Government finances fact checks

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Government Finances Fact Checks

  1. Fact check/Connecticut public vs. private sector employee compensation - Nov 21, 2017
  2. Fact check/Are teen pregnancy prevention programs facing a crackdown - Oct 13, 2017
  3. Fact check/Public school funding in Texas - Sep 27, 2017
  4. Fact check/California's state budget and transportation infrastructure spending - Apr 24, 2017
  5. Fact check/Does New Jersey lead the nation in tax burden and pension debt - Mar 23, 2017
  6. Fact check/How has marijuana legalization impacted state revenue and crime - Mar 15, 2017
  7. Fact check/Has the Office of the Ohio Public Defender lost a third of its staff since 2000 - Mar 13, 2017
  8. Fact check/Did federal debt fall over President Trump's first month in office - Mar 02, 2017
  9. Fact check/Will CalPERS' new investment assumption lead to higher pension costs for school districts - Feb 16, 2017
  10. Fact check/Is Oregon seriously underfunding education - Feb 03, 2017
  11. Fact check/Does Chicago have the highest tobacco taxes in the nation - Mar 16, 2016
  12. Fact check/New Jersey's "tax burden" - Jan 08, 2016
  13. Fact check/Does a mayoral candidate in Houston have a plan to sell junk bonds - Dec 09, 2015
  14. Fact check/Up and down: federal deficits from 2007 to 2015 - Oct 30, 2015
  15. Fact check/Is NASA's budget less than 2 percent of the federal budget - Oct 30, 2015
  16. Fact check/Do the Government Accountability Office's annual recommendations "go ignored" every year - Oct 25, 2015
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