Visualization and Query property tables


This component grabs the data and config from the query context and renders the appropriate visualization. You can customize the width and height by passing numeric pixel values to those properties.

Property Values Notes
width number (in pixels) Default 100% when prop is undefined.
height number (in pixels) Default 500px when prop is undefined.
chartTypeMap key/value object Accepts a key/value object that defines what component to render when the adapter system encounters specfic chart type values. This can be used to override Looker's default charts or to add new chart types to the adapter system.

Example usage:

import { Visualization, Query } from '@looker/visualizations'
import { MyCustomRadar } from '../MyCustomRadar'

<Query query='12345' config={{ type: 'radar'}}>
      chartTypeMap={{ radar: MyCustomRadar}}


Query integrates with our JavaScript API to handle the request/response cycle and to grab a query response by the query ID or qid value. You can pass vis config overrides to be merged with the API response, and have all the data loaded into React context.

Property Values Notes
query number | string Can accept either the Query.client_id, which comes after the qid property in an Explore's URL, (3fdrdE0b3ATltUvXBaSOPN), or a numeric query ID (1234). If you have access to the numeric query ID, starting from this value can save one additional server request.

Query accepts either the query prop or the dashboard prop, but not both.
dashboard number Can accept a numeric dashboard ID (1234). If you have access to the numeric dashboard ID, starting from this value can save one additional server request.

dashboard does not accept the string IDs of LookML dashboards.

Query accepts either the query prop or the dashboard prop, but not both.
config Depending on type value, accepts the following properties:

type, legend, positioning, render_null_values, tooltips, series, x_axis, y_axis

See chart-specific documentation later on this page for supported values.
Set and override configuration settings for charts.
LoadingIndicator component reference Accepts an unmounted component reference. Default: ProgressCircular

import { Visualization, Query } from '@looker/visualizations'
import { ProgressCircular } from '@looker/components'

      /* specific properties described later on this page */
  <Visualization />

Area chart properties

The following are the config properties for area charts.

Property Values Notes
type 'area'
legend false (to disable) OR { position: 'left' | 'bottom' | 'right' | 'top' } Sets legend position or disables the legend by setting it to false.

Default: { position: 'bottom' }
positioning 'overlay' | 'stacked' | 'percent' Chart stacking mode. Default: 'overlay'
render_null_values boolean Treats null values as 0. Default: false
tooltips boolean Enable or disable tooltips appearing when hovering over data points. Default: true
series series in view_name.field_name format See the series section for configuration options and example usage.
x_axis x-axis configuration See the x-axis section for configuration options and example usage.
y_axis y-axis configuration See the y-axis section for configuration options and example usage.

Example usage:

import { Visualization, Query } from '@looker/visualizations'

    type: 'area',
    legend: { position: 'left' },
    positioning: 'stacked',
    render_null_values: true,
    tooltips: true,
  <Visualization />


The series property can accept either an array of series configurations or a named object overriding a specific series in your response.

Property Values Notes
color string Hex code
label string
line_width number Set the line stroke width in pixels. Default: 3
shape 'circle' | 'diamond' | 'square' | 'triangle' | 'triangle-down' Set point shape. Default: 'circle'
style 'none' | 'filled' | 'outline' Set point style. Default: 'none' (points disabled)
visible boolean Show or hide the data series. Default: true

Example usage:

import { Visualization, Query } from '@looker/visualizations'

/* named series overrides */
    type: 'area',
    series: {
      'orders.count': {
        color: '#4285F4',
        label: 'Total Orders',
        shape: 'square',
  <Visualization />

/* ordered list series overrides */
    type: 'area',
    series: [{ color: '#4285F4', label: 'Total Orders', shape: 'square' }],
  <Visualization />


Even though our charts only currently support a single x-axis, our API is future-proofed and is structured to support the configuration of multiple axes.

