CA100+ Investor Hub

Investor Resources on Corporate Climate Policy Engagement

CA100+ Target Companies and Climate Policy Engagement

InfluenceMap maintains the world’s leading database assessing corporate climate policy engagement (LobbyMap), covering over 500 companies and 250 industry associations globally. This database feeds data and analysis to the Climate Action 100+ (CA100+) initiative.

CA100+ is a voluntary investor initiative to ensure the world's largest corporate greenhouse gas emitters take necessary action on climate change, made up of 700 investors responsible for over $68 trillion in assets under management. CA100+ engagement focuses on 171 target companies that are critical to the net-zero emissions transition.

The CA100+ Investor Hub contains LobbyMap’s analysis of the CA100+ target companies and their industry associations, as well as additional resources on corporate climate policy engagement disclosures and shareholder resolutions. From 2022, InfluenceMap's assessments on climate policy engagement also feed directly into the CA100+ Net Zero Company Benchmark.

An overview of the LobbyMap scoring system can be found here, with the full methodology here.

InfluenceMap welcomes engagement with CA100+ investors, companies, and industry associations on the issue of climate policy engagement.

If you have any questions, or would like to set up a call to discuss our analysis in more detail, please contact [email protected].

CA100+ Company Rankings

The table below contains a ranking of the CA100+ target companies. The companies are ranked according to their InfluenceMap grade, with those at the top having the highest grades (signifying support for Paris-aligned climate policy), and those toward the bottom having the lowest grades (signifying opposition to Paris-aligned climate policy). Companies labelled 'n/a' are not given a grade because they have low-level engagement with climate policy and/or no strong links to industry associations currently covered by InfluenceMap's database.

Use the drop-down buttons to filter companies by sector or region, or search by name below. A summary profile and full access to the data underlying the assessments can be accessed via the links in the table.

This symbol indicates a company has published a review of its climate policy engagement. InfluenceMap's assessment of this review can be accessed by clicking on the icon. More information can be found on the Disclosure Assessments page.

Influencemap Performance BandOrganizationEngagement IntensityPublished Review?

Weekly LobbyMap Updates

InfluenceMap updates its assessment of companies and industry associations on a weekly basis. Our Weekly LobbyMap Updates capture how these organizations are attempting to influence live climate-related policy debates in real-time.

The full list of lobbying updates can be accessed here, or by clicking on 'See All Updates' below. Please contact [email protected] to sign up to receive these weekly alerts directly via e-mail.

Volkswagen Chairman and ESG Officer advocates for a slow down of EU ICE vehicle phase-out

12 September 2024

At an 11 September event in Vienna, Volkswagen Chairman and ESG Officer Hans Dieter Pötsch generally supported electrification while strongly emphasizinig associated challenges, such as adequate electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure, the electrical grid, and the availability of raw materials and financial incentives. Pötsch appeared to advocate for a delay of the EU’s CO2 emissions reduction targets, saying targets must be “adapted to reality” and that “the e-mobility trend will prevail, but it will take more time.”

Minerals Council of Australia advocates against climate trigger in Australia's EPBC Act

12 September 2024

In a 10 September address at Minerals Week 2024, Minerals Council of Australia Chief Executive, Tania Constable advocated against the inclusion of climate considerations into Australia’s Environment Protection Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act. Constable appeared to call on the mining industry to lobby the Coalition Party to support Labor’s watered-down Nature Positive Bill as a means of sidelining the Greens Party from negotiations, who have proposed several amendments to the Bill, including the introduction of climate considerations and tighter restrictions around native forest logging.

Australian fossil fuel associations welcome Victoria’s rollback on gas phase-out plans

12 September 2024

On 9 September, the Victorian government announced it had watered down its plans to phase out gas in new buildings by allowing a continuation of gas for cooking. Australian fossil groups praised the decision, while also advocating for the planned ban on gas heating to also be reversed. In a 10 September Herald Sun article, a representative from the Australian Energy Producers said the proposal to not ­extend this principle of choice to gas heating and hot water ­appliances was “illogical”. In a 9 September press release, the Australian Pipelines and Gas Association CEO, Steve Davies, also opposed the exclusion of gas heating, stressing the need to protect consumer choice.