Multnomah County, Oregon ballot measures

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See also: Local ballot measure elections in 2024
Location of Multnomah County in Oregon


See also: Oregon 2024 local ballot measures

November 5

Portland, Oregon, Measure 26-249, Remove Certain Requirements for Council Approval of Franchise Agreements Amendment (November 2024):

A "yes" vote supports removing certain requirements for the city council to approve franchise agreements.

A "no" vote opposes removing certain requirements for the city council to approve franchise agreements.

Portland, Oregon, Measure 26-250, Independent Portland Elections Commission in City Charter Amendment (November 2024):

A "yes" vote supports establishing the Independent Portland Elections Commission within the Portland City Charter, rather than by city code, meaning voter approval would be required to make changes to the commission.

A "no" vote opposes establishing the Independent Portland Elections Commission within the Portland City Charter.

Portland, Oregon, Measure 26-251, City Management of Recreational Areas, Sewers, and Stormwater Amendment (November 2024):

A "yes" vote supports amending the Portland City Charter to define certain terms related to the city's authority to manage recreational and natural areas, sewers, and stormwater.

A "no" vote opposes amending the Portland City Charter to define certain terms related to the city's authority to manage recreational and natural areas, sewers, and stormwater.

Portland, Oregon, Measure 26-252, Remove Language Considered Vague, Archaic, or Inconsistent in City Charter Amendment (November 2024):

A "yes" vote supports amending the Portland City Charter to remove or replace words that the Charter Commission determined were vague, archaic, or inconsistent.

A "no" vote opposes amending the Portland City Charter to remove or replace words that the Charter Commission determined were vague, archaic, or inconsistent.

Portland, Oregon, Measure 26-253, Allow for Weatherization Requirement for Pre-1979 Buildings Without Citywide Vote Amendment (November 2024):

A "yes" vote supports allowing the city to mandate weatherization for buildings constructed before September 1, 1979, without requiring a citywide vote.

A "no" vote opposes allowing the city to mandate weatherization for buildings constructed before September 1, 1979, without requiring a citywide vote.

May 21

Gresham, Oregon, Measure 26-247, Property Tax for Fire and Police Services Measure (May 2024):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported enacting a property tax of $135 per $100,000 of assessed value for five years to provide funding for police and fire services.

A "no" vote opposed enacting a property tax of $135 per $100,000 of assessed value for five years to provide funding for police and fire services.

Metro, Oregon, Measure 26-244, Zoo Bond Measure (May 2024):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported this ballot measure to authorize $380 million in bonds for the Oregon Zoo, including for improving facilities. 

A "no" vote opposed this ballot measure to authorize $380 million in bonds for the Oregon Zoo, including for improving facilities.

Portland, Oregon, Measure 26-245, Fuel Tax Renewal Measure (May 2024):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported renewing the city's fuel tax at a rate of $0.10 per gallon for four years to fund street repairs and maintenance.

A "no" vote opposed renewing the city's fuel tax at a rate of $0.10 per gallon for four years to fund street repairs and maintenance, thereby allowing it to expire in 2025.

Portland Public School District, Oregon, Measure 26-246, Property Tax Levy Renewal (May 2024):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported renewing a property tax levy of $1.99 per $1,000 assessed value allocated to public education for five years beginning in 2025.

A "no" vote opposed renewing a property tax levy of $1.99 per $1,000 assessed value, thereby allowing the tax to expire.

Urban Flood Safety & Water Quality District, Oregon, Measure 26-243, Flood Infrastructure Bond Measure (May 2024):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported this ballot measure to authorize $150 million in bonds for levees, floodwalls, pumps, pipes, drains, natural floodplain restoration, and resilience projects, as well as to provide matching funds for additional federal funding. 

A "no" vote opposed this ballot measure to authorize $150 million in bonds for levees, floodwalls, pumps, pipes, drains, natural floodplain restoration and resilience projects.


See also: Oregon 2023 local ballot measures

November 7

Riverdale Rural Fire Protection District, Oregon, Measure 26-241, Emergency Services Tax Measure (November 2023):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported renewing a five-year emergency services tax at a rate of $50 per $100,000 of assessed value.