Property Values Notes
gridlines boolean Show or hide vertical gridlines. Default: false
label false (to hide label) | string (value to render) Sets the value to render as the x-axis label. Default: false (no label)
reversed boolean Reverses the order of the data points. Default: false
values boolean Show or hide the values rendered along the axis. Default: true

Example usage:

import { Visualization, Query } from '@looker/visualizations'

      type: 'area',
      x_axis: [{ gridlines: true, label: 'Date of first purchase' }],
    <Visualization />


Even though our charts only currently support a single y-axis, our API is future-proofed and is structured to support the configuration of multiple axes.

Property Values Notes
gridlines boolean Show or hide vertical gridlines. Default: false.
label false (to hide label) | string (value to render) Sets the value to render as the y-axis label. Default: false (no label)
range [number (min) | 'auto', number (max) | 'auto'] Sets the min and max value of the y-axis. Setting min to 'auto' defaults to 0, and setting max to 'auto' defaults to the maximum data point value in the set. Default: ['auto' | 'auto']
values boolean Show or hide the values rendered along the axis. Default: true

Example usage:

import { Visualization, Query } from '@looker/visualizations'

      type: 'area',
      y_axis: [
        { gridlines: true, label: 'Number of orders', range: [50, 'auto'] },
    <Visualization />

Bar and column chart properties

The following are the config properties for bar and column charts.

Property Values Notes
type 'bar' | 'column'
legend false (to disable) OR { position: 'left' | 'bottom' | 'right' | 'top' } Sets legend position or disables the legend by setting it to false. Default: { position: 'bottom' }
positioning 'grouped' | 'stacked' | 'percent' Chart stacking mode. Default: 'overlay'
tooltips boolean Enable or disable tooltips appearing when hovering over data points.

Default: true
series series in view_name.field_name format See the series section for configuration options and example usage.
x_axis x-axis configuration See the x-axis section for configuration options and example usage.
y_axis y-axis configuration See the y-axis section for configuration options and example usage.

Example usage:

import { Visualization, Query } from '@looker/visualizations'

    type: 'bar',
    legend: { position: 'left' },
    positioning: 'stacked',
    tooltips: true,
  <Visualization />


The series property can accept either an array of series configurations or a named object overriding a specific series in your response.

Property Values Notes
color string Hex code
label string
visible boolean Show or hide the data series. Default: true

Example usage:

import { Visualization, Query } from '@looker/visualizations'

    type: 'column',
    series: {
      'orders.count': {
        color: '#4285F4',
        label: 'Total Orders',
        visible: false,
  <Visualization />

/* ordered list series overrides */
    type: 'column',
    series: [{ color: '#4285F4', label: 'Total Orders', visible: false }],
  <Visualization />


Even though our charts only currently support a single x-axis, our API is future-proofed and is structured to support the configuration of multiple axes.

Property Values Notes
gridlines boolean Show or hide vertical gridlines. Default: false.
label false (to hide label) | string (value to render) Sets the value to render as the x-axis label. Default: false (no label)
reversed boolean Reverses the order of the data points. Default: false
values boolean Show or hide the values rendered along the axis. Default: true

Example usage:

import { Visualization, Query } from '@looker/visualizations'

      type: 'column',
      x_axis: [{ gridlines: true, label: 'Date of first purchase' }],
    <Visualization />


Even though our charts only currently support a single y-axis, our API is future-proofed and is structured to support the configuration of multiple axes.

Property Values Notes
gridlines boolean Show or hide vertical gridlines. Default: false.
label false (to hide label) | string (value to render) Sets the value to render as the y-axis label. Default: false (no label)
range [number (min) | 'auto', number (max) | 'auto'] Sets the min and max value of the y-axis. Setting min to 'auto' defaults to 0, and setting max to 'auto' defaults to the maximum data point value in the set. Default: ['auto' | 'auto'].
values boolean Show or hide the values rendered along the axis. Default: true

Example usage:

import { Visualization, Query } from '@looker/visualizations'

      type: 'bar',
      y_axis: [
        { gridlines: true, label: 'Number of orders', range: [500, 'auto'] },
    <Visualization />

Line chart properties

The following are the config properties for line charts.

