Robert Fluet

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Robert Fluet
Image of Robert Fluet




University of Massachusetts

Director of client development

Robert "Robb" Fluet was a candidate for Ward 2 representative on the Durham City Council in North Carolina. He was defeated in the primary election on October 10, 2017.


Fluet earned a bachelor's degree in history with a minor in political science from the University of Massachusetts.[1]

At the time of his 2017 run for city council, Fluet was the director of client development for Client Savvy. His experience also includes work as an educator and service as a member of the Massachusetts Department of Education's Student Advisory Committee.[1]

On November 2, 2023, Fluet notified Ballotpedia that he had changed party affiliation to Republican.[2]



See also: Mayoral election in Durham, North Carolina (2017) and Municipal elections in Durham, North Carolina (2017)

The following candidates ran in the primary election for the Ward 2 seat on the Durham City Council.[3]

Durham City Council, Ward 2 Primary Election, 2017
Candidate Vote % Votes
Green check mark transparent.png Mark-Anthony Middleton 41.87% 9,940
Green check mark transparent.png John Rooks Jr. 31.32% 7,434
Deanna Hall 11.91% 2,827
LeVon Barnes 10.25% 2,432
Robert Fluet 2.59% 615
Dolly Reaves 2.06% 490
Total Votes 23,738
Source: North Carolina State Board of Elections, "10/10/2017 Official Primary Election Results - Durham," accessed October 27, 2017

Campaign themes


Candidate survey

See also: Ballotpedia's municipal government candidate survey

Fluet participated in Ballotpedia's 2017 survey of municipal government candidates.[4] The following sections display his responses to the survey questions. When asked what his top priority would be if elected, the candidate made the following statement:

" My first priority will be to institute a tax incentive for businesses that provide a living wage for their employees. With a living wage our citizens can afford to stay in their homes, they can provide opportunity for their children, and be proud of their work.[5]
—Robert Fluet (July 23, 2017)[1]
Ranking the issues

The candidate was asked to rank the following issues by importance in the city, with 1 being the most important and 12 being the least important: city services (trash, utilities, etc.), civil rights, crime reduction/prevention, environment, government transparency, homelessness, housing, K-12 education, public pensions/retirement funds, recreational opportunities, transportation, and unemployment. This table displays this candidate's rankings from most to least important.

Issue importance ranking
Issue Candidate's
Crime reduction/prevention
Recreational opportunities
Civil rights
City services (trash, utilities, etc.)
Government transparency
Public pensions/retirement funds
K-12 education
Nationwide municipal issues

The candidate was asked to answer questions from Ballotpedia regarding issues facing cities across America. The questions are in the left column and the candidate's responses are in the right column. Some questions provided multiple choices, which are noted after those questions.

Question Response
Is it important for the city’s budget to be balanced?
Answer options: Not important; Not important, but required by state law; A little important; A little important, but required by state law; Important; Very important
Very important
Which level of government do you feel should set a minimum wage?
Answer options: None, Local, State, Federal
What do you think is the best way to improve a city’s public safety?
Candidates could write their own answer or choose from the following options: Increased economic opportunities, Increased police presence/activity, Harsher penalties for offenders, Public outreach/education programs
Public outreach/education programs
How do you think your city should emphasize economic development?
Candidates could write their own answer or choose from the following options: Changing zoning restrictions, Create a more competitive business climate, Focusing on small business development, Instituting a citywide minimum wage, Recruiting new businesses to your city, Regulatory and licensing reforms, and tax reform
Recruiting new businesses to your city
What is the one thing you’re most proud of about your city?
We are an eclectic mix of people who build an amazing fabric who are all pushing towards a better city.
What is the one thing you’d most like to change about your city?
I want our city to be a city for all residents. As we grow we MUST ensure that we are not pushing our long term, lower income residents out through gentrification. We must ensure that our citizens feel safe and a connection with their police force. We must work towards a living wage through tax incentives. We must balance our budgetary needs and the needs for infrastructure growth. We do need additional infrastructure growth however we must balance that with a property tax that allows everyone to thrive.

Recent news

The link below is to the most recent stories in a Google news search for the terms Robert Fluet Durham City Council. These results are automatically generated from Google. Ballotpedia does not curate or endorse these articles.

See also

Durham, North Carolina North Carolina Municipal government Other local coverage
Durham Flag.png
Seal of North Carolina.png
Municipal Government Final.png
Local Politics Image.jpg

External links


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Ballotpedia's municipal government candidate survey, 2017, "Robert Fluet's Responses," July 23, 2017
  2. Ballotpedia staff, "Email communication with Ballotpedia staff," November 2, 2023
  3. Durham Board of Elections, "Candidate Detail List," accessed July 21, 2017
  4. Note: The candidate's answers have been reproduced here verbatim without edits or corrections by Ballotpedia.
  5. Note: This text is quoted verbatim from the original source. Any inconsistencies are attributable to the original source.