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  • Draft budget

Amending budget No 1/2023


Publication date
16 March 2023
Related department
Directorate-General for Budget


Commission's proposal: Draft Amending Budget 1/2023, COM(2023) 150 – 16 March 2023
Council's position: 16/05/2023
Parliament's position: 13/06/2023

The purpose of Draft Amending Budget (DAB) No 1 for the year 2023 is to introduce the necessary technical changes to the 2023 budget stemming from the political agreements reached on several legislative proposals, in particular with respect to REPowerEU, the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism and the Union Secure Connectivity programme.

In particular, it covers the following elements:

  • adjustment of the budgetary nomenclature and remarks following the adoption of REPowerEU;
  • transferring the operational line of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism from heading 1 to heading 3 and adjusting the level of staffing and appropriations as per the revised legislative financial statement;
  • reinforcement of the Space Secure Connectivity programme in order to complete the financing of the programme for the period until the end of 2027;
  • adjusting the EU contribution and/or staff numbers of the Anti-Money Laundering Authority, the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators, the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications and the European Chemicals Agency;
  • adjusting the establishment plan of the Health and Digital Executive Agency;
  • increasing the level of appropriations of the European Data Protection Supervisor following an increase of litigations cases relating to the application of the General Data Protection Regulation and an increase in rent.

Overall, the net impact of this DAB on expenditure amounts to an increase of EUR 52,7 million in commitment appropriations. No additional payment appropriations are requested.


Amending budget No 1/2023

  • 27 JULY 2023
AB 1/2023 OJ L 189, 27.7.2023


  • 16 MARCH 2023
DAB 1/2023 COM(2023) 150
  • 16 MARCH 2023
DAB 1/2023 – Budgetary annex