A "no" vote opposed renewing a five-year emergency services tax at a rate of $50 per $100,000 of assessed value, thereby letting the tax expire on June 30, 2024.

Scappoose School District, Oregon, Measure 5-296, New Middle School Construction and Repair Other School Facilities Bond Measure (November 2023):  ✖

A "yes" vote supported authorizing the school district to issue $110 million in bonds to fund a new middle school campus, repair other school facilities, and improve education opportunities and levying a tax to repay the bonds at a rate of $122 per $100,000 of assessed property value.

A "no" vote opposed authorizing the school district to issue $110 million in bonds to fund a new middle school campus, repair other school facilities, and improve education opportunities and levying a tax to repay the bonds at a rate of $122 per $100,000 of assessed property value.

May 16

Multnomah County, Oregon, Measure 26-238, Capital Gains Tax and Tenant Resource Program Initiative (May 2023):  ✖

A "yes" vote supported establishing a countywide 0.75% capital gains tax to fund a tenant resource program, administered by a new Tenant Resource Office, to provide legal representation for tenants in eviction proceedings.

A "no" vote opposed establishing a countywide 0.75% capital gains tax to fund a tenant resource program designed to provide legal representation for tenants in eviction proceedings.

Portland, Oregon, Measure A, Portland Children's Levy Renewal Measure (May 2023):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported authorizing a 5-year renewal of the Portland Children's Levy, a fund that invests in preventing childhood hunger, child abuse prevention and intervention, early childhood programs, after school, summer and mentoring programs, and foster care programs, and a tax levy of $0.4026 per $1000 assessed value beginning in 2024 to pay for this renewal.

A "no" vote opposed authorizing a 5-year renewal of the Portland Children's Levy, a fund that invests in preventing childhood hunger, child abuse prevention and intervention, early childhood programs, after school, summer and mentoring programs, and foster care programs, and a tax levy of $0.4026 per $1000 assessed value beginning in 2024 to pay for this renewal.


See also: Oregon 2021 local ballot measures

May 18

Multnomah County, Oregon, Measure 26-221, Oregon Historical Society Property Tax Renewal (May 2021):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported renewing for five years a property tax levy of $0.05 per $1,000 in assessed property value to provide between $3.4 million and $3.9 million to the Oregon Historical Society's library, museum, and educational programs.

A "no" vote opposed renewing for five years a property tax levy of $0.05 per $1,000 in assessed property value to fund the Oregon Historical Society's library, museum, and educational programs, thereby allowing the tax to expire in 2021.


November 3

See also: June 2, 2020 ballot measures in California

Multnomah County, Oregon, Measure 26-211, Library Bond Issue (November 2020):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported authorizing the county to issue $387 million in bonds to finance library renovations and imposing a property tax of $61 per $100,000 of assessed value to repay the bonds.

A "no" vote opposed authorizing the county to issue $387 million in bonds to finance library renovations.

Multnomah County, Oregon, Measure 26-214, Income Tax to Fund Tuition-Free Preschool Program (November 2020):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported establishing a tuition-free preschool program; imposing an additional 1.5% income tax on households with income over $200,000 and an additional 3% income tax on households with income over $400,000; and increasing the additional rate for households with income over $200,000 to 2.3% in 2026.

A "no" vote opposed establishing a tuition-free preschool program and imposing an additional income tax to fund it, thus maintaining the existing income tax rate of 1.25%

Portland, Oregon, Measure 26-213, Recreation and Parks Levy (November 2020):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported enacting a tax at the rate of $80 per $100,000 of assessed property value for five years beginning in 2021 to fund recreational programs and park services.

A "no" vote opposed enacting a tax at the rate of $80 per $100,000 of assessed property value for five years beginning in 2021 to fund recreational programs and park services.

