Ballotpedia:Federal College Count project

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Ballotpedia:Project Directory This project has been archived. For ongoing projects on Ballotpedia, see our scope.

Project Goals

The goal of this project is develop a list of the most common undergraduate and legal universities for the current Article III judges and a historical projection of the most common projections throughout the history of the federal judiciary. This will involve placing a category tag on each judges page representing their undergraduate university and their legal degree. Graduate studies in law or any other field will not be counted towards these totals. The project will begin with work on current article three judges and then progress to cover senior judges and finally former judges. Eventually ever current and former Article III judge will contain these tags.

Category format

The development of categories will be an organic process. All category tags that are created should be added to the subsequent tabs to prevent similar names. Some categories have already been done in an unsystematic way and will need to be updated and corrected to correspond with current guidelines However, there are a few clear category guidelines:

Undergraduate Universities These categories apply to the following degrees:

  • Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
  • Bachelor of Science (B.S.)

Categorization norms:

  1. All category titles will end with the term Alumni
  2. The full university title should be used including full state names with a few exceptions
  1. State University of New York should be abbreviated SUNY
  2. City University of New York should be abbreviated CUNY
  1. Schools should include a location to differentiate between similarly named schools.
  2. University should be abbreviated U. wherever it falls in the official titles.
  3. Schools that are recognizable by a single title should omit University
  • eg. Notre Dame, Harvard, Yale etc.
  1. Categories should be added to the parent category Category:Undergraduate universities

Law universities

  • Juris Doctor (J.D.)
  • Bachelors of Law (LL.B., LLB, Ll.B.)
  1. All category titles will end with the term Law Alumni
  2. The phrase "School of Law" or similar phrases are considered to be abbreviated into Law within the mandatory ending.
  3. The full university title should be used including full state names with a few exceptions
  1. State University of New York should be abbreviated SUNY
  2. City University of New York should be abbreviated CUNY
  1. Schools should include a location to differentiate between similarly named schools.
  2. University should be abbreviated U. wherever it falls in the official titles.
  3. Categories should be added to the parent category Category:Law schools

Be sure to check the lists on the corresponding tabs prior to creating a new category. If you create a new category, be sure to add it to the corresponding lists. If you are not sure where to add it, please add it to the top of the list. Universities will be sorted by ______________. The test page contains a dpl to list judges by court.

State Categories

University and Law school pages should be tagged with the appropriate state in which that school can be found. For example: Category:U. of Alabama Alumni should be tagged with Category:Alabama universities.

The category structure is:
[[:Category:College count]]

[[:Category:STATE universities]]

[[:Category:College count]]

[[:Category:STATE law schools]]


[[Category:STATE universities]]
[[:Category:STATE law schools]]

Templates and DPLs


Category check

Template:College Count helper dpl

For current federal judges
The code:

{{College Count helper dpl|District = DISTRICTNAME}}

Produces a numbered list of current federal judges along with all of the categories attached to that judge and allows you to check for compliance with both college tags as well as Category:Current federal judge.

For senior federal judges
The code:

{{College Count helper dpl|District = DISTRICTNAME|Senior = Yes}}

Produces a numbered list of senior federal judges along with all of the categories attached to that judge and allows you to check for compliance with both college tags as well as Category:Senior federal judge.

For former federal judges
The code:

{{College Count helper dpl|District = DISTRICTNAME|Former = Yes}}

Produces a numbered list of former federal judges along with all of the categories attached to that judge and allows you to check for compliance with both college tags as well as Category:Former federal judge.

School number check

Template:College count school tester

The code:

{{College count school tester|Category = SCHOOLCATEGORYNAME}}

Produces three numbered lists of judges, current/senior/former that fall within that category. This can be used to apply the Template:College count category HNT to category pages.

Counting DPLs

{{Current College counter|Current = CATEGORY }}=Template:Current College counter

{{Senior College counter|Current = CATEGORY }}=Template:Senior College counter

{{Former College counter|Current = CATEGORY }}=Template:Former College counter

{{Current College counter by circuit|Current = CATEGORY }}=Template:Current College counter by circuit

{{Senior College counter by circuit|Current = CATEGORY }}=Template:Senior College counter by circuit

{{Former College counter by circuit|Current = CATEGORY }}=Template:Former College counter by circuit

HNTs and VNTs

Category HNT

Numerous templates will be installed on every Category page and will enable us to quickly collect data on that category page. The information will automatically update as new pages are added to the category. The code looks like:


