Municipal elections in Cook County, Illinois (2016)

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Cook County in Illinois held a general election for municipal government officials on November 8, 2016. Two of the three seats on the Cook County Board of Review were up for election, as well as the state's attorney, the clerk of the circuit court, and the county recorder. Board seats for the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago were also on the ballot.[1]

A primary election was held on March 12, 2016. The filing deadline for established political party candidates was November 30, 2015, and the filing deadline for independent candidates was June 7, 2016.[2][3]


County positions

County board of review

District 1

Dan Patlak Republican Party (i)
Marty Stack Democratic Party

District 2

Michael Cabonargi Democratic Party (i)

Other elected officials

State's attorney

Christopher Pfannkuche Republican Party
Kim Foxx Democratic Party

Defeated in primary
Anita Alvarez Democratic Party (i)
Donna More Democratic Party

Clerk of the circuit court

Diane Shapiro Republican Party
Dorothy Brown Democratic Party (i)

Defeated in primary
Jacob Meister Democratic Party
Michelle Harris Democratic Party

County recorder

Karen Yarbrough Democratic Party (i)

Special districts

Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago

Full six-year terms (3 seats)

Barbara McGowan Democratic Party (i)
Mariyana Spyropoulos Democratic Party (i)
Josina Morita Democratic Party
Karen Roothaan Green Party
George Milkowski Green Party
Michael Smith Green Party

Defeated in primary
Kevin McDevitt Democratic Party
R. Cary Capparelli Democratic Party
Joseph Cook Democratic Party

Unexpired two-year term (1 seat)

Herb Schumann Republican Party
Martin Durkan Democratic Party
Christopher Anthony Green Party

Defeated in primary
Andrew Seo Democratic Party
Tom Greenhaw Democratic Party

Ballot measures

Merge Offices: Cook County Approveda

A yes vote was a vote in favor of eliminating the Office of the Cook County Recorder of Deeds and transferring its duties to the Office of the Cook County Clerk.
A no vote was a vote against eliminating the Office of the Cook County Recorder of Deeds and transferring its duties to the Office of the Cook County Clerk.

Earned Sick Time: Cook County Approveda

A yes vote was a vote in favor of enacting a policy that allows Illinois workers to earn up 40 hours per year of sick time.
A no vote was a vote against enacting a policy that allows Illinois workers to earn up 40 hours per year of sick time.

Firearms Measure: Chicago Approveda

A yes vote was a vote in favor of strengthening penalties for the illegal trafficking of firearms and requiring background checks for gun dealers and their employees in Illinois.
A no vote was a vote against strengthening penalties for the illegal trafficking of firearms and requiring background checks for gun dealers and their employees in Illinois.

School funding measure: Chicago Approveda

A yes vote was a vote in favor of full funding for Chicago Public Schools by the State of Illinois.
A no vote was a vote against full funding for Chicago Public Schools by the State of Illinois.

Infrastructure investment measure: Chicago Approveda

A yes vote was a vote in favor of collaboration between the city, state, and federal governments in order to prioritize investments in roads, bridges, public transportation, river and lakefront redevelopment, and additional green space.
A no vote was a vote against collaboration between the city, state, and federal governments in order to prioritize investments in roads, bridges, public transportation, river and lakefront redevelopment, and additional green space.

Retail Sale of Alcohol Ban Continuation: Chicago Defeatedd

A yes vote was a vote in favor of continuing the prohibition of the sale at retail of alcoholic liquor in the 26th Precinct of the 17th Ward of the City of Chicago
A no vote was a vote against continuing the prohibition of the sale at retail of alcoholic liquor in the 26th Precinct of the 17th Ward of the City of Chicago

Affordable Housing Construction: Chicago Approveda

A yes vote was a vote in favor of requiring that at least half of newly constructed residential units cost no more than a third of an average Chicago tenant's income
A no vote was a vote against requiring that at least half of newly constructed residential units cost no more than a third of an average Chicago tenant's income

Creation of West Side Expanded Mental Health Services Program: Chicago Approveda

A yes vote was a vote in favor of establishing a West Side Expanded Mental Health Services Program, to provide direct free mental health services for any resident of the territory who needs assistance in overcoming or coping with mental or emotional disorders.
A no vote was a vote against establishing a West Side Expanded Mental Health Services Program, to provide direct free mental health services for any resident of the territory who needs assistance in overcoming or coping with mental or emotional disorders.

Expansion of Charter Schools Measure: Chicago Defeatedd

A yes vote was a vote in favor of expanding charter schools.
A no vote was a vote against expanding charter schools.

Freeze of Charter Schools Measure: Chicago Approveda

A yes vote was a vote in favor of freezing the expansion of charter schools.
A no vote was a vote against freezing the expansion of charter schools.

About the county

See also: Cook County, Illinois

The county government of Cook County is located in Chicago, Illinois. The county was first established in 1831. It covers a total of 946 square miles of land in northeast Illinois. As of 2010, its population was 5,194,675.

County government

See also: Government of Cook County, Illinois

Cook County is overseen by a 17-member board of commissioners. Each commissioner is elected by district to a four-year term. Residents also elect a three-member board of review, county assessor, state's attorney, county sheriff, clerk of the circuit court, county clerk, county treasurer, and county recorder.


The following table displays demographic data provided by the United States Census Bureau.

Demographic Data for Cook County, Illinois
Cook County Illinois
Population 5,194,675 12,830,632
Land area (sq mi) 944 55,512
Race and ethnicity**
White 56.7% 71.5%
Black/African American 23.4% 14.2%
Asian 7.3% 5.5%
Native American 0.3% 0.3%
Pacific Islander 0% 0%
Two or more 2.7% 2.6%
Hispanic/Latino 25.3% 17.1%
High school graduation rate 87.1% 89.2%
College graduation rate 38.8% 34.7%
Median household income $64,660 $65,886
Persons below poverty level 14.4% 12.5%
Source: population provided by U.S. Census Bureau, "Decennial Census" (2010). Other figures provided by U.S. Census Bureau, "American Community Survey" (5-year estimates 2014-2019).
**Note: Percentages for race and ethnicity may add up to more than 100 percent because respondents may report more than one race and the Hispanic/Latino ethnicity may be selected in conjunction with any race. Read more about race and ethnicity in the census here.

Recent news

The link below is to the most recent stories in a Google news search for the terms Cook County Illinois election. These results are automatically generated from Google. Ballotpedia does not curate or endorse these articles.

See also

Cook County, Illinois Illinois Municipal government Other local coverage
Map of Illinois highlighting Cook County.svg
Seal of Illinois.png
Municipal Government Final.png
Local Politics Image.jpg

External links