Portland, Oregon, Measure 26-217, Police Oversight Board Charter Amendment (November 2020):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported:

  • amending the city's charter to establish a new police oversight board,
  • giving the board the power to subpoena witnesses and request police documents and evidence to investigate complaints made against the Portland Police Bureau,
  • allowing the board to impose disciplinary actions up to termination of law enforcement professionals, and
  • authorizing the board to recommend policing policy to the Portland Police Bureau and Portland City Council.

A "no" vote opposed amending the city charter to establish a new police oversight board, thereby maintaining the existing Independent Police Review that was established by ordinance and operates under the city auditor.

Portland, Oregon, Measure 26-219, Uses of Water Fund Charter Amendment (November 2020):  ✖

A "yes" vote supported amending the city's charter to authorize the city council to spend monies from the Water Fund and increase rates to cover expenses for general public uses, such as neighborhood green areas and community gardens.

A "no" vote opposed amending the city's charter to authorize the city council to spend monies from the Water Fund on general public uses, thus maintaining that monies from the Water Fund can only be used to provide water service to residents.

Portland Metro, Oregon, Measure 26-218, Infrastructure and Transportation Payroll Tax (November 2020):  ✖

A "yes" vote supported authorizing the Metro Council to impose a payroll tax not to exceed 0.75% on employers with 26 or more employees, excluding local governments, beginning in 2022 to fund infrastructure improvements and transportation programs.

A "no" vote opposed authorizing the Metro Council to impose a payroll tax not to exceed 0.75% on employers with 26 or more employees, excluding local governments, beginning in 2022 to fund infrastructure improvements and transportation programs.

Portland Public Schools, Oregon, Measure 26-215, Bond Issue (November 2020):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported authorizing the district to issue $1.2 billion in bonds to fund school renovations, technology, and safety without increasing the existing property tax of $250 per $100,000 of assessed property value to repay the bonds.

A "no" vote opposed authorizing the district to issue $1.2 billion in bonds to fund school renovations, technology, and safety.

May 19

See also: May 19, 2020 ballot measures in Oregon

Centennial School District 28J, Oregon, Measure 26-208, Bond Issue (May 2020):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported authorizing the district to issue $65 million in bonds and requiring a tax rate of $1,119 per $100,000 of assessed property value for bond repayment.

A "no" vote opposed authorizing the district to issue $65 million in bonds and requiring a tax rate of $1,119 per $100,000 of assessed property value for bond repayment.

Portland, Oregon, Measure 26-209, Gas Tax Renewal (May 2020):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported authorizing the renewal of the city's gas tax for four years at a rate of $0.10 per gallon and dedicating revenues to infrastructure repairs.

A "no" vote opposed authorizing the renewal of the city's gas tax for four years at a rate of $0.10 per gallon, thereby allowing the existing gas tax to expire at the end of 2020.

Portland Metro, Oregon, Measure 26-210, Income and Business Taxes for Homeless Services (May 2020):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported authorizing a 1% tax on household income above $200,000 and individual income above $150,000 and a 1% profit tax on businesses with gross receipts higher than $5 million to fund homeless services with the taxes expiring in 2030.

A "no" vote opposed authorizing a 1% tax on household income above $200,000 and individual income above $150,000 and a 1% profit tax on businesses with gross receipts higher than $5 million to fund homeless services with the taxes expiring in 2030, thereby maintaining the marginal tax rate at 9.9% for household income above $250,000 and individual income above $125,000.


November 5

See also: November 5, 2019 ballot measures in Oregon

Measure 26-203: Portland Metro Bonds for Water Projects and Parks Approveda
Measure 26-207: Portland Public Schools Property Tax Levy Renewal Approveda
Measure 26-204: Portland Charter Amendment Regulating Bull Run Watershed Land Use Approveda
Measure 26-205: Portland Charter Amendment Authorizing Participation in Emergency Mutual Aid Agreements Approveda


November 6

See also: November 6, 2018 ballot measures in Oregon

Measure 26-200: Portland Campaign Finance Limits Charter Amendment Approveda
Measure 26-199: Metro Affordable Housing Bonds Approveda
Measure 26-201: Portland Clean Energy Initiative Approveda