{{College count category HNT
|Current = {{Current College counter|Current = Alumnus }}
|CurrentPCT = {{Current College counter percentage|Stat={{Current College counter|Current = Alumnus }}}}
|Senior = {{Senior College counter|Senior = Alumnus }}
|SeniorPCT = {{Senior College counter percentage|Stat={{Current College counter|Current = Alumnus }}}}
|Former = {{Former College counter|Former = Alumnus}}
|FormerPCT = {{Former College counter percentage|Stat={{Current College counter|Current = Alumnus }}}}
|Magistrate = {{Magistrate College counter|Magistrate = Alumnus }}
|Former Magistrate = {{Former magistrate College counter|Former Magistrate = Alumnus}}
|Chief = {{Chief College counter|Current = Alumnus }}}}

==Dispersal by circuit==
{{College count category HNT by circuit
|SupremeCurrent = {{Current College counter by circuit|Circuit = Supreme Court|School = Alumnus}}
|SupremeSenior = {{Senior College counter by circuit|Circuit = Supreme Court|School = Alumnus}}
|SupremeFormer = {{Former College counter by circuit|Circuit = Supreme Court|School = Alumnus}}
|SupremeTotal = {{Total College counter by circuit|Circuit = Supreme Court|School = Alumnus}}
|SupremeChief = {{Chief College counter by circuit|Circuit = Supreme Court|School = Alumnus}}

|AppellateCurrent = {{Current College counter by circuit|Circuit = Appellate Courts|School = Alumnus}}
|AppellateSenior = {{Senior College counter by circuit|Circuit = Appellate Courts|School = Alumnus}}
|AppellateFormer = {{Former College counter by circuit|Circuit = Appellate Courts|School = Alumnus}}
|AppellateTotal = {{Total College counter by circuit|Circuit = Appellate Courts|School = Alumnus}}
|AppellateChief = {{Chief College counter by circuit|Circuit = Appellate Courts|School = Alumnus}}

|FirstCurrent = {{Current College counter by circuit|Circuit = First Circuit|School = Alumnus}}
|FirstSenior = {{Senior College counter by circuit|Circuit = First Circuit|School = Alumnus}}
|FirstFormer = {{Former College counter by circuit|Circuit = First Circuit|School = Alumnus}}
|FirstTotal = {{Total College counter by circuit|Circuit = First Circuit|School = Alumnus}}
|FirstChief = {{Chief College counter by circuit|Circuit = First Circuit|School = Alumnus}}

|SecondCurrent = {{Current College counter by circuit|Circuit = Second Circuit|School = Alumnus}}
|SecondSenior = {{Senior College counter by circuit|Circuit = Second Circuit|School = Alumnus}}
|SecondFormer ={{Former College counter by circuit|Circuit = Second Circuit|School = Alumnus}}
|SecondTotal ={{Total College counter by circuit|Circuit = Second Circuit|School = Alumnus}}
|SecondChief ={{Chief College counter by circuit|Circuit = Second Circuit|School = Alumnus}}

|ThirdCurrent = {{Current College counter by circuit|Circuit = Third Circuit|School = Alumnus}}
|ThirdSenior = {{Senior College counter by circuit|Circuit = Third Circuit|School = Alumnus}}
|ThirdFormer = {{Former College counter by circuit|Circuit = Third Circuit|School = Alumnus}}
|ThirdTotal = {{Total College counter by circuit|Circuit = Third Circuit|School = Alumnus}}
|ThirdChief = {{Chief College counter by circuit|Circuit = Third Circuit|School = Alumnus}}

|FourthCurrent = {{Current College counter by circuit|Circuit = Fourth Circuit|School = Alumnus}}
|FourthSenior = {{Senior College counter by circuit|Circuit = Fourth Circuit|School = Alumnus}}
|FourthFormer = {{Former College counter by circuit|Circuit = Fourth Circuit|School = Alumnus}}
|FourthTotal = {{Total College counter by circuit|Circuit = Fourth Circuit|School = Alumnus}}
|FourthChief = {{Chief College counter by circuit|Circuit = Fourth Circuit|School = Alumnus}}

|FifthCurrent = {{Current College counter by circuit|Circuit = Fifth Circuit|School = Alumnus}}
|FifthSenior = {{Senior College counter by circuit|Circuit = Fifth Circuit|School = Alumnus}}
|FifthFormer = {{Former College counter by circuit|Circuit = Fifth Circuit|School = Alumnus}}
|FifthTotal = {{Total College counter by circuit|Circuit = Fifth Circuit|School = Alumnus}}
|FifthChief = {{Chief College counter by circuit|Circuit = Fifth Circuit|School = Alumnus}}

