Commercial: Member Operations and Experience Team – Wendy, Member Services Adviser

Learn more about working in Commercial (within the Contact Centre) and why Which? is a great place to work and progress your career.

Fatima sitting at a desk wearing a red lanyard and pink cardigan and talking to a customer using her headset

Current position

I'm currently a sales and service advisor, and I'm absolutely in love with my role. It's my chance to connect with our members directly and help them with whatever they need, whether it's buying advice or simply listening to their consumer experiences.

Key Experiences

I joined Which? Just over a year ago and have never looked back! I was previously working in hospitality and as you can imagine a lot of unsociable hours and no work life balance.

Here at Which? I've discovered a whole new level of work-life zen, with flexible hours and the perk of working from home. This has been a game-changer for managing home life with the kids.

I love an office day especially when we have our monthly stand ups! I love to hear about all the amazing things we have done and are doing and the recognition for colleagues is outstanding!

Motivation for working at Which?

My biggest achievement at Which? so far has been managing a project of outbound calling to our members. We made it happen and smashed through the expected completion time.

Greatest achievement

I was recognised for my efforts by the Value Sharer awards panel. I even got nominated for a Value Sharer Award.

Top advice

Seize every opportunity to expand your skill set. Embrace cross-departmental interactions to expand your knowledge and perspectives. Be bold and brave and embrace change, as it often leads to growth and innovation.

How would you suggest I maximise my chances of securing an interview at which?


Do your research on Which? To go further, not just about who we are but are currently involved with and be prepared to describe why this might interest you. There's a genuine feeling internally that everyone enjoys working for Which? because of what we stand for as an organization and our purpose.

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