I-1098 income tax initiative qualifies in State of Washington

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July 16, 2010

Box of I-1098 signatures. Photo credit: Washington Secretary of State's office

OLYMPIA, Washington: I-1098, a ballot initiative that will, if approved, impose a state income tax on gross incomes exceeding $400,000 on joint returns, has been certified for the November 2, 2010 ballot in the State of Washington. I-1098 is an Initiative to the People.[1]

Besides creating a state income tax, I-1098 will reduce the state share of property taxes by 20%, reduce business taxes and direct revenues to education and health.[2] It is estimated that I-1098, if approved, will generate $1 billion per year.

According to the secretary of state, ballot language for 82 initiatives was filed earlier in the year, which is close to a record for ballot initiatives in the State of Washington. Sponsors of six Initiatives to the People filed signatures by the state's July 2 deadline. All six are expected by observers to qualify for the ballot and as of July 16, three of them have now been formally certified.

As of July 16, ballot measures dealing with tax-related questions constitute 31 of the 154 statewide ballot measures that have been officially certified.

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