Engage with Ballotpedia

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Here at Ballotpedia, we exist to preserve and expand knowledge by building the Encyclopedia of American Politics. We believe that free and open sharing of trustworthy, neutral information can cultivate a thriving and engaged citizenship. It all starts with you, our beloved readers.

There are so many ways you can engage with Ballotpedia and your community. If you’re looking to turn your knowledge into action, this is the place to go!


Join The Ballotpedia Society:

The Ballotpedia Society is our premier monthly donor membership program, designed to let our members participate in Ballotpedia's growth and journalistic activities.


Ballotpedia is a nonprofit organization. All of our donations go directly to helping us expand the encyclopedia. Any amount helps!



Check the elections calendar for upcoming elections

Want to donate your time to Ballotpedia? Fill out this form with some information about you. You'll hear more from us shortly. Learn more about our volunteer programs here.

We are always in need of candidate photos! If you find an article in need of a photo, you do us a great service by sending in a photo that we can use.

Please look here for guidelines and email [email protected] with the photo.

If you’re a candidate or with a candidate’s team, we’d love for you to complete our candidate questionnaire

You can view the questionnaire here.

It’s so hard to know what goes on in town meetings and the minutes are hardly ever available online. We would love to be able to provide our readers with even more information about their local government. If you have access to those minutes, we’d be awfully grateful if you sent them to us!


Send in historical elections data


Become civically engaged in your community

Register to vote! If you don’t know how to do that, read up on voter registration by state here.

Look up your sample ballot or elected officials

Vote! Don’t know when or where? We can help with that!

Fun fact: 1 in 2 voters in the last general election used Ballotpedia’s sample ballot tool! We’re excited to have assisted so many voters to get informed about their ballots!

Know who is making the decisions that affect you and your community. Contact your local offices or officials.

Share the knowledge!

-Email our articles to your friends and family
- Share our articles on social media
- Write an op-ed for your local paper
- Encourage your community to use Ballotpedia