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Natural resources and environment - legal texts and factsheets


Publication date
1 June 2018 (Last updated on: 12 June 2018)


Agriculture, rural development, maritime, fisheries, environment, climate


  • 1 JUNE 2018
The new LIFE programme: investing more in environment and climate action
  • 1 JUNE 2018
Modernising and simplifying the Common Agricultural Policy
  • 12 JUNE 2018
The European Maritime and Fisheries Fund
  • 1 JUNE 2018
CAP strategic plans – Proposal for a regulation COM(2018) 392
  • 1 JUNE 2018
Financing, management and monitoring of the CAP – Proposal for a regulation COM(2018) 393
  • 1 JUNE 2018
Common organisation of the markets – Proposal for a regulation COM(2018) 394
  • 1 JUNE 2018
Strategic plans, financing, management and monitoring of CAP, common organisation of markets - Impact assessment part 1 SWD(2018) 301
  • 1 JUNE 2018
Environment and Climate Action Programme (LIFE) – Proposal for a regulation COM(2018) 385
  • 1 JUNE 2018
Environment and Climate Action Programme (LIFE) – Impact assessment SWD(2018) 292
  • 1 JUNE 2018
Environment and Climate Action Programme (LIFE) – Impact assessment executive summary SWD(2018) 293
  • 11 JUNE 2018
European Maritime and Fisheries Fund - Proposal for a Regulation COM (2018)390
  • 11 JUNE 2018
European Maritime and Fisheries Fund - Staff Working Document - impact assessment SWD (2018) 295