Property Values Notes
type 'line'
legend false (to disable) OR { position: 'left' | 'bottom' | 'right' | 'top' } Sets legend position or disables the legend by setting it to false. Default: { position: 'bottom' }
render_null_values boolean Treats null values as 0. Default: false
tooltips boolean Enable or disable tooltips appearing when hovering over data points. Default: true
series series in view_name.field_name format See the series section for configuration options and example usage.
x_axis x-axis configuration See the x-axis section for configuration options and example usage.
y_axis y-axis configuration See the y-axis section for configuration options and example usage.

Example usage:

import { Visualization, Query } from '@looker/visualizations'

    type: 'line',
    legend: { position: 'left' },
    render_null_values: true,
    tooltips: true,
  <Visualization />


The series property can accept either an array of series configurations or a named object overriding a specific series in your response.

Property Values Notes
color string Hex code
label string
line_width number Set the line stroke width in pixels. Default: 3
shape 'circle' | 'diamond' | 'square' | 'triangle' | 'triangle-down' Set point shape. Default: 'circle'
style 'none' | 'filled' | 'outline' Set point style. Default: 'none' (points disabled)
visible boolean Show or hide the data series. Default: true

Example usage:

import { Visualization, Query } from '@looker/visualizations'

/* named series overrides */
    type: 'line',
    series: {
      'orders.count': {
        color: '#4285F4',
        label: 'Total Orders',
        shape: 'square',
  <Visualization />

/* ordered list series overrides */
    type: 'line',
    series: [{ color: '#4285F4', label: 'Total Orders', shape: 'square' }],
  <Visualization />


Even though our charts only currently support a single x-axis, our API is future-proofed and is structured to support the configuration of multiple axes.

Property Values Notes
gridlines boolean Show or hide vertical gridlines. Default: false.
label false (to hide label) | string (value to render) Sets the value to render as the x-axis label. Default: false (no label)
reversed boolean Reverses the order of the data points. Default: false
values boolean Show or hide the values rendered along the axis. Default: true

Example usage:

import { Visualization, Query } from '@looker/visualizations'

      type: 'line',
      x_axis: [{ gridlines: true, label: 'Date of first purchase' }],
    <Visualization />


Even though our charts only currently support a single y-axis, our API is future-proofed and is structured to support the configuration of multiple axes.

Property Values Notes
gridlines boolean Show or hide vertical gridlines. Default: false
label false (to hide label) | string (value to render) Sets the value to render as the y-axis label. Default: false (no label)
range [number (min) | 'auto', number (max) | 'auto'] Sets the min and max value of the y-axis. Setting min to 'auto' defaults to 0, and setting max to 'auto' defaults to the maximum data point value in the set. Default: ['auto' | 'auto'].
values boolean Show or hide the values rendered along the axis. Default: true

Example usage:

import { Visualization, Query } from '@looker/visualizations'

      type: 'line',
      y_axis: [
        { gridlines: true, label: 'Number of orders', range: [500, 'auto'] },
    <Visualization />

Scatter chart properties

The following are the config properties for scatter charts.

Property Values Notes
type 'scatter'
legend false (to disable) OR { position: 'left' | 'bottom' | 'right' | 'top' } Sets legend position or disables the legend by setting it to false. Default: { position: 'bottom' }
render_null_values boolean Treats null values as 0. Default: false
tooltips boolean Enable or disable tooltips appearing when hovering over data points. Default: true
series series in view_name.field_name format See the series section for configuration options and example usage.
x_axis x-axis configuration See the x-axis section for configuration options and example usage.
y_axis y-axis configuration See the y-axis section for configuration options and example usage.

Example usage:

import { Visualization, Query } from '@looker/visualizations'

    type: 'scatter',
    legend: { position: 'left' },
    render_null_values: true,
    tooltips: true,
  <Visualization />


The series property can accept either an array of series configurations or a named object overriding a specific series in your response.