|SixthCurrent = {{Current College counter by circuit|Circuit = Sixth Circuit|School = Alumnus}}
|SixthSenior = {{Senior College counter by circuit|Circuit = Sixth Circuit|School = Alumnus}}
|SixthFormer = {{Former College counter by circuit|Circuit = Sixth Circuit|School = Alumnus}}
|SixthTotal = {{Total College counter by circuit|Circuit = Sixth Circuit|School = Alumnus}}
|SixthChief = {{Chief College counter by circuit|Circuit = Sixth Circuit|School = Alumnus}}

|SeventhCurrent = {{Current College counter by circuit|Circuit = Seventh Circuit|School = Alumnus}}
|SeventhSenior = {{Senior College counter by circuit|Circuit = Seventh Circuit|School = Alumnus}}
|SeventhFormer = {{Former College counter by circuit|Circuit = Seventh Circuit|School = Alumnus}}
|SeventhTotal = {{Total College counter by circuit|Circuit = Seventh Circuit|School = Alumnus}}
|SeventhChief = {{Chief College counter by circuit|Circuit = Seventh Circuit|School = Alumnus}}

|EighthCurrent = {{Current College counter by circuit|Circuit = Eighth Circuit|School = Alumnus}}
|EighthSenior = {{Senior College counter by circuit|Circuit = Eighth Circuit|School = Alumnus}}
|EighthFormer = {{Former College counter by circuit|Circuit = Eighth Circuit|School = Alumnus}}
|EighthTotal = {{Total College counter by circuit|Circuit = Eighth Circuit|School = Alumnus}}
|EighthChief = {{Chief College counter by circuit|Circuit = Eighth Circuit|School = Alumnus}}

|NinthCurrent = {{Current College counter by circuit|Circuit = Ninth Circuit|School = Alumnus}}
|NinthSenior = {{Senior College counter by circuit|Circuit = Ninth Circuit|School = Alumnus}}
|NinthFormer = {{Former College counter by circuit|Circuit = Ninth Circuit|School = Alumnus}}
|NinthTotal = {{Total College counter by circuit|Circuit = Ninth Circuit|School = Alumnus}}
|NinthChief = {{Chief College counter by circuit|Circuit = Ninth Circuit|School = Alumnus}}

|TenthCurrent = {{Current College counter by circuit|Circuit = Tenth Circuit|School = Alumnus}}
|TenthSenior = {{Senior College counter by circuit|Circuit = Tenth Circuit|School = Alumnus}}
|TenthFormer = {{Former College counter by circuit|Circuit = Tenth Circuit|School = Alumnus}}
|TenthTotal = {{Total College counter by circuit|Circuit = Tenth Circuit|School = Alumnus}}
|TenthChief = {{Chief College counter by circuit|Circuit = Tenth Circuit|School = Alumnus}}

|EleventhCurrent = {{Current College counter by circuit|Circuit = Eleventh Circuit|School = Alumnus}}
|EleventhSenior = {{Senior College counter by circuit|Circuit = Eleventh Circuit|School = Alumnus}}
|EleventhFormer = {{Former College counter by circuit|Circuit = Eleventh Circuit|School = Alumnus}}
|EleventhTotal = {{Total College counter by circuit|Circuit = Eleventh Circuit|School = Alumnus}}
|EleventhChief = {{Chief College counter by circuit|Circuit = Eleventh Circuit|School = Alumnus}}

|DCCurrent = {{Current College counter by circuit|Circuit = DC Circuit|School = Alumnus}}
|DCSenior = {{Senior College counter by circuit|Circuit = DC Circuit|School = Alumnus}}
|DCFormer = {{Former College counter by circuit|Circuit = DC Circuit|School = Alumnus}}
|DCTotal = {{Total College counter by circuit|Circuit = DC Circuit|School = Alumnus}}
|DCChief = {{Chief College counter by circuit|Circuit = DC Circuit|School = Alumnus}}

==Dispersal by president==
{{College count category HNT by President

|WashingtonCurrent = {{Current College counter by president|President = Washington|School = Alumnus}}
|WashingtonSenior = {{Senior College counter by president|President = Washington|School = Alumnus}}
|WashingtonFormer = {{Former College counter by president|President = Washington|School = Alumnus}}
|WashingtonTotal ={{Total College counter by president|President = Washington|School = Alumnus}}

|JAdamsCurrent = {{Current College counter by president|President = JAdams|School = Alumnus}}
|JAdamsSenior = {{Senior College counter by president|President = JAdams|School = Alumnus}}
|JAdamsFormer = {{Former College counter by president|President = JAdams|School = Alumnus}}
|JAdamsTotal ={{Total College counter by president|President = JAdams|School = Alumnus}}

