Support: PlannedGiving

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Taking a moment to appreciate the awesomeness of Reliable, well-organized, nonpartisan, and super granular. (It has a page on every city-level ballot measure I've ever looked for!) Adds a *crazy amount of value* to the commons during each election cycle. Planned Giving
Pioneering American philanthropist Andrew Carnegie once said: "No man can become rich without himself enriching others. The man who dies rich dies disgraced." Carnegie followed his own advice, and his generosity left a legacy still felt today at libraries, museums, and educational institutions across the nation. Many of the world's wealthiest people have taken to his philosophy, donating their resources to hundreds of causes. But you don’t have to be a millionaire in order to make a difference that lasts well beyond your lifetime. We invite you to leave a legacy to future generations, too. By including Ballotpedia in your estate planning, you ensure that access to neutral, nonpartisan, fair, and accurate information about politics will be available not only to the voters of today, but to your children and grandchildren when they head to the polls. Ballotpedia educates and inspires American voters by delivering unbiased information to make voting easy and informed.
We invite you to create your legacy today by including Ballotpedia in your estate plans. Legacy giving options include the following:
  • A simple bequest that remembers Ballotpedia in your will
  • An estate gift of publicly-traded stock
  • A life insurance policy that designates Ballotpedia as a beneficiary
  • A bank, investment, or retirement account that designates Ballotpedia as a beneficiary
  • A gift in trust
  • Establishing a scholarship fund for a Ballotpedia Fellow
  • Other estate gifts in accordance with Ballotpedia’s gift acceptance guidelines
To join our planned giving program, you simply make a commitment to include Ballotpedia in your will by sharing this sample bequest language with your attorney and making your intentions known to us: I give to the Lucy Burns Institute (dba Ballotpedia), a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation headquartered in Middleton, Wisconsin, Federal Tax ID: 20-8036372, the sum of $_________ (or _____% of my estate; or the property described herein) for its general purposes. To learn more about planned giving options, or to notify Ballotpedia of a bequest, please contact us at [email protected] or (608) 255-0688.
Important Information On New Tax Advantages For Charitable Donations A down arrow
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) was established in 2020 in response to COVID-19 and there are several important implications for charitable giving:
  • The CARES Act allows for an additional deduction for charitable gifts made in cash of up to $300. If you are not itemizing on your 2020 taxes, you can claim this new deduction.
  • The adjusted gross income (AGI) limit for cash contributions was increased for individual donors. For cash contributions made in 2020, you can now elect to deduct up to 100% of your AGI (increased from 60%) resulting in tax savings.
  • Increased Deduction Limits for Corporations: The contribution limit for corporations has been raised to 25% for cash contributions this year.
  • Under the CARES Act an individual can elect to deduct 100% of their adjusted gross income (AGI) for charitable contributions. This effectively affords individuals between the ages of 59½ and 70½ benefits similar to a qualified income distribution: You can take a cash distribution from your individual retirement account, contribute that cash to charity, and this may completely offset taxes attributable to the distribution by taking a charitable deduction in an amount up to 100% of your AGI for the tax year.
Ballotpedia is a 501(c)3 charitable nonprofit organization as designated by the Internal Revenue Service. Ballotpedia is proudly sponsored by the Lucy Burns Institute and the Tax ID is: 20-8036372. All gifts to Ballotpedia are tax deductible to the extent of the law.
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