Property Values Notes
color string Hex code
label string
line_width number Used to set the size of points in a scatterplot. Think of it as the outline value of each point. Default: 3
shape 'circle' | 'diamond' | 'square' | 'triangle' | 'triangle-down' Set point shape. Default: 'circle'
style 'none' | 'filled' | 'outline' Set point style. Default: 'none' (points disabled)
size_by false | string Series name for which to calibrate the size of each point. Set false to disable dynamic point sizing. Default: false
visible boolean Show or hide the data series. Default: true

Example usage:

import { Visualization, Query } from '@looker/visualizations'

/* named series overrides */
    type: 'scatter',
    series: {
      'orders.count': {
        color: '#4285F4',
        label: 'Total Orders',
        shape: 'square',
        size_by: 'orders.count',
  <Visualization />

/* ordered list series overrides */
      type: 'scatter',
      series: [
          color: '#4285F4',
          label: 'Total Orders',
          shape: 'square',
          size_by: 'orders.count',
    <Visualization />


Even though our charts only currently support a single x-axis, our API is future-proofed and is structured to support the configuration of multiple axes.

Property Values Notes
gridlines boolean Show or hide vertical gridlines. Default: false.
label false (to hide label) | string (value to render) Sets the value to render as the x-axis label. Default: false (no label)
reversed boolean Reverses the order of the data points. Default: false
values boolean Show or hide the values rendered along the axis. Default: true

Example usage:

import { Visualization, Query } from '@looker/visualizations'

      type: 'scatter',
      x_axis: [{ gridlines: true, label: 'Date of first purchase' }],
    <Visualization />


Even though our charts only currently support a single y-axis, our API is future-proofed and is structured to support the configuration of multiple axes.

Property Values Notes
gridlines boolean Show or hide vertical gridlines. Default: false.
label false (to hide label) | string (value to render) Sets the value to render as the y-axis label. Default: false (no label)
range [number (min) | 'auto', number (max) | 'auto'] Sets the min and max value of the y-axis. Setting min to 'auto' defaults to 0, and setting max to 'auto' defaults to the maximum data point value in the set. Default: ['auto' | 'auto'].
values boolean Show or hide the values rendered along the axis. Default: true

Example usage:

import { Visualization, Query } from '@looker/visualizations'

      type: 'scatter',
      y_axis: [
        { gridlines: true, label: 'Number of orders', range: [500, 'auto'] },
    <Visualization />

Single value chart properties

The following are the config properties for single value charts.

Property Values Notes
type 'single_value'

Example usage:

import { Visualization, Query } from '@looker/visualizations'

<Query query='12345' config={{ type: 'single_value' }}>
  <Visualization />

Sparkline chart properties

The following are the config properties for sparkline charts.

Property Values Notes
type 'sparkline'
render_null_values boolean Treats null values as 0. Default: false
series series in view_name.field_name format See the series section for configuration options and example usage.
y_axis y-axis configuration See the y-axis section for configuration options and example usage.

Example usage:

import { Visualization, Query } from '@looker/visualizations'

  config={{ type: 'sparkline', render_null_values: true }}
  <Visualization />


Although Sparkline inherently only supports a single series, we maintain an API pattern involving named or array series overrides in order to stay consistent with the other chart types in our library.

Property Values Notes
color string Hex code
line_width number Set the line stroke width in pixels. Default: 3

Example usage:

import { Visualization, Query } from '@looker/visualizations'

/* named series overrides */
    type: 'sparkline',
    series: {
      'orders.count': {
        color: '#4285F4',
        line_width: 10,
  <Visualization />

/* ordered list series overrides */
    type: 'scatter',
    series: [
          color: '#4285F4',
          line_width: 10,
  <Visualization />


Even though our charts only currently support a single y-axis, our API is future-proofed and is structured to support the configuration of multiple axes.

