Programmable Media

Semantic data extraction

Last updated: Jul-11-2024

When you upload an asset to Cloudinary, the upload API response includes basic information about the uploaded image such as width, height, number of bytes, format, and more. By default, the following semantic data is automatically included in the upload response as well: ETag, any face or custom coordinates, and the number of pages (or layers) in "paged" files.

Cloudinary supports extracting additional semantic data from the uploaded image such as: media metadata (including Exif, IPTC, XMP and GPS), color histogram, predominant colors, custom coordinates, pHash image fingerprint, ETag, and face and/or text coordinates. You request the inclusion of this additional information in the upload response by including one or more optional parameters.

You can request data extraction while uploading an image, or by using the explicit method on an already uploaded image.

Data extraction while uploading

The following example uploads an image and requests the pHash value, a color analysis, and the media metadata:

Data extraction on already uploaded images

The following example requests the pHash value, a color analysis, and the media metadata on an uploaded image with a public ID of "couple1":

Sample response

The following is an example of a JSON response returned with the following additional information: media_metadata, colors,and phash:

You can ask Cloudinary for semantic data either during the upload API call for newly uploaded images as shown above, or using our Admin API for previously uploaded images (see Cloudinary's Admin API documentation for more details).

See the blog post on API for extracting semantic image data - colors, faces, Exif data and more for more information on semantic data extraction.

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