|JeffersonCurrent = {{Current College counter by president|President = Jefferson|School = Alumnus}}
|JeffersonSenior = {{Senior College counter by president|President = Jefferson|School = Alumnus}}
|JeffersonFormer = {{Former College counter by president|President = Jefferson|School = Alumnus}}
|JeffersonTotal ={{Total College counter by president|President = Jefferson|School = Alumnus}}

|MadisonCurrent = {{Current College counter by president|President = Madison|School = Alumnus}}
|MadisonSenior = {{Senior College counter by president|President = Madison|School = Alumnus}}
|MadisonFormer = {{Former College counter by president|President = Madison|School = Alumnus}}
|MadisonTotal ={{Total College counter by president|President = Madison|School = Alumnus}}

|MonroeCurrent = {{Current College counter by president|President = Monroe|School = Alumnus}}
|MonroeSenior = {{Senior College counter by president|President = Monroe|School = Alumnus}}
|MonroeFormer = {{Former College counter by president|President = Monroe|School = Alumnus}}
|MonroeTotal ={{Total College counter by president|President = Monroe|School = Alumnus}}

|QAdamsCurrent = {{Current College counter by president|President = QAdams|School = Alumnus}}
|QAdamsSenior = {{Senior College counter by president|President = QAdams|School = Alumnus}}
|QAdamsFormer = {{Former College counter by president|President = QAdams|School = Alumnus}}
|QAdamsTotal ={{Total College counter by president|President = QAdams|School = Alumnus}}

|JacksonCurrent = {{Current College counter by president|President = Jackson|School = Alumnus}}
|JacksonSenior = {{Senior College counter by president|President = Jackson|School = Alumnus}}
|JacksonFormer = {{Former College counter by president|President = Jackson|School = Alumnus}}
|JacksonTotal ={{Total College counter by president|President = Jackson|School = Alumnus}}

|BurenCurrent = {{Current College counter by president|President = Buren|School = Alumnus}}
|BurenSenior = {{Senior College counter by president|President = Buren|School = Alumnus}}
|BurenFormer = {{Former College counter by president|President = Buren|School = Alumnus}}
|BurenTotal ={{Total College counter by president|President = Buren|School = Alumnus}}

|HHarrisonCurrent = {{Current College counter by president|President = HHarrison|School = Alumnus}}
|HHarrisonSenior = {{Senior College counter by president|President = HHarrison|School = Alumnus}}
|HHarrisonFormer = {{Former College counter by president|President = HHarrison|School = Alumnus}}
|HHarrisonTotal ={{Total College counter by president|President = HHarrison|School = Alumnus}}

|TylerCurrent = {{Current College counter by president|President = Tyler|School = Alumnus}}
|TylerSenior = {{Senior College counter by president|President = Tyler|School = Alumnus}}
|TylerFormer = {{Former College counter by president|President = Tyler|School = Alumnus}}
|TylerTotal ={{Total College counter by president|President = Tyler|School = Alumnus}}

|PolkCurrent = {{Current College counter by president|President = Polk|School = Alumnus}}
|PolkSenior = {{Senior College counter by president|President = Polk|School = Alumnus}}
|PolkFormer = {{Former College counter by president|President = Polk|School = Alumnus}}
|PolkTotal ={{Total College counter by president|President = Polk|School = Alumnus}}

|TaylorCurrent = {{Current College counter by president|President = Taylor|School = Alumnus}}
|TaylorSenior = {{Senior College counter by president|President = Taylor|School = Alumnus}}
|TaylorFormer = {{Former College counter by president|President = Taylor|School = Alumnus}}
|TaylorTotal ={{Total College counter by president|President = Taylor|School = Alumnus}}

|FillmoreCurrent = {{Current College counter by president|President = Fillmore|School = Alumnus}}
|FillmoreSenior = {{Senior College counter by president|President = Fillmore|School = Alumnus}}
|FillmoreFormer = {{Former College counter by president|President = Fillmore|School = Alumnus}}
|FillmoreTotal ={{Total College counter by president|President = Fillmore|School = Alumnus}}

|PierceCurrent = {{Current College counter by president|President = Pierce|School = Alumnus}}
|PierceSenior = {{Senior College counter by president|President = Pierce|School = Alumnus}}
|PierceFormer = {{Former College counter by president|President = Pierce|School = Alumnus}}
|PierceTotal ={{Total College counter by president|President = Pierce|School = Alumnus}}

|BuchananCurrent = {{Current College counter by president|President = Buchanan|School = Alumnus}}
|BuchananSenior = {{Senior College counter by president|President = Buchanan|School = Alumnus}}
|BuchananFormer = {{Former College counter by president|President = Buchanan|School = Alumnus}}
|BuchananTotal ={{Total College counter by president|President = Buchanan|School = Alumnus}}