Property Values Notes
range [number (min) | 'auto', number (max) | 'auto'] Sets the min and max value of the y-axis. Setting min to 'auto' defaults to 0, and setting max to 'auto' defaults to the maximum data point value in the set. Default: ['auto' | 'auto'].

Example usage:

import { Visualization, Query } from '@looker/visualizations'

    type: 'sparkline',
    y_axis: [
      { range: [50, 'auto'] },
  <Visualization />

Table chart properties

The following are the config properties for table charts.

Property Values Notes
type 'table'
series series in view_name.field_name format See the series section for configuration options and example usage.
column_order string[] An array of series names (for example, 'orders.count') indicating how you would like the table columns to be ordered from left to right.
show_row_numbers boolean Toggle the display of the totals row at the bottom of the table. Default: true
show_totals boolean Toggle the display of the totals row at the bottom of the table. Default: true
show_row_totals boolean Toggle the display of row totals on the right side of the table. Default: true
truncate_text boolean When true, table cell text is limited to a single line and content overflow is truncated with an ellipsis. When false, the content is allowed to wrap to multiple lines. Default: true
truncate_header boolean When true, table header labels are limited to a single line and content overflow is truncated with an ellipsis. When false, the headers are allowed to wrap to multiple lines. Default: true

Example usage:

import { Visualization, Query } from '@looker/visualizations'

    type: 'table',
    column_order: ['orders.count', ''],
    show_row_numbers: true,
    show_totals: true,
    show_row_totals: true,
    truncate_text: true,
    truncate_header: true
  <Visualization />


The series property can accept either an array of series configurations or a named object overriding a specific series in your response.

Property Values Notes
cell_visualization boolean Toggles on or off the inline cell visualization. Defaults to true for the first measure, and false for the others.
color string Specify the color used to render the table cell visualization.
value_format string A number formatting string indicating whether to render values as currency, the floating point precision, whether to use commas or periods to delineate thousands, and so on.

Example usage:

import { Visualization, Query } from '@looker/visualizations'

    type: 'table',
    series: {
      'orders.count': {
        color: '#4285F4',
        cell_visualization: true,
        value_format: '$#,##0.00',
  <Visualization />

/* ordered list series overrides */
    type: 'table',
    series: [{
      color: '#4285F4',
      cell_visualization: true,
      value_format: '$#,##0.00',
 <Visualization />

Pie chart properties

The following are the config properties for pie charts.

Property Values Notes
type 'pie'
legend false (to disable) | legend configuration Setting to false disables the legend. Default: enabled. See the legend section for configuration options and example usage when enabled.
tooltips boolean Enable or disable tooltips appearing when hovering over data points. Default: true
series series in view_name.field_name format See the series section for configuration options and example usage.

Example usage:

import { Visualization, Query } from '@looker/visualizations'

    type: 'pie',
    legend: false,
    tooltips: true,
  <Visualization />


The legend property can accept the following legend configurations:

Property Values Notes
type 'labels' | 'legend' labels places labels pointing directly to each slice. legend places a separate legend. Default: 'legend'
position 'top' | 'bottom' | 'left' | 'right' Position the legend when type: 'legend'. Default: 'right'
width number Maximum width of the legend in pixels when type: 'legend'. Default: 300
value 'label' | 'label_value' | 'value' | 'percent' | 'label_percent' Sets the legend content: label, label and value, value, percent, label and percent. Default: 'label_percent'

Example usage:

import { Visualization, Query } from '@looker/visualizations'

    type: 'pie',
    legend: {
      type: 'legend'
      position: 'right'
      width: 200,
      value: 'label_value',
  <Visualization />


Unlike Cartesian charts, each data point in a pie chart gets treated as a new series:

Property Values Notes
color string Hex code

Example usage:

import { Visualization, Query } from '@looker/visualizations'

    type: 'pie',
    series: {
      'New York': {
        color: '#4285F4',
      'Los Angeles': {
        color: '#b73ec3',
      'Chicago': {
        color: '#db4da8',
  <Visualization />