No on Prop 66 (California)

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No On Prop 66
Basic facts
Location:San Francisco, Kalifornien
Type:Ballot measure committee, American Civil Liberties Union Of Northern California and Organizations For Fair Justice
Top official:Lisa Le, Treasurer

No On Prop 66 (No On Prop 66 Sponsored By And American Civil Liberties Union Of Northern California, With Help From Organizations For Fair Justice) was a ballot measure committee based in San Francisco, California. In 2016, the committee opposed California's Death Penalty Procedures measure, which proposed to change the procedures governing state court appeals and petitions that challenge death penalty convictions and sentences. The measure appeared on the ballot on November 8, 2016.[1]


No On Prop 66 was originally established as Californians For Fair Justice, Sponsored By A Coalition Of Justice Organizations, then it switched to Californians For Fair Justice, Sponsored By And American Civil Liberties Union Of Northern California, and in 2016 changed to No On Prop 66 Sponsored By And American Civil Liberties Union Of Northern California, With Help From Organizations For Fair Justice. The committee changed its name to register itself in opposition to California's Death Penalty Procedures measure, which proposed to change the procedures governing state court appeals and petitions that challenge death penalty convictions and sentences.[1] As of 2016, was a nonprofit organization based in San Francisco; the group sought "to champion democracy and social justice in states and communities across the country."[2] American Civil Liberties Union Of Northern California (ACLU of Northern California) is the civil liberties legal organization that aims to "protect and advance civil liberties for all Californians."[3]

Political activity

Ballot measure activity

California Proposition 66, Death Penalty Procedures (2016)

See also: California Proposition 66, Death Penalty Procedures (2016)

No On Prop 66 changed its name to oppose California's Death Penalty Procedures measure, which proposed to change the procedures governing state court appeals and petitions that challenge death penalty convictions and sentences.[1] The proposition, in its shorter ballot label summary, was as follows:[4]


Changes procedures governing state court challenges to death sentences. Designates superior court for initial petitions and limits successive petitions. Requires appointed attorneys who take noncapital appeals to accept death penalty appeals. Exempts prison officials from existing regulation process for developing execution methods. Fiscal Impact: Unknown ongoing impact on state court costs for processing legal challenges to death sentences. Potential prison savings in the tens of millions of dollars annually.[5]

The long-form, official ballot summary for Proposition 66 was identical to the initial summary provided to initiative proponents for the purpose of circulating the initiative for signature collection.

Overview of ballot measure support and opposition

The following table details No On Prop 66's ballot measure stances available on Ballotpedia:

Ballot measure support and opposition for No On Prop 66
Ballot measure Year Position Status
California Proposition 66, Death Penalty Procedures (2016) 2016 Opposed  ApprovedaApproved

Recent news

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See also