|LincolnCurrent = {{Current College counter by president|President = Lincoln|School = Alumnus}}
|LincolnSenior = {{Senior College counter by president|President = Lincoln|School = Alumnus}}
|LincolnFormer = {{Former College counter by president|President = Lincoln|School = Alumnus}}
|LincolnTotal ={{Total College counter by president|President = Lincoln|School = Alumnus}}

|AJohnsonCurrent = {{Current College counter by president|President = AJohnson|School = Alumnus}}
|AJohnsonSenior = {{Senior College counter by president|President = AJohnson|School = Alumnus}}
|AJohnsonFormer = {{Former College counter by president|President = AJohnson|School = Alumnus}}
|AJohnsonTotal ={{Total College counter by president|President = AJohnson|School = Alumnus}}

|GrantCurrent = {{Current College counter by president|President = Grant|School = Alumnus}}
|GrantSenior = {{Senior College counter by president|President = Grant|School = Alumnus}}
|GrantFormer = {{Former College counter by president|President = Grant|School = Alumnus}}
|GrantTotal ={{Total College counter by president|President = Grant|School = Alumnus}}

|HayesCurrent = {{Current College counter by president|President = Hayes|School = Alumnus}}
|HayesSenior = {{Senior College counter by president|President = Hayes|School = Alumnus}}
|HayesFormer = {{Former College counter by president|President = Hayes|School = Alumnus}}
|HayesTotal ={{Total College counter by president|President = Hayes|School = Alumnus}}

|GarfieldCurrent = {{Current College counter by president|President = Garfield|School = Alumnus}}
|GarfieldSenior = {{Senior College counter by president|President = Garfield|School = Alumnus}}
|GarfieldFormer = {{Former College counter by president|President = Garfield|School = Alumnus}}
|GarfieldTotal ={{Total College counter by president|President = Garfield|School = Alumnus}}

|ArthurCurrent = {{Current College counter by president|President = Arthur|School = Alumnus}}
|ArthurSenior = {{Senior College counter by president|President = Arthur|School = Alumnus}}
|ArthurFormer = {{Former College counter by president|President = Arthur|School = Alumnus}}
|ArthurTotal ={{Total College counter by president|President = Arthur|School = Alumnus}}

|ClevelandCurrent = {{Current College counter by president|President = Cleveland|School = Alumnus}}
|ClevelandSenior = {{Senior College counter by president|President = Cleveland|School = Alumnus}}
|ClevelandFormer = {{Former College counter by president|President = Cleveland|School = Alumnus}}
|ClevelandTotal ={{Total College counter by president|President = Cleveland|School = Alumnus}}

|BHarrisonCurrent = {{Current College counter by president|President = BHarrison|School = Alumnus}}
|BHarrisonSenior = {{Senior College counter by president|President = BHarrison|School = Alumnus}}
|BHarrisonFormer = {{Former College counter by president|President = BHarrison|School = Alumnus}}
|BHarrisonTotal ={{Total College counter by president|President = BHarrison|School = Alumnus}}

|McKinleyCurrent = {{Current College counter by president|President = McKinley|School = Alumnus}}
|McKinleySenior = {{Senior College counter by president|President = McKinley|School = Alumnus}}
|McKinleyFormer = {{Former College counter by president|President = McKinley|School = Alumnus}}
|McKinleyTotal ={{Total College counter by president|President = McKinley|School = Alumnus}}

|TRooseveltCurrent = {{Current College counter by president|President = TRoosevelt|School = Alumnus}}
|TRooseveltSenior = {{Senior College counter by president|President = TRoosevelt|School = Alumnus}}
|TRooseveltFormer = {{Former College counter by president|President = TRoosevelt|School = Alumnus}}
|TRooseveltTotal ={{Total College counter by president|President = TRoosevelt|School = Alumnus}}

|TaftCurrent = {{Current College counter by president|President = Taft|School = Alumnus}}
|TaftSenior = {{Senior College counter by president|President = Taft|School = Alumnus}}
|TaftFormer = {{Former College counter by president|President = Taft|School = Alumnus}}
|TaftTotal ={{Total College counter by president|President = Taft|School = Alumnus}}

|WilsonCurrent = {{Current College counter by president|President = Wilson|School = Alumnus}}
|WilsonSenior = {{Senior College counter by president|President = Wilson|School = Alumnus}}
|WilsonFormer = {{Former College counter by president|President = Wilson|School = Alumnus}}
|WilsonTotal ={{Total College counter by president|President = Wilson|School = Alumnus}}

