City council recall, Miami Gardens, Florida (2021)

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2021 city council recall
Miami Gardens, Fla.
Recall status
Did not go to a vote
Table of contents
Recall supporters
Recall opponents
Path to the ballot
See also
External links

An effort to recall three city council members in Miami Gardens, Florida did not qualify for the ballot after organizers did not submit enough valid signatures by the deadline. The recall effort focused on Vice Mayor Reginald Leon, Councilman Robert Stephens, and Councilwoman Katrina Wilson.[1]

Recall supporters

The political action committee, Miami Gardens Strong, led by Karen Hunter-Jackson, organized the recall effort.[1] The recall centered around a deal to bring Formula 1 racing to Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens.

In 2020, the Miami Gardens City Council voted unanimously against bringing F1 racing to the city, but the county commission later overruled them. The F1 organizers then offered the city a community benefits package, which included "priority hiring of Miami Gardens residents, the creation of a STEM program for children and other concessions to address residents’ concerns." The council passed the measure 5-2, with Leon, Stephens, and Wilson voting in favor.[2]

Recall organizers, concerned with the noise and pollution of F1 racing, opposed the council's vote in favor of the community benefits package. Hunter-Jackson explained, “We would not put a price on our lives. ... Our stance on [the community benefits package] was that the councilmembers should’ve been fighting with us, even if that meant we walked away with nothing.” She added that the package did not do enough to protect children and the elderly from the environmental impact of the racing.[2][3]

Recall opponents

In a statement to The Miami Times, Leon said:[2]


I believe this is the first time that anyone has attempted to recall someone for expanding business opportunities, jobs and community funding in Miami Gardens. ... Formula One was coming to Miami Gardens whether we accepted the community benefits package or not. ... The bottom line is that the race will help Miami Gardens, maximize the city’s exposure and create opportunities for local businesses to participate. I am proud that Miami Gardens will be the first African American city in the world to host a Formula One race.[4]

Wilson gave the following statement:[2]


It’s like an armchair quarterback at the game. ... They could tell you from now until the second coming of Christ what the quarterback did wrong in the game, but they're not in the game. So they don’t understand the dynamics of what’s on the field. ... I don’t have concerns about the recall, because if the residents feel that this is strong enough of an issue that they feel that we didn’t act as good stewards, then they have a right … I’m gonna respect them when they vote against me like I'll respect them when they vote for me.[4]

Stephens said the following about the recall effort:[2]


I stand firm on my decision to vote in favor of the resolution. ... I encourage our community to continue to voice its concerns so that they can be properly addressed moving forward. Although there has been an effort to recall my appointment, I am committed to the City of Miami Gardens and my fellow residents that call this beautiful city home.[4]

Path to the ballot

See also: Laws governing recall in Florida

Beginning May 10, 2021, organizers had thirty days to collect signatures from 10% of registered voters in the relevant city council districts. The recall did not qualify for the ballot after the committee did not submit enough valid signatures by the deadline.[1]

See also

External links
