Quiz: Can You Solve These RNA Riddles?

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RNA is essential for life as we know it. Among other roles, this molecule helps translate the instructions of DNA into proteins, which perform a vast range of tasks to keep us alive and healthy. In past Biomedical Beat posts, we’ve discussed the basics of RNA and how researchers are using it to develop medicines, vaccines, and tests for certain diseases. This year, in honor of RNA Day on August 1, we’ve created a quiz all about this remarkable molecule. Test your knowledge with the questions below!

A multicolored RNA molecule folding as it forms.
When an RNA molecule assembles, it folds itself into the shape needed to perform its job in the cell. Credit: Angela M. Yu, Weill Cornell Medicine and Northwestern University; Paul M. Gasper, Alan A. Chen, and Simi Kaur, University at Albany; Lien B. Lai and Venkat Gopalan, The Ohio State University; Luyi Cheng and Julius B. Lucks, Northwestern University.

#1. Nucleotides are the building blocks of RNA and which other type of molecule?

The correct answer is B. Nucleotides have three components: a base, a phosphate molecule, and a sugar molecule. DNA nucleotides use deoxyribose as the sugar, while RNA nucleotides use ribose. Learn more about the basics of RNA and its relationship to DNA in our Science Snippet.

#2. True or false: Enzymes can modify RNA molecules and affect how they work.

The correct answer is A. RNA-modifying enzymes can make changes to an RNA molecule that affect its shape, overall stability, processing, splicing, export from the nucleus to the cytoplasm, and translation to a protein. To find out more about these enzymes, read our Q&A With Jeffrey Mudridge, Ph.D.

#3. _________ can destroy messenger RNA (mRNA) in human cells and hijack the cells' protein-making machinery.

The correct answer is D. Viruses can destroy human mRNA; this frees up cellular machinery to make viral proteins. Mandy Muller, Ph.D., studies how some human mRNA molecules escape viral attacks, which could help researchers develop treatments for viral infections. Learn more in our Biomedical Beat post about Dr. Muller.

#4. Which of the following structures use RNA molecules as instructions to build proteins?

The correct answer is C. Ribosomes translate RNA molecules into proteins. Eda Koculi, Ph.D., studies how bacteria build ribosomes. Most antibiotics target ribosomes, so this knowledge could help researchers better understand and overcome antibiotic resistance. Dr. Koculi also investigates how modifications to RNA are involved in cancer. Check out our Biomedical Beat post about her work to learn more.

#5. The first publicly available vaccines that use mRNA protect against which illness?

The correct answer is A. mRNA COVID-19 vaccines contain mRNA that codes for the spike protein of the virus that causes the illness. Our cells translate the mRNA into spike proteins, which the immune system reacts to and destroys. In the process, the immune system generates specialized cells that “remember” the spike protein, allowing a swift immune reaction in a vaccinated person who is exposed to the virus. Learn more about how mRNA COVID-19 vaccines work.


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