Preparations for Board Meeting January 2015

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Social media

  • Background photo Twitter (Board?)
  • Twitter icon has been removed from home page by Lionel? Still usefull though as a communication means...
  • LinkedIn: Wikimedia BE & MediaWiki users (646 members!)
  • Do we need/use Facebook?
  • File sharing/updating: Google docs/Google Drive? Dropbox?
  • Proximus conferencing tool for Board usage (sponsoring allowed?)
  • What about Google Apps for Eduction? / Microsoft 365 for nonprofits (this type of sponsoring allowed?)

Use of websites


Discuss proposal of Geert: usage of Wikimedia web sites

Language policy


When to communicate in English, when to communicate in 3+1 languages (NL, FR, DE, EN)?



Other Chapters & Interaction

  • Wikipedia -> should the WMNL flyer refer to Belgium as well?
  • Also BE should be heard & have moderators (do we have Flemish/Walloon moderators?). Edit conflicts/discussions.
  • FR negative reactions on BE? How to cure?
  • Difference in culture FR/NL/BE. How to manage?
  • Wiktionary FR does not mention NL reference?





On the GA of 24 January 2014 it was stated that there is no voted RIO yet.