|HardingCurrent = {{Current College counter by president|President = Harding|School = Alumnus}}
|HardingSenior = {{Senior College counter by president|President = Harding|School = Alumnus}}
|HardingFormer = {{Former College counter by president|President = Harding|School = Alumnus}}
|HardingTotal ={{Total College counter by president|President = Harding|School = Alumnus}}

|CoolidgeCurrent = {{Current College counter by president|President = Coolidge|School = Alumnus}}
|CoolidgeSenior = {{Senior College counter by president|President = Coolidge|School = Alumnus}}
|CoolidgeFormer = {{Former College counter by president|President = Coolidge|School = Alumnus}}
|CoolidgeTotal ={{Total College counter by president|President = Coolidge|School = Alumnus}}

|HooverCurrent = {{Current College counter by president|President = Hoover|School = Alumnus}}
|HooverSenior = {{Senior College counter by president|President = Hoover|School = Alumnus}}
|HooverFormer = {{Former College counter by president|President = Hoover|School = Alumnus}}
|HooverTotal ={{Total College counter by president|President = Hoover|School = Alumnus}}

|FDRooseveltCurrent = {{Current College counter by president|President = FDRoosevelt|School = Alumnus}}
|FDRooseveltSenior = {{Senior College counter by president|President = FDRoosevelt|School = Alumnus}}
|FDRooseveltFormer = {{Former College counter by president|President = FDRoosevelt|School = Alumnus}}
|FDRooseveltTotal ={{Total College counter by president|President = FDRoosevelt|School = Alumnus}}

|TrumanCurrent = {{Current College counter by president|President = Truman|School = Alumnus}}
|TrumanSenior = {{Senior College counter by president|President = Truman|School = Alumnus}}
|TrumanFormer = {{Former College counter by president|President = Truman|School = Alumnus}}
|TrumanTotal ={{Total College counter by president|President = Truman|School = Alumnus}}

|EisenhowerCurrent = {{Current College counter by president|President = Eisenhower|School = Alumnus}}
|EisenhowerSenior = {{Senior College counter by president|President = Eisenhower|School = Alumnus}}
|EisenhowerFormer = {{Former College counter by president|President = Eisenhower|School = Alumnus}}
|EisenhowerTotal ={{Total College counter by president|President = Eisenhower|School = Alumnus}}

|KennedyCurrent = {{Current College counter by president|President = Kennedy|School = Alumnus}}
|KennedySenior = {{Senior College counter by president|President = Kennedy|School = Alumnus}}
|KennedyFormer = {{Former College counter by president|President = Kennedy|School = Alumnus}}
|KennedyTotal ={{Total College counter by president|President = Kennedy|School = Alumnus}}

|LJohnsonCurrent = {{Current College counter by president|President = LJohnson|School = Alumnus}}
|LJohnsonSenior = {{Senior College counter by president|President = LJohnson|School = Alumnus}}
|LJohnsonFormer = {{Former College counter by president|President = LJohnson|School = Alumnus}}
|LJohnsonTotal ={{Total College counter by president|President = LJohnson|School = Alumnus}}

|NixonCurrent = {{Current College counter by president|President = Nixon|School = Alumnus}}
|NixonSenior = {{Senior College counter by president|President = Nixon|School = Alumnus}}
|NixonFormer = {{Former College counter by president|President = Nixon|School = Alumnus}}
|NixonTotal ={{Total College counter by president|President = Nixon|School = Alumnus}}

|FordCurrent = {{Current College counter by president|President = Ford|School = Alumnus}}
|FordSenior = {{Senior College counter by president|President = Ford|School = Alumnus}}
|FordFormer = {{Former College counter by president|President = Ford|School = Alumnus}}
|FordTotal ={{Total College counter by president|President = Ford|School = Alumnus}}

|CarterCurrent = {{Current College counter by president|President = Carter|School = Alumnus}}
|CarterSenior = {{Senior College counter by president|President = Carter|School = Alumnus}}
|CarterFormer = {{Former College counter by president|President = Carter|School = Alumnus}}
|CarterTotal ={{Total College counter by president|President = Carter|School = Alumnus}}

|ReaganCurrent = {{Current College counter by president|President = Reagan|School = Alumnus}}
|ReaganSenior = {{Senior College counter by president|President = Reagan|School = Alumnus}}
|ReaganFormer = {{Former College counter by president|President = Reagan|School = Alumnus}}
|ReaganTotal ={{Total College counter by president|President = Reagan|School = Alumnus}}

