Kentucky General Assembly Election Years Referendum (1979)

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The Kentucky General Assembly Election Years Referendum, also known as Amendment 2, was on the November 6, 1979 ballot in Kentucky as a legislatively referred constitutional amendment, where it was approved. The measure changed the election years for member of the Kentucky General Assembly from odd-year to even-year.[1]

Election results

Kentucky Amendment 2 (1979)
ResultVotesProzentualer Anteil
Approveda Yes 183,056 59.55%

Election results via: Kentucky State Board of Elections, 1979 Primary and General Election Results

Text of measure

The language appeared on the ballot as:[2]

" Amendment #2: Shall sections 30 and 31 of the Constitution be repealed and re-enacted and sections 36 and 42 of the Constitution be amended so as to (1) provide that members of the House of Representatives and Senators shall be elected at the general election in even-numbered years for terms of two years and four years respectively, said terms to begin upon the first day of January of the year succeeding their election; (2) provide that at the general election to be held in November 1984 and every two years thereafter there shall be elected for four years one senator in each senatorial district in which the terms of his predessor in office will expire and for two years one representative in each representative district; (3) provide that the General Assembly shall meet on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in January in odd-numbered years for a period not to exceed 10 legislative days for the purpose of electing legislative leaders, adopting rules of procedure and the organization of committees, and then it shall adjourn until the first Tuesday after the first Monday in January of the following even-numbered years at which time it shallconvene in regular session; (4) provide that members of the legislature shall severally receive from the state treasury compensation for their services but no change shall take effect during the session in which it is made; (5) provide that no session of the General Assembly shall continue beyond 60 legislative days exclusive of Sundays, legal holidays or any day on which neither House meets, except that no regular session shall extend beyond April 15 of even-numbered years; and (6) provide a schedule of transition concerning the General Assembly and the election and terms of representatives and senators to implement the proposed amendment.[3]

See also

External links
