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Amending letter No 1/2024


Publication date
9 October 2023
Related department
Directorate-General for Budget


Commission's proposal: Amending Letter No 1 to the draft budget for the year 2024, COM(2023) 531 – 9 October 2023

Council's position: 
Parliament's position: 

Amending Letter No 1 to the draft budget for the year 2024 - Updated estimated needs for agricultural expenditure Other adjustments and technical updates

Amending Letter No 1 (AL 1/2024) to the draft budget for the year 2024 (DB 2024) covers the following elements:

  • Downward revision of the needs for the interest line for NextGenerationEU, against the backdrop of a lower level of NextGenerationEU disbursements in 2023 than previously estimated;
  • Update of the estimated needs, assigned revenue and appropriations for agricultural expenditure. In addition to changing market factors, AL 1/2024 also incorporates the impact of decisions in the agricultural sector since the DB 2024 was adopted in July 2023, as well as other proposals expected to have a significant effect during the financial year;
  • Update of the estimated needs for the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreements (SFPAs), taking into account the recently signed agreement and the related protocol with the Republic of Madagascar and the new protocol with the Republic of Kiribati that entered in provisional application on 2 October 2023;
  • Adjustments to the level of appropriations and/or staff of several decentralised agencies, in particular the European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation (Eurojust), the European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (eu-LISA) and the European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO), taking into account the latest legislative or political developments on their operations for 2024 and amounts to be moved from reserve lines to operational lines following adoption of legal proposals;
  • Transfer of European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) resources to Horizon Europe following a corresponding request made by Lithuania to amend its ERDF programme pursuant to Article 26 of the Common Provisioning Regulation;
  • Adjustments to the heading 7 “European Public Administration”, notably in relation to the European External Action Service (EEAS) to further reinforce Military Planning and Conduct Capability (MPCC), including both a staff increase and strengthening of the communication and information system, as well as other minor adjustments for the heading.
  • Amounts to be moved from the reserve line to the operational line for the Act in Support of Ammunition Production (ASAP) and the European Defence Industry Reinforcement through common Procurement Act (EDIRPA) following adoption of the basic acts.

Overall, the net impact of AL 1/2024 on expenditure in the DB 2024 is a decrease of EUR 67,4 million in commitment and payment appropriations.


9 OCTOBER 2023
Amending letter No. 1 – COM(2023) 531
9 OCTOBER 2023
Amending letter No. 1/2024 – Annex