|HWBushCurrent = {{Current College counter by president|President = HWBush|School = Alumnus}}
|HWBushSenior = {{Senior College counter by president|President = HWBush|School = Alumnus}}
|HWBushFormer = {{Former College counter by president|President = HWBush|School = Alumnus}}
|HWBushTotal ={{Total College counter by president|President = HWBush|School = Alumnus}}

|ClintonCurrent = {{Current College counter by president|President = Clinton|School = Alumnus}}
|ClintonSenior = {{Senior College counter by president|President = Clinton|School = Alumnus}}
|ClintonFormer = {{Former College counter by president|President = Clinton|School = Alumnus}}
|ClintonTotal ={{Total College counter by president|President = Clinton|School = Alumnus}}

|WBushCurrent = {{Current College counter by president|President = WBush|School = Alumnus}}
|WBushSenior = {{Senior College counter by president|President = WBush|School = Alumnus}}
|WBushFormer = {{Former College counter by president|President = WBush|School = Alumnus}}
|WBushTotal ={{Total College counter by president|President = WBush|School = Alumnus}}

|ObamaCurrent = {{Current College counter by president|President = Obama|School = Alumnus}}
|ObamaSenior = {{Senior College counter by president|President = Obama|School = Alumnus}}
|ObamaFormer = {{Former College counter by president|President = Obama|School = Alumnus}}
|ObamaTotal ={{Total College counter by president|President = Obama|School = Alumnus}}


==Dispersal by party==
{{College count category HNT by Party

|NoPartyCurrent = {{Current College counter by party|Party = NoParty|School = Alumnus}}
|NoPartySenior = {{Senior College counter by party|Party = NoParty|School = Alumnus}}
|NoPartyFormer = {{Former College counter by party|Party = NoParty|School = Alumnus}}
|NoPartyTotal ={{Total College counter by party|Party = NoParty|School = Alumnus}}

|FederalistsCurrent = {{Current College counter by party|Party = Federalists|School = Alumnus}}
|FederalistsSenior = {{Senior College counter by party|Party = Federalists|School = Alumnus}}
|FederalistsFormer = {{Former College counter by party|Party = Federalists|School = Alumnus}}
|FederalistsTotal ={{Total College counter by party|Party = Federalists|School = Alumnus}}

|WhigsCurrent = {{Current College counter by party|Party = Whigs|School = Alumnus}}
|WhigsSenior = {{Senior College counter by party|Party = Whigs|School = Alumnus}}
|WhigsFormer = {{Former College counter by party|Party = Whigs|School = Alumnus}}
|WhigsTotal ={{Total College counter by party|Party = Whigs|School = Alumnus}}

|DRCurrent = {{Current College counter by party|Party = DR|School = Alumnus}}
|DRSenior = {{Senior College counter by party|Party = DR|School = Alumnus}}
|DRFormer = {{Former College counter by party|Party = DR|School = Alumnus}}
|DRTotal ={{Total College counter by party|Party = DR|School = Alumnus}}

|NationalCurrent = {{Current College counter by party|Party = National|School = Alumnus}}
|NationalSenior = {{Senior College counter by party|Party = National|School = Alumnus}}
|NationalFormer = {{Former College counter by party|Party = National|School = Alumnus}}
|NationalTotal ={{Total College counter by party|Party = National|School = Alumnus}}

|DemocratCurrent = {{Current College counter by party|Party = Democrat|School = Alumnus}}
|DemocratSenior = {{Senior College counter by party|Party = Democrat|School = Alumnus}}
|DemocratFormer = {{Former College counter by party|Party = Democrat|School = Alumnus}}
|DemocratTotal ={{Total College counter by party|Party = Democrat|School = Alumnus}}

|RepublicanCurrent = {{Current College counter by party|Party = Republican|School = Alumnus}}
|RepublicanSenior = {{Senior College counter by party|Party = Republican|School = Alumnus}}
|RepublicanFormer = {{Former College counter by party|Party = Republican|School = Alumnus}}
|RepublicanTotal ={{Total College counter by party|Party = Republican|School = Alumnus}}

Merely replace Alumnus with the name (without namespace) of the category on which the code appears. Once saved, the Category page should look like this page:

  • Category:Harvard Alumni

"WikiProject:Judicious education, College Count" Will automatically be replaced with the page name.

Page makers

State pages

All state pages get the code:

{{College count by state DPL|State=STATE|Level="universities/law schools"}}

Which will display:

Federal Judge College count for Ivy universities*
SchoolCurrentSeniorFormerTotalCurrent Chief

No federal judges currently have a tag for schools in this state. If you know this is incorrect, please contact [email protected].

