Former Lowry Bombing and Gunnery Range

Community involvement | Munitions safety


The Former Lowry Bombing and Gunnery Range is approximately 100 square miles, was established in 1938, and used during World War II as a site for military armament and bombing training which included practice and high-explosive bombs. Military training continued on portions of the range through 1963. As part of the military training, the Air Force, Army, Navy and Air National Guard used the site for training exercises through the Korean and Vietnam wars.

The majority of the range was transferred from federal ownership after 1963. Today, the range is owned by a variety of public and private landowners, the largest of which is the State Land Board. The north-central portion of the range is known as the Former Lowry Training Annex (FLTA). 

We work with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and private developers to clean up munitions at the site.

Community involvement

The Restoration Advisory Board meets semi-annually. Please click the "Contact" link below for more information about this community-based group.

Munitions safety

Munitions may include live munitions fired during training that didn’t fire as designed or training and practice munitions, both of which remain hazardous. We work directly with the Army Corps of Engineers and the Army National Guard at different sites to determine what, if any, risks might be posed to the public and the appropriate mitigation measures.

  • Training and practice munitions may also be hazardous.
    • These munitions can contain a type of spotting charge that simulates explosive impact.
    • The spotting charge can vary from a few grains of black powder to several pounds of high explosive.
  • Never assume that "training" or "practice" means a munition item is safe to touch.
    • Even the least sensitive items may explode if exposed to careless and improper handling.
  • It’s important to remember that military munitions were designed to destroy military supplies and equipment, and to kill or maim people.
  • Regardless of their age, munition items retain their hazardous and dangerous nature.
  • Leave the handling of munitions to trained experts who can assess the item and make the area safe.

Know the three “R’s” of munitions safety


  • Recognizing when you may have encountered a munition is key to reducing the risk of injury or death.
  • If you encounter or suspect you’ve encountered a munition, consider it extremely dangerous.
  • Munitions are sometimes hard to see and identify. They may resemble:
    • A pointed pipe.
    • A soda can.
    • A baseball.
    • A muffler.
    • Other metal objects.
  • They may be:
    • Visible on the surface.
    • Buried.
    • Exposed by erosion or fires.
  • They may look new or old, be complete or in parts, be found alone or in groups.
  • Any suspect items should be considered dangerous, regardless of size or apparent age.


  • If you encounter or suspect you’ve encountered a munition, don’t touch, move or disturb it.
  • Immediately and carefully leave the area, following the same path on which you entered.
  • If you can, mark the general area — not the munition — in some manner (e.g., with a hat, piece of cloth, or tying a piece of plastic to a bush or tree branch).


  • Call 911 immediately.
  • Notify local law enforcement of what you saw and where you saw it.
  • If you or someone you know may have collected munitions-related items as souvenirs, please notify law enforcement immediately so trained professionals can remove the items safely.

Related websites

Records review

Key documents from the Administrative Record used to determine response actions at the Former Lowry Bombing and Gunnery Range can be found at:
Aurora Public Library
Reference Section
14949 E. Alameda Parkway
Aurora, CO 80012
9 a.m.-9 p.m. Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday, 12:30-6 p.m. Sunday
The full Administrative Record can be viewed, by appointment, at the project site by calling 303-690-3816.
