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EU budget monthly reports

Every month the Commission reports on revenue received and expenditure incurred, which reflect the progress on annual budget implementation.

What are they for?

Every month the Commission publishes a report online, informing the public on revenue received and expenditure incurred, so they can see how the annual budget is being implemented. The report contains five pages with budget implementation information for revenue and expenditure, summarised at MFF Heading and Budget Title level.

This information must be available 10 working days before the end of each month.

What is in them?

The report contains information on:

  • revenue received, broken down by type. The figures for 'total revenue' represent actual amounts received by the Commission from the beginning of the financial year to the end of the month in question.
  • expenditure and budget implementation comparing projected and actual expenditure. The data is presented in 4 tables, showing commitments and payments by financial framework heading and by policy area.
  • Bericht

The reports produced by the Commission on the implementation of the EU budget during the course of the financial year.