Last day to file signatures for initiated state statutes in South Dakota

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April 6, 2010

By Bailey Ludlam

PIERRE, South Dakota: Today marks the last day to file signatures to qualify initiated state statutes for the November 2, 2010 statewide ballot in South Dakota. The deadline for proposed initiated constitutional amendments has already come and gone. An estimated five initiatives have been filed and thus far, two have been certified for the 2010 ballot. The South Dakota Smoking Ban Referendum will appear as Referred Law 12 and the South Dakota Medical Marijuan Act will appear as Initiated Measure 13.

Three initiated state statutes remain pending sufficient valid signatures. citizen initiative petitions require a minimum of 16,776 valid signatures (5% of the 2006 vote for governor) to qualify for the ballot. All signatures must be submitted today, April 6, for verification.

Typ Titel Subject Description Result
CISS Embryonic Stem Cell Research Measure Stem cells Eases restrictions on stem cell research proposed
CISS Energy Turbine Restrictions Initiative Natural resources Place certain restrictions on the location of wind energy turbines proposed
CISS Healthcare Amendment Gesundheitswesen Would nullify certain Federal health care laws within the state circulating

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