California Proposition 9, Political Reform Initiative (June 1974)

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California Proposition 9

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Election date

June 4, 1974

Elections and campaigns


Initiated state statute


California Proposition 9 was on the ballot as an initiated state statute in California on June 4, 1974. It was approved.

A “yes” vote supported creating a Fair Political Practices Commission, making adjustments to the the mandatory campaign finance reports, requiring lobbyists to register with the Secretary of State, limiting gifts given by lobbyists, establishing procedures regarding conflicts of interest, and requiring the ballot analysis in the state ballot pamphlet to be prepared by the Legislative Analyst,

A “no” vote opposed creating a Fair Political Practices Commission, making adjustments to the the mandatory campaign finance reports, requiring lobbyists to register with the Secretary of State, limiting gifts given by lobbyists, establishing procedures regarding conflicts of interest, and requiring the ballot analysis in the state ballot pamphlet to be prepared by the Legislative Analyst,

Election results

California Proposition 9

Result Votes Prozentualer Anteil

Approved Yes

3,224,765 69.84%
No 1,392,783 30.16%
Results are officially certified.

Text of measure

Ballot title

The ballot title for Proposition 9 was as follows:

"Political Reform Initiative

Ballot summary

The ballot summary for this measure was:

" INITIATIVE. Requires reports of receipts and expenditures in campaigns for state and local offices and ballot measures. Limits expenditures for statewide candidates and measures. Prohibits public officials from participating in governmental decisions affecting their "financial interests." Requires disclosure of certain assets and income by certain public officials. Requires "Lobbyists" to register and file reports showing receipts and expenditures in lobbying activities: Creates fair political practices commission. Revises ballot pamphlet requirements. Provides criminal and civil sanctions for violations. Enacts and repeals statutes on other miscellaneous and above matters. Financial Impact: Adoption of this measure will increase state and local costs up to $500,000 for the 1974-75 fiscal year and from $1,360,000 to $3,210,000 for each subsequent fiscal year.

Full Text

The full text of this measure is available here.

Path to the ballot

See also: Signature requirements for ballot measures in California

In California, the number of signatures required for an initiated state statute is equal to 5 percent. For initiated statutes filed in 1974, at least 325,504 valid signatures were required.

See also

External links
