Coastal Storms

abstract background image with blue overlay

A damaged wooden dock at a marina.

Coastal storms can bring flooding, storm surge, and the potential for severe damage. In addition to people living and working in vulnerable areas, critical systems can be impacted, such as stormwater infrastructure, emergency facilities, and roadways.

These Digital Coast resources help officials understand potential impacts and take the steps needed to lessen damages and increase community resilience.

Beginnen Sie

  • Training – Video

    Understanding Dangers of Storm Surge

    Watch this video to better understand storm surge and its impacts, and why evacuations are needed. Also available in Spanish.

  • Tool

    Historical Hurricane Tracks

    Use this interactive mapping tool to view, analyze, and share historical hurricane tracking information.

  • Tool

    Coastal County Snapshots – Flood Exposure

    Assess a county’s exposure and resilience to flooding with easy-to-understand charts and graphs that describe complex coastal flooding data.

  • Training – Blog Post

    Blog: Storm Surge in Winter?

    Learn about storm surge associated with winter storms, often called nor’easters, that bring with them hurricane-strength winds, coastal flooding, and beach erosion.

Create Storm Surge Maps

  • Training – Publication

    Coastal Inundation Primer

    Learn about the data and methods needed for mapping coastal inundation in a geographic information system (GIS).

  • Training – In-person Course

    Coastal Inundation Mapping

    Learn baseline information about the various types of flooding and methods for mapping current flooding and potential coastal inundation scenarios using a GIS.

  • Data

    Coastal Lidar

    Access and download coastal lidar elevation data for a variety of dates, specifications, and formats to serve as a base for inundation mapping.

  • Data

    Land Cover Data

    Access and download land cover and land cover change data, available for several dates, to help determine vulnerable areas of a community, such as developed areas exposed to storm surge.

Assess Potential Impacts

  • Tool

    Coastal Flood Exposure Mapper

    Assess a community’s coastal hazard risks and vulnerabilities and create a collection of maps that show the people, places, and natural resources exposed to coastal flooding.

  • Tool

    Storm Surge Inundation Map

    Explore storm surge zones from the National Hurricane Center’s Storm Surge Unit and determine vulnerable areas in a community.

  • Training – Online Guide

    Adapting Stormwater Management for Coastal Floods

    Learn how the flooding of today and tomorrow can affect stormwater systems, and generate reports that display local information about flooding impacts to inform planning efforts.

  • Tool

    Coastal Change Hazards Portal

    View coastal shoreline change data for hurricanes and nor’easters, in addition to shoreline change rates and potential sea level rise impacts.

  • Training – Video

    Using Storm Surge Flood Maps

    Learn about the National Hurricane Center’s Storm Surge Potential Flooding Map and how to ensure a consistent message to help save lives during the next storm.

  • Training – Quick Reference

    Remembering Sandy Inundation

    Visualize inundation levels from Hurricane Sandy in an easy-to-understand graphic and think about how inundation could affect other locations.

Communicate Risks

  • Training – Virtual Course

    Seven Best Practices for Risk Communication

    Participate in an instructor-led webinar to better understand risk and how to help communities prepare for and respond to weather and climate hazards.

  • Training – Publications

    Risk Communication Basics

    Learn how to understand and connect with stakeholders and inspire risk-wise behavior through improved communication.