May 15

See also: May 15, 2018 ballot measures in Oregon

Measure 26-197: Portland Children's Programs Property Tax Approveda
Measure 34-284: Beaverton School District Property Tax Levy Approveda


May 16

See also: May 16, 2017 ballot measures in Oregon

Measure 26-189: Portland City Auditor Duties Approveda
Measure 26-190: Mt. Hood Community College District Bond Issue Defeatedd
Measure 26-191/192: Columbia River People's Utility District District Annexation Approveda
Measure 26-193: Portland Public Schools Bond Issue Approveda
Measure 26-194: Portland Transient Lodgings Tax Obligations Approveda
Measure 3-515: Lake Oswego School District Bond Issue Approveda


May 21

See also: May 21, 2013 ballot measures in Oregon

Approveda Portland Child Abuse Prevention Tax Levy, Measure 26-150 (May 2013) (also in Clackamas and Washington Counties)
Defeatedd Portland Drinking Water Fluoridation, Measure 26-151 (May 2013) (also in Clackamas and Washington Counties)
Approveda Metro Natural Areas Improvement Tax Levy, Measure 26-152 (May 2013) (also in Clackamas and Washington Counties)
Approveda Beaverton School District Property Tax Levy, Measure 34-204 (May 2013) (also in Washington County)


November 6

See also: November 6, 2012 ballot measures in Oregon

Approveda Multnomah County Library Taxing District Creation (November 2012)
Defeatedd Gresham City District Charter Amendment (November 2012)
Approveda Portland City Arts Tax (November 2012)
Approveda Portland School District Bond Measure (November 2012)
Approveda Portland City Fire/Police Retirement Amendment (November 2012)
Defeatedd Lake Oswego City Public Library Bond Measure (November 2012)
Defeatedd Lake Oswego City Boones Ferry Road Bond Issue (November 2012)
Defeatedd Wood Village City Casino Measure (November 2012)

May 15

See also: May 15, 2012 ballot measures in Oregon

Approveda Multnomah County Library Levy Renewal (May 2012)
Approveda Portland City Charter Amendments, 9 (May 2012) (also in Clackamas and Washington Counties)
Approveda Gresham City Charter Amendments 5, (May 2012)
Approveda David Douglas School District Bond Measure (May 2012)


November 8

See also: November 8, 2011 ballot measures in Oregon

Approveda Alto Park Water District Levy Increase (November 2011)
Defeatedd Beaverton School District Levy Increase (November 2011) (also in Washington County)

May 17

See also: May 17, 2011 ballot measures in Oregon

Approveda Scappoose Fire District Levy Renewal (May 2011)
Approveda Parkrose School District Bond Measure (May 2011)
Defeatedd Portland School District Bond Measure (May 2011) (also in Clakamas County)
Approveda Portland School District Levy Increase (May 2011) (also in Clackamas County)


November 2

See also: November 2, 2010 ballot measures in Oregon

DefeateddApproveda Multnomah County Charter Amendments, 6 (November 2010)
Approveda Multnomah County Historical Society Levy Increase (November 2010)
Defeatedd Portland Public Campaign Finance Continuation (November 2010) (also in Clackamas County)
Approveda Portland City Fire Department Bond Measure (November 2010) (also in Clackamas County)
Approveda Troutdale City Charter Amendment (November 2010)
Approveda Troutdale Police Facilities Bond Measure (November 2010)
Approveda TriMet Transportation Improvement Bond Measure (November 2010) (also in Clackamas County)
Approveda Beaverton School District Committee Elimination (November 2010)
Defeatedd Corbett School District Levy Implementation (November 2010)
Approveda Riverdale School District Levy Renewal (November 2010) (also in Clackamas County)

May 18

See also: May 18, 2010 ballot measures in Oregon

Approveda Sauvie Island Fire Protection District Tax Renewal (May 2010)
Approveda Maywood Park City Charter Adoption (May 2010)


November 4

See also: November 4, 2008 ballot measures in Oregon

Approveda Metro Area Zoo Bond Measure (2008)

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