Omaha, Nebraska, Charter Amendment 5, Charter Study Convention Member Qualifications Charter Amendment (May 2024)

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Omaha Charter Amendment 5

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Election date

May 14, 2024

Local charter amendments



Omaha Charter Amendment 5 was on the ballot as a referral in Omaha on May 14, 2024. It was approved.

A "yes" vote supports this charter amendment to require members of the Charter Study Convention to be at least 18 years of age and a resident of the city for six months at the time of appointment.

A "no" vote opposes this charter amendment to require members of the Charter Study Convention to be at least 18 years of age and a resident of the city for six months at the time of appointment.

A simple majority was required for the approval of the charter amendment.

Election results

Omaha Charter Amendment 5

Result Votes Prozentualer Anteil

Approved Yes

65,882 93.38%
No 4,667 6.62%
Results are officially certified.

Text of measure

Ballot title

The ballot title for Charter Amendment 5 was as follows:


Shall Section 8.15 of the Home Rule Charter of the City of Omaha be amended to make clear that the members of a Charter Study Convention must be at least 18 years old and a resident of the city for six months at the time of their appointment, all as provided in the Notice of Election?

[ ] Yes

[ ] No

Path to the ballot

See also: Laws governing local ballot measures in Nebraska

This measure was put on the ballot through a vote of the governing body of Omaha.

How to cast a vote

See also: Voting in Nebraska

Click "Show" to learn more about current voter registration rules, identification requirements, and poll times in Nebraska.

See also

External links
