A Job for Penelope A Taste of Home We Need Everyone What Can a Mess Make? The Light She Feels Inside Simone From My Head to My Toes
Pisa Loves Bella: A Towering Tale of Kindness Sitti's Bird: A Gaza Story How Lucky Am I? It's Pride, Baby! I Would Love You Still Stay Angry, Little Girl Lila Greer, Teacher of the Year
The Boy Who Found His Voice May You Love and Be Loved: Wishes for Your Life Hello, Mister Blue No More Señora Mimí Ánh's New Word: A Story about Learning a New Language All Food Is Good Food The Day Bell Found Her Sound
Never Too Much Abuelo, the Sea, and Me Roxy the Last Unisaurus Rex Random Acts of Cakeness Hello, Beech Tree! What Love Looks Like Think a Thought: A Book about Mindfulness

Picture Books for Social Emotional Learning

By @diversify.our.parenting

Picture Books for Social Emotional Learning

No More Señora Mimí

Meg Medina and Brittany Cicchese


A Taste of Home

Richard Ho and Sibu T. P


What Can a Mess Make?

Bee Johnson


The Day Bell Found Her Sound

Lizzy O'Donnell


All Food Is Good Food

Molli Jackson Ehlert and Fanny Liem


Stay Angry, Little Girl

Madeleine L'Engle and Michelle Jing Chan


From My Head to My Toes

Aly Raisman and Bea Jackson


Random Acts of Cakeness

Vikki Marmaras and Isabelle Duffy


Think a Thought: A Book about Mindfulness

Conor McGlauflin and Hannah Zisman


Hello, Beech Tree!

Rasha Hamid and Sofia Moore


We Need Everyone

Michael Redhead Champagne and Tiff Bartel


Hello, Mister Blue

Daria Peoples


A Job for Penelope

Melanie Mikecz


Roxy the Last Unisaurus Rex

Eva Chen and Matthew Rivera


What Love Looks Like

Laura Obuobi and Anna Cunha


The Boy Who Found His Voice

Tyler Gordon


Pisa Loves Bella: A Towering Tale of Kindness

Kimberley Lovato and Barbara Bongini


How Lucky Am I?

Mark Hoying, Scott Hoying, et al.


Lila Greer, Teacher of the Year

Andrea Beaty and David Roberts


Never Too Much

Aundrea Tabbs-Smith and Vanessa Kaliwo


Abuelo, the Sea, and Me

Ismée Williams and Tatiana Gardel


The Light She Feels Inside

Gwendolyn Wallace and Olivia Duchess


Ánh's New Word: A Story about Learning a New Language

Hanh Bui and Bao Luu


It's Pride, Baby!

Allen R. Wells and Dia Valle