*All collegiate information is based on biographical information provided by the Federal Judicial Center and carefully reorganized by Judgepedia staff on these pages. To update this chart, please add the appropriate Category to the judge you wish to be counted by adding the code [[Category:SCHOOL NAME ALUMNI]] to the bottom of the judge's page as the school name appears on this chart. Numbers in red indicate that there may be a categorization error and an inaccurate count, though it is not certain. For questions or to report errors, please contact Ballotpedia's Editor.

Dispersal templates

All circuits-By state

Template:College count by circuit DPL {{College count by circuit DPL|State=Ivy|Level=universities|Status=Senior}}

Federal Judge College count for Ivy universities*
SchoolSupremeAppelateFirst CircuitSecond CircuitThird CircuitFourth CircuitFifth CircuitSixth CircuitSeventh CircuitEighth CircuitNinth CircuitTenth CircuitEleventh CircuitDC Circuit

No federal judges currently have a tag for schools in this state. If you know this is incorrect, please contact [email protected].

*All collegiate information is based on biographical information provided by the Federal Judicial Center and carefully reorganized by Judgepedia staff on these pages. To update this chart, please add the appropriate Category to the judge you wish to be counted by adding the code [[Category:SCHOOL NAME ALUMNI]] to the bottom of the judge's page as the school name appears on this chart. Judges that served on multiple courts due to elevation are only counted for their highest post. For questions or to report errors, please contact [email protected].

By Circuit-By state or overall

Template:College count by circuit DPL Replace Ivy universities with a state category or "Undergraduate universities"or "Law schools" for an overview. {{College count by circuit DPL|Circuit=First|Category=Ivy universities}}

Federal Judge College count for the District Courts of the First Circuit*

No federal judges currently have a tag for schools in this state. If you know this is incorrect, please contact [email protected].

*All collegiate information is based on biographical information provided by the Federal Judicial Center and carefully reorganized by Judgepedia staff on these pages. To update this chart, please add the appropriate Category to the judge you wish to be counted by adding the code [[Category:SCHOOL NAME ALUMNI]] to the bottom of the judge's page as the school name appears on this chart. Judges that served on multiple courts due to elevation are only counted for their highest post. For questions or to report errors, please contact [email protected].

By President-By state or overall

Template:College count by president DPL Replace Ivy universities with a state category or "Undergraduate universities"or "Law schools" for an overview. {{College count by president DPL|President=Barack Obama|Category=Ivy universities}}

Federal Judge College count, Nominated by Barack Obama*

No federal judges currently have a tag for schools in this state. If you know this is incorrect, please contact [email protected].

*All collegiate information is based on biographical information provided by the Federal Judicial Center and carefully reorganized by Judgepedia staff on these pages. To update this chart, please add the appropriate Category to the judge you wish to be counted by adding the code [[Category:SCHOOL NAME ALUMNI]] to the bottom of the judge’s page as the school name appears on this chart. Judges are counted for every president to appoint them, despite multiple posts and elevations. Judges appointed by the same president twice are only counted once. For questions or to report errors, please contact [email protected].

By Party-By state or overall

Template:College count by party DPL Replace Ivy universities with a state category or "Undergraduate universities"or "Law schools" for an overview. {{College count by party DPL|Party=Republican|Category=Ivy universities}}

Federal Judge College count, Nominated by Republican Presidents*

No federal judges currently have a tag for schools in this state. If you know this is incorrect, please contact [email protected].

*All collegiate information is based on biographical information provided by the Federal Judicial Center and carefully reorganized by Judgepedia staff on these pages. To update this chart, please add the appropriate Category to the judge you wish to be counted by adding the code [[Category:SCHOOL NAME ALUMNI]] to the bottom of the judge's page as the school name appears on this chart. For questions or to report errors, please contact [email protected].

Party disparity-By state or overall

Template:College count party disparity DPL Replace Ivy universities with a state category or "Undergraduate universities"or "Law schools" for an overview. Replace all with "Current", "Senior", "Former" or "Total" for a different perspective. {{College count party disparity DPL|Category = Ivy universities|Level = All}}

  • Red = Republican
  • Blue = Democrat
  • 0 = No Advantage
Federal Judge College count, Appointment by Party Comparison for Federal judges*

No federal judges currnetly have a tag for schools in this state. If you know this is incorrect, please contact [email protected].

*All collegiate information is based on biographical information provided by the Federal Judicial Center and carefully reorganized by Judgepedia staff on these pages. To update this chart, please add the appropriate Category to the judge you wish to be counted by adding the code [[Category:SCHOOL NAME ALUMNI]] to the bottom of the judge's page as the school name appears on this chart. For questions or to report errors, please contact [email protected].